Vitacel - Caveat lector

Recently Dr. Robert Koch, a Salt Lake City biochemist, developed Vitacel 3, which is GH-3 in tablet form and contains the same PBN factor that is the active component of Aslan's injectable GH3. His formula, Vitacel 4, expands the nutritional benefits of Vitacel 3 by adding bee propolis, which has antibacterial and antiviral activity, along with royal jelly, which contains high concentrations of natural pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Vitacel 7 is Koch's latest development. It has vitamin-complexing agents that replace the bisulfite and benzoic acid that Dr. Aslan used in GH-3 because they may be possible allergens for some people. Koch claims that this new formulation keeps the procaine hydrochloride working for many hours in the body. Like GH-3, Vitacel has not been approved by the FDA, and is not available in the United States. However, people are allowed to purchase it offshore, such as in the Cayman Islands, in small quantities for personal use.

Copyright �1993: Beverly Potter & Sebastian Orfali. Excerpted from Brain Boosters: Foods & Drugs That Make You Smarter. Permission given by Ronin Publishing, Inc., Berkeley, CA to Smart Basics Inc. to distribute on web site only. This material may be downloaded by individuals for personal use only, but it may not be reproduced and distributed to others without specific written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved. The data on Smart Drugs is provided for informational purposes only. These are prescription items and/or are not available for sale in the United States. Please note that Smartbasics does NOT sell these products. We are not associated with any other company nor do we recommend the purchase of Smart Drugs through any offshore company. If you are interested in using these products, we recommend you contact your health care provider.


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