Oonagh's Ramblings  

News and Updates


15 December 2004

My German Gown is going to a new home in New Zealand.  A loving husband is purchasing it for his wife for Christmas.  I hope that she enjoys it as much as I did the first time I wore it.

I suppose that means I have more room in my wardrobe now for new creations.


08 December 2004

Updated my green skirt and bodice makeover  with the addition of another Venetian dress image that shows regional adaptations.


30 November 2004

I picked up my Byzantine Art final essay and Tutorial Presentation papers, and my Art In its Context final essay paper today.  Both Byzantine Art papers earned me Distinctions, and a Credit for my Art and its Context paper.  I am a very happy little bunny tonight.  Hot, but happy.  

Now I just have to write my anthropology paper and I am finished University for the year.

For now it is back to the sewing.

Oh and my face is almost normal again.  My eye is still not working properly and my hearing is whacked out, but for the most part I at least look normal again.


13 November 2004

I have a photo of me in my green skirt and bodice remade into a casual Venetian.


11 November 2004

My green skirt and bodice remake into a Venetian is finished.


08 November 2004

After having spent several house in hospital yesterday, my face has not improved and my left eye is becoming a little stressed at not being able to close properly on its own.  That being the case reading is not a good thing for me at the moment so I am feeling some what frustrated.  My speech has taken a slight decline also.  What does that all mean?  I am going to have a very quiet day/night doing very little.


07 November 2004

The underwear workshop went really well.  7 ladies turned up and learnt how simple a chemise can be and still be true to what we do.

Mio fabuloso Ragazzo took absolutely wonderful care of me today, Thank you !!  I am looking forward to having my face back soon.


06 November 2004

Mio fabuloso Ragazzo took some photos for me of my loose gown being worn in a casual way whilst strolling the gardens of Mio Villa. What's more the colour combination is this seasons fashion colours, really!  


04 November 2004

I have started a diary for the remake of a set of green clothing into a Venetian dress.  See it now.

I am in the process of moving all the underpinning related information to a new site, Technically Naked.


03 November 2004

I have Finished the loose gown


02 November 2004

I have the loose gown cut out and sewn into one piece. Hand sewing now... So now it is on hold until I have my essays finished for university.  Photos will follow, I promise.

Photos of the Loose gown as it was this morning.  A small diary.


01 November 2004

I had a brain snap last night.  I decided that I NEEDED a loose gown, NOW!!!  So I started patterning out one.  I decided to work a pattern to my fabric rather strictly to the pattern.  I am basing it on the pattern for a Loose Gown from the Milanese Tailors book.  I have long wanted to make this loose gown.  

I am recycling sleeves that I had made years ago to accompany some of my Elizabethan bodices.  My biggest hurdle is choosing braid to go with the gown.  These things are notoriously thirsty on braid.


14 October 2004

A special light in my life went out today.  For 15+ years our cat Tigger has given us much love and held a special place in our lives.  Today as a result of kidney failure precipitated by a mild stroke our insane, three legged little Tigger, with only 2 volumes, on and off, passed away.  

My son Nathaniel grew up with Tigger who was more family than just a pet.  He came into my life shortly after I moved to Canberra.  He was born in a garden shop, and always loved putting himself into a position to be noticed.  He loved sitting amongst the flowers, or a pile of soft toys, or amongst the Christmas wrapping paper.  Tigger had us well trained, he seemed to always be on the wrong side of a door, and we obediently opened these incorrectly adjusted doors for him.  

Recently Tigger adopted Mio Ragazzo, Michael as his favourite person in the world.  On occasions Tigger hoped into Michaels car and asked him to take him home with him.  Thankfully Michael didn't take him home.  Tigger had to just wait for Michaels next visit and make do with Nathaniel and myself to love him in between times.

Nathaniel said his goodbyes to Tigger amongst the flowers today.  I was with him when he died.  He will now have all his legs, be in a field of flowers, have a full bowl of food and water, and never be on the wrong side of a door again.

Nathaniel with Tigger 14 October 2004

05 October 2004

The Loose Gown documentation page is updated along with some new images of extant loose gowns and a pattern from the time.



10 days and still 4 assignments ... should have one finished today.


27 September 2004

I spent the day in at university, first day back and I was sick, cough cough.  Class Notes for the Underwear Collegium are now available online.


21 September 2004

I spent the day in at university.  Wow I have so much to do in the next month it isn't funny.  No more on the web page, or my sewing until my work is finished. My jerkin is going to have to be on hold for a little white I think.

