I just had this conversation with my brother tonight. Umm, all things considered it's quite disturbing. He knew NOTHING of any Planet X or any other crap until he got scared and started researching possible meaning for his dream...

Orlock says:
now what weer you saying
/\/aThaN says:
Ive been having crazy dreams
/\/aThaN says:
mark June 2 2003
Orlock says:
/\/aThaN says:
i had a dream 25 days from June 2nd, without ever even looking at the calendar
/\/aThaN says:
the dream said "Are you nervous? 25 days"
Orlock says:
/\/aThaN says:
on a slip of paper
/\/aThaN says:
I had another one, 20 days from June 2
Orlock says:
whats the deal?
/\/aThaN says:
the same day richard got a text message on his phone, it said "20 days"
/\/aThaN says:
there was no call back number, and the message was from ?
/\/aThaN says:
and that is impossible
Orlock says:
um ok?
/\/aThaN says:
I had another dream last night that said "8 days, Are you nervous"
/\/aThaN says:
and today is 8 days from June 2
Orlock says:
that's messed up
/\/aThaN says:
yes it is
Orlock says:
any idea why?
/\/aThaN says:
no, but can i tell you something
/\/aThaN says:
you have to swear to god not to tell Mom
Orlock says:
/\/aThaN says:
Jarrod, me, Dane, and my friend Jonathan messed with a quija board tonight
Orlock says:
oh **** dude
/\/aThaN says:
no listen
/\/aThaN says:
it said "I missed you Jarrod, 8 days, until proof"
Orlock says:
Orlock says:
about his mom?
/\/aThaN says:
then it said "goodbye"
/\/aThaN says:
I dont know
/\/aThaN says:
his mom is alive
/\/aThaN says:
its his step brothers that is dead
Orlock says:
Orlock says:
did it say anything to you?
/\/aThaN says:
oh yeah, it also said "*******"
/\/aThaN says:
but you swore not to tell Mom
/\/aThaN says:
Orlock says:
i wn't man
Orlock says:
don't do it anymore
Orlock says:
/\/aThaN says:
im not going to
Orlock says:
i have never and I mean NEVER even touched one of those things
/\/aThaN says:
oh yeah, I also asked if my house was an open field, that is where ghosts can exit and enter easily, it said "Not an Open fiend, never worry"
/\/aThaN says:
Orlock says:
/\/aThaN says:
so im relieved
Orlock says:
did you ask anything about our family or the eight days
/\/aThaN says:
yeah, it said "until proof" and thats all it would say
/\/aThaN says:
but i found this prophecy on june 2nd
/\/aThaN says:
Orlock says:
what were you guys talking to it about or whatever before the proof thing started
/\/aThaN says:
we just said "Is anyone there" and it said "Ive missed you Jarrod..."
/\/aThaN says:
then said 8 days
Orlock says:
this is smoe of that planet x bs
Orlock says:
/\/aThaN says:
oh, and it didnt say goodbye, until fluffy goes "What is it proof of, that all of this stuff is real?" then it hurridly went to "goodbye"
/\/aThaN says:
i mean it FLEW across the board to goodbye
/\/aThaN says:
/\/aThaN says:
im kind of scared
/\/aThaN says:
it said "proof"
/\/aThaN says:
and when we asked "Is it proof that all of this stuff is real"
/\/aThaN says:
"It just slid real quick to goodbye"

I realize the Planet X horse has been beaten beyond death, I just found this a touch disturbing since my level headed jock/skater 16 year old brother is suddenly concerned with matters such as this.
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