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More on Tunguska (including TUNGUSKA 2001 conference), and other items in the A. Ol'khovatov homepage directory:

The last update: February 4, 2000.


Krasnoyarsk (Russia), June 30 - July 2, 1998

On June 30 - July 2, 1998 the International Conference "90-TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE TUNGUSKA PROBLEM" was held in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
The main purpose of the conference was to summ up the 90 years of the research of the 1908 Tunguska event and to discuss a possible role of Tunguska-like events in the past and in the future. Besides Russians, representatives from USA, UK, Italy, Japan attended the conference. A few dozens reports were delivered. Some of them were strictly scientific, some less. The ideas about the Tunguska origin varies from versions of 'classic' meteorite to UFO and 'poltergeist-like'. Some new and interesting preliminary data on a field research appeared. After the conference a trip to the Tunguska epicenter took place. The conference was widely popularized by Russian TV, newspapers, etc.. The Proceedings of the conference are to be published soon.

Here I'd like to comment some abstracts of the conference, which you can find below.
I begin with the only attempt to criticize the tectonic interpretation of the Tunguska (see a link to my article nearby). Alekseev V.A. mentioned in his abstract that "We have produced direct proof that the Tunguska explosion is not the result of a tectonic event." At the conference he has presented the "proof". It was a few words that the shape of the Tunguska forest fall can't be produced by an earthquake (apparently he was hinting on seismic waves action). And indeed, the forest fall hardly could be produced by seismic waves action, even taking into account that during the last years earthquakes with isotropic (i.e. non-double-couple) mechanism were revealed in volcanic regions. But how does it relate with the tectonic interpretation? Those, who read about it, are aware that it doesn't assign the forest fall to the seismic waves action (but the waves could play some small role, of course). So this the only "argument" against the tectonic interpretation of the Tunguska is to be rejected, as having nothing to do with it.
Bidyukov B.F. attracts attention to the problem of thermo-luminiscent anomalies in the Tunguska epicentral area, which, in his opinion, point to radioactivity. I'd like to remark that the tectonic interpretation of the Tunguska easily explains the anomalies as produced by electric discharges. The probable role of the latter in Tunguska is supported by Galantsev's G.P. laboratory research, which produced some Tunguska-like tree-burn by electric discharges (at the conference Galantsev G.P. pointed out that the discharges could be tectonic origin).
For those, who are interested in astroblemes, it could be interested to read the Khryanina L.P. abstract on finding of shock-metamorphism in Tunguska epicenter rocks (in quartz, in general). So, despite she never visited the epicenter, she proposed that it was not a paleovolcano, but an ancient meteoritic crater. Here I can just say that results of all geological reseaches of the epicenter leave no doubt that it is a paleovolcano - a part of paleovolcanic complex (see, for example, Sapronov N.L. et al. abstracts), which is situated practically right in the center of the Tunguska geocon (see the Zherebchenko I.P. abstract).
Lavbin Yu.D. has illustrated his reports at the conference by videoes of "Tunguska-like" damage traces in various parts of Krasnoyarsk region. If his preliminary data be confirmed, it would be a one more large problem for the meteorite interpretation of the Tunguska (and no problem for the "tectonic Tunguska").
There are several abstracts on (let me call them) mini-Tunguskas of terrestrial origin. Mason H. describes the 1993 West Australian event, Tagliaferri E. et al. describe the 1996 Honduran event. Free D.L. presents some general information on meteor-like phenomena geophysical origin.

In general, the idea that the Tunguska was a terrestrial origin became rather popular at the conference (there are about a ten abstracts related with the terrestrial origin).

Much more information on Tunguska you can find at my (i.e. Andrei Ol'khovatov) www-site directory .

Here are abstracts of the conference below. I got the English version from Novosibirsk, Russia. They were transformed from WORD97-file into the text one, so some mathematical signs etc. can be missed, or distorted. Also I was not able to correct all possible misprints/mistakes.




N. B. Abramov, I. K. Doroshin, O. I. Klykov, V. O. Krasavchikov, D. V. Yashkov

Tomsk, Russia

It is known that after the Tunguska meteorite explosion radial fall out of the trees in the area occurred and the forest fire started. It is obvious that by having defined accurate borders of the fire, its intensity and the direction in which the fire sp read out, we can determine the zone of original ignition and accordingly, the power of the irradiated energy of explosion. The methods of the work were as follows: on the sample area 20x20 m we found 5 larches with burn marks and defined the year of the damage, that is - of the fire. If only on one tree we found signs of 1908 fire, we concluded that catastrophic fire took place in this area. Then the azimuth of the burn mark was measured and height at which the burn mark was encountered. We then describ ed the surface vegetation cover, terrain relief and the accurate coordinates. Then we took a cross-section sample of the tree with a burn mark. After it had been dried and the cross section thoroughly polished, the year of a fire was identified once more . By this technique we studied more than 200 lots. As of today we can present the following results: The forest fire was not characterized by �classical� form of spreading, that is: by a continuous front, less intensive wings and weakly intensive rear. The most probable scenario is that it started in the whole territory simultaneously. The area of the w ood fire correlates with the area of felled trees. It is possible that the �butterfly wings� shape of the radial felled trees area may have been influenced by an earlier, pre-catastrophe fire. At least the North East �wing� definitely coincides with the border of 1908 and pre-catastrophe fires. The �Tunguska meteorite� explosion eyewitnesses� accounts that describe the forest fire in the areas at a considerable distance from its epicentral location are not a fantasy, as it had been stated before. The fact that the traces of such a fire had not been evident is explained by the earlier 1884 - 1891 fire, that had destroyed the forest vegetation cover and as a result the possibility the 1908 fire spreading.


V. I. Avinsky

Non-Traditional Investigations Center �Alpha�, The Samara UFO Club, �Association of Ancient Astronauts�, Russia

