Okinawa Karate Dojo

Kondo No Shokai


The Okinawa Karate Dojo is not only a member-school of the international karate organization "Kondo No Shokai", but it is the honbu (headquarters) for it as well. The KONDO NO SHOKAI, (J. New Pine Tree Society) is a karate organization dedicated to the preservation of Shorei-ryu Karate as taught by the late Grandmaster Robert A. Trias. Shorei-ryu Karate has historical influences in China, Okinawa, Japan and Hawaii. Our art is ancient and vast and must continue. Without a strong organization, Shorei-ryu Karate is in danger of becoming a mere collection of techniques borrowed from other systems. To prevent this end, we are forming the Kondo No Shokai. Our Purposes Include:

  • Compiling a history of Shorei-ryu Karate since WWII
  • Identifying authentic students of Grandmaster Trias and those of his line
  • Assembling a comprehensive library of Shorei-ryu Karate terms and techniques
  • Publishing a professional journal of Shorei-ryu Karate
  • Establishing a yudanshakai ( belt holders group)
  • Standardizing the forms and techniques
  • Providing technical assistance to individuals and schools
  • Recognizing and promoting outstanding practitioners of Shorei-ryu Karate
  • Promoting koryu (J.ancient warrior arts)
  • Certifying authentic karate schools.

We would like you to help us locate practitioners of Shorei-ryu Karate, Shorei-Goju Karate and martial artists who claim the late Grandmaster Robert A. Trias as part of their karate lineage. If they are on the net, please give them our e-mail address. If they are not, please give them our land address. Further, if you wish to join, you are welcome to apply. All styles are welcome. If you resemble me, you are a martial artist who has visited hundreds of karate-related web sites. These sites are variously, entertaining, inane, and sometimes extremely egotistic. Here at the Kondo No Shokai we hope you will find a different approach. There will be no video clips, music, animation or hi-tech devices designed to entertain or capture your money. Rather, we will provide some background information, a bit of history and an invitation to join us. Karate associations perform a variety of services to their members. We claim to be:

  • Apolitical
  • Authentic
  • Efficient
  • Expert
  • Inexpensive

With the recent dissolution of the United States Karate Association, many Shorei-ryu Karate practitioners have been without a source of leadership. We hope to recruit you and any other Shore-ryu Karate stylists that you may know to our expanding family. Please contact us and be prepared to discuss your history of involvement in our style.

Master Trias became my first karate sensei on June 7, 1961. My assignments within the U.S.K.A. included Regional Director and Shorei-ryu Karate Stylehead. My name is Mr. Terry B. Sanders. If you identify with the Trias Shorei-ryu Karate lineage and are interested in preserving it and joining us, please contact me at: 9950 Majestic View Road SW Deming, NM 88030-9537 (505) 546-3461

For more information about the Kondo No Shokai, please visit the website at:

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