Proceedings of the Bucks County Committee of Safety
May 8, 1775

IN COMMITTEE, May 8, 1775.

At a meeting of the Committee of the County of Bucks, held this day at the house of Richard DEEDOM.

Resolved unanimously, that notwithstanding the disapprobation we have hitherto shown to the prosecution of any violent measures or opposition, arising from the hope and expectations that the humanity, justice, and magnanimity of the British Nation would not fail of affording us relief; being now convinced that all our most dutiful applications have hitherto been fruitless and vain; and that attempts are now making to carry the oppressive Acts of Parliament into execution by military force, we do therefore earnestly recommend to the people of this County to form themselves into Associations in their respective Townships, to improve themselves in the military art, that they may be rendered capable of affording their Country that aid which its particular necessities may at any time require.

Joseph HART, John KIDD, Joseph KIRKBRIDGE, James WALLACE, and Henry WYNKOOP, or any three of them, are appointed as delegates to meet in Provincial Convention, if any should be found necessary.

The Committee request all persons who have taken subscriptions for the relief of the poor of Boston, as soon as possible to collect and pay the same into the hands of the Treasurer, Henry WYNKOOP, that it may be speedily applied towards the benevolent purpose for which it was intended; and at the same time, to give those who have not subscribed an opportunity to contribute also.

By order of the Committee:

Henry WYNKOOP, Clerk pro tem.

Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XIV

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