Proceedings of the Bucks County Committee of Safety
January 16, 1775

NEWTOWN, January 16, 1775.

A large majority of the Committee chosen in said county, on the 15th of December last, in pursuance of notice for that purpose given, this day assembled in said town, and unanimously choose.

John HART, Esq., Chairman, and
John CHAPMAN, Clerk.

The Committee then taking into consideration the measures recommended by the Continental Congress, for the redress of American Grievances, entered into the following Resolves, unanimously:

1st. That we highly approve of the pacifick [sic] measures recommended by the Continental Congress, for the redress of American Grievances, and do hereby render our unfeigned thanks to the worthy gentlemen who composed that august assembly, for the faithful discharge of the trust reposed in them.

2d. That we hold ourselves bound, in justice to ourselves, our prosperity, our King, and our Country, strictly to observe and keep the Association of said Congress, especially as it is recommended to us by the united voice of our Representatives in Assembly, and, as a Committee, will use our utmost endeavors to have it carried into execution.

3d. That we hold it our bounded duty, both as Christians and as countrymen, to contribute towards the relief and support of the poor inhabitants of the Town of Boston, now suffering in the general cause of all the Colonies; and we do hereby recommend the raising of a sum of money for that purpose, to every inhabitant or taxable in this County, as soon as possible.

The Committee then taking into consideration a late Resolve of the Committee of the City of Philadelphia, setting forth an absolute necessity that the Committees of the counties of this Province, or their Deputies, be requested to meet together in Provincial Convention, on the 23d day of January, instant, cannot conceive, from any information we have had, the necessity of such Provincial Convention, or that any good effects can be produced thereby, towards carrying into execution the Association so clearly pointed out to us by the Continental Congress.

Voted. That Joseph HART, John WILKINSON, Henry WYNKOOP, Joseph WATSON, and John CHAPMAN, or any three of them, be a Committee of Correspondence, and that Henry WYNKOOP be Treasurer, to receive charitable donations as may be collected, in pursuance with the third Resolve of this Committee.

John CHAPMAN, Clerk.

Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XIV

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