An Official Nym Net Fan Fiction, by Stephen Keller November 26th, 1998 On the eve before the launch of one of the most hyped consoles of all time, a world waits in awe... the thrill of Zelda 64 temporarily diminished, all eyes are on one company... all eyes fixed on the same object... and so begins our story... Myntendo: A Cautionary Fable 13:00 CST - Nym's House It was a stormy day out. The wind howled, lightning flashed and the ominous sound of thunder shook the area. With Nym glued to Zelda, Uncle Stove Top decided to check his mail, hoping for some letters for his column. He logged onto his Hotmail account (technically Nym's), and scanned through the messages. "Free stuff, make money fast, something for Nym, something for Nym, nothing for me. Dangit, not again!" he yelled. "Sheesh, it seems like I hardly ever get any letters these days... Those lazy ice heads are spending too much time with their games and not enough time mailing me!" Upset, he decided to go poke around the web for any nifty bits of info that might be floating around. He couldn't decide just what to look at, so he headed over to FGN, where he could get a quick smattering of all the latest happenings. "Ho, what's this?" he wondered aloud. "Major changes happening to the DC?" he read the headline in disbelief. The danged thing was coming out tomorrow! "Sega Enterprises, Ltd. bought out today by mysterious company. In light of this, the DC has been delayed an extra month, and is going to undergo some changes. The most apparent is it's name change: instead of being known as the Dreamcast (which was disliked by a good portion of the industry) it is now to be called the "Myntendo", a name sure to spark controversey." UST stopped reading right there. "MYNTENDO!?!?" he cried out. "Nyyyyymmm!!! You better come see this!!" * * * 13:09 CST - Nym's House "Oh no, this can't be happening!" Nym yelled after reading the article, and then again to make sure it was really there. "How did Myn manage to buy out Sega!? There's no way that scum has THAT much cash!" Nym's cohorts were dumbfounded as well. "Pi pika pikachu!" offered Pikachu. "Kachu pi!" "Well, that's one possibility, but where could he find so much rubber cheese?" asked Code-Rat. "Anta baka!?" asked Ted-chi, slapping CodeRat (in a wacky playful manner, of course). "Come on you guys, we gotta think," said UST. "What are we going to do?" "I know! I gotta believe!" said Nym. "Hey!" yelled Ted-chi. "You can't make PaRappa references in a fan-fic, I think Fritz Fraundorf has that copyrighted!" "Well, this isn't a fan-fic, is it now?" asked Nym. "It's a LONN, and it's based around me, not around somebody else's characters. So I can make all the references I want to. But that's beside the point, what we have to do now is figure out what Myn's up to, and how to stop him." "Agreed," said UST. "Maybe there's some clues in the news story, read it again Nym." "Okay," said Nym. "Sega Enterprises, Ltd. bought out today by mysterious company. In light of this, the DC has been delayed an extra month, and is going to undergo some changes. The most apparent is it's name change: instead of being known as the Dreamcast (which was disliked by a good portion of the industry) it is now to be called the "Myntendo", a name sure to spark controversey. Other changes include some planned alterations to it's software line-up, which are to be announced. In addition, the console will sport a set of new 'special do-hickeys and super duper crazy processing', technical terms that Sega declined to comment on." Everyone present scratched their head. "This has got to be Myn's most insidious scheme yet!" remarked CodeRat. "That ice head is sure to foul up that system..." "And if the DC doesn't do well, that could be the end of Sega's home consoles." continued Ted-chi. "Pika pika pikachu kach ka pi," squeaked Pikachu. "And that could mean..... THE END OF THE GAMING INDUSTRY AS WE KNOW IT!" shouted everyone (except Pikachu) in unison. "But what can we do about it?" UST pointed out, bringing them right back to where they started from. "I think we need some help..." said CodeRat. "Myn with all of Sega's forces behind him is just too big an enemy." "But who could we get to help?" asked UST, always the pessimist. "We need the man with the master plan: Shigeru Miyamoto!" exclaimed Ted-Chi. "Oh, yeah, like we're just gonna go drop in on the greatest game developer of all time? Great plan there," quipped CodeRat. "No, we don't need to do that! We'll use the NymLine!" shouted Nym. "Let's a go!" he yelled, running off. "Pi ka chu?" "I dunno any more than you do. Let's follow him!" UST said, taking off after Nym (as did the rest). * * * 11:23 PST - Myn's Secret Lair Myn listened in on the conversation of our heroes. "Mwa ha ha! Those fools will never stop me, not even with the help of Hideo!" "Uh, Myn, I think it's Shigeru," corrected Myn's vile head henchman (okay, so it was Myn's only henchman), hidden in shadows. "Shut up you clod!" snapped Myn, holding up his hand threatingly. "If I say it's Hideo Meyamoto, that's what it is!" "Ye--yes sir!" "Allright, that's more like it... However, certain precautions should be taken in order to make sure that they don't manage to win this time..." Myn said, his voice trailing off. "What do you have in mind?" asked the henchman. "Oh, something