Asbury Cemetery Calloway County, Ky
I'm going out to reputedly one of the most haunted cemeteries around tonight. Asbury Cemetery. There are reports of apparitions chasing people out of there. My cousins, Phillip, Dwight, Judy, and Johnna all went out there about ten years ago. Whatever they saw made them run back to their car and try and get out of there so quickly, that they wrecked and three of the four of them ended up in the hospital.

Apparently this has happened more than once. They have changed the name of the road from Asbury Cemetery Road to Cook's Trail because so many teens were looking for Asbury, but ended up being mortified of it. My Grandmother has even told us to stay away from the place because some "Crazy Man" has tried to hurt people there.

A woman I know named Gia is heavily into witchcraft and the "black arts"; going into crypts regularly to collect "Crypt Dust" and for her personal use. She'll go just about anywhere but won't step foot in Asbury. This apparently is almost a "Keyser Soze" of Cemeteries in West Kentucky. I can't find out much info on the net about it, but everyone I talk to says it's bad news. This is one of those places I've heard about all my life and the first time I'm actually a bit nervous before we go out. Hopefully it's all blown way out of proportion as I don't look too kindly upon dying or spending much time in the hospital. I hope to get some good pics. Later all.

Thanks to frusciante fan for the following story from a website:
Asbury Cemetery is located way back on a dirt road, down in a valley between some hills. It's a really pretty place, and I have been to more than one funeral there. But it's also a place where people like to park and stargaze. On several occasions, people have described a low voice talking, or an overwhelming, almost gut-wrenching feeling that something is watching them or something is after them. More than one serious accident has occurred from people driving from it at night as fast as they can. I was one of those involved in a wreck. A group of us were out there just hanging out when everyone in our group, which consisted of about 10 people, all stopped talking in mid-sentence and felt a horrible sense of dread. We ran to our vehicles and everyone flew from there. I'm a biologist with a minor in Physics; I don't believe in "ghosts". On top of that, my father is a minister, and I have strong convictions against ghosts. Naturally, I thought it was just a change in the wind, sudden drop in pressure, etc., so I went back one night with a girl I was dating and a friend. We were sitting in the car talking when I felt a horrible feeling that someone was right on me. At the same time the girl I was with began to scream and tell me to get out of here, start the car! We flew out of there at full speed and kept speeding down the narrow two-lane road that led to it. Even though we had left the area and were a half mile away, she continued to look out the back window and say that someone is coming, and our friend was saying "go, man, go! Don't slow down!" I felt it too, and turned to look out the back window to see what it was; I lost control on the dirt road and my car went down a steep hill into some trees. We were at the bottom of this hill and all any of us could do was yell excitedly in fear at what might be out there. To this day, neither I nor any of my many friends who used to go out there will even turn down the road that leads to it at night. Not from what I said, but because they were there and I have felt it, too.

(Well, I found out some history behind Asbury Cemetery tonight. As we made another walk through tonight, Jonalex was back on task with me:), we saw these quarter inch metal pipes sticking up out of the ground. John asked what did I think those were for. I said that I had heard when the wealthy were buried, many times they had would have "air flow pipes" installed into their crypts or caskets in case of accidental burial while still alive. We kind of joked how they'd be down there trying to talk up to the people on the street level and had a good laugh.


I found out, back in the days before the Civil War, there was an outbreak of Cholera and Dysentery in the Slave Quarters and they had buried many of the slaves out there. The only problem was, many of the slaves they buried weren't dead yet, so they clawed and kicked and screamed at their boxes deep within the earth to no avail. At night, you can hear them trying to come out of their graves, pleading for help. Men women and children, kicking, banging, and screaming for their lives. This is the reason for the haunting.)

We looked for almost two hours night before last for Asbury cemetery. We had to come back to the house and check the directions again on the net, only to realize after cross checking several sites, they had changed the name of the road going out there to keep the teens from running back there all the time. When we, my brother and I, finally got out there, we got halfway down the road (and let me tell you, this back road is WAY back in the sticks) and my gas light came on and the cemetery road was still nowhere in sight yet, so we decided to go get gas and come back the next day.

Yesterday around 4:30 pm, we set out for the place again, finding the renamed road was no problem in the daylight and we were on our merry way. It had started raining VERY hard around 1:00 pm, but had stopped around 3:00 pm and the sun came out so we hoped it wouldn't be too wet out. As we drove up there my brother said that he wasn't very nervous about today because whatever it was that chased people out of there didn't get active until after dark. We've still got three and a half or four good hours of daylight left at this point, so we're all good right?

