Praise and gratitude the presence of the Almighty God for all His blessings given that assignment paper entitled "Project in order to respect the culture of Indonesia TRIBE BIMA" can I finish. I created this paper as obligation to fulfill the task. In this opportunity, the authors deliver to gratitude to all those who have helped contribute ideas and thoughts for the realization of this paper. Finally, reader comments and suggestions are intended achieve perfection this paper the authors greatly appreciate.


Eldya Oktiana




1.Foreword....................................................................................................... ..2

2.Table of Content..............................................................................................2


·         Introduction............................................................................................3

·         Background............................................................................................3

·         Benefits and Purposes The paper...........................................................4


·         Definition of Bima Tribe.......................................................................4

·         History of Bima Tribe...........................................................................5-6

·         7 elements of Bima Tribe.......................................................................6

·         Dynamic of Bima Culture.....................................................................11


·         Summarize.............................................................................................12

6. Bibliography..................................................................................................12










a)      Background

Indonesia is a big country with thousand diversity inside this 13.466 amount of islands. This diversity has been discover since thousand years ago. Indonesian has formed this culture as a heritage for an identity of the country , while when we see the fact , based on Bandung fe institute studies has found that till 2013, there are more than 20 culture of Indonesia which has claimed by the other country both from the ancient manuscripts, traditional food, traditional musical instruments, dance, traditional song and many other culture of Indonesia.

 Based on Melville J. Hekovits ( 109 : 2006) Culture is a supeorganic things which can be heritate from one generation to the other geneation and still alive though the people always exhange year by year. By this definition we can analized that the nature of culture happened when the culture is living inside the due heart of each member of society. So that, We can not blame the other country when we did not do our own job too as the member of society who has responsible for keeping the culture of Indonesia.

It is hard to do so while in this era Indonesia is full of foreign culture. Yes, that’s statement was really popular when we talked about the culture cause actually Indonesian’s paradigm has track them to think so. As a law of attraction, the thinking is leading you to act. Therefore, By this paper I try to drop you a line to do not hiding fom that statement. It is only the rebuttle statement which actually a replacement of a paradigm which saying “ I don’t care with my culture cause my culture is a kind of ancient”.

As Bung Karno said in one meeting in August 1945, great nation is a nation that loves to appreciate their own culture and the civilization as well as history of the establishment.






b)      Problem Formulation

·         What is Bima Tribe?

·         What is the history of the tribe?

·         What is 7 elements of the tribe?

·         What is the dynamic of element in Bima tribe?


c)      Aims of the papers

·         Explaining about the whole side of Bima tribe







     Bima Tribe or can be also called as Mbojo tribe is one of the  tribe in Indonesia who stay in Bima regency specifically in nusa southeastern West. This tribe is also called as “ Oma “ tribe as they are nomaden ( always move from one place to the other place).                                          This tribe has a unique tribe as the geografic condition is very different both from south and also west.

     The area of ​​the land is very fertile North Lombok while the south land barren and infertile. Mostly of them live about 5 miles or more from the coast.



     The history of the fairy-more precisely, the Bima tribes have 7 leaders in every area called Ncuhi. During the rebellion in Majapahit, one of the five Pandava, Bhima, Bhima fled south through so as not to get caught by the rebels and directly appointed by the King Bhima Ncuhi first.

      Bima immediately raised his son as king, and he returned to Java and sent 2 children to reign in the kingdom of Bima. Therefore, most Javanese language is sometimes still used as a subtle language in Bima.

The main livelihood of the tribal people is farming Bima and agriculture had become the golden triangle with Makassar and Ternate Sultanate era. Therefore, the relationship Bima and Makassar is very close, as in the days of the Sultanate, the two kingdoms are inter-married sons and daughters of their kingdom.

Bima regency was established on July 5, 1640 AD, when Sultan Abdul Kahir crowned Sultan of Bima I were running the government based on Islamic Sharia. This event is then defined as the Bima Anniversary is commemorated every year. The evidence found in archaeological history Bima like Wadu Pa'a, Wadu Nocu, Wadu Tunti (inscribed stone) in the district hamlet Padende Donggo indicates that this area has long been inhabited by humans. In the cultural history of Indonesia's population is divided into Proto-Malay and Malay novel. Similarly inhabited Bima regency, those who call themselves Mbojo Dou, Dou Donggo that inhabit coastal areas. Besides the natives, there are also migrants from South Sulawesi, Java, Madura, Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.


Bima kingdom formerly fragmented in small groups, each led by Ncuhi. There are five Ncuhi who control five areas, namely: 1. Ncuhi Dara, hold the power of the Middle Bima region 2. Ncuhi Parewa, hold the power of Southern Milky region 3. Ncuhi Padolo, hold the power of the Bima western region 4. Ncuhi Banggapupa, hold the power of the North Bima region 5. Ncuhi Dorowani, hold the power of the East Bima region. This Ncuhi Fifth peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and have always held a consensus agreement when there is something of mutual interest. Of the five Ncuhi, who served as the leader of the other Ncuhi is Ncuhi Dara. In subsequent periods, the Ncuhi are united by a messenger who came from Java. According to legend believed for generations by the people of Bima.


