George Franklin  Donahue and daughter Aurel Donahue Bowe
George Franklin Donahue born  March 24, 1887. He died   Dec. 15,1972). The son of the late  William Luther Donahue and  Elizabeth E. Mynhier. The grandson of  Jessie B. Donahue (b: 1837) and  Melvina Hunt (b: 1838) and  David S. Mynhier (b;1823) and  Cassandra Audren Brown (b: 1826).He married  Martha Thomas Hyatt. He is pictured here with his daughter Aurel Donahue Bowe (b. 1906 d.1973). Aurel�s mother is  Martha T. Hyatt, the daughter of John Graves Hyatt and Rebecca Gaunce.  She is also the sister of Elizabeth Hyatt, George�s step-mother. 
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