Proceedings of the Bucks County Committee of Safety
July 21, 1775

IN COMMITTEE, July 21, 1775.

Complaints being made by several officers of the Associated Companies, that sundry persons from various causes had attempted to raise second Companies, in their townships, whereby those already associated were weakened, and in some instances had been greatly insulted.

The Committee having considered the same, are of opinion, that as harmony and unanimity are essentially necessary in prosecuting the present unhappy contest, and as Field Officers are now appointed for the respective Battalions of the County no second Companies ought to be raised in any Township, without leave being first obtained from them for that purpose.

Whereas, several persons who are chosen members of this Committee in December last, have hitherto neglected to attend the same, and others who have attended, have, from scruples of conscience, made application to be discharged, the Committee therefore requests all those who do not purpose attending for the future to advertise their respective Townships with their determination, at the same time appointing some convenient time and place for the inhabitants to meet, and choose other suitable persons in their room, who are desired to meet the Committee on Monday, the 21st of August, at the house of John BOGART, in Buckingham Township.

By order of the Committee:

Henry WYNKOOP, Clerk.

Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XIV

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