We had driven for what seemed like forever on this wooded one lane road when we came upon the road marked Asbury Cem RD. We turned down that road and almost instantly the thing turned to dirt and gravel and twisted back into a land only The Crocodile Hunter or a group of rednecks from the movie Deliverance would have felt comfortable entering. When we got to the cemetery entrance, there was a huge white gate with a "No Trespassing" sign on it. We got out of the truck and were standing there trying to devise a plan around the gate when I decided that we should at least try the honest approach

We turned around and drove back to the nearest house and the guy came out on his porch. I asked him about the caretaker for Asbury and he asked what did I need to know. So I told him we were looking for family plots (okay, not TOTALLY HONEST, but better than sneaking he said that it was fine for us to go up there just to make sure we got out of there before it got dark.

"No problem," I said...
"You just make sure you're done out there a'fore it's too dark now..."
"Okay, we will, and thanks!"

We went back, parked at the gate and got out and started into the cemetery. Even at first glance in the daylight this doesn't look like the greatest of ideas. The ENTIRE area is a wooded canopy and we can't even see half of the cemetery from where we're standing as it twists and turns back into the dark cedar woods. We had to walk at least the length of a department store into the woods before we even got to the first of the gravestones. At this point, I looked back toward our vehicle and we could barely see it. I was jazzed about being there so on we went, reading headstones and snapping daytime comparison pics.

As I'm walking, I'm thinking, "This place is really VERY beautiful and quite serene if it weren't for the overwhelming urge in my gut to run like Hell before I reach the back of this place and it takes me TWICE as long to get out!" LOL...but on we went.

My brother, the more near we got to the back of the twisted stone layout, the closer he tried to stay to on my whereabouts every once in awhile. That's when we started hearing what sounded like bare feet on firm packed mud running through the woods around us. For any of you that has never heard this lovely sound, it makes kind of a "thup-thup-thup-thup" sound as you run because of the soft flesh meeting the equally soft mud.

At this point my brother was like, "Uh, BJ, it's 5:30. We need to get on out of here so I can go to my test."

Well, he DID have to be at a test in Murray for a job at 6:00 so we started heading back to the truck. As we walked back we heard the noise once in awhile and would stop and listen to it, trying to listen closely to make sure it wasn't something else easily explained. Nope, still bare feet on packed seemed like it was stamping around making it's presence known but wouldn't come into the cemetery. It was observing us, watching us, making sure we didn't mess anything up.

We left to go for his test intending on going back out there afterwards.

Well, you know how nothing ever goes the way you plan but sometimes, just sometimes, it turns out for the best? It seems Rob's test that was only supposed to take thirty minutes ended up taking an hour and a half so by the time I was done waiting ever so patiently outside for him it was after 7:30 pm and we only had a possible hour of daylight left. Now this is either good or bad. We can get out there while it's still daylight, but it's gonna' be darker than damnit out there in the canopy of those trees. This means good pics. Before dark. Well, before it's dark OUTSIDE the cemetery.

We pulled back into the guy's driveway from before and told him we were back to take pics of the family plots to show my wife who wasn't with us.

He said, "That's fine. Ya'll come back out whenever you want to. Just make sure yer done 'fore dark."

..and now, like an idiot, yet a good wittle inves-ti-ma-gator, I figure it's my chance to kind of fish for some information.

"Hey, that's fine. I appreciate you being so nice about it. I understand the kids and stuff have been coming out here causing problems. I figured that's why they changed the name of the road and stuff. I understand what you're saying."

"Well, the kids don't come out here much no more. They're all scared after what happened to them last 'uns. Ya'll just get done a'fore it gets too dark. A'ight?"

Now the urge to ask "What DID happen to 'them last uns' was overwhelming," so, being me, I did.(it was hilarious too, because my brother sighed all huge when I did like "OH MY GOD BJ")

"They just shouldn'ta been messin' around out there in the dark is all. You guys be careful."

So I thanked him again, left it at that, and off we went.

We parked our truck back over in front of the gate and went inside. As soon as we got around the gate, we noticed a bunch of footprints in the mud that weren't there when we left and they were not ours. Either someone had come to see if we'd messed things up in the two hours since we'd left, or it was the Barrow prints seemed kind of clustered around the gate as if someone had been pacing there at the entrance waiting for someone. A bit odd but not too bad...

We started our walk into the woods and I started taking pictures with Rob trudging not too far behind. If I'd get too far ahead or out of his sight he'd either catch up or say something like, "Hey, don't run off without me!" and I'd stop and wait for him.

