"Fight the power. Put myself on the throne"

Being the game changer. That's what Nova Wonder did. That was what she was put on this Earth to do. Whether it was metaphorical, whether it was physical, it was what she adored most.

As opposed to making a big deal out of changing the prototypical mold of what a wrestler is and should be... after all, that was not news to anybody by this point after nearly a decade in the sport she loved, but Nova had done exactly that by taking the most out of an opportunity that was given to her. When the match she had signed up for, a Tag Team match facing Amanda Reynolds and Aoki-goodgodno-sneezesoundinserted Zombie. Nova's partner, CJ O'Donnell, or as she dubbed him - Biscuit - had let her down... unsurprisingly, at that. Chasing Zombie around the arena like a childhood game of tag was amusing for watchers... but for Nova, being walked out on by her partner was possibly the biggest blessing in disguise that could have happened.

There was no dead weight to carry. There was no pressure. Sure, Amanda got brave a time or two... but she was NEVER really competition for Nova, and she knew it. Amanda had been bitter and broken ever since Heat Stroke. But, there was never at all a question that Wondergirl was going to come out on top and stroll into Bad Moon Rising, where she was plastered on the poster, riding on a wave of momentum and make that plastering worthwhile!

And finally... wasted time and weeks gone by, and the night was here. For all of the days and nights Nova spent checking days off the calendar, the final week seemed to flash by in a blink of an eye. It was finally here. Nova's title opportunity. The title opportunity she won June 10th at Heat Stroke, and the match with Johnny Raike.

That fucking insignificant little worm... he wanted so badly to be a thorn in her side. To dig his way into her flesh and tear away at it, and be a small but constant nag.

His feelings were hurt. His ego was broken. The fact was... she discarded him, not because he isn't good, but because he isn't as good as he thinks he is. Raike sucked into his own ego. And year after year had passed, and the fact was, Wondergirl had seen a million people like him come and go. The only difference was that most wore boots with less sparkles.

It was his actions that spoke louder than his whiny, whiny words. It was worth it for Nova to stay home for the Box Office, because it spoke volumes for her. She didn't need to acknowledge him. She didn't NEED to get into some physical altercation beforehand like they always resolved into. This broke him. He even jumped to social media, looking to hand her championship opportunity that was iron-clad, sealed, and locked after Heat Stroke to someone else. That spoke in more volumes than anything else.

Johnny Raike knew what Nova was telling him was the absolute truth. He was merely a transitional champion. He was holding that title, keeping it warm for the day she would inevitably steal it away from him, and hold it out of his reach, like a game of cat and mouse.

PAW may have been Johnny Raike's home, originally... but it was Nova Wonder who kicked the fucking door down, threw off her shoes, opened the fridge, and started drinking his beer and watching his TV. It was a hostile takeover. It was a DEMANDING for attention and now, Johnny Raike had to make peace with the realization that his pampered place on his pedestal was no longer his and his alone.

Nova would shove him off, watch the pedestal shatter to pieces, and slit his throat with it before she even DREAMED of showing mercy.

PAW may be his home, but the Midway was Nova's comfort zone. His fear, his flight instinct... all were well-justified. ALL would serve him well. But it would all be wasted. Because Wondergirl had each and every intention of making the most out of her Heat Stroke win and taking home what she EARNED, while leaving Raike's fear and desperation for an escape from this match very justified.

Johnny Raike may be PAW's household name... but Nova Wonder was quickly taking over the house. And if Raike was in that house... she'd torch it to cinders if it meant bringing it down around him and getting what she deemed hers from the very start. Frankly, after defeating essentially the entire roster, barring only a few names - the Titan of the Midway Championship was a little more than overdue.

Come Bad Moon Rising... Nova would take what she deserved, and there wasn't a damn thing The Man of a Million Metrosexual Monikers could do about it!

vs. Johnny Raike - TOTM Championship
Wicked - #17
August 18th, 2016

There were two very different sides to the woman that the PAW fans had gotten to know over the past number of weeks. There was Nova Wonder - brash, bold, in your face, take no prisoners. A woman with a definitive line in the sand that resided both before her and behind her. A woman who was loved, or hated, with no gray area whatsoever. But, that's the woman that the world saw when the cameras were rolling. There was another woman behind the blue haired, tattooed facade... and that woman's name is Alessandra Reynolds.

