This is where I'll post a lot of the off-cuts from my stories. None of them really lead anywhere, so I apologize if you feel an intense need for clarification once you're done reading them. 


It took me a really long time to actually get around the ideas in my head that lead to Bloom. At first I wanted to write a story based around the ups and downs of touring with Hanson, so I tried that a few times. That never really worked out so I decided not to have Hanson as the main characters and start the story from the beginning. You might notice that I've taken bits and pieces from these off-cuts and put them in Bloom :)

Instalment One - Before

Instalment Two - During

Roadie Trip 1

Roadie Trip 2

This is a story that I actually started when I was in Hawaii last year. I had to write it in e-mails and send it to myself since I didn't have my computer :/ I don't particularly like it, but at the time I did. It's meant to be in the style of one of those action/thriller/crime TV series. Anyway, enjoy. 


Scene 1 //

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