From Where Do I Know Them?

Have it ever happened to you when you saw a movie and you see an actor/actress and you know you know him/her from some place but you can't put you finger on it? And then you find out he/she was in OLTL. Sometimes it happens backwards when you see the show and you say to yourself: "I'm sure I saw this actor/actress before". Here you will find what the all the actors and actresses that were in OLTL did before, while and after they were in OLTL.

If you see the word HELP! That means I couldn't find anything else the person did besides his/her role in OLTL. If you have a picture of any actor/actress I don't please tell me or if you have a picture of someone from his/her time in OLTL also tell me. If you like to add a role, a person or anything else just drop me an E-Mail and I'll get back to you.

The actors are in an alphabetical order. Here it is:

If you want information about the characters and not about the actors who played them go to Amanda's OLTL's Characters List and you'll get all the answers you need.

Some of the information was taken from the Internet Movie Database, some from me and some from other places in the web. The pictures are from ABC site, Llanview Online, my dear friend Amanda Martin (who sent me a lot of the picture you see in here), Ken from the OLTL - history pages (who sent also alot of pics too), OLTL - a history in pictures, Angela's IMHO page and NBC site.

More Credits...

Thanks alot to:
Beth Porchey - her ideas and also for the pictures of Chip Lucia, Holly Gagnier and Joe Gallison which I took from her site Beth's DOOL Page.
Ace - for alot of her pictures (between them: Elaine Stritch, Abe Vigoda, Henry Darrow, Tyler Noyes...) The Fiona Fest Page
Becky - info about Kristen Allen
Marcello - the pics of Ton O'Rouke and Margaret Gwenver
Pat - info about Joe Lando
Eddie Drueding - his pictures of Maeve McGuire, Robert Hogan, Anna Kathryn Holbrook and Hillary Scott. The AW Home Page
Susan Patterson - info about Kathleen Devine
Eric - info about Dorothy Rohm.
Gerri Sutyak Owens - info about her husband Timothy Owens.
Jim Armstrong - his pictures of Mark Arnold, Stephen Meadows and Nicolas Coster Jim's Santa Barbara Page.
Angela X- For her pictures of Lisa Richards and Joanne Dorian. Dark Shadows Page Another DS Page
Mike - Pictures of Peter Matthey & Jeremy Slate Soap Thoughts
Denise - info about Lee Warrick.
Hilary Holland-Crain - for her info about her brohter Neail and her godmother Augusta Dabney.
Christie Snow - Info about Jeff Bankert.
Debbie Taylor - Info about Ken Meeker and Stephen Meadows.
Kathy - info about TK other roles.
Mark - Info about Steve Fletcher
Sharonie - Info about Elizabeth Rohm
Jo Shewbridge - Info about Lee Warrik
Mike Helba - for his help with Michael O'Hare, Joshua Cox, and John Vickery. Babylon 5 Page
Mary (Miss Swan) - the picture of Laurie Kennedy. Swans Crossing
Kathryn Johnson - info about Scott Cohen.
Ellie Finch - info about Mark Goddard.
Traci Gilson - information about Erika Page's engagement.
Jessy Lossie - information about Samuel Ball.
Darcy - the picture of Maureen Anderman.
Reva DeMartino - info and pictures of David Fumero and Jason Shane Scott
Sally Wilson - information about Matthew Ashford and also the pictures of him and Grayson Hall. (The Matthew Ashford Page)

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