Omar J. Nunez

5000 W. 16th St. Cicero, Illinois 60804

High School: Morton East     -     Associates: Morton College     -     Bachelors: Northeastern Illinois University

Omar's Resume Photo


Oak Park Apartments
Title: Head Assistant
From: 2007-2010

Lady Gregory's
Title: Host
From: 2014-2015

NEIU: Dancer's Society
Title: President
From: 2014-Present

About: Ever since entering Morton East High School I have been a proactive member of the community. I got started as a member of the student council where as a team we were able to bring both social and ecological changes to the school. On my sophomore year I got involved in theater early on and started developing discipline, integrity and people skills. Soon thereafter, I joined the school's yearbook club and ecology club where I learned the importance of initiative, proactivity and timeliness. My biggest accomplishment was in my efforts in the school drama department which led to the department having its biggest patron attendance in years. I am proud of that achievement because it showed me how hard work could lead to so much community engagement.

After graduating, I did not stop learning for I took it upon myself to learn a new skill, so I started studying dance in the city. I have been working in dance for over six years now and I have learned to think creatively, to work as a team member and to lead. I have since moved to choreographing, music and video editing and have even learned much about music through my minor. In addition, I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Marketing which I hope will let me work on the business side of the entertainment world too. I have made it my goal to be as well rounded as can be so I may become and indispensable part of your team.

Available To Work As


Short and Long Term Goals: My plan, for the moment, is to absorb as much knowledge of the professional performing arts business so that I may grow as a performer and as a leader working behind the scenes learning what it takes to run a successful business. In the long run, my hope is to hone all my experience together so that I may run my own professional performing company and or school.

-Language- -Fluency- -Years-
Spanish Read, Write and Talk 24
English Read, Write and Talk 20
French Read and Write 3

Special Skills
-Medium- -Proficiency-
Microsoft Office Advanced
Minitab Intermediate
Photoshop Intermediate
HTML Intermediate
Movie Maker Expert

Theatrical Image Portfolio

Spotlight Picture Duet Picture

Black and White Dane Picture Girls Dance Rehearsal Picture Ball Duet Dance

Backstage Rehearsal Picture
Email Link Facebook Link Instagram Link

Page Desig by: Omar J. Nunez     Updated: 4/10/2016