Guest comments on the Matterhorn

My sister and I usually ran around the park together.... and I was the evil 
one of the two.  I loved to ride the Matterhorn and a couple of other 
E-ticket rides. However, the lines were gawd-awful long. So, being 
resourceful.... ok, sneaky... I would find those spots where the que fences
broke and were "sealed" by just a chain. I would then proceed to find a 
young adult couple where were more interested in talking to each other than
in watching how the line was moving......then I would "drop" my ticket book 
inside the chain, bend over to pick it up, and just "naturally" stand up 
and viola! I was WAYYYyyyyy in front of the mile-long line! My sister, of 
course, would then join me. In all the times we used that bit, I never had 
a complaint..... except from some kids that saw it once, but they were 
ahead of us in line by about 50 people, so they weren't around long.  Ok, 
so I was evil! I was 9!

Laura, [email protected]

Matterhorn bobsled


The photograph is from Walt Disney's pictorial souvenir book of Disneyland, page 9.
Updated: November 4, 2001

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