The Art & Practice of Talismanic Magic

Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, MA, 1973.

This book is out of print.

The Art and Practice of Talismanic Magic - Chapters

  1. What is a Talisman?
  2. Talismans and the Astral Light
  3. From Another Angle
  4. The Elemental Forces
  5. More on the Astral Light
  6. The Planes of the Elements
  7. Making a Birth Talisman
  8. Charging a Talisman
  9. Recapitulation
  10. A List of Recommended Reading

Brief Summary

Anybody picking up this book, expecting the typical cookbook approach to building talismanic items will be surprised to find a minimal amount of that information. This book was published ahead of the rest (1973) and is more concerned with the occult workings behind talismanic magic. In fact, this title picks up where Ophiel left off from "The Art & Practice of the Occult," discussing in some detail the workings of the four elements that are the foundation of the entire Physical Plane Universe. He also has a few chapters on Astral Light and how it pertains to talismans. Much of the basic information about the mechanics of talisman construction can be found in the four-volume edition of Israel Regardie's "The Complete Golden Dawn." However, Ophiel does devote some time to discussing the three types of talismanic symbols used (astrological, elemental, and planetary) and useful information, like how to charge them. Lots of occult information in this one.

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