We made it to the back portion of the cemetery and I was still taking pictures when it seemed to start getting really dark very quickly. I was taking pics of the back section when I noticed in the view screen on my digital camera I could see things moving all around the entire area but I couldn't see them with just my naked eye. I snapped a few more shots and relegated myself to the fact it was most likely the video screen calibration trying to catch up with the slightest motion of my hand because nothing showed up in the pics...yet.

Rob said it was time to go because we could no longer even see the front of the cemetery at all and was getting fairly dim. We started our trek back toward the gate. As we walked it seemed the blanket of darkness descended upon us purposefully trying to push us onward toward the front to leave. Coming up from the back of the cemetery it got darker and darker and darker. You never realize exactly how much darker it gets in the woods until you're out in it. With a thick canopy overhead there's no star light, no moon light, nothing. We would hear occasional noises behind us and I would turn and take a few pictures.

About half way up, I turned to Rob and said,
"I wanna' go back in there."

"Nuh-UH! I ain't goin' back in there and you got the keys!"

"C'mon man, I just want to get a few more good pics and maybe check those noises out. Wanna' go back in there with me?"

"NO...besides we need to get on out of here, it's getting dark and the guy wanted us to get out of here before dark."

"Yeah he was awfully adamant about that wasn't he? I wonder why?"

"'Cause the ghost of his dad is probably the old caretaker and he wants us gone! I ain't gettin' my ass chased by no crazy old man ghost!"

I chuckled at my 358 pound, 6ft 5 inch, 22 year old brother standing there looking like a ten year old. He kind of laughed nervously, so I conceded and we headed back toward the truck. When we got back to the truck it was 8:45 pm and darkness had well consumed the cemetery. It was still kind of light out and I tried to talk him into going back in there with me or waiting here for me and I'd go get a few more shots, but he wasn't hearing any of we left.

This isn't paranormal by any stretch of the imagination, but thought I would share with you all for the humor, knowledge, and experience of it all. It proves one of the cardinal rules of Ghost Hunting: Never, and Orlock means NEVER, lol, go by yourself because you have far more to fear from the living than the dead.

Jonalex and I were at Asbury, creepy enough that's it's a cemetery that nightmares are made of in and of itself, when we saw this road going out of the cemetery into what seemed to be nowhere. We start heading down it and Jonalex is getting pretty far ahead because I'm being my usual inquisitive picture taking self, so he sees the road going around a bend and looks and there is still no end to it. It's going deeper and farther into the woods, then he rounds another corner and sees a building. He tells me to stay there in case there's anyone out there I can run back to the truck and come barreling through to get him out or go get help or something.

So I'm waiting there for a few seconds, then I'm like, "Screw this, I want to see the building too," and I start walking after him. About that time I hear this pickup truck turn down the isolated road to the cemetery and it slows down and stops out by my truck. I can't see it at this point but I know that's where it is in relation to where I am in the woods, so I'm like, "Oh crap." Jonalex is out of sight by this point and I'm standing there knowing this truck is up by my truck most likely checking stuff out and then I hear truck doors shutting and I'm like, "OHCRAPOHCRAP..."

John is deaf in one ear and doesn't hear all that well in the other, so he hasn't heard any of what's going on. Me with my Wolverine like sense of smell and hearing, I know what's going on and I'm freaking out. I yell, "John! It's time to go back to the truck!" John yelled back, "WHAT?" then he was all like, "oh crap, I'm over here by this building being all stealthy, don't even know if Jeffery Dahmer or someone is in the damn thing and here I am yelling like a goon, thanks BJ..." So I repeat myself saying I'm going back to the truck, knowing I'm walking to my "death by redneck with a shotgun".

I'm walking back to the truck freaking out, knowing I'm about to be blasted in the chest by some idiot inbreeder with a double barrel, spazzing on the inside, yet trying to maintain my cool exterior just in case I can scare the idiot with my mere presence. I'm not a small guy by any I ALMOST, ALMOST make it to the top of the road to see the truck and it starts up and speeds away. This really pissed me off more than anything. I was all ready to take a slug in the chest or whip some ass and I get to unlock the doors and wait for Jonalex

But hey, we got out

Okay, I have posted more pics from Asbury as well as some strange blue orbs I got from the last trip I took out to Old Salem.

I have posted a pic I was hesitant about (from Asbury as well) before because I hadn't discounted other possibilities. I think maybe I have now and it still looks as if two people (One wearing a cloak or blanket overhead, the other wearing a bonnet and leaning slightly to the side) are coming up from the back of Asbury Cemetery. The new pic of the grey face was actually an attempt at DISPROVING the pic of the
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