I usually don't watch/read the canon part of the fandom. I've never really read a fic and wondered if the idiot ever watched the show/read the book/manga whatever. Why? Canon ruins the fanfiction for me. I'm into slash/yaoi and homosexuality, particularly involving males, is such a cultural taboo that it's suicide for prime time. See, after reading some interesting fanfic, I went out and bought Stargate SG-1, seasons one through eight and watched them. Had a nice marathon going, popcorn and everything. I, like every other slash drooling female out there, witnessed the hug and the spacemonkey. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if General nee Colonel O'Neill was going to bump uglies against regulations, it's not going to be with Daniel Jackson; it'll be with Carter. Hate the bitch all you want, but the free-floating UST was never homoerotic. Canon seriously killed the suspension of disbelief mojo I had going on. I couldn't open a slash SG-1 story for over a month.

So, when it comes to fics, my concern with character isn't whether they're "in character" or if they're written along the lines of some overblown fanon stereotype that's just so not true. My concern with character is the same as it is with a non-derivative work's character. Is the character developed? Is the writer showing me what the character is like, or telling me? Can I believe that the character presented to me will do what the writer is having them do? Did the writer let the bottom/uke guy keep his balls or is he a girl with a penis? Is the character authentic? Americans don't say "arse", for example.
I don't really have an OTP in any fandom. Well, the closest you'll get is Jim/Blair in the Sentinel, but that's because of the Sentinel/Guide premise. I can get into non-J/B, but you've got to sell it to me or I'll just roll my eyes and say yeah right. Of course, that's with every story, including any and all J/B stories. I've seen five minutes of the show, so canon and fanon isn't going to sell it to me. I do cop to having favorite pairings and those are usually defined by who was doing who in my first exposure to the fandom.

I do have anti-OTPs. There's just some pairings that have me curling up my lips like a dog drinking vinegar. The people who have the out-and-out talent and patience to sell me these anti-OTPs usually get paid for writing their own original characters. Treize Khushrenada and Quatre Winner? What in the hell were you smoking?
Fixing Canon
Please, don't ever try to explain why everyone on every alien planet that SG-1 visits speak English. I know why they do---an hour is just not long enough to develop a plot involving aliens and overcome language barriers without having what amounts to variations on the movie repeated over and over and over and.... And please, for the love of chocolate and caffiene, do not try to explain how five 15 year old boys managed to become super-stud Gundam pilots, the elite of the elite. I know why---it's shounen manga. Boys buy the original, duh. They weren't selling it to John Wayne neophytes, but to the Pokemon crowd. Some things must just be ignored. The guys who make the shows do it, so can you. Every series has its own little quirk that just doesn't jibe with reality.

Episode fixes annoy me, too. I'm going to run with the assumption that it's because I never actually watched the episode, but I've read a few episode fixes for the Stargate one that had Jack and Teal'c repeating the same day over and over. They annoyed me because the fixes usually had Daniel and Jack making out in the gate room or something and, quite frankly, these things never fit within the framework of canon's over-arching plot, such as it was. I'm sure there's a way to do it, but for the most part, you'd have to rewrite the whole thing.
My Fiction
I write. I even write fan fiction, though not much of it. All of my derivative works are done with Gundam Wing. I've thought about writing something in Stargate, but only because General O'Neill would have to resign his commission, not just retire, in order to have a relationship with a male, otherwise, he could still be brought up on charges and all that jazz. I've got to finish all of the open GW fics I've got, though. I hate leaving unfinished work out there.

I don't rec my stuff. I barely edit it once it's finished and I had three chapters of one fic beta'd. It's fanfiction. Derivative. I have to much trouble taking it seriously.

I have won awards and been paid money for my original fiction and poetry. I've been a person who gets to accept or reject other people's writing for publication. I've been through creative writing and literature classes. I've eating pizza. This only means that I do kind of know what I'm talking about when it comes to writing, but it's still just my opinion and that only matters to me and the people who want it to matter to them.
You can find my fanfiction at Gundam Wing Addiction under the name of Muffie. I've also got a
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