Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th Edition
Contact The Old Sage


Here they are, at long last: the official list of corrections for the US printing of the Ravening Hordes army list for the new edition of Warharnmer! If you've managed to get your hands on a copy of this essential tome in the last few months, you may have been playing with an outdated version and not even known it. The internet has been rife with rumors of changes and revisions that took place after the US version had hit the shelves. Well, search for the definitive list no more, because vou have to do no more than cast your eyes below to get the full scoop. Remember, these are official, and take precedence over the printed version that was included in WD #247 and available through GW Retail and Rogue Trader stores since.


Pg. 10: Lords entry, special rules: Update Chaos Dragon rules front "A Chaos Dragon causes terror, is a large target..." to: "A Chaos Dragon can fly, causes terror, is a large target..."

Pg. 13: Chaos Trolls entry, special rules: Change text from "Regenerate, cause fear" to "Regenerate, cause fear, stupid"

Pg. 15: Warpfire Thrower entry, special rules: Update rules from "Place the 2.5" template over the Warpfire Team" to "Place the 3" template over the Warpfire Team..."

Pg. 22: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Update the paragraph start from "Any Core unit in the army, except Skink Skirmishers, may upgrade a model..." to "A Temple Guard unit or any Core unit in the army, except Swarms and Skink Skirmishers, may upgrade a model..."

Pg. 24: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start from "Any unit of foot troops in the army may upgrade..." to "Any unit of foot troops in the army (except skirmishers) may upgrade..."

Pg. 25: Great Eagles entry is in the correct place, but the Unit Size rule needs to be changed from "l. You may take up to 2 Great Eagles as it single Special choice." to 1. You may take up to 2 Giant Eagles as a single Rare choice."

Pg. 26: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start front "Any unit of foot troops in the army may upgrade..." to "Any unit of foot troops in the army (except skirmishers) may upgrade..."

Pg. 28: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start front "Any unit of foot troops except Dryads and Treemen may upgrade..." to "Any unit of Glade Guard or Archers may upgrade..."

Also, the start of the second sentence of the paragraph should he changed from "Any unit of cavalry may upgrade..." to "Ally unit of Glade Riders may upgrade..."

Pg. 30: Champions, musicians and standard bearers paragraph: Change the paragraph start from "Any unit of foot troops in the army may upgrade..." to "Any unit of foot troops in the army (except skirmishers) may upgrade..."

Pg. 32: Blunderbuss rules: The last two sentences should be changed from "Hits are resolved at S3 if firing in 1 rank, S4 if firing in 2 ranks and S5 if in 3 or more ranks. Ranks must he complete to count.", to "Hits are resolved as S3 plus 1 per extra rank up to S5. Ranks count if at least 4 wide. A single character in the front rank will not affect the unit's fire."

Pg. 33: Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower entry: Change the Unit Size rule from "1 war machine with 3 crew." to "1 war machine with 2 crew."

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