Alessandra Reynolds used the name, the bravado, and the notoriety that came from the Nova persona as a shield. Time and time again, being hurt led her to grow defensive from that wide-eyed girl with hopes of saving a world that, now, could burn to cinders around her for all she cared as long as those she adored stayed safe. A loving and devoted mother, who, while unconventional, would and could give anything she had to her child. A child who was sleepy-eyed and coming to the end of those terrible twos, not wanting to face an early bedtime before a trip to The Pure Arena for Bad Moon Rising. Sleepy eyes adorned the girl's face, albeit little fingers doing her best to pry at them to keep them open, while her mother wore a knowing smile while strumming gently at the strings of an acoustic guitar.

VP REYNOLDS: I'm not tired, mama! No!

NOVA WONDER: It's you, it's you, it's all for you, everything I do...

She sang lightly and gently, carrying the tune well for someone with such a notoriously big mouth who had been known for belting her words and lyrics out. A softer version of "Video Games" came out, her expert fingers navigating the strings and frets while a long yawn exposed the toddler as a liar.

Hearing the melody of Alessandra�s voice caught Calvin�s attention from down the hall. He peeked his head out from their bedroom and peered down the hall hearing the light strumming of the guitar as well. A smile crossing his lips instantly knowing it was �ni-ni� time for VP. Taking a couple of steps out of the bedroom and down the hall. Stopping just outside of VP�s bedroom door. Making sure to not be seen for he knew that was just going to be an extra distraction to the little girl. He could hear the child protest that she wasn�t tired in the least bit while peeking into the room. Calvin could see her fighting hard to stay awake, but it almost seem no use.

Looking into the room at the two women that had become his entire life in a matter of months. That smile of his couldn�t help but grow a little more. Watching as VP�s yawn escaped her lips with her eyes starting to get heavier. Making himself to the visible eye at least to Alessandra. He stood in the doorway and slightly waved in her direction. Keeping an eye on VP making sure that she wouldn�t see him standing there. Her eyes were starting to shut with each strum of the instrument in Alessandra�s hands.

NOVA WONDER: Only worth livin' if somebody is lovin' you...

She could see those sleepy eyes make contact, the struggles and whines becoming more quiet before it looked as if she'd dozed off. Nova smiled, gently placing that guitar against the wall and pulling herself up out of an extra large bean bag chair in the corner. The early morning flights were exhausting enough, but to be put through the wringer by the nearly three year old was something she'd become acclamated to. Pulling herself up to her feet, she clipped her monitor to her black jeans pocket and gently eased the door cracked, facing the number one contender to the PAW World Championship with a grin.

NOVA WONDER: And baby now ya' do...

She dusted the seat of her pants off, before folding her arms beneath her chest. Wondergirl finally stopped her song lyrics and spoke in a quiet whisper.

NOVA WONDER: At least, you will, 'til you and Press fry each other up like the funnel cakes they serve on the Midway.

CALVIN HARRIS: Excuse you?

He shook his head in protest while remaining as quiet as he could.

CALVIN HARRIS: I done told you this once before. I�m not getting fried at all. No part of my body at any given moment is going to touch that cage. I�m smarter than what most people give me credit for. I�ve always got a plan... It�s all up here.

Using his index finger, he began to tap against the side of his skull. This was not the first time in the last two weeks he had heard her make some type of remark like that. Alessandra wasn�t pleased by some of the choices he made. Something that he understood, but at the same time he had to do what was best for him. She was going to have to learn to deal with that. The title meant that much to him. He was willing to risk it all. His dark eyes settling on her.

CALVIN HARRIS: Speaking of the Midway, please tell me you�re actually ready for that fucking drag queen faggot.

NOVA WONDER: He asked the woman, who was once going to be married to another woman...

She cut her eyes playfully. It wasn't exactly headline-breaking news that Wondergirl wasn't too picky about the team she was swinging for. As such, she didn't care too much for that language, especially around little mouths that tended to pick up words like a parrot would.

NOVA WONDER: I don't like him either, honestly. EVERYTHING that social justice movements are fighting for, he slaps them in the face. But, I'm not going to be a neanderthal about it. And it's going to be my greatest sense of satisfaction in taking that title off of him and putting it on someone who can do what he is trying to do, in a manner that will actually be respectable and actually bring some credibility to that title.

She spoke in a matter of fact tone, clearly very proud of herself.

NOVA WONDER: But, you know, I can't help but feel like that plan is a good one... but it sounds good on paper. As long as you shock Press into full 'fro rather than the greasy mess half-one he's got now, I'll be content.

CALVIN HARRIS: I got this entire thing covered with Press. He�s not even going to know what hit him... Personally, I just hope that the first electric shock sends him into cardiac arrest.