that will jam up their plan. Your bugging of their house was a good idea, but what's this 'NymLine' thing anyway? I don't like the sound of it.... We'll have to stop them, send out the Bots!" "But, those are our defense for the Lair!" "Just do it! I'll trash his house, myua ha hwa!" Myn laughed. He was still experimenting with the right evil laugh.... * * * 13:30 CST - The Nym Cave (aka Nym's garage) The group was huddled around, trying to stay warm in the garage. "Nym, it's raining out, and this isn't exactly the warmest or dryest place in the world!" complained Ted-chi. "Just a second," muttered Nym, rummaging through some boxes. "You've been saying that for ten minutes!" "Yeah, well, ah! Here it is!" Nym found the box he was looking for. He blew off the dust and opened it. Inside was a weird looking helmet with a visor, and what appeared to be some sort of monitor on the back. "The NymLine!" Nym proudly displayed it for his friends. "Uhh, Nym... What is that?" asked UST. Nym explained as he put it on his head. "I made it a while back, before you folk lived here. Guess I just kind of forgot about it myself. Anyway, it's a super cool video phone that allows me to call anyone I need to. Runs off of tokens, too!" "Whoa, cool!" said Ted-chi. "I wanna try!" "Uh uh, no way. This is a very delicate piece of equipment, and besides, we've got business to do! Now, how many tokens does it take to call Japan?" Nym wondered, as he fished out a handful of tokens. "Carry the four, multiplying the fixed overseas rate.... 23 should do it!" Nym put in the required tokens, gave a weird command, waited. Suddenly, the monitor on the back of the helmet came to life. A picture of a middle aged Japanese man in a dark suit appeared. "Moshi moshi Miyamoto san," said Nym. "Ah, Nym san!" said Miyamoto. "How can I help you?" he asked in a heavy accent. Nym's friends just stared in amazement. "Ted-chi, translate for me," whispered Nym. Ted nodded, and Nym rattled off the story, with Ted-chi interpreting. "Oh, that is indeed a problem," said Mr. Miyamoto (via Ted-chi). "However, I am sorry to say that I can not help you; you must defeat Myn on your own." Nym was visibly dissapointed. "But, I can offer you a little advice: Follow the money. You were right in thinking that Myn is not acting alone, and now you must keep up that line of thought. Good luck!" The screen went dark. "Hmm, well, I guess we'd better follow his hint," said Nym. UST was about to speak up when there was a terrible booming. "Uh, was that thunder?" he asked. "I don't think so!" shouted CodeRat. "Move out!" commanded Nym, as he took off the NymLine and donned his battle helmet (a PaRappa Cap). "NymEdge!" he spoke, and a long sword appeared in his hands. "Let's rock!" * * * 13:37 CST - Outside Nym's House In the pouring rain, a battle raged. Three human-sized mecha were beating on the outside of Nym's house, trying to destroy it. "Hey you Lazy Ice Heads, try some o' this!" shouted Nym, as he lept into battle. His steel struck metal, and the two clashed. The mech that he had struck (in the shoulder) turned around, for the first time realizing that something was going on. Nym slashed again, putting a nice gash into the shoulder, but not doing any real damage that he could see. "What's this!?" exclaimed Nym in suprise. "Heh heh heh, your weapons can not hurt me," said the robot, in a very mechanical voice. At that point, Nym realized what the mech was: a robotic Dr. Wily. "Uh oh..." he mumbled. "Those other two better not be who I think they are..." As if on cue, the other two turned around. It was MegaMan X and Zero. Silver-gray, but they definitely looked like them. They started advancing on Nym. Nym hastily backed up a few feet. The robotic Dr. Wily just stood there, waiting for his back up. "Uh, guys, I think I'm gonna need some help here," Nym called to his friends. "Stove Top Power!" UST cried. He jumped beside Nym, and started charging up an Olive Blast. In response, X started charging up his Buster Cannon. "Hit the deck!" shouted Nym, dragging UST down with him. The shot passed right over their heads, but UST lost the OB he'd been powering up. "Nym Shield!" A sphere of energy circled around Nym and his gang. "What are we gonna do? They're too powerful!" UST lamented, temporarily protected. "We gotta believe?" asked Nym. "No - you gotta leave!" shouted a voice. "Mom!?" "Hi honey!" called Nym's Mom. "You guys take off, I'll hold down the fort while you're gone." "But Mom, they're incredibly strong!" "Oh, that's no problem," said Nym's Mom as she withdrew a sawed-off shotgun from behind her back. "I'm good to go." Everyone looked in amazement. "YOU'VE GOT A SHOTGUN!?!" "Well, being cute can't cut it 100% of the time. For everything else, I've got my boomstick." Still in shock, Nym decided to trust his Mom. "Okay, well, I'll be going then. NymWing!" The ground outside opened up, and a small high-tech jet appeared. It flew above Nym, and teleported him and his friends inside. "Later Mom!" he called, hitting super-sonic speeds. "Okay, be back for dinner," his Mom waved. She then looked at the Bots, who were about to make their move. She aimed the gun square at X's face. "Now, who wants some?" * * * 14:00 CST - Somewhere in the Lower Atmosphere The Nym Wing was one of the most advanced pieces