Private Residence 1 and 2, Mayfield, Ky
I've been called on to go check out some local homes for "paranormal activity" and will be doing a walk  through tomorrow and possibly a more thorough investigation coming up very soon, pics, audio and all.

The first house has a man, his fiance, and her two children, ages 3 and 1 living there. The three year  old sits up at night talking to a person she calls "Raven" and a few nights ago, she started complaining  of Raven "Not leaving her alone and being in her room scaring her. The Fiance and the man have seen  things out of the corners of their eyes and had other small instances of odd happenings.

The second home has a man, his wife, and their two children, ages 5 and 3 living there. They are having a  bit more of a physical problem, namely, they have candles in the home that are being lit and blown out  seemingly on their own. They will put them out only to get up later on in the night and they will be lit  again. These same candles are also going out "on their own". The wife also claims to hear the  entity/entities calling her name and talking to her.

So tomorrow's our walk through (Jonalex and I) just to check the place out. I'll most likely take some  pics and a bit of audio, but it's mainly to check the two places out. When I've got what I've got and come back from there, I'll get back on here with the updates and such.

The first home we went to was the one with, let�s call them Jada and Ric, husband and wife, and their two  children, ages 3 and 5, and also in the home today was Jada�s friend of several years, Amy, and her son  age 4. Introductions first as far as names and the like and then we went through the home, not knowing  anymore specifics of localization of activity or what aspects other than what I have previously shared  with you all.

First off, many of you will likely scoff at our methods, and quite frankly, that is entirely your choice  but please, don�t be hateful about it as some have in the past.

We made our way alone around and through the home �feeling� for spots as such and generally just trying  to focus in on our surroundings taking note of wiring, electronics, duct work, furnaces, water heaters,  breaker boxes and the like in relation to being a possible influence for the alleged activity in the  home.

As we made our way through the front room and back through the den area and into the first bathroom, I  felt almost as if a thickness, an �invisible barrier� was drawn up about pelvis high in front of me,  about a foot and a half to two feet from the actual bathroom doorway. The sensation traveled up my arms  and continued up through my neck and head until it was the height of me. I started to comment on this to  Jonalex but before I could finish a thing he nodded and said that he had just felt it too as he walked  into the bathroom where he was standing at this point. He then described to me what he had felt and it  confirmed my own feelings and perception. We went around a wall and through a doorway into the utility  room and kitchen area where walking toward the back of the home, we stepped into this same feeling,  hanging near tangible in the air. We continued on around the hall and back into the home when we ran into  the exact same �invisible barrier� in the main bedroom going into a storage room.

We called Jada back to the bedroom and asked her about any activity experienced in this room. I  specifically asked if anything had been out of place or if they had found coins or change around the home  in odd places. She said there were no instances of pocket change or coins, but that her bedside table had  been rearranged a time or two so her daughter�s picture that rested on the far side next to the wall was  moved and placed right at the front edge of the table in front of everything else. She also said that her  husband had seen a shadow of a man standing against the wall by that side of the bed and that they would  hear voices talking muffled but coming from a different direction. We thanked her and she went back up to  the living room area as we continued into the far back room of the home.

At this point Jonalex and I stood and talked about what we each had sensed as we walked through the home  and what each felt it was. In agreement we went up to the front room to talk to them and get some more  personal details about the home and family. Asking their names again for clarification and beginning to  say something about our feelings starting out at the bathroom door and extending back the length of the  home like an invisible wall about waist high, it was only then they informed us that a very, VERY large  man had died of a massive heart attack in that very bathroom doorway and was wedged, half in, half out of  the bathroom because of his size and the way he fell. It took over two hours and a team to cut the door  away to remove him from the home because he was so large. It took nine men to carry him out of the home.

At this point, I�ll admit, even though everything I�ve seen and been through, there�s always that  niggling doubt in the back of my mind that maybe I�m just crazy. Maybe none of this is real and I�m just  fooling myself. It�s when we pinpoint the exact spot of something like this immediately only to have it  corroborated later on by facts that it still makes me go, �Wow, that�s pretty damn cool.� We both went  there thinking, �You know, yeah, we might pick up a little something in the bedroom where they say this  is happening,� but we never expected to run into something immediately in the bathroom doorway only to be  told a bit later on that yeah, the former occupant of the house died in that exact spot.

We went outside and saw that all of the duct work for the furnace and the gas lines also went directly in  a line under the home, from the corner of the bedroom where her bedside table was and where they saw the  shadows and heard the voices, all the way to approximately where the line or �invisible barrier� was  discovered to stop. Odd enough that this sensation felt by both of us was known now to be covered by gas  lines and duct work exactly in the same area where we felt �it�.