The one thing about Calvin was he could be one of the most heartless people that has ever existed in life. There wasn�t a difference between Calvin the man and Calvin the wrestler, unlike the one that resided with his girlfriend. They were generally one in the same which meant that when Calvin hated someone. He truly meant that and he really meant it when it came to press. He could not stand the man at all. Couldn�t stand the fact he breathed. Shaking his head a tad bit.

CALVIN HARRIS: As far as your opponent goes, though? Raike is doing more than ruining all these social justice movements. He is doing more than making trannies, drag queens, and homosexuals look bad. The dude is practically killing the wrestling business. Every single fucking time he is in the ring. He makes a complete and utter mockery out of the business and the fans love it. However even worse than the fact that are the fans loving it is the fact that PAW accepts it. They support it. This man is making their company look bad and they act like he�s the greatest thing to ever step foot into the company.

He found himself getting a little loud. Alessandra�s glare in his direction was enough to make him calm himself down a little bit. At the same time Calvin gritted his teeth together, His hatred for Raike was much deeper than his hatred for Press. There was no chance in hell the issues he had with Press would ever be revolved.

CALVIN HARRIS: And the cocksucker walks around with the Titan�s of the Midway Championship like he truly beat me to accomplish it. If it wasn�t for me deciding to move on to bigger and better things, I�d still hold that championship. Everyone knows that. I did his ass a favor. Don�t go around acting like you�re better than me. Don�t go around acting like you truly deserve that championship when you don�t... Seriously, fuck that guy!

Calvin Harris was many things, but if nothing else could be said that was true... he was passionate. He was enraged by Johnny Raike and had been since day one. So much so that he had worked himself into a frenzy, nearly stamping his feet in the hallway in the process. Nova would have been amused, had the door not been pushed open to the bedroom they were adjacent to by two tiny hands and all the weight of her daughter, VP. Sleepy eyes that were practically dilating by the moment, an energy surge threatening to overtake her. That wasn't acceptable. Nova took her hand, reeling her back in before shooting a glare to a sheepish Calvin. VP whined, being led back to bed by the woman looking to take hold of the Titan of the Midway title.

NOVA WONDER: You're cranky, and you need a nap.

CALVIN HARRIS: You can't talk to her like that...

NOVA WONDER: Who said I was talking to her?!

Calvin's protests are met with the door being closed in his face. He scoffed, a little chuckle escaping him as he raked a hand through his dark hair.

Nova did everything in her power not to shake her head at Calvin. The night before travel days were always the worst when it came to getting her young daughter into a routine. To accommodate for the time zone change, she'd have to do everything an hour early, and much like her mother, the little girl was as nocturnal as could be. Putting her back into her bed, VP's whines and pouting went to the next level.

VP REYNOLDS: I stay up too!

NOVA WONDER: Hmm... no. But, tell ya' what. I'll read you a story. How about that?


She pouted, feeling the blankets being tucked in around her, her legs flailing beneath the blankets.

VP REYNOLDS: They're old stories.

NOVA WONDER: You want a new story? Well, I think I can do that. But you gotta pinky promise to go to bed. And you know the rule... you can't ever break a pinky promise. Deal?

Nova held out her pinky for the little girl's smaller finger. Locking around it, she took a seat at the foot of the bed, watching her daughter's sleepy, Heterochromia-afflicted eyes take a glance to her mom. Nova had no doubt that she could have said anything in a soft enough tone and it would put her back to sleep. Instead though... she opted to have fun with her obligation.

There once was a boy, named Johnny Raike
Every move, his life, and even his job, was all a big mistake
It became much more than the Kingdom of PAW could take.

Then a girl should come along
who just happened to be your mom
ready to prove all of her critics wrong

The two would fight, if you believe
and on Bad Moon Rising's eve
she would rise above the rest

With a devastating Novacaine
his horrible plague will be slain
and there would be no one to mourn the man in the dress.

Of course she'd fallen asleep, thanks to having been mostly there until Calvin had raised his voice and the combination of her mother's most soothing voice - the little one hadn't stood a chance. Nova chuckled, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead before slipping off the foot of the bed, lowering her feet onto the floor.

NOVA WONDER: Good on ya', kid... it normally takes actually watching one of his matches to make that happen.

Nova smiled, slowly creeping towards the door, closing it while the knob was turned to prevent a loud clicking sound from waking her up once again.

