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 .:::::::::::: |_______||________||__|__|_|__||___._|__|__| :::::::::::.  
/:::::::::::::::::::::::-[ it's not 1998 anymore ]-::::::::::::::::::::: 
/::'.::..::.:`::'                                                  /:::: 
/::=---------=:' Here are some websites I use alot, hope you like   /:.:
/ ,-========-,   the websites on this list!                         /:.:
/|    HOME    |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |  Your World of Text is an infinite grid of          /:.:
/ :-========-:   text editable by any visitor. The changes made     /:.:
/|    ASCII   |  by other people appear on your screen              /:.:
/| .________. |  as they happen.                                    /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|  DOWNLOAD  |  The Internet Archie contains over 459 billion web  /:.:
/| .________. |  pages that have been saved over time and is one    /:.:
/ :-========-:   of the biggest and best archive on the Internet    /:.:
/|    GAMES   |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |  DuckDuckGo is one of the best search engines out   /:.:
/ :-========-:   there who really care about your privacy.          /:.:
/|    LINKS   |  DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal      /:.:
/| .________. |  information (unlike say Google) so you know        /:.:
/ :-========-:   you're safe and sound with them.                   /:.:
/|  ABOUT ME  |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |  Cyanide & Happiness is one of the best webcomic    /:.:
/ :-========-:   I have found, all of their comics have made me     /:.:
/|    MORE    |  laugh, plus, their YouTube channel is great!       /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|   CONTACT  |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ '-========-'                                                      /:.:
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/::..::..::...::.                                                  .:::: 
/`::::      Site is based on tastytronic.net/asciiweb/aw.cgi      /::::' 