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“Torn And Tied”

Written by David Derrick,

Jared Tuten, Kyle Ellison,

And Sims Ellison

         Killingbird Music (ASCAP)

Performanced By Pariah


To Mock a Killingbyrd

Courtesy by Pariah

Produced by Tom Werman


“Mumbo Jumbo”

Written by Don Leady

And Keith Ferguson

LeRay Music/Bug Music (BMI)

Performanced by Tail Gators


Mumbo Jumbo

Cortesy Wrestler Records

Produced by Mike Stewart,

Don Leady, and Geoff Cordner


“Tornado Warning”

Writen by Erik Moll

Erik Moll Music (ASCAP)

Performanced by Erik & Erik


Erik & Erik

Courtesy Fire Ant Records

Produced By Erik Moll &

Erik Hokkanen


“I Got It Make”

Written by Phil Owens,

Billy Jackson, Lance Von Moulder,

Chris Chambers and Keith Daley

Fear Notthing Music/Windswpt

Pacific Music (ASCAP)


Stupied People Shouldn’t Breed

Cortesy Megaforce Worldwide


Produced by The Skatenings



Written by Richard Johnson

And Randy Cox

Dew Claw Music (BMI)

Performanced by

Blind Willie’s Johnson


Fish Head

Courtesy Gaping Maw Records

Produced by Seth Tiven

And Lars Goransson


Written By Jo Carol Pierce

Lucky Nakeedress Music (BMI)

Performanced by The loose Diamonds


Across the Great Divide

Courtesy Dejadisc Records

The Loose Diamonds Appear

Courtesy Dos Records

Produced by Jud Newcomb


“Love To Turn You On”

Written by David Derrick,

Jared Tolen, Kyle Ellison

And Sims Ellison

Killingbyrd Music (ASCAP)

Performanced by Pariah


To Mock a Killingbyrd

Courtesy Geffen Records

Produced by Tom Werman


“Careless Soul”

Wrintten by J.H. Stanley

Eternal Yip-Eye Music (BMI)

Performanced by Daniel Johnston



Courtesy Shimmydisc Records

Produced by kramer


“Milky Way Jive”

Written by Eric Moll

Erik Hokkanen Music (BMI)

Performanced by Erik & Erik


Erik & Erik

Courtesy Fire Ant Records

Produced By Erik Moll

& Erik Hokkanen



Written by Anthony Park,

Will Hoffman, Howard Behrens

And Patrick Fogarty

Stinky Stank Music (BMI)

Performanced by Pushmonkey



Courtesy Sector II Records

Produced by Dave Eaton


“Don’t Tell Your Mama,

Don’t Tell Your Papa”

Written by Beau Jocques

Beau Jocques Music/

Happy Valley Music (BMI)

Performanced by Beau Jocques

And the Zydeco Hi-Rollers


Pick Up On This!

Courtesy Rounder Records

Produced by Scott Billington


“Going Down To Rub’s”

Written by Erik Hokkanen

Erick Hokkasen Music

Performanced by Eril & Erik


Erik & Erik

Courtesy Fire Ant Records

Produced by Erik Moll

& Erik Hokkanen


“Corazon de Piedra”

Trad./Arranged by

Santiago Jimenez, Jr.


Corazon de Piedra

Courtesy Watermelon Records

Produced By Santiago Jimenez, Jr.



Written by Lynn Keller

Mystic Disco Ball Music (BMI)

Performanced by Cecilia Saint

Produced and Arranged by

William Newbaues


“Dandelion Wine”

Written by Paul Cullum

And Rich Brotherton

Neology Music/ Rich Brotherton

Music (BMI)

Performanced by Kelly Willis,

Rich Brotherton, John Ludwick

And Don Harvey

Produced by Rich Brotherston and

Paul Cullum

“Der Einzingerweg”

Lyrics by Deborah Harry

And Robert Jacks

Music by Deborah Harry,

Robert Jaks, Kaye Klier and

Sterling Price-McKinney

Lovely Music (ASCAP)

Performanced by Deborah Harry,

Robert Jaks, Kaye Klier

And Sterling Price-McKinney

Produced by Spot

And Robert Jacks

“Red Temple Prayer


Written by Roky Ericson

Doug Sahm Music (BMI)

Performanced by Roky Ericson

Courtesy DougSahm

And Mars Records

Produced by Doug Sahm



Written, Performanced and Produced

By Russ C. Smith

Visual Sounds Music (BMI)

Courtesy Chocolate Records


“Blue Moon At Dawn”

Written by Carey Bowman

And Jeanette Ward

Monkey’s Paw Music (BMI)

Performanced by

The Coffee Sergeants


Moonlight Towers

Courtesy Dejadisc Records

Produced by Stuart Sullivan

And Carey Bowman


“The Wolf At Night”

Written by Eric Hokkanen

Erik Hokkanen Music (BMI)

Performanced by Erik & Erik


Erik & Erik

Courtesy Fire An Records

Produced by Erik Moll

& Erik Hokkanen


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