Passions surrounding the Tunguska phenomenon that took place 90 years ago still run high. Purely astronomical hypotheses (the culprit being a meteorite or comet) do not satisfy many investigators who continue to propose new models of this event. No one h as yet been able to put forward forcible arguments to disprove the suppositions made by the science-fiction writer A. P. Kazantsev of a spaceship explosion and the astronomer F. U. Ziegel�s idea of the explosion of an experimental probe, made for some un known purpose. We will make an attempt to come closer to an understanding of this purpose. We must note that the investigators confined themselves to the study of atmospheric and surface phenomena. Moreover, the Tunguska phenomenon was investigated as an isolated event. In our research an attempt has been made to consider the Tunguska explosion from the point of view of a geologist and ufologist and to compare it with several other anomalous phenomena: ancient megalites, cornfield circles and UFO activity. A fundamentally new instrument of analysis is the frame alpha-pentastructure of nature that we have discovered. The Tunguska explosion proved to have taken place exactly on the axis of the Asian edge of the Avinsky spherotoid in one of the active centers of the planet, located at the latitude of the mantle D1. It is known that the shape of the Earth is far from perfect and it has several humps and dents. It has been found that these geoid humps and dents also lie exactly along the spheropentoid axis. Wh at is more, the highest level of the geoid (or ocean) has been recorded around the British Isles and around Japan, and the biggest dent stretches from the Indian Ocean through �the Tunguska taiga to the Arctic Ocean. These facts prompted a study of other global geological peculiarities of the Tunguska catastrophe area. It is only here that unique basalth magma ladder formations have developed. It is here that a strong negative anomaly of the magnetic field, a negativ e anomaly of gravitation, a higher heat flow and a mantle substance of higher density are found. It has been noted for the first time that the explosion occurred over relatively plastic rock formations between rigid sialic nuclei. And finally, the epicen tre of the explosion coincided with the intersection of three large linear breaks and the crater of an ancient volcano. The solidified magma rocks of the volcano present a perfect conductor of the explosion energy waves into the mantle. Thus, with the help of the spheropentoid, a �magic crystal�, it is possible to link the Tunguska catastrophe with the global geo-dynamics of the planet and come closer to the answer to the question: what was the aim or purpose of this super-explosion? Th is question has not so far been asked by scientists. We can suppose that the Tunguska explosion was made by unknown intelligent powers, to make corrections in the shape of the planet, to reduce the ocean humps around the British Isles and the European seashores, as well as around Japan. In other words, the Tunguska explosion had prevented a new Great Flood, which could have been achieved by infusion of 11-dimensional field energy of a superpower into the Earth�s mantle. There appears a chance to give a basically new answer to the three sacramental questions: why are there so many megalites in England, why does somebody leave mysterious circles in the fields, most frequently again in England, and why do the many UFOs not leave us alone in peace? The main purpose of the megalites, in our opinion, was to serve as a life-support system for ancient civilizations. They could serve (and, perhaps, still serve) as acupuncture needles regulating the abyssal energy to prevent the sea encroachment on the l and. Today�s most intricate figures in the fields should be regarded as traces of external energy pumping into some special points for stabilization, �freezing� of deep tectonic shifts. As far as the UFOs are concerned, the unknown intelligent forces can ensure a global ecological technology with a view to preserving civilization on earth.


V.A. Alekseev

Russian Federation State Scientific Center, Troitzkiy Institute for Innovation and Thermonuclear Research (TRINITI); Troitzk, Moscow region, Russia.

We adduce proofs of explosive origin of the fragments found previously after the Tunguska explosion, the data received from experiments. [1] The method of combinational light scattering was used to study burns on trees. The aim is to reveal differences between burns caused by forest fire and burns caused by fast heat or plasma shock. Is �warm� nuclear synthesis possible? Modeling conditions, similar to the process of Tunguska explosion give a positive answer. In buried peat layers in the vicinity of the Tunguska phenomenon, it would be useful to organize a search for aromatic organic compounds (for example, benzopyrene) since the presence of such substances can be used as an indicator of this or that composit ion of volatile gases, escaped in the moment of the explosion. Laboratory modeling being carried out by us suggests high efficiency of such indication. We have produced direct proof that the Tunguska explosion is not the result of a tectonic event. References: [1] Alekseev V. A. New Aspects of the Tunguska Meteorite Problem. Planet. Space. Science. Vol.46, N 2/3, p.p.169 - 177, 1998


1D. F. Anfinogenov, 2L. I. Budaeva

1. PLL �TROTs�, Tomsk, 2. TSU, Tomsk, Russia

The sensational discovery of the traces of vital activity of micro-organisms in some meteorites gives us grounds to return to the problem of the origins of meteorites, in particular, to consideration of the version about the planet of Phaeton as the fore father of a large class of asteroids and a number of meteorites which by their chemical composition and mineralogical associations would present different depths of an Earth-type planet. The study of Mars with the help of space apparatus landing on its s urface confirms the idea about the possibility of the formation of some meteorites from the composition of its crust. Indeed, on the surface of Mars there are loose accumulations formed as a result of water and wind activity and temperature changes. Ther e are also sedimentary rocks generated from the loose accumulations metamorphosed under the influence of volcanic and tectonic activity caused in their turn by inner processes in bowels of the Earth as well as by asteroid strokes. Probably the mechanisms , ways and trajectories of �chopping off� and flying away of matrix bodies of meteorites can be explained by the fact that the meteorites got into so called plume or the crown of the eruption caused by the fall of astrobleme-forming asteroids with their acceleration by springy forces of the target return-kick and steam-gases formed with evaporationof the projectile- asteroid and of the substance of the central areas of the target. There is one more variant, namely, the eruption and acceleration of the d ebris of sedimentation rocks buried under under the cone of giant volcanoes during cataclysmic blust eruptions. There is also a possibility of the third variant according to which the events developing as in the second variant were accompanied by the app earance of an astrobleme not far from giant volcanoes. Analogous reasoning is also applicable for those satellites of giant planets whose dimentions are comparable to those of Mars as well as to Phaethon, a hypothetical twin-planet of Mars in the categor y of Earth-like planets. The fact that Phaethon is unobservable in the orbit between Mars and Jupiter can hardly been accounted for by complete destruction of the planet due to inner or even outer causes. But the removal of Phaethon from the orbit as a r esult of a collision with an asteroid similar to the biggest ones in the asteroid band is quite a possible supposition. Presumably, the planet lost, either fully or partially, its crust as well as a part of its �bowels� including solid sedimentation rock s. It is quite probable that one of the satellites of the giant planets is the remnant of Phaethon, and Phoebus, the flaky satellite of Mars, is just a fragment of the crust of Phaethon and among the meteorites on the Earth there are possibly some repres entatives of the three. The discovery of a mysterious boulder (enigma-stone, deer-stone, John�s stone) in the epicentre of the Tunguska catastrophe in 1972 imparts a particular acuteness to the development of this trend and gives an unexpected turn to the study of the Tunguska meteorite. The boulder is a quarz-disseminated conglomerate-gravelite sand-stone belonging to highly strong sedimentationrock consisting by 98.5% of SiO2. There are evident signs of its high speed deceleration in the local permafrost sedimentations after the intrusion of the boulder into the soil from above at the calculated velocity of not less than 500 m/sec. The direction of the intrusion coincides with the probable azimuths of the trajectory projection of the Tunguska cosmic body. We consider it necessary to continue investigations of the possible genetic connection of the Boulder with the Tunguska phenomenon, in a more general aspect , to continue the development of the hypothesis of meteorites composed of extraterrestrial solid sedimentation rocks which differ but faintly from those of terrestrial origin, and to continue working out approaches to their identification.


