The Nipponese are an inward looking xenophobic people. They consider all people other than themselves to be primitive savages. Their culture is both old and very structured, and the caste system is engrained into the very being of every individual.

Within the home islands, civilisation dwells. Everyone, even the creatures of the otherworld speak one of the dialects of Nipponese. Most of the lowlands are heavily populated, but even in provinces densely littered with villages, there are secluded places, hidden valleys, and lonely mountains which hide mystery and strange beings. In these secluded spots many monsters and Chaos beings dwell.

Beyond the home islands dwell humans with strange customs and languages. Most are uncultured and barbaric in their actions, speech, attitudes and personal habits. The sea itself hides many mysterious realms beneath its wave-capped surface. The Nipponese have little time for these foreign places, unless it is to make war, or to conquer and rule them.

Nippon Culture and History

Map of Nippon

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