
Vinpocetine - Caveat lector

Sometimes called Cavinton, Vinpocetine is derived from vincamine, which is an extract of the periwinkle plant. It has a very powerful stimulating effect on memory. Vinpocetine ups the metabolism in the brain in four ways. It pumps up the blood flow, increases the rate at which brain cells produce ATP (which is a cell molecule that creates energy), and speeds up the use of glucose and oxygen in the brain. The result is that the cells of the brain can better retain information; so the individual can remember more. Because of its stimulating effect on blood flow, venpocetine has been used to treat circulatory problems in the brain and memory problems due to low circulation. Gedeon Richter, a Hungarian company that markets vinpocetine in Europe, has funded more than a hundred studies to show it's effectiveness and safety. Many of these studies have shown the drug's powerful effect on memory improvement. Vinpocetine is not toxic and is considered safe. It takes about a year of daily use to achieve maximum effect.

Copyright �1993: Beverly Potter & Sebastian Orfali. Excerpted from Brain Boosters: Foods & Drugs That Make You Smarter. Permission given by Ronin Publishing, Inc., Berkeley, CA to Smart Basics Inc. to distribute on web site only. This material may be downloaded by individuals for personal use only, but it may not be reproduced and distributed to others without specific written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved. The data on Smart Drugs is provided for informational purposes only. These are prescription items and/or are not available for sale in the United States. Please note that Smartbasics does NOT sell these products. We are not associated with any other company nor do we recommend the purchase of Smart Drugs through any offshore company. If you are interested in using these products, we recommend you contact your health care provider.
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