Freerk A. Lootsma

AHP aditivo y multiplicativo

Definición: The Additive and the Multiplicative AHP >

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Saaty (1980) is a widely used method for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, presumably because the decision makers can easily understand the elicitation of preference information. The original AHP has been criticized, however, because the algorithmic steps do not properly take into account that the method is based upon ratio information. The shortcomings (rank reversal, results dependent on the order of the computations) can easily be avoided in the Additive and the Multiplicative AHP to be discussed in the presentation. The Additive AHP is the SMART procedure, with pairwise comparisons on the basis of difference information. The Multiplicative AHP, with pairwise comparisons on the basis of ratio information, is a variant of the original AHP. There is a logarithmic relationship between the two methods (logarithmic coding in psycho-physics, see the decibel scale in acoustics) that we extensively employ in the elicitation of preference information.


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