T. A. Arkhangelskaya, V. D. Nesvetailo, L. P. Rikhvanov

Tomsk, Russia

Annual tree rings carry information about various chemical elements assimilated by them, including natural as well as technogenic radionuclides. The aim of the given reseach is to study the distribution of the elements in annual rings. In compliance with the dendrochrono-indication method suggested by V. D. Nesvetailo tree cross-sections (of two radii) of a tree taken from the area of the Tunguska meteorite fall (Bublic peat bog) were selected. Fragmentation radiography (f-radiography) - one of nuclear- physics methods of analysis - was used for determining the regularity of uranium (U235) and other fission elements (Am, Pu, Np, etc.) distribution in the annual rings of a tree (larch). Tree cross-sections, on which a detector (lavsan) was placed, were u sed as preparations. Then they were irradiated at the research nuclear reactor of the TPU. After the drop of the targeted activity, the lavsan films were treated with 40% KOH solution at a temprature of 40 degrees C. Then they were studied under a microscope. In accordance with the research data, graphs of track distribution in the annual rings were drawn. The results thus produced do not show a pronounced anomaly in the distribution of fission elements at the period of the meteorite fall (1908). However, at the same time a tendency of the growth of the level of fission elements accumulation beginning at the end of the previous century is observed. The maximal level was reached in the 1980-s. The rings of 1899-1923 were studied by the instrumental neutron-activation analysis method, in the nuclear-geochemical laboratory of the TPU, on the presence of the following elements: Na, Ca, Br, Au, Sm, La, Ce, Th, Cr, Hf, Sr, Se, Ba, Cs, Ag, Sc, Rb, F e, Zn, Co, Hg, Sb, K. Within the given limits of detection in the annual rings of the first radius significant content of La, Cs, Se, Uf and Th was not revealed. And in the annual rings of the second radius the same was characteristic of La, Se, Sb. Acco rding to the data of these researches the maximal content of Zn, Br, Hg, Ca, Cr, Na, Au, Sc, Ba, Sr, K in the annual ring of 1908 - the year of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite - is fixed in the graphs. Comparing the results received during the studies of tree cross-sections by the two methods it is necessary to stress the fact that the f-radiography method allowed us to detect global changes connecting with the introduction of fission elements into the environment. According to the other components studied, the picture is less definite, presumably, their global fallout level was low in this area. Thus the possibility of using these methods with the aim of studying tree annual rings as indicators of changes in the environment is evident. Investigations in this direction should be continued. The results obtained by us with the help of the f-radiogr aphy and INAA methods show that the intrusion of foreign objects (Tunguska meteorite) into the environment brings changes that are reflected in its invironment.


B. F. Bidyukov

Novosibirsk, Russia

Among various qualifiers applied to the phenomena denoted as �the Tunguska meteorite� one collocation found different contexts (from scientific-theoretical to banal-everyday) stands out particularly. This qualifier is �the Tunguska Problem�. A conglomera tion of sub-themes is united under this general definition. And it is high time to give a thorough consideration to the task of singling out the components of this conglomeration. The question arises why it is called �a problem�? Why is the whole complex of circumstances connected with the Tunguska event given the status of a problem? When was it comprehended as a problem for the first time? In order to gain an understanding of t he essence of the questions raised it is necessary to turn to the chronology of researches in this field. The period between 1908 and 1921 can be characterized as a period of phenomena fixation. This period did not contain a task component, nor did it have a problem constituent. The pre-war period connected with the activity of L.A.Kulik passed under the badge of the search for material remains of a big meteorite. L.A Kulik was solving a practical task of finding some substance. The ultimate result of the search seemed to be evi dent and there was no concern about the means of investigation. Thus, this period did not contain a problem constituent either and was typically task-like. The problematic motive appeared in the Tunguska theme for the first time in connection with the discussion between representatives of astronomy, on one hand, and adherents of Kazantsev�s idea about the explosion of an extraterrestrial space ship, on the other. The controversy led to opponents to thoroughly substantiate their argumentation and to pay greater attention to contradictions. It also made them aware of the adequate means for proving their hypotheses. At this historical moment the researchers o f the Tunguska phenomenon found themselves in the situation described by S. Lem in his novel �Solaris�: �They neither knew what was the Tunguska meteorite nor did they know by what means it can be found out�. And this is the essence of the basic methodol ogical problem of the Tunguska meteorite. Having been raised at the end of 50s it has not been solved up to now. Being currently unable to solve the basic problem the investigators have to concentrate their efforts on settling smaller and narrower questions that lie within the channel of the major problem. The problematic context is caused by the whole complex of c lear-cut paradoxical fixations characterizing a number of fundamental difficulties, which can hardly be removed within the framework of the existing conceptions. The clear-out field of paradoxicality demands an urgent study of the degree of interdependance of the paradoxes and working out complex and coordinated projects and programmes for further research.


B. F. Bidyukov

Novosibirsk, Russia

The efforts of researchers of the Tunguska problem are being concentrated on solving the problems connected with the necessity to remove the contradictions resulting from a number of paradoxes. Each of the paradoxes contains some logic contradiction refl ecting, as a matter of fact, the state of researches at the moment. Here is a list of the major paradoxes: 1) energy, 2) substance, 3) trajectory, 4) fire, 5) burn (ribbon-like branch-injuries), 6) heralds (atmospheric anomalies), 7)radioactivity. Let us consider radioactivity paradox at greater lenght. It attracts our attention due to the following circumstances. First of all, everything that somehow connected with radioactivity has been mentioned only in passing for quite a period of time; moreo ver, - as some annoying nonsense. Secondly, of late, volumes have been accumulated thanks to numerous publications and still unpublished catalogues. These materials ought to be systematized and reconsidered in the context of new scientific approaches. As far as we know there have not been any attempts so far to single out the whole complex of radioactivity contradictions as one more paradoxal aspect of the Tunguska problem. Weakening of thermo-luminescent characteristics of rock as a result of a shock-wave compression becomes apparent in natural conditions only with impact interaction, and their local intensification was observed in laboratory samples of alpha-quartz with m egabar effects which is far beyond the conditions of the Tunguska catastrophe. The only adequate source of thermo-luminiscent anomalies in this area might be radioactive emanation and, moreover, in a broad spectral range (from thermal to strong). Studies , which have been carried out from the middle of the 60s up to the present day by three independent groups of researchers using various natural materials, have shown statistically valid pecularities of TL-characteristics field distribution. There have be en found structures with parameters of low indices. Their formation must be connected with the effect of thermal irradiation. As for the structures showing intensification of TL-characteristics above the midbackground level they are undoubtedly connected with the activity of strong penetrating irradiation (X-rays, gamma-rays, neutron and proton streams). Weakening of TL is also possible with beyond-threshold streams of strong radiation (the so called �radiation annealing�) is exceeded. A complex of various research of radioactivity traces in the area of the catastrophe shows either their complete absence (argon-39 method), or some fluctuations within the limits of the natural background (betta-activity, radiocarbon). At the same time t he TL-method undoubtedly points to the traces of the activity of strong radiation which were revealed in the minerals of the underlying stratumof the surface. It looks as if radioactivity is present and absent at the same time. In our opinion, accentuating the phenomena mentioned above will attract attention to this aspect of the Tunguska problem and will assist in further definition of the tasks aimed at solving the paradox under consideration at the problem stage of research.