"It's been a busy week." Nova comments, simply. She wears a black Rob Zombie Spooks-A-Poppin' shirt that has been cut to a bandana-style cut ending right over her trim stomach, and a pair of black low-rise jeans. Her jeans are tucked into a pair of black boots, and curiously enough around her wrist is a pin cushion on an elastic strap. The camera is sure to avoid anything in the distance, focusing only on Nova and not on her busy hands out of shot.

NOVA WONDER: I've made sure to keep up with my news on the PAW front. I've seen the new signings. Cashmere? Impressive. He and I go pretty far back, you know. We both came out of the shitty hell hole in Miami and lived to tell the tale.

One hand finally comes into focus, as Nova took hold of a plastic bouncy ball. She drops it on the floor, with an unimpressed look on her face. Nuff said.

NOVA WONDER: Contrary to what he may think... I consider what we have water under the bridge. He had something I wanted. He doesn't now, and more importantly... even if he DID, I don't want it now. I've seen the value that tin foil title has and I'm on to one of only slightly more value. The Titan of the Midway Championship. That's why I'm here early... putting the final touches on a little somethin'-somethin' that I think will steal the show more than I already intended to.

Removing a pin or two from the tomato-resembling cushion, she stuck it into her 'project' on the side before removing the cushion tentatively and placing it on a coffee table. Curling her finger with her, she urges the camera to follow along.

NOVA WONDER: The Midway is the same beast, just a different name as far as I'm concerned. It's anything goes, it just happens to have a bevy of playthings at my disposal and an opportunity to get inventive. I'm not sure if it's rang through everyone's head by now, or if I need to repeat myself in case the highlight reels don't do it enough, but inventive violence has been my bread and butter for the last goddamn decade now! I've dominated every Death Match I've entered. I've smashed records, I've earned titles, I've done it ALL from nearly drowning someone to keep a title to hanging them above the ring like the sacrificial lamb I've viewed them as. And that was against people who merely annoyed me, professionally. Johnny Raike is a creature, one who pisses me off on a personal level at that. So if I can hurt people, maim people, come seconds away from actually MURDERING people who I don't have anything bad to say about in my personal life... what do you think I'm capable of with a disrespectful little fuckwit like Johnny Raike?

Scoffing a bit, she planted her hands on the generous curve of her hips.

NOVA WONDER: It's especially hilarious to me when the guy who practically makes bragging about having a crusty morning jizz-stache left over from the last night seven days a week a professional sport accuses me of not being a professional wrestler. Let me educate you, boy. This is NOT the war that you want. You are not prepared. You're nothing but smoke, mirrors, and a walking fucking punchline that doesn't end. You are a FACADE. You're the equivalent of the twenty-two thousand lesbians on Twitter. You act like who you are or what you're doing is edgy, but the fact is, you do it because it is all that you have.

A nasty grin overtook her face, the tattooed Seattle-born wrestler giving her head a shake from side to side.

NOVA WONDER: Fact is, the only thing that Johnny Raike even thinks is interesting about Johnny Raike is the fact that he'll stick his dick into anything. And that's a very sad existence, if I do say so myself. Far be it from me to slut shame. I personally don't care who you're sticking it to, as long as they're of age, consenting, and of the same species. Have a fucking field day! What I care about is the fact that your dick is the only reason you're in any kind of spotlight at all. And that's maybe shocking by 1998 Jerry Springer reruns standards. But this is 2016. There are ACTUAL people, struggling to accept who they are. And the fact that an asshole like Johnny Raike spits in their faces while acting like he's some kind of martyr for their cause - a martyr they never even wanted, at that - is disgusting. Johnny Raike is a charade. He's a SHAM. He's not edgy, he's not a role model, but you'll never convince him of that. In fact... I'd say Johnny Raike considers himself some kind of hero to a community that, frankly, will never want him or accept him because he's such a fucking embarrassment to humans in general. And this small, little piece of me would actually love for him to get in my face, and try and contest to me that he's what he thinks he is. That he's the hero of the LGBTQ community. That he's the savior of PAW, just without a cape.

That grin soon turns to a laugh, before becoming all-too-sadistic.

NOVA WONDER: You should check the DVDs to see what I did to the last pandering hero of PAW. I fucking ended her. The fate of Johnny Raike is not a different one. His story is the SAME; PAGE for GODDAMN PAGE, line-for-fucking-line! I killed your hero... just like I'll kill the career of that abysmal EXCUSE for a Titan of the Midway Champ. And, let's just be honest with ourselves for a few seconds, huh? That's what we're all here for, right? Open, brutal honesty? That's why you come my way, isn't it?

She leaned on the arm of the chair, licking over her teeth.

