Oonagh's Ramblings  

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Better late than never ....

02 September 2006, Baronial change over.

Our fair Barony saw the change of our 3rd Baron and Baroness to our 4th Baron and Baroness, Their Excellencies, Alessandro of Florence and Isobel le Bretoun.


21 October 2006

Small update to my wardrobe.  See it here.


03 September 2006

I have finished my jerkin, and worn it.  I had a wonderful night out with my friends and apprentices.  See the jerkin finished and worn here.

I have also created a small page on Venetian hair styles.  A short how to.


30 August 2006

After a two year break form my jerkin project, I have recommenced it.  Updates on this page.


01 August 2006

It has been a while since I did anything new on my web page.  Babies, family and university studies tend to take priority, as they should.

Ashleigh is now 8 months old and into everything.  I have cut my maternity leave short, so I am back studying.  "An introduction to textile history", is what drew me back early.  How could I resist?

Whilst perusing the delights of the university libraries I have discovered a few new images.  New to my eyes at least.

I have a few more and will upload them as I have more time.      



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All intellectual content, composition, layout, designs and photographs, unless otherwise noted are copyright 2007 to Deborah Lane ©, or, copyright 2003 to Deborah Murray © also known as Mistress Oonagh O'Neill ©. All Original renaissance art works and artefacts are not copyright to Deborah Murray, and are shown for educational use only .  If you see something you'd really like to use, please contact me!

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