Old Kingsport Presbyterian Church Tour
The purpose of this section of the website is to show some of the beautiful and historical parts of our church building.  Enjoy the tour!

Building from Patton Street, looking up the hill

Closer look at the southwest corner of the building

A nice view of the southwest corner

South Side of the building

South Side from a distance

Southwest corner with the west side and steeple

North side of the building and parking lot, from Greenway Street

Another view of the north side, including parking lot

West Side of the building

West side, showing the full steeple

A unique shot, looking up at the steeple from the front porch

A closeup on the front of the church

Historical plaques on the west wall of the building

Closeup on the steeple

The back of the building, with playground in the foreground

The back of the building, from its southeast corner (near the shed)

Bays Mountain, as seen from in front of the church

The church's sign, given in memory of Judy Marshall in 1969
The church's original podium from 1820, now used as a guest register table

The front of the sanctuary, as seen from the central aisle

The front of the sanctuary, from the balcony (before new carpet)

The front of the sanctuary, from the balcony (with new carpet)

The front of the sanctuary, from the right side of the balcony

The front of the sanctuary, from the left side of the balcony

The northside pews from the balcony

The southside pews from the balcony

The balcony from the back left corner

The balcony from the back right corner

The balcony from the front right corner

The balcony from the front left corner

The stairs leading to the vestibule from the balcony

The vestibule from the north side

The vestibule from the south side

Under the balcony, in the sanctuary, from the north side

Under the balcony, in the sanctuary, from the south side

The sanctuary, from the northwest corner

The sanctuary, from the northeast corner

The sanctuary, from the southwest corner

The sanctuary, from the southeast corner

The sanctuary and balcony, from the altar

The sanctuary and balcony, from the pulpit

Northside pews from pulpit

Southside pews from pulpit

The altar, original to the building

The pulpit, also original to the building

The brass cross at the front of the sanctuary, given in 1953 in memory of Dr. William R. King

Two of the four wooden chairs in the sanctuary, original to the building

The baptismal font, made of red marble, used since 1846

A closeup on the woodwork of the pews

One of the columns supporting the balcony

One of the four chandeliers in the sanctuary, dedicated in 1967

The church's organ, dedicated to Pfc. Joseph Meade

The organ's dedication plaque

The choir's seats, to the north of the pulpit

The Adult Sunday School Room and Session meeting room

Stairwell leading to the upstairs Sunday School rooms, from the top

One of the Sunday School rooms upstairs

Another shot of the same Sunday School room

The nursery, located upstairs

The full kitchen, located in the basement

The King Room, our fellowship hall

The King Room from another angle

The old glass cross in the King Room that once hung in the sanctuary
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