On June 24th we went back out to Maplewood Cemetery to get some more pics for research and to see if we could communicate with Willie some more. My wife wanted to go with us this time and she is over 5 months pregnant. This resulted in quite the surprise appearance...

You guys know the drill...

BJ= Me
N= Nathan
C= Cyn (My Wife)
O= Ouija

We had driven over to where we were directly in front of Mary, Willie, and Zettie's graves. We set up the Ouija on the back of the truck.

N: Is anybody there?

O: Yes.

BJ: Who is this?

O: A B C D E F G H I J W X Y Z.

N: Is this Willie?

O: No. A B C D E F G H I J W X Y Z. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.

BJ: Why do you keep doing that? Who is this?

O: **** (points to sun) white (goes down to the people and circles around them) people.

BJ: **** white people?

O: **** You.

BJ: That wasn't very nice.

O: **** YOU (sun)WHITE (circles again)PEOPLE.

BJ: So you hate us because we're white? I'm not exactly anglo-saxon you know...are you out here?

O: Yes.

BJ: You're buried out here? In this cemetery?

O: Yes.

C: Can you point the pointer to your grave?

Then the planchette turned and pointed toward the front of the cemetery and a bit to the right.

BJ: How far away is your grave?

O: 63.

N: Sixty-three feet?

O: Yes.

C: How many steps is your grave, if BJ were to start walking in the direction you pointed, how many steps would he need to take to get to your grave?

O: 321.

So I started walking in the direction it told me, I got to about 165 steps or so and Cyn and Nay called after me that I should be looking for a flat stone with the name Demetrious on it. I thought that was spelled a bit odd, but that's how it spelled it out. They even double checked the spelling. So I walked on, and on, and on...you know, you never realize how far three hundred twenty one steps is going to be until you have to count them out...lol...so I get there and I take pics of all the graves, then we go back to the truck and Demetrious is laughing at me.

BJ: There was no grave out there with that name on it, you just wanted to see me walk all that way with my big ass...

O: Yes. H A H A.

BJ: Very funny. Can you say goodbye so we can talk to Willie?

O: Goodbye.

BJ: Willie? Are you out here Willie?

N: Is anyone there?

O: Yes.

BJ: Is this Willie?

O: No. He is with Mary.

Something I have failed to mention here; I pick up on very minor subtleties very easily. I have noticed while using the Ouija that every spirit we talk to has their own way of moving the pointer, almost like a signature. They will arch a certain way or curve over or under letters and they do these little things almost like you can tell one person's handwriting from another's. Subtleties like these little signature moves of the planchette make me believe even more because I have kept this observation to myself for sometime and Mary and Willie(WXYZ) each have maintained their signature movements. This one was different, this one was shaky. This one was afraid.

C: Is this Zettie?

O: Yes.

C: How are you?

O: Dead.

C: Heheh, I know that, how are you feeling today?

O: Scared. KKK.

C: Hon, they can't bother you anymore. They won't bother you now.

O: Yes they can.

BJ: Even though they are dead and you are dead they still bother you? In the "in between" place?

O: Yes. Mary killed Monty.

BJ: Mary killed Monty?

O: Yes.

BJ: Was Monty one of the rebels that attacked her?

O: Yes.

BJ: ...and she managed to kill one of them, Monty, when they attacked her.

O: 8 times.

C: They attacked her eight times?

O: Yes.

C: Oh God...

BJ: Well that's good, he deserved it.

O: Yes. KKK. KKK. KKK. Coming. Go.

C: Hon, they won't bother us.

O: Scared.

C: Don't worry sweetie, is there anything we can do?

O: Yes. Pray.

BJ: Will that help?

O: Yes.

BJ: Are they buried out here? The Klan members?

O: Yes. (Then the pointer indicated a direction toward the front of the cemetery.)

BJ: Let's go piss on their graves Nathan...heheh...

O: No. Scared. They will get me. They know.

BJ: Darlin' I wouldn't really do that, that kind of thing just makes me so angry. Can I go look for Monty's grave?

O: No. He will know.

C: You're afraid he will come over and bother you if we find his grave?

O: Yes.

BJ: Okay, I won't, I promise.

Then I asked about some stuff a friend online had asked me to find out about his Grandpa and stuff and she told me that Mary went to watch my friend and now Willie was with her. Mary would be back in about a month or so.

BJ: Why are you guys stuck here in the in between?

O: We saw.

BJ: You saw what happened to Mary?

O: Yes.

BJ: ...and didn't do anything about it.

O: Yes.

BJ: You were afraid you would be killed if you tried to help?

O: Yes.

BJ: Well, wouldn't you have been?

O: No. Scared.

BJ: You wouldn't have died, but you didn't know that, and you were too scared to help?

O: Yes.

C: Woah...

BJ: Well that sucks...

O: **** WHITE PEOPLE. **** YOU. No. Yes. No. Yes. NO. YES. NO. **** WHITE PEO...NO. Goodbye.

BJ: What the crap was that? Zettie are you still there?

O: Yes.

BJ: Oh, was that Demetrious again?

O: Yes.

BJ: You guys were arguing?

O: Yes.

C: ..and you took up for us?

O: Yes. Nice. Happy.

C: Awww...thank you sweetie!

BJ: We should add a couple of faces to the board to signify emotions, you know, draw them on with a Sharpie or something. Like a happy face and a sad face. Could we do that? Or would it interfere with stuff?

O: Interfere.

BJ: Really? Hmmm, that's odd. What would it interfere with?

O: S T U F F

BJ: Oh....(we all had a good laugh out of this...)

C: I want to ask a question but I'm scared to.

BJ: Go ahead, don't worry, it's ok...

C: Does Andi (our unborn daughter) have a soul yet?

O: Yes. She is little.

C: Yes, she's very little.

O: Pretty girl. Very little.

C: Thank you...

BJ: Will you be okay out here if we leave?

O: Yes.

BJ: Are you still scared?

O: No.

BJ: We won't go look for their graves. Thank you for everything.

O: You are welcome.

BJ: Goodbye.

C: Goodbye sweetie, don't be afraid, everything will be alright.

O: Goodbye. Thank you. Goodnight.

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