NOVA WONDER: Johnny tried to get out of this match. It didn't work. Johnny tried to save face. It didn't work. And what's especially great about all of this is that for as much as I can taste that Johnny DOESN'T want to be across the ring from me... and for very good reason... he even knows he shouldn't be. He knows that he was given that title as a consolation prize. Calvin traded in for the league where the big boys play. He traded up for the PAW Heavyweight Championship. And I've seen the look in his eyes, I've seen the FIRE that's burning in them. He wants to end Press just as badly as I want to end you. The difference is though? Unlike you and Press? We are entirely capable. We aren't your goddamn hype machines. We ARE the event! We ARE what makes Bad Moon Rising WORTHY of being something that people PAY. TO. SEE! It's Nova Wonder written on the program, written on the marquee, that makes the show worth buying, not yours! It's MY face on the poster, MY t-shirt in the merch stands, MY doll, MY name. And it's my delight to see you panic and fidget while your star dies out to a dull flicker and mine illuminates the sky. It's my pleasure to watch you shrivel up and die because there's nothing in this world you can do to stop this. You've tried, lord knows you did. I saw you. You wanted to delay the inevitable. You wanted to throw a monkey wrench into my grand plan because you thought it would give you an extra moment to grasp at something that, frankly, never should'a been yours anyway... but you can't. And you won't. And like I told you, your time is tick-tick-ticking away. Not just as champion, but as someone who is actually in any way, shape, or form of even an iota of importance to this company. I got this place off the ground. I launched it into superstardom and got us this place the publicity it needed to be a LEGITIMATE contender in the TV game. But... no. No. You're important. You're important. That only... y'know, never fucking would've happened in a million years under the Johnny Raike regime and I fucking dare you to tell me otherwise! You're a seasoned ol' vet here. Where was all this publicity when this was the Johnny Raike show? Hmm? Nowhere. That came from ME. Not you. You're welcome.

Scowling a bit, her arms folded tightly underneath her chest. Her eyebrow narrowed wickedly.

NOVA WONDER: You're in for a rude awakening if you think I'm going to hold your hand and tell you that you're a respectable man, because you're not. You're on fucking Meth and Molly if you think that I'm going to tell you you deserve that championship, because you don't. The ONLY thing anyone can tell me about you that's true is that you've been here longer than me. Congratulations. Really. It's a feat to have been here so long and made... relatively no impact on the well-being of this place, you selfish cunt. God bless your ego, though. It's really something because I'm sure you think otherwise. But, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I'm not sure if you know this, Date-Raike, but first... isn't always best.

"Shock" overtakes her face, her fingers covering her mouth as a sarcastic gasp escapes her.

NOVA WONDER: Compare the first Smartphones to the ones today. The newer ones are faster, lighter, and put the ones that were there first to shame. Computers? They've gone from the size of a barn with the capabilities to only do simple mathematics to us literally needing them for most functions of our day-to-day lives. Mewtwo? Much stronger than Mew. Fight me if your opinion is stupid.

She shrugged, her lip snarling a bit.

NOVA WONDER: Point is... the things that were there first? They're now dusty paperweights. No value at all left. You'd be lucky if I left enough flesh on your bone to even compare to that. This is MY domain. This is MY area of comfort. That is MY title and has pretty much been destined to be just that since I stepped foot into this company and EVERY single night I go to bed and wake up without it is a crime that you're committing. A crime I plan to rectify with at least a pound of flesh as my keepsake. So... you may have been one of the first names to sign here, Raike... but I swear to you, it is all so trivial. At Bad Moon Rising... you're getting a creature HELLBENT on correcting and eradicating the sins you boast about so proudly. At Bad Moon Rising... I will not exorcise my demons, but I will exercise them, and I will EXPOSE you - not your old-news genitals, but for the FRAUD of a champion that you are, and I will claim what should have been given to me from day one, and that is the Titan of the Midway CHAMPIONSHIP. When all is said and done, Johnny Raike? I will punish you.

Wondergirl shooed the camera away, well-aware of the time that had been ticking away. Dropping to a crouched position by her project, we fade to a close.

RECORD: Wins: 03 Losses: 01 Draws: 00

ACCOLADES: Won Heat Stroke's 16 Man Battle Royal

DEFEATED: Bryan Williams // Flaming Youth // Amanda Reynolds [twice] // Alexandra Kelly [twice] // Nirvana // Ava // Johnny Sykes // The French Mime Assassins // Roy Baker // Redrum // S.O.B. // The Lost Boyz // James Radford