All stories and images contained herein copywright BJ Sizemore and may not be reprinted without express permission of the owner
Visitors since June 21st 2003
Ok, this may not seem to be a ghost story to many but in a way it is. I am going to run through these in order of which they happened.  I must apologize in advance for the length of this, I am 14 as I write this and strange things are going on, Ill update you on the next one I send.

When I was younger (about 4 or 5 to be exact), me and my mother lived in my grandads house, he has since been moved into a home for Alzeimers (sp?) the bit about my grandad isnt really significant but I thought Id add it in.  I slept in the room my mother used to as a teenager.  If you looked out the window slightly to your left you could see the road running up as well as hearing the traffic (you will notice the significance of this soon).

I woke up at about 2 am, at my age I wasnt too used to being awake at this time so I was really tired.  I looked towards the door (it was one of those glass ones with the wooden frame holding it in place, the frame was about 7 inches in total), and I saw a figure, red jumper, blue jeans.  Nothing amazing I know but it freaked me out.  Now to go into it in more detail, I had always slept with this electronic heater next to my bed, dont know why
but I did.  As I woke up I noticed the bars on it were deep red, Ive never seen them like this before, it was kind of blood red (my attempts not to be melodromatic arnt working, hehe).  Once I noticed the temperature of the
room was extremely cold besides the fact the electronic heater was *ON* I began to get scared and assumed the polarity in the circutry had reversed (my dad was an electrician at this time so I knew quite abit about it, besides my age).  I noticed the cold was coming from the door so I turned and their was the sprit so to speak.  As I saw the spirit I noticed the noise from the road was becoming louder, not too loud, but like it was in high traffic.

Experience number 2 was worse... by quite a bit.

One night after we moved into a house in Walker (I live in Newcastle, England btw, and I still concide in these premices with my parents), I had lived in a flat for about 6 months after my grandads house and I was only 6.
It had been about 3 months or so in this house, one night I couldnt get to sleep, I dont know exactly why, I didnt know of insomnia and I had no sleeping condition.  About 1:30 I looked towards my door after hearing a
rather large 'thud' so to speak, my door swung open, and a woman in a dress walked in with big saggy eyes, not sure if she had been crying while wearing make up or had lack of sleep, I just dont know.  She had what appeared to be a knife or other sharp object in her hand.  That is what scared me of this point, I had had many experiences with ghosts in my past at this point, I am just going through the main ones which scared me the most.

I noticed that she was walking, or levitating in my direction.  I was extremely scared at this point, I had never EVER seen a moving ghost in person, she came by my bed, glared at the door.  Pulled the blankets up off me, got into the bed, pulled them back on.  Now, I was crying because of both fear and the cold.  I lay their staring at her, the bed was moving with her intakes of breath.  I noticed her facial expression, which averted my fear, she looked depressed, distressed and on the verge of suicide.  All of a sudden her head turned towards the direction of the door... she dived up (not moving the duvet covers as she did this), held the 'object' above her head and ran towards the door, she got out of the room and the door automatically shut behind her.

Now for the 3rd one, moving onto more recent matters and Im not sure if these could be classed as ghost storys.  If anybody has had involvement with a man named Aleister Crowley youll know what Im talking about and will
believe what I say.  People may take offence in this, if you have heard of a occult group named 'Thelema' or the 'O.T.O' youll know what I mean.

Firstly I will write a brief description on Aleister Crowley which I was not aware of at the time I joined Thelema.

Aleister Crowley was a man born in the late 1880's (To the best of my knowledge), he was believed to have 'powers', he came from a wealthy family and had scholorship at Cambridge (incase you didnt know its one of the top colleges/universitys in Britain), he got addicted to drugs and became a member of the Satanic church of England, he shaved his head, filed his canine teeth to be sharp... like a snakes.  He used it as a mark for his own
religion (Thelema), any new members he bit to make a scar like a snake bite.

Anyway, I began to get extremely depressed after a harsh break-up with my first love.  I began cutting myself (I'd never harmed myself in any way before this) and their were times where I would completely snap and  "trance out".  I would never remember any of this and apparantly I would get very violent.  This was qute unnerving, but I passed it off.  Then a couple of weeks after the  "trances" had stopped, I began to have what I came to call, "visions".  It was scary stuff considering wherever I was (no matter where) I would see decaying buildings with fire burning wherever it could.  Soon after their was people coming up to me which I saw as corpses with flames burning out of their eyes.  Once again - VERY SCARY, I had a total of 7 nervous breakdowns in a month.  After undergoing psychiatric treatment I was getting better with the breakdowns.  My mother took the Crowley book (The Book Of Lies) to the local church (My family is either agnostic or atheist,
but we'd heard rumors that this was an evil man and needed it checked out.) and ended up getting blessed - the book was burned.  I was taken to the chuch, blessed (while in hysterical laughter) and that was the end of the
trances and the visions.

