The Art & Practice of Clairvoyance

Peach Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN, 1969.
ISBN# ??

This book is out of print.


  1. You are Naturally Clairvoyant
  2. Categories of Physical Existence
  3. Rising on the Planes
  4. "Sticky" Lines of Astral Matter
  5. "General" Clairvoyance
  6. Special Clairvoyance
  7. Divine Clairvoyance: Illumination
  8. The Body of Light and the God Images
  9. The Astral Light
  10. Counterparts and the "Other" World
  11. The Qabalistic Cross Ritual for Special Clairvoyant Vision
  12. Semi-Physical Types of Clairvoyance
  13. The Two Minds

THE STAR was the Tarot card Ophiel assigned to this book.

This book delves into Caballa concepts, starting by defining the correspondences with the Sephiroth. Ophiel discusses a technique he calls "rising on the planes," a term used by other occult groups, and perhaps with a slightly different interpretation. Ophiel's "Rising on the Planes" is about integrating the step-down (in this case, step-up) power hierarchy of the Tree of Life as a tool for understanding matters occult. This whole concept is possibly an extension of his description of the Tetragramaton, Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh (Y-H-V-H), which was dealt with in "The Art & Practice of the Occult." Ophiel defines Y-H-V-H as THE process of the universe. Each Hebrew letter symbolizes an object, a thing, plus a number. The Yod is a hand, Heh a window, and Vau a nail. Each of the four letters corresponds to an element, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth respectively. And, of course, the four worlds of the Caballa.

Book Summary

Rather than total dedication to one topic, this book covers a lot of ground on a range of [related] topics. Ophiel believed that a natural clairvoyance (clair = light, voyance = seeing) could be developed by focusing one's needs on what area of the Tree (Caballa) that need is best expressed. A more simplistic form of clairvoyance are the hunches we get, when we just know something is true. All of the physical world can be categorized on the Tree, based on the planetary attributes of the sephiroth. For instance, all issues of communication, the mind, etc. would be attributed to the god Mercury, represented on the Tree as the eighth sphere, Hod. Many books on the basics of the Caballa (in all its spelling variances) are readily available. When Ophiel was writing, Israel Regardie's books were about as good as they got, and they are still solid books. "The Garden of Pomegranates" and "The Tree of Life" are two that deal exclusively with the Kabalah. Dion Fortune's "The Mystical Kabalah" is highly regarded still today as a basic introduction to the ten sephiroth, and was recommended reading by Ophiel.

The sephiroth are described in Ophiel's book, one by one, and what each sphere governs on the physical plane. Astral Light gets some ink-dedication in this book, more of further thoughts on it. Max Freedom Long is discussed, the man who scribed the workings of the Kahuna magic system back in the 1930s. The Long books are mentioned in numerous places throughout Ophiel's writing and were obviously instrumental in his, Ophiel's, understanding of how 'things' worked.

Other topics include chakras, crystal balls and other gaizing devices, psychometry, magic mirrors, etc. He also discusses the relationship of the Inner and Outer worlds, and correlates them to mirror-image Trees. Also, instructions for the traditional Qabalistic Cross are outlined in this book.

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