Gundam Wing: the Series
To quote the narrator at the beginning of every episode in the series: With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in space colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers and soon seizes control of one colony after another in the name of justice and peace. The year is After Colony 195. Operation Meteor: In a move to counter the Alliance's tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the Earth, disguising them as shooting stars. However, the Alliance Headquarters catches on to this operation.

Heero Yuy, designated by the Alliance as Gundam Pilot 01; Duo Maxwell, designated by the Alliance as Gundam Pilot 02; Trowa Barton, designated by the Alliance as Gundam Pilot 03; Quatre Raberba Winner, designated by the Alliance as Gundam Pilot 04; and Chang Wufei, designated by the Alliance as Gundam Pilot 05, are the five 15-year-old boys and Gundam Pilots that colony rebels have sent to earth. Relena Dorlian-Peacecraft is the girl that follows Heero around and then fights the Alliance and then Oz for Total Pacifism. Dorothy Catalonia, grand-daughter of Duke Dermail, Alliance Honcho, attaches herself to Relena to learn about Total Pacisfism. Treize Khushrenada is the aristocratic leader of the Oz Specials, Colonel/Lady Une is his psychotic assistant, Zechs Marquise begins as the main Oz pilot before defecting to help the colonies.
Endless Waltz
A year after the Alliance has been defeated and the Earth Sphere United Nations governs the peaceful Earth Sphere, Dekim Barton, through Treize's daughter Mariemaia Khushrenada, re-implements Operation Meteor. With Chang Wufei on her side, Mariemaia has Relena kidnapped. Duo, Heero, and the Preventers headed by Lady Une, move to save the Earth.
Ion Arc
Road Trip Arc
For both arcs:
Editorial Rating: Excellent
Content Rating: Adult
Genre: Slash/Drama
Length: Epic
How to rec Sunhawk's stuff? The best archive is Dacia's "Little Piece of Gundam Wing" for Sunhawk's stuff. It's fast-loading, well-designed for readers, and it's pretty easy to get around the really, really long fics the way they're broken up and linked. However, it's still hard to figure out how to condense one link to one rec or vice versa. Rather than a bunch of links to different pages, both links go directly to Sunhawk's main page at Dacia's archive.

The two arcs are on-going, but each piece is finished and both pieces have a sense of finished to them, so you're not left hanging. Both arcs are pretty much "essential" reads in any fanfiction afficionado's library.

Ion Arc: Set mostly post-canon with Duo who does delivery work between colonies and occasionally Earth and Heero, the Preventer. The first two fics check the past, the rest of them deal with the accident that disables Duo and brings him into Heero's home and how the two of them reconstruct their lives.

Road Trip Arc: Set mostly during the series with Duo torture (pretty much the definitive fic on how to torture Duo during canon) with a nice set of post-canon fics featuring more Duo suffering, this time as Preventers.
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