The greatest movie ever!
"What can I say? We weren't much more than a couple of young punks"
                         -Stevo in SLC Punk
"I rest my case on this: In a Country of lost souls rebellion comes hard. But in a religously oppressive city, which half it's population isn't even of that religion, it comes like fire."
                                            -Stevo in SLC Punk
The movie's soundtrack features alot of the classic 80's punk-rock bands suck as:
*The Suicide Machines
*Generation X
*The Velvet Underground
*The Stooges
*The Specials
*The Dead Kennedys
*The Ramones
'It's 1985 and Stevo is that rare animal, a punk rocker in the Mormon stronghold of Salt Lake City, Utah. He just graduated from college with honors and now his life is a nutty roller coaster ride of rock shows, stealing cars, beating up rednecks and non-stop partying with his buddy, Heroin Bob, and his girlfriend. But with the scene getting lame and Stevo going nowhere fast, he has to put his punk ideals to the test. With a choice between "no future" and Harvard Law School, What's a guy with blue hair supposed to do?'*Pulled off the back of the movie case*
If you dont have this movie you should get off your ass and run down to your local Hot Topic and buy this movie! You will not regret it! This is the best movie I have ever watched! After the first time you see it you will watch it over and over till you have every single word down in your memory!GO BUY IT NOW!
There's no place like home! so take me there!
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