Documentation of the Development Process:

For my final project, I decided to create a site that specializes in selling socccer jerseys. I intentionally did not want the site to have a lot of pages, as I find some soccer sites have too many pages and too much information and sometimes, it is distracting me from my original intention of shopping. I also created content in the form of a clickable hyperlink image to add relevancy to one of the products being offered, however, the mp4 was too large to upload; included a link to it instead. Also, in the new products, I included a jersey of a new arrival.

I created four additional pages with links to them. The visitor will be able to find them in the top right and bottom menus, making a total of five distinct pages. Also, In the About Page, clicking on the SoccerStore image on the top left will take the visitor back to the home page. In the Contact.html I added a table for the contact information, as well as form button, where the visitor can enter his/her information.

Defense of the Final Product:

For this page I wanted to include some soccer jerseys in the main page. I wanted the main page to be easy on the eyes, without a lot of information and colors. I wanted to include the jerseys in the main page in the main body, with a side navigation bar with drop down buttons linking to pages from other sites related to soccer. Since the main page does not have a lot of text, I included inline-css in the About page instead.

I chose white background color because in my opinion, looks more professional and the white background color would be a nice compliment to the soccer jersey colors. Also, the fonts I chose were the ones that looked like a nice compliment to the background color. I was experimenting with other fonts that I found them too distracting; often causing to spend more time looking at the font that at the information I was actually presenting. The side navigation bar was light gray because I thought it would go well with the white background color and black font; it would not contrast too much. I find that where there are too many colors it can cause the visitor to constatly have to adjust to the different color palettes, so I chose colors that would blend well.

If I had more time, I would try to get some of my original java scripts to work together with the main product. Initially, I wanted a slideshow with the products and also, a button pop up with e-mails and possibly alerts for sales and other information. When I applied the java scripts to the page, they messed the position of the jerseys and/or appeared on top of the jerseys. Also, the slideshop text was usually not centered, as I would like. Also, I had a hard time trying to create a java script for the shopping cart. It looked very interesting, but once again the jerseys were too big. Perhaps with more time and access to information I could have nailed it down.

Whether you are a casual fan or an avid 'football' connoisseur, The Soccer Store is here for you!

© 2018 Omar Anaya, LLC