
Pramiracetam - Caveat lector

Pramiracetam, also known as CI-879, is another chemical relative to piracetam, and has a similar effect in improving the operations of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Like oxiracetam, pramiracetam appears to be more potent than piracetam. Although pramiracetam seems to be more potent and effective, it is less common than piracetam. Pramiracetam is newer, less tested, and less available. Parke Davis is working through the maze of FDA approval of pramiracetam to treat Alzheimer's disease. If pramiracetam becomes legally available, it will probably be used not only for Alzheimer's disease but for cognitive enhancement as well.

Copyright �1993: Beverly Potter & Sebastian Orfali. Excerpted from Brain Boosters: Foods & Drugs That Make You Smarter. Permission given by Ronin Publishing, Inc., Berkeley, CA to Smart Basics Inc. to distribute on web site only. This material may be downloaded by individuals for personal use only, but it may not be reproduced and distributed to others without specific written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved. The data on Smart Drugs is provided for informational purposes only. These are prescription items and/or are not available for sale in the United States. Please note that Smartbasics does NOT sell these products. We are not associated with any other company nor do we recommend the purchase of Smart Drugs through any offshore company. If you are interested in using these products, we recommend you contact your health care provider.
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