Miller's Chapel Cemetery Graves County, Ky
First thing today we went to Workman's cemetery. It is way out in the middle of nowhere and I was basically there to do some cataloging for by taking pictures and getting highway directions. While there, I set my digital audio recorder on the first headstone I came to and went on about my business. I never felt a thing or heard a thing the entire time we were there but when I checked the recorder for EVPs when I came home, I had recorded this strange indecipherable sound 8 minutes and 53 seconds in, when I was on the OTHER side of the cemetery:


A few pics from Workman's:

I don't want to bore you all into submission, but I did photograph each and every headstone visible in the place to put this on the FindAGrave registry for their online cemetery's so bright and cheery looking here, but this place is like a total negative of this during the evening hours.

We went on to McGuire Cemetery, which I was working on cataloging as well for FindAGrave. I took my pictures there with no concern. Boring plain old headstone photograph after headstone photograph that would mean nothing to no one other than a family member on the other side of the country looking for their relative's resting place online. There was nothing on the EVP, so the place was dead, if you'll pardon the pun.

Feeling uneventful, we went on about our day. It was my friend Ryan's birthday, so we went and ate some delicious Chinese food, went to Toys r Us, went to the Gamestop and EB, and then headed out toward St. John's Cemetery. Unfortunately, the road there was so busy that there was no feasible way I could get us inside without causing a stir, so we ditched the idea and headed back into town, leaving it for another night.

I got back into the fair city of Mayfield and purchased the ill priced gasoline that was ever so necessary to keep my big ass from walking home, and we headed over to Bethany Cemetery. It was very quiet out there and felt almost like fall as soon as we stepped out into the night air. I got some good pictures there, but still felt not a thing but good to be there. No EVPs here either.

Here's some pics from Bethany:

We left there and decided to go out to Miller's Chapel cemetery. THIS is where the fun starts. We got there and got out of the van and walked over to the cemetery. Immediately both of us feel we are being watched, but we don't say a word about it then. We both waited until after we are going down the road leaving the place to talk about it. I felt something here...I didn't know what, but it was something. I was simply taking pictures here and there where I thought I should and I left my audio recorder on the first headstone we came to. As I made my way to the back of the cemetery, THAT was when I felt it. I grabbed at my right forearm and touched it, brushing on it thinking it was a spider web or a stray hair, then the tingle started in the same spot. The falling asleep cold tingle that your arm gets when there's not enough circulation in it. I kept brushing at it and even looked at my arm thinking "No way" but there was nothing there. I smiled to myself knowing what was going and and waited for the feeling to subside as Ryan checked out the cemetery not far behind me. Just as it had grabbed hold, it let go. I had either passed through an entity or an entity had reached out and clasped my arm.

I went across the cemetery toward the recorder telling Ryan what had just happened. I went and got my audio recorder and went back to the spot where I first felt it and asked whomever it was to do it again. Nothing. I asked again politely if they could please do to my arm what they had done a moment ago. Nothing...for a moment...then there it was again, just as before. Something holding or touching my right forearm. This of course made me very happy that it happened again after I asked for it to. I mean, yeah, it's creepy as heck, but I love it. You may wait years and years doing this and want something like this to happen, and it so rarely does. The last time I felt this same sensation was when I was in Asbury Cemetery two years ago on an outing.

I walked away from the spot kind of back toward the van taking more pictures and the feeling stopped when I moved...and then moved to Ryan. He felt it on his shoulders and going up one arm. The same I walked through a spider-web get this off of me tingly cold combo I had felt seconds earlier. We were talking about how cool it was that we had both felt that and I explained to him that someone can go years, even their entire life doing these things and never experience what he and I just did. Then it did it again. and it moved up my right arm, to my chin and my right cheek, as if it were rubbing my face. then it went back under my chin and went to the other side of my face. Well needless to say I had stopped walking at this point, right beside a fresh grave. The lady had recently been re-interred there from some other cemetery so as to be next to her husband. The feeling is staying on my left cheek now and Ryan is standing there watching me go through this range of emotion that is so scary, helpless, cool, and awesome at the same time, you can hardly know what to do next. So I'm standing there and it's just staying there. If I move it goes away like I'm out of range, so I wave around in the air with my arm again just checking for anything it may be, but there are no trees around for a VERY considerable distance and no spider-webs or stray hairs to be found. When I step back it starts again, caressing kind of, rubbing on my cheek. It's really so weird

So I'm explaining to Ryan what I'm feeling and I tell him in the following EVP to come walk around right here where I am and motion for him to stand there, then someone else feels they should invite him as well as sing a little tune:

You'll need to turn your volume up to hear it but it is there plain as day.

So then after he gets touched a few times and I get touched some sounds perverse...but it was all above the belt! Anyway, it is then that Ryan looks at the front of her tombstone and says, "Today's her birthday too." I can't believe this, but sure enough, she and he both share the same birthday, which was tonight. Kind of explains what was going on there in some weirdo cosmic way I suppose.

Anyway, after all that fun we walk back to the van and notice first thing that our front windsheild is totally fogged up, as if someone had been inside the van breathing very hard or something with the windows up. As I walked around to the side of the van to look through the driver's window I saw a handprint, the side of a palm placed kind of fist down, on the outside of the window for the passengers in the mid row seating of our van. After several comparison hadnprints, we decided it wasn't one of ours, but we couldn't rule out other people completely. It was cool none the less. As I was taking the pictures of the handprint, my friend walked away for a bit and came back my direction. In the following EVP you can hear him talking as he walks away, a small, very short, strange, shrill noise, then me trying to get the handprint to show up in a picture by talking to my camera like a goon. Then you can hear him come walking back and I'm telling him it showed up, and, well, you might want to turn your speakers down a touch, because the first time we heard this one, we both had near tears in our eyes it was so unexpected and startling.

We didn't hear a thing while we were there.

Here are a few pictures from Miller's Chapel:

The Touchy Feely Birthday Girl's grave:

An interesting photo:

The Handprints Thing:

All in all, even though there were no impressive photos, the EVPs and personal experience made up for it and topped our night off wonderfully.
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