G. S. Bybin


The Tunguska meteorite is a �dried� comet belonging to the category of short-period comets with small perihelion distances. An ordinary comet turns into a �dried� one as a result of heating its body consisting of gas-hydrate ice by the sun. In the gas-hy drated ice there are a number of frozen-in stone particles of various sizes. These particles get differentiated in the proces of sublimation: small particles (dust) volatilize together with gases while bigger particles remain on the surface where thus a stony crust is formed. Having reached a considerable thickness and acquiring sheer solidity this surface layer protects the ice-body, which it covers from the further intensive evaporation. The comet loses its peculiar tail consisting of a swarm (stream) of meteorite particles and becomes unobservable. Outwardly, it then looks like an asteroid. Consequences. 1. Suddenness of the appearance of the Tunguska meteorite in proximity of the Earth. 2. Belonging of the Tunguska meteorite to the meteor shower of Day Arietids which have no parent comet. (Precedent: asteroid #3200 discovered in 1983 was identified as a �dried� comet - the parent of a well-known swarm of Hemenids.) A �dried� comet is a source of explosion-danger due to chemical energy preserved in the crystals of gas-hydrate ice (methane, ammonia, carbonic acid gas and other frozen gases). With a temperature rise from one volume of ice there can be formed 100-150 v olumes of gas. Consequences. 1. The formation of soot under the stony crust as a result of thermal decomposition of methane in the conditions of the absence of air-access. During this process the comet gets �dried� being still in cosmic space. The soot formation on the surface of the stony layer in the conditions of incomplete methane burning when entering the Earth�s atmosphere. 2. The high reflective capability of soot is the cause of the blindingly bright fire-ball, the powerful dust trail and the unusualy bright twilight over Western Siberia and Europe. 3.Discovering �the corks� from the stony layer as a result of the gas pressure growth reaching the explosive level. 4. Discrete and prolonged gas emissions from the �uncorked� holes. The emissions look like jet-engine exhaust trailes and contain stone particles, soot and dust. (Precedent: �drying� Marcos�s, Arenda-Rolland�s, Donatti�s and other comets.) 5. Break -up of the comet into two objects and their manoeuvring caused by the reactive forces of high speed gas flows. (Precedents: divarication of the comet of Biela; deviations of such comets from their initial orbits.) 6. Soft landing of the Tunguska meteorite upon the swamps. Splitting up into fractions of gas-hydrate ice. Quick sublimation process. Formation of a column of an explosive mixture. Methane burning and an explosion releasing a great amount of heat. Peculi ar burn of trees. Ammonia diffusion into the forest soil. Vertical explosion originating from the earth surface. 7. Ammonia is an effective, nitrogene-containing fertilizer. And its derivatives, such as urea, nitrous acid and others are strong mutagens.As a result there is an intensive tree-growth and mutations of plants and animals. The Earth captures the �dried� comet at the evening side at 6 o�clock on the 7th of June 1908. It was the date of the biggest activity of the meteor shower of Day Arietids. The comet was flying from the Sun at a visible speed of 39 km/sec. During the str uggle against �the capture� which lasted 22 days and nights and 12 hours the speed dropped to 9 km/sec and the Earth received the comet from the morning side.


Yu.V. Volkov

Moscow State Uni. SRCC, Moscow

June 30, 1998 marks the ninetieth anniversary of the unusual natural phenomenon, called the �Tunguska meteorite� (TM). TM is a an intricate complex of processes, involving phenomena in the atmosphere, ionosphere and the Earth�s crust, the cause remaining a mystery till the present day. Under the influence of the growing body of accumulating facts, the scientific conceptions of the nature of TM have evolved from the �iron meteorite� hypothesis (L.A.Kulik,1921) and the �stone meteorite� hypothesis (K.D.Yankovsky,1930) to the �small comet � hypothesis (PH.Wipple,1934, K.Florensky,1959). The latter was the object of criticism by F.Ziegel. Dissatisfaction with the explanations gave rise to a stream of new hypotheses that now number over a hundred. Over the last few years many authors have come to the conclusion that we are dealing with a terrestrial �tectonic� phenomenon (A.Yu.Ol'khovatov, 1991; A.F.Chernyaev, 1992; G.G.Kochemasov,1998 and others.) This supposition has been corroborated by the chara cter of the graph �latitude-time� for powerful earthquakes (M =/>8) over the period 1904 �1980, which revealed a sectioned �fan-like� structure with the centre : South Pole � the year 1908,5 (Volkov Yu.V. et al., 1997) The paper is devoted to the study o f this unexpected link. The hypothesis of the relativistic �solenoid-condenser� as a possible explosion mechanism is also under consideration.


G. P. Galantsev, SAA, Russia, 660014, Krasnoyarsk, P.O. Box 486 A. A. Ivanov, Nizhneye Priangarye Development Fund, Russia, 660017, Krasnoyarsk, Lenin St. 111.

I. M. Suslov. Chairman of Krasnoyarsk Northern Peoples Assistance Committee, undertook a business trip to the River Chunya in March, 1926. The scientific part of the trip, aimed at the study of the 1908 Tunguska explosion eyewitness reports had been co-o rdinated with the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Geographical Society. The scientific co-ordination of the boundaries of the Tunguska Event came as a result of the already available descriptions given by A.I.Sobolev, I.N.Kartashov. S. V.Obruchev. The analysis of the results of questioning of eyewitnesses of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite during the congress (the suglan) of the Evenks allowed I.M.Suslov to compile a detailed map of the TM catastrophe zone between the rivers of Kimchu and Hushm o and propose one the first versions the asteroid character of the Tunguska catastrophe. The manuscript of I.M.Suslov�s scientific paper made a great impression on the Academy of Sciences, which facilitated a speedy arrangement of Kulik�s first expedition for the investigation of the Tunguska meteorite. A meeting with the members of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Geographical Society was held on the 9.02.27 in I.M.Suslov�s flat in Krasnoyarsk where L.A. Kulik got all the information on the route and the ways and means of getting to the boundary of the Tu nguska felled-tree area, as well as the recommendation and guarantee letters from the Krasnoyarsk Northern Peoples� Assistance Committee. L.I. Kulik�s first expedition to the area of the Tunguska catastrophe set out from the Taishet station on 14.03.27. Kulik�s appreciation of the assistance his expedition got in 1928 by way of technical equipment, direct participation and initiative in the all round investigation of the epicentral marshes in the felled-tree zone, the prediction of the possibility of dr illing and every possible administrative assistance was conveyed by naming the famous crater after Suslov, as well as one of the summits on the �Kulik�s Path�


G. P. Galantsev

Russia, 660014, Krasnoyarsk, P.O.Box 486

The model of TM transformation into a storm cloud, which was suggested before, can be considered as a modification of the comet hypothesis of the Tunguska catastrophe. In accordance with this model at the final stage of the event most probably there was a classical electric discharge of atmospheric electricity. The hypothesis based upon an atmospheric electricity discharge finds its validity in the anomalies of the Tunguska forest-fall tree burns and the fire. Tape-like burn injuries of larch-trees, �bird talon� burns, carbonization of the butt-ends of torn-off tree tops in the epicentre caused by coronating discharges from branch poins of coniferous trees have been experimentaly tested on the model of the positive coronal discharge from branch points. The conditions were close to natural ones. Photographs of needle burns of pines, spruces and larches carried out in laboratory conditions were compared with the description of �bird talon� and tape-like burns of tree crouns. Identity of a valid level was stated. In the first degree of approximation, within the framework of the similatory theory, a criterion of similarity of the transformation of independent and coronating discharges into streamer-like (spark) ones was deduced in reference to the suggested model of electric discharge. A table of possible electric parameters of the storm-formation model of the TM is presented. The occurrence of an independent discharge of atmospheric electricity after the explosion stage of the TM reformation does not exclude the possibility of the occurrence of a non-independent component of the electric discharge. And under certain circumsta nces the realization of its smouldering type in the stratosphere during the period between 29.06 and 1.07.1908 was also possible.


B. N. Golubov

Scientific Council on the problems of the biosphere under the Presidium of the RAS. Russia, 109017, Moscow

The pecularities of the geological structure of the area of the research for traces of the Tunguska explosion and the petrographic composition of Stoikovich Mountain rock (John stones), which is considered by some researchers to be of extraterrestrial or igin, are the object of the research. The presence in the rock a great number of small particles of virgin iron has been revealed. Since the nickel and cobalt admixtures is indicative of either cosmic or terrestrial origin of rock, a quantitative spectra l analysis (LM-1) of the particles mentioned above has been performed. It is also customary to associate the consequences of the Tunguska explosion with the formation of small-dispersion condensate consisting of the finest silicate and metallic balls. Th ere has been discovered a heightened concentration of those small balls in the peat strata of 1908. To perfect the methods of search for the traces of the Tunguska explosion in the area under consideration it is suggested: a) to determine characteristic marking signs of �the catastrophe stratum� of 1908 which will allow to unmistakably identify it in the area; b) to subject to analysis the composition of the microspherules found in contemporary peat and to compare their composition with the material composition of the analoguos formations contained in older rock; c) to compare the petrographic composition of the rock debis of John stones and the composition of organic substance contained in them with the composition of the rock of pre-mesozoic formations. A joint solution of these tasks will allow to more strictly determine or reject the validity of searching for the traces of the Tunguska blast of 1908 in the area under consideration. The issue of the social-economic decisions connected with the activity of the Tunguska State Nature Preserve as a constituent part of Evenkia depends on the results of these researches.


G.D. Kovalenko

Siberian Aero-Space Academy, 660014, Krasnoyarsk, P.O.Box 486, Russia

The investigations of the Tunguska event over the past 90 years have not lead to any definite conclusions as to its mechanism or the main indications preceding or accompanying the cosmic catastrophe. Thanks to the great effort of enthusiasts conseq uences of the Event have been ascertained, to a certain degree of reliability, judging from the remaining evidence of a huge felled-tree area in the vicinity of the supposed epicentre of a most powerful energy impulse of unknown origin. Not one of t he existing meteoritic hypothesis has been corroborated though most intense investigations have been carried out in this particular direction. This is understandable, for what could be more convincing than a fragment cosmic substance dating b ack to the time of the Tunguska phenomenon? However, from the point of view of the genesis of manifestation of any processes in the surrounding space we believe one should be guided by the paradigm of their informational and energy unity. The above mentioned paradigm has ancient roots. Now adays, in the semi-official sciences it has been revived in the form of an assertion of a universal unification which implies a simultaneous evidence of all indications on the material, energy and informational planes. The main report presents the fundamental principles of techno-genesis of material transmutations in visible and indirectly indicated spacial planes , described by the phenomenologies of Newton, Einstein, Diraque, Plank, Vernadsky,. Shipov. At hermodynamic analysis of simple substances and their compounds has shown that the invariant of the Tunguska Event could prove to be an energy emanation of a localized area of terrestrial space informational energy as a result of occurring fluctu ations. In this case the high initial potentiality could be explained not only by mechanical or electromagnetic processes, but also by a shift that occurred in the informational sphere of the planet. This shift could result both from natural and man- generated processes, caused by upsetting the informational and energy balance. Thus, the Tunguska Event could be identified with a global manifestation of the poltergeist phenomenon in the terrestrial space.


M. Di Martino, Turin Astronomical Observatory, I-10025 Pino Torinese (TO), Italy. G. Longo, INFN and University Physics Department, via Irnerio 46, I-40126 Bologna, Italy.

