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Visitors since June 21st 2003
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X Box Voices
I would like to start out by saying this was no idea of mine to look into. This particular subject was brought up by a couple of teens on a message board here on the internet called GameFAQs.
There had been much talk about what exactly the XBox is saying in it's random tones and voices.  I've recorded what mine said and condensed the content down to just the voices and some random interesting noises. What it sounds like it may be saying could be deemed quite disturbing.

In order it sounded like it may have said:

This is <indiscernible> talking to you.
Great<?> <indiscernible> on disc.
Aren't you feeling good.
Good feeling has not feel <is not felt?> with <indiscernible>.
Get human<s> moving stock <will be a snap or possibly stock.>

Click the above link "X Box Voices"to download the MP3.
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