Proceedings of the Bucks County Committee of Safety
March 26, 1776

IN COMMITTEE, March 26, 1776.

    That the Committee Man in each Township be appointed to purchase, as soon as possible, all the Arms that he Judges fit for Service that may be found in his Township, that are not made use of by Associators, & the owners will sell & deliver the same to Henry WYNKOOP, Esqr, in the lower District, to James WALLACE, the middle District, & to Samuel Smith, in the upper District, who are hereby appointed  to receive the same, to pay for them, & sends them to Philada, agreeable to the Request of the Comee of Safety, contained in their letter of the 23 March, 1776; and that Information be given to the Colls of the several Battals of Associators in this County of present critical situation of our affairs, & that they be requested to use their utmost abilities & diligence to put their several Battals in the best order that the nature of the thing will admit of, to be ready to march immediately, if it should be thought necessary; & it is expected & require, that every Township and Committee Man do every thing in his power to assist the Officers in Carr'g the above resolve into Execution.
     (A true Coppy [sic] from the Minutes.)

Jno. COX, Cl'k pro. temp.
ABr. Joseph HART, Chairman.

Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XIV
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