The Art & Practice of Caballa Magic

Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, MA. 1976.

ISBN# 0-87728-303-6.

This book is out of print.


Chapters only listed as Numbers and Prefaces to Chapters

Book Summary

This is Ophiel's book that describes the caballah (with various spellings, though Ophiel preferred this one.) Today, bookshelves in decent occult book sections are filled with books referring to the Caballa but that was not the case in 1976 when this book came out.

Besides a basic introduction to the ten sephiroth on the tree and their planetary assignments, Ophiel includes more information about the elements and how Fire, Air, and Water relate to the three columns on the Tree and how the four elements are represented by the four tiers on the Tree when considered horizontally, comprised of three triad of spheres (see below) plus Malkuth, the Kingdom.

  1. Kether/Chokmah/ Binah
  2. Chesed/Geburah/Tiphareth
  3. Netzach/Hod/Yesod
  4. Malkuth

He also discusses in more detail the elements, particularly the division of each element into sub-divisions, for example Fire, into the Fire of Fire, the Air of Fire, the Water of Fire, and the Earth of Fire. This book, along with his books "The Art & Practice of the Occult" and "The Art & Practice of Talismanic Magic" give a pretty decent understanding of Ophiel's concept of the elements. He did delve into even more detail in his private lessons, the Foundations of Occult Knowledge.

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