I dyed my cream pomegranate brocade with navy today.  I might have gone a little over board with the dye.  Because it is a poly cotton the poly doesn't usually take up the dye.  I used 3 bottles of Rit instead of the 1.5 needed to ensure the strength of  the colour.  Well this time the poly dyed also.  It is a lovely colour, a kind of silvery blue with a very deep almost black navy,  but not what I was after in a bi colour effect like I achieved with my gold brocade.


20 September 2004

Updated The Importance of Boning page with the addition of line images of my boning patterns for bodices. 


19 September 2004

The Education pages have been updated to show photos of the Underwear Collegium, AKA The Naked Laurel, ran today.  Scary stuff!!  You have been warned.


17 September 2004

My Blue Jerkin diary is on hold for a short while.  I have hurt my hand and need to rest it.

I have added 2 more images to the jerkin documentation page.

Also 6 images to the Loose Gown documentation page with one completely new image.



16 September 2004

Update on my Blue Jerkin diary.

15 September 2004

Another new page.  Loose gowns.  6 new images.  Enjoy!!

Progress images in my Blue Jerkin diary.


14 September 2004

Mio fabuloso Ragazzo has again given me information to improve the page.  On the front page there is a ribbon of images.  Now if you want to you can use these as short cuts to the page about that image.

Cut the toile for my jerkin last night.  Will do more work on it today after I have written up my notes for the underwear collegium on Sunday. Hopefully I will remember to load up the images thus far.


13 September 2004

Added the documentation for a jerkin to be worn with Venetian dress.  2 new images.

Started the dress diary for the Blue Jerkin to be worn with the Brown and Blue gown.


12 September 2004

New format when moving between pages of my web site.  As you click to open a new page it will pup up as a new window so you wont have to reload the original page if you decide to close the one just opened.  

Mio fabuloso Ragazzo showed me how to do this, and it was so simple.  He also gave me some hints and tips for more effective webbing, this hopefully means that pages will load faster for you the viewer.

I loaded up the Corset page for the Gruesome Truth.  This means now there is greater documentation for each stage of dress displayed thus far.


10 September 2004

Finished my exams and essays today, so I started on extensions to the web site.  My Gruesome Truth page has extra information hanging off it now.  Underskirts and Partletts join the Chemise and Smock extensions.  More will follow.

I have delved into my data bases of Venetian images and decided to web some of them.  There are now 12 new images on these new pages.  Plus one last week on the Gruesome Truth page.


08 September 2004

Restructured Venetian Dress and Accessories.


08 September 2004

My Art history tutorial was today for Art & its Context: Materials, Techniques, Display.  

My subject was; From any one burial ensemble of your choice, what evidence can you adduce that patrons/artists/architects had any sensitivity to existing contexts to which they wished to add? I chose to look at The burial gown of Eleonora de Toledo from de Medici burials.  

Well as you might expect I wore my Toledo gown.  It is definitely one way to get the classes attention.  I am very proud of being able to wear that dress again.  I had put on weight since I made it and it no longer fit.  It was going to be remade into a Venetian, but I have lost at least 12 cm around my torso and it now fits again.  Any way, the tutorial seemed to go ok.  It's hard to tell with that particular lecturer he's a bit hard to deal with at times.  I will get my mark back after the mid semester break in 3 weeks.  

But regardless of the mark, I am a winner because my gown fits again.  One of my other lecturers noticed me and made some lovely comments about the outfit that really made my day.


06 September 2004

I finally have a linen chemise.  For years I have been collecting linen to make a handful of linen chemise especially for the hotter weather but have never quite got around to it.  Well as I have a tutorial presentation for university on Tuesday, 08 September 2004, and the chemise I would normally wear with my Toledo Gown is with a friend, I decided to make a new one.  I Ironed about 20 metres of linen before I decided on which piece I would use.  

I have a set of cuffs in antique lace I bought from an antique dealer some years back and this was the prefect opportunity to put them to good use. The pattern isn't too far removed from time appropriate patterns and is far better than some of the commercial laces available. The colour of the linen and the lace matched perfectly.

The chemise itself is based on Dorothy K. Burnham survey of a 17th century Italian chemise from the Victoria and Albert Museum as seen in her book Cut My Cote.  This is a documented chemise very similar in appearance to the 16th chemise found in the the Metropolitan Museum of Art. For more information on Chemise Click here.



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All intellectual content, composition, layout, designs and photographs, unless otherwise noted are copyright 2007 to Deborah Lane ©, or, copyright 2003 to Deborah Murray © also known as Mistress Oonagh O'Neill ©. All Original renaissance art works and artefacts are not copyright to Deborah Murray, and are shown for educational use only .  If you see something you'd really like to use, please contact me!

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