 Forerunners of Maharaja Pandu kingdom of Bima is the Gods who have five sons, namely:

1. Darmawangsa

2. The Bima

3. The Arjuna

4. The Kula

5. The Oracle

One of five siblings namely the Bima sailed eastwards and landed in an island just north of a small district called Satonda Studio. Bima is what unites the fifth Ncuhi in a kingdom that is the kingdom of Bima. Bima and the title as the first king Sangaji. Since then the Bima  became an empire based Hadat, and then also the kingdom of Bima Hadat set applies to all people without exception. This applies Hadat changes continuously and in the reign of Ma Wa'a Bilmana. After implanting the basic joints Hadat rule, the kingdom of Bima Bima left heading east, then submitted to the throne to son Dara Ncuhi the Bima named as heir to the throne of Indra Emeralds come back to the Bima  century XIV / XV



·         Tools And Equipments of Life

As they have farming tradision , so mostly Bima tribe use stone to make the tools for farming . example of their tools which are made by stone are


o   Grindstone    

o   Kamalo

o   machete

o   cila, ax

o   ponggo,

o   tembilang

o   cu 'a







Beside farming tradision , after they harvest the farm they usually have traditional offerings.  bima tribal women commonly use yellow rice, white rice, rice milk, ripe bananas, coconuts are still intact, rice that has been soaked and then mashed and mixed with coconut (Karo'do), mange-mada, chicken (white and black), betel leaves and areca (nahi u'a ro), and tobacco (tambaku).

for kitchen appliances usually they use a cane and the clay and woven-webbing of other materials

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For clothes and house, They also has unique style . For the clothes the woman use Rimpu like a cadar to cover all their body and also Lenggeng house for their houses.


bima.jpg    bima-rimpu 1.jpg

Lenggeng                                    Rimpu

·       Job of Societies

Bima livelihood is farming. In addition, they are also much farming , raising horses and hunting. but,Bima is popular with their horses Since the 14th century horse has Bima exported to P. Java. In 1920 the area has been the scene Bima

horse breeding are important. They have an irrigation system called Ponggawa. The women Bima make woven crafts from rattan and palm leaves, also woven "Tembe nggoli" which famous  in Indonesia.The composition of the population in Bima based livelihoods are dominated by farmers / ranchers and services / merchant / governance magnitude respectively 45.84% and 45.05%. The type of work that was involved Bima City residents include: farmer 15 337 people, 425 people fishermen, ranchers 13,489 people, extracting the 435, the 1952 small industries, large industrial / are 76 people, 1401 people trafficking, Armed Forces 304 people, 1567 people and teachers PNS numbered 2443 people.


·       Society System

The concept of the Bima quite simple kinship and kinship system includes generation. Relatives are coming from the same generation, both men and women, brothers, sisters, or cousins ​​categorized as brothers. They greet each other with the greeting Sa'e (brother), ari (sister), or Chinese (cousin). For the generation below, they will be called by ana (children) including biological son and niece or nephew (son of cousins ​​male and female).




Furthermore, nephew or niece of the child will be called with wa'i (granddaughter) and Ompu (grandson), son of grandson called the Waro both for men and for women. Greetings wa'i or ina ntua also dapakai to say hello to grandma and Ompu or ama ntua to grandparents.


·       Language

Bima Tribe use Bima Mbojo language or languages​​.Bima language consists of various dialects. This languaguage distinguishes fine and coarse language. examples of language Bima :

v Samogang mu na asi (you do not underestimate)

v Paboat aji ko Nene '(dedicated to God)

v Gama crickets Slamat the afterlife (for the safety of the afterlife)


·       Art

Traditional art of dance is a typical Bima Buja kadanda currently endangered and have been considered by the local government as well as the typical tribal war dance bima and race horse racing is a form of art other than interest bima. There are many other traditiona dance like Hadrah,Kanja,Karaenta,Katumbu,Koja,Lengsara




Buja Kadanda Traditional Dance





·       Education

   Time ago, at the beginning of the residential schools in tribal Bima, the school is considered as the destroyer of peoples. Butsince 19 th century till  today many children are sent to school from elementary school to college,




they tend to believe everything that comes from outside is good, particularly with respect to culture and technology.Way of life and thinking tribal community has followed the pattern of Bima modern


·   Religion System

         Original belief the Bima called pare no Bongi, that confidence in the spirits of ancestors. Although most people embraced Islam Bima, Bima tribes still believe in the spirits world is scary.

         The dreaded spirit world is Ganga Batara as gods who have enormous power as rulers, Guru, Idadari magic and User Name, and the spirit of Jim Bake spirits living in the trees, the mountains are very big and powerful to bring diseases, disasters, etc..


As appraciate ceremony for God

They also believe in the existence of a large tree in Kalate considered sacred, Murmas where the gods of Mount Rinjani; Batara and the abode of the goddess. While the eastern part of the Bima tribes embraced Christianity. They also have some ceremony practice when they have death or asking for a rain.



Ceremony for asking the rain to God




·         Acculturation

In Bima, There are Islam and Java effect, So that this both religion still life in Bima’s tribe though bima has no Bongi religion, they still use Islam and java in practical some of them still belief in Islam and also Javanese practical of Islam like giving the sesajen.


·         Assimilation

Mbojo language that used by Bima tribe is a combinationbetween Sasak language and also Sumbawa language.

·         Diffusion

When in 19 th century , Bima tribe try to accepted the education system from Islam influences in the form of school.

·         Inovation

When Bima tribe found or create tembilang (a kind of farmer’s tool) to help their farming system.







From the explanation above we have prove that Indonesia has thousands mor culture even for one tribe Bima example there are many culture seeing from 7 elements like tools and equipment for life, Job, Society system, No bongi Language, Art, religion as well as education system. Apart from that each of tribe has their own history and dynamic of Culture. So that, We actually need to realized that we are lucky to have those culture. So that, we need to keep them as we are the owner .
















·         Maryati, Kun dan Suryawati ,Juju.2007.Sosiologi untuk SMA dan MA kelas XI.Jakarta: PT Gelora Aksara Pratama