Smith's Cemetery Golo, Ky
Tonight, we went out to a cemetery in Golo, Kentucky that had some of my wife's ancestors in it. I'm working on getting the pics uploaded right now.

It seemed something kept messing with my Wife's left ear last night. Since it was her family I figured this is what was going on; just moderate buzz about one of their own bloodline being there. Also, and my brother, wife, and son were all witness to this, things in the air kept showing up in the flash over and over and OVER again but WOULD NOT show up in the pictures.

I began deliberately taking shots of bugs flying just so I could have some comparison pics, kind of just to satiate myself as to whether the activity I was picking up was orbs or just bugs. Every shot of bugs you can tell they are exactly that....bugs flying....

Last night was the first time my son went out with us. He was so proud of himself. He never showed it if he did get afraid, even when I observed aloud that a possible "something" was floating above his head and following him around. He never once cried or anything. He was very happy and excited just to be there with the "big people". He's only 5, and the whole way home afterward he was smiling saying things like, "I'm the new ghost hunter," heheh. It made me proud, just thought I'd share
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