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Name: Carlo Varona Gayatao

Age: 19 yrs.old

Birthday: January 01 , 1997

Address: Pucatud, Payao ,Binalbagan , Negros Occidental

Contact Number: 0948-627-1011

About me

I am Carlo Gayatao lived at brgy. Payao Binalbagan Negros Occidental
a college boy and I love watching sci,fi movies.i can describe myself
as a good boy I always do thingswith love and neatness. I am good at
cooking but also I had more knowledge about computers.And I want to be
a computer specialist someday that�s my dream . But also I play outdoor
activities like ,ball games but I am best at playing chess and other
thinking and strategic games. I respect the way they are, all of it!

I have nice family and I love it! I have 3 brothers and 1 younger sister
I am the second of the five siblings of Mr. Edwin Gayatao and Mrs. Salvacion Gayatao.
My grandpa is dead but grandma is alive and in a good condition she always talk about
early thins like dates back World War II and also at Martial Law(can�t relate) .

My favorite hobbies are watching robotic movies like Transformers, Gundam ,also Iron Man,
and also doing hardworks in my house like fetching water, looking for firewoods and most of all
arranging my stuff so that I love to look it everyday. And most of all if, I had time to spare
I do study about computers to learn more about it.

Educational Background and Experiences

Experience school at the age 3 at a baptist school, located at Payao, a barangay
found in Binalbagan. There in early age I have engaged in a tough education.
And still I graduated with honors. Elementary years is one of my wonderful
years there I have found a lot , to be free ,found hope and to love to find me
and most of all improve the value of competence. I am always at honor but,
when years past my excitement came down. Every year I had my medals but, I
have replace competence with freindship and I have lost my chance to be an honor
student .I got the 11th rang during grade 5 and 13th at grade 6 but that was nothing
on me, because those years is worth than having a medal.

High school, I have driven myself more encourage during my first year in high
school at SAN BLAS ACADEMY. I gain honor but unlucky I haven't got on stage, some
misinformation. Those years in high school is very amazing. During my last year
I have join a delegate, to escort foreign visitors from australia. There mission is
to know what kind of culture does phillipine have. They last only a week but, the bond
will last forever. They call us "BUDDY" and same to them , my buddy was Manuel Castillo
a half spanish and a half australian. I had a very difficult time on him but still I can
manage the guy. I graduated only with ribbon and, during those years I am very
interested in computers and I love it.Know I am third year in college persuing my job
as information technology student . During the first and second year it was tough and
hard but I still.manage it and I learn more about my profesion someday. Here at
Binalbagan Catholic College, I have mold myself for who am I for the next incoming years
Still exploring and looking for something that could make me happy in my college life.

Hobbies and Pastime

When I finish my work , or task
I'll find my pastime .But before that
mywork in my house is is to cook food
from breakfast done to dinner and sometimes
when my father is at home I've always had a
hard time he command what sould i do.
but my very love is to get firewood but
now i often done it .

And my favorite pastime to do is to play chess
and making art . I use the SKITCH App to draw simple things like this......

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Little bit cool right ?.....

I like also listening to music
electronic , rock and songs that could
make me fall asleep.
And thats it i'd like to fall asleep
only on saturdays and sundays .

And last i play Chess after dinner, a friend of
mine go to my house with a chess bord and shing........
we play till 11:00pm up.

that's it i play also outdoor games in very
often times

Thank's for reading my Portfolio A project to Mr. Gilbert Calderon MCSC
by Carlo Gayatao BSIT-3b Student of Binalbagan Catholic College