The Physics Department of the Bologna University, together with researchers of the CNR Institute of Marine Geology (Bologna) and of the Turin Astronomical Observatory, is organising a two week scientific expedition to Tunguska (Central Siberia). Local su pport will be provided by personnel and researchers of Tomsk University (Russia), leaded by the Academician N.V. Vasilyev and Prof. G.V. Andreev. About 25 persons will participate to the expedition planned for June-July 1999. A Hercules C-130 of the Ital ian Air Force will be provided to transport the expedition from Bologna to Bratsk (or Vanavara). For the last part of the trip, a helicopter will be requested of the Russian Military Aviation. The more representative events of the expedition will be film ed, in order to realise a movie to be distributed to the main TV networks in the world. This will make it possible to obtain free from private firms almost all the necessary devices and apparatus. The expedition will carry out a systematic exploration around the site (101� 53' 40'' E; 60� 53' 09'' N) of the so-called Tunguska event. The main goal is to assess the real nature of the body that on June 30, 1908 devastated about 2,000 km� of Siberian taiga felling more than 60 million of trees. Following the eyewitness�s testimony, a cosmic fireball sailed over about 1000 km of Siberian territory leaving a trail of light and smoke some 800 km long. Subsequent research showed that the Tunguska bolide exploded at an altitude of about 8 km emitting an energy equivalent to 10-50 Megatons of TNT. No macroscopic remnants of the body, neither the typical signature of an impact, like a crater, have been found by the expeditions that previously visited the r egion. Nevertheless, it is the most devastating cosmic body known to strike Earth in historic times. On July 1996, in Bologna, an international conference, attended by about 100 scientists (astronomers, physicists, chemists, biologists, geologists, etc.), discussed the various aspects of the event (see abstracts on the Web page: /tunguska/abs/abstr3.html). Many questions are still open and an well-organised expedition with precise tasks will help to give an answer about the nature and composition of the Tunguska Cosmic Body. This will be a valuable contribution to the internatio nal programs on the detection and physical study of asteroids and comets potentially dangerous to humankind. The fundamental tasks of the �Tunguska99� expedition are essentially four: To study the sediments on the bottom of Ceko lake (47 m deep). These lacustrine sediments could have preserved microparticles coming from the disintegration of the cosmic body. The collected samples will be subsequently analyzed in the Bologna and Turin laboratories. To carry out magnetometric measurements, and radar and photographic aerial observations of the central part of the devastated region. To search for cosmic body fragments which could have fallen before the explosion. To monitor the environmental radiation both during the flight Bologna-Tunguska-Bologna and during the two week stay in the Tunguska Natural Reserve; to compare it with similar measurements performed by the Bologna group in Italy, in Antarctica, in the Ev erest valley (5000 m) and along the entire sea trip Ravenna-Antarctica-Ravenna. Further information on the expedition at the Web site:


E.V. Dmitriev

Design Bureau �Salyut�, The M.V.Khrunichev State Space Science - Production Center, Novozavodskaya St., 18, Moscow, 121087, Russia

On the basis of the hypothesis being developed by the author on tectite delivery by comet onto the Earth [1] and on the basis of analysis of the results received after investigations in the area of Tunguska catastrophe in the period of 1927 - 1977 the h ypothesis is advanced on eruptive origin of Tunguska meteorite and of all the complex of Enke comet, out of which according to [2] Tunguska meteorite had fallen. It is proved that the refractory component of Tunguska meteorite should have acid and mid-acid composition and practically should have no differences compared to the Earth�s sedimentary and igneous rock. Such an approach allows us to explain the absence of meteorite substance found in the vicinity of the catastrope. For checking up the hypothesis we offer �Tectite� program, worked out by the author. References: [1] Dmitriev E.V. Appearing tectites on the Earth//Priroda,1998, N4, p.17 - 25. [2] Zotkin I.T. Anomalous twilight, connected with Tunguska meteorite// Meteoritika , 1969, issue 29, p.171


I.K. Doroshin

In the 1969-1997s the field search in the Tunguska meteorite fall area peat for Tunguska Meteorite matter was carried out. About 1500 samples of peat were selected and analized. A number of peat samples in the layer presumably dated as 1908 layers we dis covered particles that had a different structure from those typical for the spray fell out of technogenous and cosmic origin. The location of the samples in question tend to be concentrated to the north of the trajectory projection at distances of up to 50 kilometers. The techniques used to select samples did not include each peat column dating which has lead to a difficulty in interpretation of the results obtained. Besides, during sample processing the artifact spherule were let to form, which distorted the backgrou nd figures for the cosmic matter fall out. A new program of microdispersed matter search is suggested, that is based on a modified technique for selection of samples and their processing. It is supposed to first search for the cosmic matter in the areas where the fall out of micromatter occurred due to the meteorite fragments reaching the ground. The field works will also be carried out in the areas with suspicious particles in the peat s amples selected in the 1969-80-s.


V.A. Yermolaev, M.A.Shustov

Tomsk Polytechnical University, 634034, Tomsk. 30, Lenin Prospect, Russia

Disintegration of meteor body at the moment of its penetration into the upper strata of the atmosphere is accompanied by conversion of the solid body making up the meteor into a mixture of gases and dust. In the process of successive transitions, a solid (macro volume) � steam - a solid ( micro-volume, ultra-dispersed state) there is a regrouping of structural-phasal and componental composition of matter, its self-purification. It is known that ultra-dispersed dust particles selectively accumulate on the surface of an object. This process was termed �decorating� [1]. The method of decorating (radiographic decorating) [1,2] is usually used to reveal surface defects in structural materials of limited area. Selective deposition of dust particles or steam condensation takes place at the division boundaries, on the charged sections of the surface, on crystal edges etc. The natural process of deposition on the surface of the earth gas and dust cloud forming du ring complete or partial disintegration of a meteor, is accompanied by similar processes that take place on a macro scale. Keeping to the method of analogy and scale similarity, it can be expected that distribution of dust�like particles and elements inv olved in it , will correspond not only to the direction of meteor penetration into the atmosphere, but also to the individual peculiarities Of landscape (relief, presence of locally manifested heterogeneity of physical fields etc.). Proceeding from the above, the following conclusions can be drawn: Analysing diagrams of dispersion of elements in the composition of the meteor, one should take into account the specific features of the region as the object of decorating. The area analysis to determine the distribution of dust-{or meteor-}originated micro-components can provide information not so much on the meteor, as on the characteristic features of the underlying surface. Carrying out layer and area distribution and correlation of elements in the soil, the investigator should standardize data attributed to the epoch being determined , in accordance with the element correlation and distribution characteristic of other temp oral epochs. References: Yermolaev V.A., Pokholkov Yu.P., Shustov M.A., Ismailova O.L., Azikova G.I., Rudnev S.V. Radiography and radiographic cells. � Tomsk: RIO Publishers, �Press-Integral� CPK ZHK, 1997.-224pp. Yermolaev V.A., Shustov M.A. Crystallo-textural radiographic registration of local heterogeneity of physical fields//IV All-Russia conf. on modification of properties of structural materials by means of charged particles pencils: - Abstracts. � May, 13-1 7,1996, - Tomsk:NII YF, 1996.-pp 514-516.


