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Visitors since June 21st 2003
The scariest thing happened to me the other night, IT WAS AWESOME!!! I was biking to the drummer in my band's house, his name is Tony, and I got there, its like 2 miles and I'm a fat kid, so think about it, I'm walking my bike by now and at the end of his road is this graveyard, and this freaky looking old house across the street. Unusually, I'm out there not looking to have any trouble or cause any mischief I didn't wasn't even thinking of ghost hunting, but then I heard these LOUD thumps over my headphones, which I had turned all the way up by the way, so I took them off and realized it was the sound of a horses hoofs tapping the ground.

It was across the street at the spooky house.

It was Olde New England Days in town so everyone had horses on carriages, so I didnt think anything of it, so I looked over to see what I figured would be a guy with a horse but all I saw was 2 yellow eyes in the woods. The hoof steps got louder and faster, then I realized it was the sound of hooves on the pavement, and it was COMING AFTER ME
so I run like 20 feet and jump on my bike and move the fastest i ever have on my bike and in one fluent motion get off my bike and run into the house nothing happened after that.

Later, while I was in bed I saw what looked like a head walk by the window (the window is about head height) stop and look in, then keep walking. I asked my friend and he had no clue about it. There are people living in the house  and they have no horses. That's what got me, I went back in the day and looked around and there were no hoofprints or anything.

  Ryan Noseworthy
  North Woodstock, New Hampshire
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