Note on this passage from
Magnus Maharba and The Black Dragon
book written by
Nathan Brown shortly after the Civil War:
Magnus Maharba refers to Abraham Lincoln; the name
Maharba is closely related to the Indian term meaning Good
King, and probably derives from Nathan Brown's years as
a missionary there, before he returned to the United states
in order to champion the anti-slavery cause in 1850.
The Back Dragon is the principle of slavery;
Ossamie refers to the militant abolitionist "Ossamie" John Brown.
Dragonians are the
supporters of slavery and Fredeema is the abolitionist
movement. -PS



HAVING now become fully convinced that
the affections of the Normen were in-
separably twined around the gentile Fre-
deema, the Dragonians began to consult
how they might break up the kingdom,
and form a new government of which
the Black Dragon should have the sole possession. Old
Public Functionary, who had long been king of the
United Occident, and who had offered two hundred and
fifty silverlings for the capture of Ossamie, was about to
end his reign, and there were gloomy apprehensions that
his successor would not be so friendly to the Black
Dragon as he had been. When the time came for ap-
pointing a new ruler, there was great excitment through
the land. And on a set day the various tribes assem-
bled, the Dragonians, and the Democrians, and the
Fredonians, and the Publicans, and the Eradicators, and
the Conservators, and the multidudes of people both
in Norland and Sunland, to witness the casting of the
lots. And many of them sat up watching all night,
while the seers and augurs consulted the omens. And
when the morning was come, behold the air was full of
falling leaves, which the wind had blown far and wide
over the country. And when the people had picked
them up, and examined them carefully, they found writ-
ten upon them the name of MAGNUS MAHARBA.
So they knew that this was the name of their next king.
Then was there great commotion in the palace of the
Dragon, and the lords and princes and ladies of his
household were filled with indignation, for they had
heard of Magnus Maharba, that he was an honest man,
and one that loved justice and equity, and hence they
inferred that he must be an enemy of their master.
They had also heard it reported that Fredeema, during
her travels, had spent a night at his house, and instilled
into his mind her fanatical plans for letting loose the
Kushans, and leaving the Dragon to die of starvation.
So the chiefs and nobles assembled and drew up the
charter of a new kingdom for the support and defense
of their august patron and his progeny, and for the ex-
tension of his and their glory, influence and power over
all the lands and seas, and for the extermination of their
enemies by fire and sword.