I. P. Zherebchenko

ASRIGeophysics, 22 Pocrovka, Moscow, Russia

On the basis of the numeric data of the map of the complete magnetic field HT of the USSR circular regional magnetic anomalies with diameters of the first thousands of kilometres and corresponding to them circular mega-structures or geocons have been dis covered. The symmetry peculiarities of one of them - the Volga geocon - allowed to assume that there is a triangular-net distribution of the centres of circular dislocations with a step of 1800 km. Moreover the Volga and the Tunguska geocons are the nucl ei of the Russian and Siberian pre-Cambrian platforms which can be inscribed in adjacent hexagons composed of cells of the triangular net, while the Hercynian Kazakh-Tien Shan geocon is inseribed in the hexagon the cenre of which is in the southern end o f the link separating the first two hexagones. The outlines of the Tunguska hexagon are seen in regional magnetic anomalies, Mocho isohypses and in the hidronet - the latter pointing at the newest activization of this part of the lithosphere. The Tunguska geocon is unique by the seale of its outward influence: the Kanin-Balkhash and Kursk-Aral arcs of the regional anomalies circumscribed its centre with the radii of 2200 and 3600 km are fragments of planetary lineaments of Eurasia which pass over Mongolia and China to Japan , the Kurils, Kamchatka and Chukotca. As a result there is a global circular structure commensurable with the Pacific Ocean fire ring. In accordance with such a concept it is possible to presume that the diamons of the Tu nguska geocon and the diamonds of the Kanin-Balckhash arc originate from one and the same mantle source, as well as the unique West-Siberian oil and gas deposits - giants controlled by the outer ring of the Tunguska geocon with the diameter of 2100 km. Inside the Tunguska geocon there is a unique trap province and a gigantic circular foundation structure with the diameter 1100 km connected with the former. In the north and the south the latter is complicated with daughter rings; its outer circle is emp hasized by narrow and deep troughs. The Tunguska syncline is the eastern sector of the outer trough ring of this structure and it gets into the epicentre of the gravitation maximum from solidity-heterogeneity of the upper mantle. The Tunguska event of 19 08 took place in the tectonically active south-eastern sector of the outer through ring mentioned above. In the vicinity of the centre of the Tunguska hexagon in the links of the triangular net there are two centres of: the Tunguska geocon, the Asian world geomagnetic maximum, the unique Chadobets circular structure, as well as of the characteristic isometr ic magnetic anomaly of the Vorotilov type which got directly into the Nyurendin gas-oil deposit to the south of Vanavara. It should be pointed out that the Vorotilov anomaly itself and the unique structure of the same name are situated in the centre of t he Volga hexagon. The epicentre of the Tunguska explosion is 70 km to the south-east of the centre of the Tunguska hexagon, in the northern ring of the circles of the Vanavara group belonging to the local circular structures singled out according to the magnetic data.


V. K. Zhuravlyev

Institution of Oil and Gas Geology of the SD of the RAS Novosibirsk-90, 3 Acad. Koptyug Str.

The story of finding magnetogrammes which detected an unusual perturbation in the magnetosphere after the explosion of the Tunguska cosmic body is related in the paper. The new trace of the Tunguska phenomenon has been interpreted as a geomagnetic storm of an unusually short lenght (about 5 hours). There has been determinated a regional character of the effect and its similarity with artificial magnetic storms caused by night-altitude explosions of thermonuclear bombs has been discovered. A. P. Kazantse v�s hypothesis of the technogenic origin of the Tunguska explosion has thus received one more effective confirmation.Quantitative characteristics of the geomagnetic perturbation of the 30th of June 1908 are presented and a concise description of theoreti cal schemes explaining physical reasons and the mechanism of the effect by various authors is given. General scientific importance of proving the fact that the geomagnetic effect of the explosion of a dangerous cosmic object in 1908 had nothing to do wit h geomagnetic perturbations caused by ordinary meteors and at the same time had all the characteristic features of technogenic artificial magnetic storms judging by its kinetics is validated in the paper as well. This issue turned out to be absolutely un expected for geophysicists and it must be considered as an important scientific discovery of our century. This discovery has been made as a result of healthy competition among several groups of researchers studying the Tunguska phenomenon from different standpoints and suggesting various independent versions of explaining the magnetic trace (perturbation of the ionosphere by the shock-wave of the blast, formation of the bipolar current system over Irkutsk, an explosion of a plasmoid thrown away by the S un and identification of the Tunguska explosion with a technogenic nuclear explosion). The plasmoid model calculated within the framework of the heliophysical hypothesis by V. K. Zhuravlyev and A. N. Dmitriev demanded the magnetic field values to hold th e plasm amounting to almost 16 Tl. Magnetic fields of this kind have not been discovered in the Sun. In the Solar System they are known only as a product of technogenic activity which also can be considered as a hint at technogenic origin of the Tunguska bolide.In the paper there are also little known facts concerning the information about the observations by a Professor of Kiel University Dr. Weber, who on the eve of the Tunguska explosion for three days detected periodic perturbations of the geomagnet ic field. This information was discovered by G. F. Plekhanov and N. V. Vasilyev. The beginning of this �magnetic herald� almost coincided with the start of optico-atmospheric anomalies in Europe and its finish occured 16 minutes after the explosion of th e Tunguska cosmic body in Siberia. G. F. Plekhanov expressed an opinion that the regularity of geomagnetic fluctuations registered in Kiev can explained by the movement along a rather high orbit of a satellite of the Earth. The satellite was the source o f the regular signal. Thus, the opinion that the technogenic hypothesis about the nature of the Tunguska object, whose flight ended with the 30-megatons explosion of high energy concentration has no factual basis, is wrong. A more correct way of putting it would be: the infor mation preserved is not sufficient for indisputable confirmation of this hypothesis.


S.V. Zyryanov, Ecological Expedition, Russia, 660049, 9, Perensona St., Krasnoyarsk,.

The �Tungusky� State Reserve is an accomplished fact of the uphill process of improving the condition of Earth�s ecology. It is but natural that the explored natural resources in Evenkia, so rich in mineral resources, will be developed in the XXI century , attracting trans-national mining and oil companies. Along with the benefits, intensive mining and extraction will bring destruction to the unique, virgin nature of the taiga Evenk territory, the heart of the Siberian taiga. The unique Tunguska meteorite phenomenon that had had left traces of catastrophe in the area between the rivers Kimchu and Hushmo in the historical period is a road to cognition of the origin of life on Earth and in the Universe. For future investigation s of these problems it is important to know the comparative characteristics of different areas of Evenkia, which must also be protected from anthropo- and technogenic pollution. Preservation of the priceless culture of the Evenk and other northern ethnic groups, their way of life and art, that the well-known Siberian ethnographer I.M.Suslov insisted on, is another problem that the �Tunguska� Reserve is trying to solve. The half- way policy with regard to nature reservation is conditioned only by the natural landscape and the meteorite scientific orientation of the �Tunguska� Natural Reserve. The establishment on the territory of Evenkia of the fifth National Park of Russia, and on the suggestion of the Ecological Expedition of the first cosmonauts from four countries � Park Number 1 of the planet Earth, will serve to promote the internationa l process of financing the ecological safety on our planet.