However, some months on from this event I began to get the feeling of being "watched" in my house, particularly my room.  I put this down to being paranoid and decided it was probably nothing but my imagination.  I first
became aware of any  "haunting" in my room when I was laying in bed one night, just trying to sleep (With insomnia it becomes quite difficult), when I heard a knocking from the wall next to me.  I froze - what else was I supposed to do?  I plucked up the courage to look around and see where the noise came from - nothing, it had to have been my imagination.  I turned on my computer monitor (My computer is on basically every night) and had a look around... nothing.  The closest thing I can describe it as would be the sound of somebody signing onto Yahoo! Messenger.  I would usually put it down as being Yahoo! Messenger but I don't have it on my computer.  Three knocks, that was it - end of story.  However, a week or so later I heard it again, this time louder.  This went on for a couple of nights.  That's when my computer began to start messing around.

I would never have thought any ghost would want to even touch my computer, but obviously not.  Every so often my monitor would turn off, speaker volume increase etc.etc.  Then of course came the music picking up.  I'm assuming my ghost (Which I affectionately named  "Walter" enjoyed listening to my heavy metal/hard rock music.  For instance if I was sleeping at night (on the rare occasion I did get to sleep), my speakers turned on (if they were off) and Slipknot would come blasting out of my them.  On frequent occasions my music would change to Slipknot.  I believe Walter is a true maggot, hehe.

Their was a lot more to the beginnings of Walter, as it were, but over time I have forgotten them.

The recent cases would be the other week.  I was sitting on MSN talking to my cousin when my bedroom light flickered.  I thought nothing of it, after all, light's do that all the time, right?  It happened so many times it was
beginning to irratate me.  Then I expressed my anger towards the flickering (Big mistake...) and exclaimed  "For f*ck sakes!  Just stop it, already!"  The light then turned FULLY on and off three times, I could actually hear
the light switch click on and off.  I was freaked for about 20 seconds then figured  "I had it coming... my fault" then apologized to Walter.

The most recent (and second worst in my opinion) was about 2 hours ago.  I was feeling quite hungry so I went downstairs to make myself some microwaveable noodles.  I set the timer on the microwave to 2 minutes as the
packet said.  I went upstairs to go to the toilet (I've always hated my stairs, a very uneasy feeling is felt when walking up and down them.  Take note I'm not the only one who has noticed this).  The basic layout of my
house is as follows (ATTN: Not drawn to scale):
|                             / |_______^^^^^^^^^
|                            /________/ ___^^^^
| Living Room         | _|<-Cupboard|___|&|<------- Bench and Cupboards
|                                                        _|                
|                                                      |_ |
|                                      Kitchen         |
|                            |_____________       |

| O               |
|Bathroom              __/_______^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|BBBBB____|___/__|                                 |
|E              C           |                               
|E                           |     Parent's room       |                    
|E                           |                               
|E   My Room                                         
|                             |                               
|                         _ _|                               
|_______W_____|__ |__________________|


/ = Door
W = Window
^ =Stairs
O = Toilet
B = Bath
E = Bed
C= Computer

I apologize for my pathetic diagrams there is a sink in between the Toilet and the Bath.  This was the set up as it was in my room.  Now, on with the story.  I finished up on the toilet, washed my hands and turned around to
walk out.  My dad had been painting the door and didn't take it off the hinges so it did NOT have a doorhandle.  As I walked towards the door I had an uneasy feeling and couldn't wait to get out of their.  The door shut on
me!  I was locked in!  No means of escape due to their being no door handle.

This is 100% truth, no b/s.  I couldn't get out, I felt as if Walter had intended me to do this for the hell of it.  In the end my mother smelt the noodles cooking and came out to see what it was, noticing I wasn't in the
kitchen (which is unusual when I'm cooking).  She came up the stairs and called for me, I shouted for her, she got a screwdriver and opened the door for me.  I am severely claustrophobic (At least I am now) and being trapped in a room ruffly 10x12 foot is no fun.

  "Hollow Life"
  Newcastle Upon-Tyne, England.
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