Coming Gigs

Were recording the EP at the moment, kinda, we'll start that some time, hopefully rob won't pop ne more amps.

15th june - New Adelphi

Were playing with a band called Monkey boy, who have two bassists and no guitars, and whizzwood. shud b good.

17th July - Beverly

This one is still in the works,, but it should b 6pm start, 10pm finish, 6 bands, a band called the cum shots are headlining which sounds fun,, if not a little post-rammetein. More info as we get it.

Past Gigs

Beverly Cherry aid gig

click here for some randomly arranged words about this randomly arranged gig.

27th Feb - New Adelphi

we playing with newly set up Irish-ish themed Boys from County Hell, Fraction of the Costand those beauties in break these walls. There was free CD's going which included our hardcore stomper 'stussy' which can be downloaded from

26th Mar - New adelphi

the 4ft Fingers gig was spank tastic, if not a little warm for those southern bastards, also played, Mr Zippy who were great guys and liked the sound of tit's clapping together. the drinks were a nice touch too guys.

11th Feb - Adelphi

Thanks to everyone for coming,, many more new faces there this time with thanks to The Pass and Sound of echoes for bringing loads of ppl 2. I would say the night went down without a hitch but that's a lie,, overall i don't think everyone got 2 pissed off at the delay, sorry about that folks. I'd like to get someone else to rite this cos i don't wanna sound big headed so i'll comment on the other bands. The pass played their usually energetic set with a little less alchohol then southcoats (notice only a little). Sound of echoes (who organised the gig) played a nice rocking set but had a few little hitches with the acoustic songs which got dumped (good luck finding the tamberine). and cheers to the adelphi for putting up with us again and helping set us all up.

Review Writen by Dave


Southcoats club, the grubbiest of old peoples social clubs, decided to have one night off from the well organised kareoke and their local entertainers to hosa a punk night. the people of southcoats club have experienced a thingjust as badly organised as the doodlbug bomings and just as good as one of them going off.

The event was organised by welcome to joetown who thought they were ready for the life of rock and roll. Unfortunatly they had no idea. � an hour late, and welcome to joetown started playing with reasonably good singing from kirk and out of time guitars. The highlight of their set was their attempts at getting people to mosh to their RHCP cover. Over all, the guys definatly need more then 9 hours a week practice.

Sound of echoes were very good musiclly but had little stage presence, of course we�ll see if they can redeem themselves in Febuary�s gig which they have organised. They had strong a 70�s style rock sound which oddly seemed to match their indie style songs. Over all, played well for their first time and seem promicing.

The pass (also known as �The pissed�) played very well and made full use of their many effect peddals and the bar. It sounded like a cross between the music and the lost prophets with millions of harmonies laid over some rockin basslines, though I don�t think they would have been as good with out jack pouring it down the mic, and jack would have been as good without pouring beer down his neck.

Just when you thought punk�s heart-beat was a flat-line, these 12-year-old punks showed everyone how rancid, used to do it. Well played lads, have a lolly pop. Need I say more? Well, it�s always nice to have a pit to ruby soho.

Old-skool or no-skool, yep that�s me mum, played our usual hardcore/pop/broken emo/harmonic punk style set with silly lyrics, and as usual pulled a crowd up without even asking. And just as soon as rob stop snapping his strings on stage, yeay more songs. And what set would be complete without a drunken band-member from another band helping you trash dom�s drum kit.

But, just when you thought it was safe to take out your ear-plugs,,, Morning Wood played the last song of the night after only one week of been together. Crazy punk-metal,, we�ll be looking forward to you at perth street.

Casualties:- 1 family left, 1 crying boy, and 1 deaf bar-maid.

And the morral of the story is, never let joetown organise a gig.

Review Writen by Lynzi

2nd Aug - Adelphi

Well many of you came to see old skool or no skool on the 2nd August and were waiting for ages to start, this was because of the sound tech guy being in his car and recieving "pleasure" in the form of someone giving him a blow job, when he was supposed to be setting up our sound equipment, so despite a late start and the guirtars blocking out for a sec or so and the shine bridge going on too long it was a kick arse night.

Old skool or no skool seemd to be the only band who got a pit for them for all there songs. Despite them only playing 5 songs every one seemed to like them and their punkin' ways. So all in all it was a good night and well worth paying �2.50 just to see them and the other bands that played with them on the night. Well done guys you kicked ass.

The other folks at the gig were fat marvin, break these walls (formally known as geronimo pornstars) and the band we love to hate whizzwood.

Review Writen by Lynzi

Some time ages ago

Some time ago we did a gig in aldbourgh, we sucked, but so did everyone else cos non of us bothered to reherce. but ah well it was fun ne way,,p.s. thanks for the biscuits.

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