G. A. Ivanov

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Contradictions of the Tunguska problem: A great number of the presumed trajectories of the flight over the Earth while not a single one of the suggested trajectories can be physically realized. The supposed velocity of flying into the atmosphere of the Earth is incommensurable with the velocity calculated on the basis of the forest fall characteristics. Not a sigle trajectory can serve as a basis for explaining the abnormal luminescence of the night sky over Eurasia. There are not even attempts to explain the meteorological effects observed by witnesses during the flight of the comet. The author suggests a new flight trajectory of the Tunguska comet over the Earth and showes that such a trajectory puts an end to all the contradictions and gives a complete explanation to the phenomenon that happened on the 30th of June, 1908. Over the planet there was a meteorite shower, particularly over the vast space of the Northen Atlantic which was covered with the clouds of a powerful cyclone spreading as far as the banks of the Ob river. From the Yenisei to the Baikal and to the Stony Tunguska a cosmic ice-fall was observed. It was this ice-fall that caused the meteorological phenomena mentioned above.


S. I. Ipatov

The M.V.Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Miusskaya Square 4, Moscow, 125047, Russia, [email protected] The main sources of the family of the objects coming nearer to the Earth are considered to be asteroid and transneptune zones. If theTunguska phenomenon was caused by an ice body, then such a body, probably, came out of the transneptune zone (Ageverse-Co yper zone) or out of Oort cloud. It is considered that in this zone in a distance of 30 - 50 astronomical units from the Sun there are nearly 70 thousand objects with the diameter of d>100 km and 1010 bodies with d>1 km in this zone, the distance from th e Sun is 30 - 50. PN bodies from Ageverse-Coyper zone were crossing Neptune orbit and then leaving the zone under the influence of giant planets during the last 4 milliard years. According to [1] these PN bodies share is 0.1 - 0.2. As orbits of transnept une bodies are being changed also under the influence of other bodies from the zone, we assume below PN = 0.2. In [1] we get as 0.34 the PNJ probability that after some period of time these bodies which had left the zone started to cross Jupiter orbit. W e examined evolution of the orbits initially crossing Jupiter orbit (there were 48 orbits studied, all of them were near the orbit of the object P/1996 R2 (Lagerkwist)). The research had shown that the share of PJE orbits is 0.2. Their perigees in the ca use of evolution for some period of time tE were less than 1 astronomical units. In some variants of calculations tE meanings exceeded 20 thousand years, in other ones they were less than 1 thousand. We estimated average tE meaning as 5 thousand years. T aking into account that typical time until the collision of the Earth and the object crossing its orbit (OCEO) is (3/4) . 107 years [2], we receive probability PE of its colliding the Earth within the range of 7 thousand years as 7 . 10-5. The probabilit y of the case when a body crossing the Neptune orbit would reach the Earth orbit is PNE = PNJ . PJE = 0.34 . 0.2 ~ 0.07. That is why the probability of colliding with the Earth is PC = PNE . PE = 5 . 10-6. Taking into account the estimations of the numbe r of objects in transneptune zone (TNZ) given above, while PN = 0.2, we receive the probability for some object to fall out onto the Earth as in the 0.07 scale and typical time T between falling out bodies with the diameter d>1 km from TNZ onto the Earth is 4 . 105 years. We are speaking about the object with the diameter more than 100 km and about the time period of 4 milliard years. If the number of bodies d>d0 is in proportion to do-2 then the probability for the body d>10 km to fall out onto the Ear th is 100 times more, than for the body d>100 km. The T for the body d>60 m is 280 less than for the body d>1 km. It is considered that the total number for OCEO d>1km is 750 (500 - 1000). From the estimations given above we can get that nearly 170 such OCEO (that is nearly 20%) initially were moving into TNZ along the orbits with larger semi-axes a from 30 to 50 astronomic units. The Actual share of bodies migrating to the Earth from the zone a~30-50 astronomic units can differ several times from the e stimations given above and besides, it can depend on d. Nevertheless for bodies with the size of Tunguska object (d~60 - 70 m), as well as for 1 km bodies, coming nearer or colliding with the Earth, the share of bodies coming from this zone is 0.2. Besid es bodies moving along highly eccentric orbits c a>50 astronomical units can migrate to the Earth. Believing that the average time, during which bodies cross the Jupiter orbit, is 0.2 million years, we get the number of bodies d>1 km, having come from TN Z and crossing the Jupiter orbit, as 3 . 104. The present work was fulfilled under the financial support from Russian Fund for Fundamental Research (grant 96-02-17892) and Federal Scientific-Technical Program �Astronomy� (Item [1] Duncan M.J., Levinson H.F., and Budd S.M., 1995, Astronomy Review J., v.110, 3073-3081. [2] Ipatov S.I., 1995, Astronomy Review, v.29, 304,330


E. R. Kazankova

Oil and Gas Institute of Rus. Acad. of Sci. 11726, Moscow, 63/2 Leninsky prospect, Russia

Self-organization in the value that characterizes directly the mode of transition from the simple to the more complicated consists of natural spasmodic processes that convert an open system without equilibrium, that has reached in its developments critic al condition , into a new condition. According to the modern conception, the Earth, a self-gravitating body, participating in the complicated motion in space, interacting with other cosmic bodies, is rotating from west to east at a certain angular velocity. When the progressive mass displac ement does not coincide with the rotation, an interaction of solid, liquid and gaseous masses of the Earth occurs, which results in the emergence of different level and different scale spacio-temporal structures that comprise segments inserted into each other, corresponding to the ranging of geological medium into blocks, in accordance with its strain-deformed condition. Orderliness and dynamo-kinematics of these structures are the result of the spiral-like twisting movement of the Earth, which is, according to the definition of N.N.Sigacheva (1992), a universal mechanism of self-organisation of geological space (in plan ets� atmospheres, oceans and plasma), that functions at different depths and predetermines the development of geo-dynamic processes of different magnitude and an indissoluble system of tension fields. It is obvious that bodies of similar configuration ar e created in force fields of the same type at any point on the globe. A systematic analysis of the present day geo-dynamic condition of the geological medium of the Kaluzhskays circular structure has shown that the structure is situated in the central part of the Kaluzhsko-Belski dislocations zone, extending in a line alon g the tension split, the dislocations ,stretching from north-west to south-east at an angle of 45 degrees to the meridian. The structure is situated in space, with the vectors of the main tensions from the height of 120kms and from the depth of 180kms ac ting on it. The most unstable sections are located along the maximal and minimal tension vectors. The south-eastern part of the main maximal tension vector, beginning with the middle Devonian has changed its direction at least twice. The three break away cracks testify to that. Under these conditions, the main middle tension wave wound up as a spiral ( twisting of the rock masses was accompanied by their breaking away along the southern section of the plane of symmetry at 25-30 degrees). The tension field structure of the Kaluzhskaya circular /ring structure could be used as a model for a possible interpretation of the Tunguska Event from the viewpoint of modern geo-dynamics. 1

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