We went to Kiwanis again tonight and when I got there Nathan Jacob and Richard were already talking to Willard through the Ouija. He said we needed to look for the man who fathered him, Jeff Newton, 1800-1859 (these dates didn't jive with me straight away but I had no way to check them or prove them right then), and that he was buried in Highland Park cemetery right beside Kiwanis, so we went out to look for the grave. I looked and looked and looked as Nathan went back to ask Willard exactly what part of the cemetery he was buried in and he was told the left back section. So we walked all around that way and checked everything and I ended up walking through and around the ENTIRE cemetery finding absolutely nothing. Nathan had already given up and went back over to where my wife and son were sitting in the park with the Ouija and our stuff.

After I had checked every possible grave, including the crypts, freestanding and within buildings, I returned to the park and as I came through the hedges Cyn and Nathan were using the Ouija and it was telling them that Mary lied. It told them that Willard was not a result of the attack on Mary, that his father was a black man, not a white man. Mary had been lying to us all along. Also, his father WAS NOT buried here, but out in Maplewood along with the rest of them.

O= Ouija
BJ= Me
N= Nathan
Cyn= My Wife

BJ: So Mary was lying to us all along eh?

O: Yes.

N: What about all those times we were talking to Willard?

O: It was Mary.

BJ: Have we ever spoken to you?

O: Yes.

N: When did I first speak to you?

O: June 5.

BJ: But every time other than that time it has been Mary lying to us?

O: Yes.

N: Did you see Mary die?

O: No.

BJ: Wait a second, wait a second, Zettie said you BOTH saw Mary die and did nothing, so now she's lying as well?

O: Yes.

Cyn: Was that really Zettie we talked to the other day?

O: Yes.

BJ: I think it's awfully convenient that now everyone is lying but this one. I don't believe you.

N: Is there anything you can do to prove to us you aren't lying?

O: Go see my father's grave.

BJ: Alright guys, let's go then! C'mon! EVERYBODY! LET'S GO!

So I led the way with Logan and Cyn in the truck with me and Jacob following in his car with Richard and Nathan. On the way to Maplewood, I told Cyn that I didn't believe whatever it was that was talking to us, that it was lying.

We got to Maplewood and I drove around the back section of the cemetery where Mary's grave was and we got out and set up the board. I immediately went looking at every surrounding grave looking for Jeff Newton. Nothing, nothing at all, not even a Newton in the cemetery. I told everyone that there was no grave we might as well not even look, but Jacob, Nathan, and Richard still wanted to look and still believed that Mary was a liar. I wasn't having any of that. I went to Mary's plot and spoke directly to her and Zettie and Willard asking them to either help me find the grave or prove them wrong. Prove that Mary WASN'T lying, and there it was, plain as day....on Willard's stone.

"Hey guys! That son of a ***** is sure ****ing lying to us! Willard wasn't even BORN until 1900, so unless he gestated in the womb for forty-one ****ing years this idiot doesn't know what he's talking about!" I yelled back to them at the vehicles.

BJ: This is Demetrious isn't it.

O: Yes.

BJ: You thought that was some funny **** having me walk all over the damn place with my tubby ass didnt'cha?

O: Yes. Funny H A H A. **** you white people.

BJ: You still hate us 'cause we're white?

O: Yes.

Cyn: But we don't hate you.

O: But you're white and I'm black.

BJ: Dude I understand that's how things were back then, but not now...

O: **** white people.

BJ: Hey, here you go, racist moron, I have black people in my family! Lookit me! I'm so racist, I love my black cousins!!

N&Cyn: Heheheheh..

Demetrious didn't quite know what to say about that....

We fussed at him some more, but he refused to go. He even threatened Richard, Nathan, and Jacob saying they would die after dark. They asked if I would and he said no. Richard started cursing at the board and calling Demetrious names and he told Richard to put his head down there next to the board and when he did, the pointer went over and hit him in the forehead and tried to go off the board to go after him and we all laughed. We tried to tell him that we didn't hate him we loved him and that it was ok, we didn't blame him for hating us, it's just the way things were then, but we assured him we didn't hate him. Demetrious also told us that apparently Zettie chased him off last time and when we asked him to tell us what word was written on a piece of paper he said Zettie wouldn't let him. Apparently, Zettie is protecting us along with her Mother and Brother, which is very VERY good...

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