As I said before, many of you scoff at our methods and look down upon this entire line of thought, and I  fully realize this, and I do not ask you to believe in something you do not nor do I tell you that you  are wrong for your disbelief. All I ask is the same respect reciprocated for my own beliefs and the way  we do things.

We told the family what we thought about the entity and how he was traveling throughout the home and  where he was getting his energy from. We explained to the family that we did not and would never promote  any religion over another or even try and convince anyone that they were wrong for doing as they wished,  but this was the situation: In dealing with a spiritual problem you can only retaliate with something  spiritual in nature. We then discussed with the family their options. They could simply ignore him/it. By  not feeding into his activity and acknowledging it, it ceased to give him/it reason to do anything. This  was not a malevolent entity so forced activity and violence wasn�t a threat. Simply ignoring small  activity and not lending credence to his/it�s existence would in many cases make it all stop. I could try  and �talk him over� and Jonalex could do a �purification� on the home, or Jonalex and I could try and  force whatever was there out, but since no one there had any particular belief systems in place and had  only dabbled in Wicca, we feared all that would do is put it off and make it come back much worse. We  explained to them it is very easy to open up that doorway for many, but so very difficult to shut it ever  again.

As we were talking with them, I from the far hallway and into the children�s room  where they were playing. I immediately stopped what I was doing and went into the children�s room to make  sure that whomever or whatever it was didn�t bother the children. Jonalex finished up what he was saying  and joined me in the kid�s room.

�He�s in here now, he�s running or something man,� I told Jonalex. I could feel the same sensation we had  felt only in the �invisible barrier� now in the far corner of the children�s room. Not saying a word I  went from there directly to the bathroom and the halls and felt absolutely nothing. He had totally moved  and shifted all of his energies into trying to hide in a different spot than before. He/it was �afraid�.

Satisfied once more with the situation that we were dealing with a human entity that was not in any way  threatening, we returned to the living room and asked for what they thought was best. They decided to opt  for the first decision. Jonalex asked for a bit of quiet for a time and sat in the middle of their living  room floor to start his �purification� as I went to the bathroom doorway and silently made my attempt at  talking him over to the other side. I asked on the way in there if they knew his name and they told me  what the man�s name was, that is always a plus to have his actual name when addressing them in such a  manner.

I began and explained to him that there were his loved ones waiting for him and he had no reason to stay  here any longer. That he had done what he could here and it was time to move on. Staying here was only  making things difficult on this family and that while I knew he missed his life that things would be so  much better for him if he just moved on. That I understood he was lonely and only wanted attention and  moving on would resolve this. I repeated this over and over again, soothingly, calmly as I could, letting  him know I understood and we meant him no harm and were only there to help him and this family. That he  wouldn�t want to scare the children and he would be much better moving on. I repeated this as well.

In this home of about 70 or so degrees Fahrenheit I began to sweat profusely. I don�t mean like I got  warm and started sweating, I�m talking torrents of sweat pouring from my head as if someone were  constantly pouring Dixie cups of water over my head. Streams running down my face, neck. and chest. I�ve  never had this happen before, so it kind of threw me, but I just kept on until I felt I was done and then  went into the restroom and used tissues and the sink to clean myself up.

As I walked back out of the restroom, I felt nothing of �him�. I went to the children�s room...nothing. I  went back to the restroom doorway, the halls and the bedrooms several more times and got absolutely  nothing each and every time. I went back into the living room to wait on Jonalex to finish what he was  doing and then we thanked the family, gave them my card, let them know they shouldn�t have any more  problems and if they did, to simply let us know, and we left.

The second home, as I said, was a disappointment. I still have to look over all of the pictures, video,  and audio footage we got that day, but we felt absolutely nothing the entire time we were there.

We listened to what the lady of the house had to say as we did a walk through on the home. Still getting  absolutely nothing I recorded the whole time we were there and took pictures. Assuring them, specifically  her, that they were in no danger from this and that whatever it was didn�t seem attached to the property,  but possibly psychically to her (trying not to make her feel bad or think we were calling her a liar at  this point). We told her that yes, while she might indeed be experiencing something that we couldn�t find  anything in the home but we would look over and listen to the footage that we got and get back to them.

Like I said, I still have to go through everything from that day and will post anything I find.

Here are some links to pictures from that day, nothing really very significant, but I figured I would  post some anyway:

Messed up remodeling area back room:

The girl said it or he was hurting her, demanded that something was hurting her:

The bathroom door where the big guy died:

The master bedroom where "the man stood":
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