of aerospace equipment in the world. Nym made it himself, with the help of UST and some plans he found off of the internet. It was made mostly of parts from old NESes, which probably explained it's sheer coolness. Right now it was on autopilot. The autopilot was (of course) a working ROB. "All systems go," it said (Nym had revamped the ROB, and gave it the voice of ROB64). Nym sat back in his ultra-comfy chair. "ETA to Y2?" he asked. "2 hours 33 minutes," replied ROB. Nym looked around. UST was in the co-pilot's seat, Ted-chi was in the back, and CodeRat had his own little seat in the center. "Hey, waitaminute, where's Pikachu?" asked Nym. He just got some blank stares. "Uh oh, I think we forgot Pikachu. Ah well, I'm sure it'll be fine. Anyway, we've got two-and-a-half hours to kill, what do you guys wanna do?" CodeRat and Ted-chi exchanged the same look. "Pokemon!" they both yelled. They grabbed Nym's spare GameBoys (of course he has spare GameBoys aboard the Nym Wing), and linked 'em up. They were instantly lost in battle. UST twiddled his fingers. "Well, I'm gonna check my e-mail. Where's the computer on this thing again?" Nym pushed a button on the dash. A small laptop popped out. "There ya go, but let me have it when you're done, I need to check up on something." Nym waited the whole minute it took for UST to check his mail, and find that there were still no letters. Nym took the computer from him, and started surfing the web. "What are you doing?" asked UST. "Well, Miyamoto san said to follow the money, so I'm going to look into how Myn got the cash to buy Sega. That should give us some clues to finding him. Here we go, let's go back and read FG... what!?" Wondering what upset Nym, UST glanced over and read the screen. "FGNOnline Presents - The Myntendo Crisis. FGN will be bringing you exclusive, 24-hour a day coverage. Latest development: Sega announces new lineup!" Reading the story, UST found the following: "As previously reported, some changes have been made to the Myntendo's launch. However, the changes are much larger than expected. All original launch games have been delayed, and instead will be replaced with the following: * Acclaim's Good Games: All of Acclaim's games made before 1997, including such wonderful titles as Batman and Robin, and all those old Simpsons games. A special addition of Fantastic Four is set to be included. * War Gods Trilogy: Previously thought to be only a solo game, it appears that there were two other War Gods games that no one knew about. Midway is going to release all three on one CD, along with a totally new game that is sure to please the 3 fans of the series. * Super Off Road Challenge: A souped up version of the N64 'classic,' this Myntendo release will also include constant crashing. Not of cars, but of the game! In other Myntendo news, it is rumored that the Microsoft OS will play a bigger role in the system. More as it happens." UST was stunned, as was Nym. "No! Now we HAVE to stop Myn!" Nym nodded. "Right. Now, let's see. Follow the money... I know! I'll just run it through a search engine, and it'll give me just what I'm looking for, like in the movies!" Nym hurried off over to Google (the greatest search engine out there) and ran his search for "Myn follow the money and buying out sega". "One match found," replied the screen, with a link to a Microsoft web page. "What's this?" wondered Nym, as he clicked the link. It brought him up to a "secret" MS staff page. There was a listing of various Microsoft employees, and there, at the bottom was a most curious listing: "Myn - Electronic Gaming Consultant". "I think I'm beginning to understand..." said Nym. "ROB - change course! We're heading for Redmond, Washington!" * * * 12:20 PST - Myn's Secret Lair "Curses! I can't believe they got away, and defeated my Bots!" cursed Myn. "Lackey, get over here!" "Yes?" "Why didn't you warn me about sending the Bots!??! Now what are we going to do if they show up here, wanting trouble!?" "Uh, sir, perhaps I've got an idea......" "What is it, you cretin!?" "Well, thanks to the bug you planted, we know that they've left their Pikachu outside... Maybe we could, um, kidnap it and hold it hostage?" "What a splendid idea! Let's go! MynWing!" The MynWing, was not quite as cool as the NymWing, but that's what you get for being Myn. It was made mostly from pieces of Atari Jaguar's, and it wasn't too comfortable. It could go fast, though. The two got in it and took off. * * * 15:00 CST - Outside Nym's House A little bit later, Myn and his hencman showed up outside of Nym's home. They saw Pikachu, just standing about. The two evil doers hopped out of the MynWing. Myn had a net. "To save the world from colonization..." the henchman began. "To unite all games in one station..." continued Myn. "To spread the evil of gum and fuzz..." "To extend our reach just because..." "Henchman!" "Myn!" Pikachu just stared at them. "Pi pi pika pi kachu!" it laughed. "Hey, shut up!" said a dejected Myn. "We worked hard on that." The little Pikachu just fell over laughing. "Pi pi pi!" "Grab it!" yelled Myn. The henchman throw a net over Pikachu, and put it in the cargo bay of the Myn Wing. "Come on, let's go!" commanded Myn, and they took off. * * * 13:05 PST - Lobby, MS Corporate HQ "Sir, I'm afraid if you don't have an appointment, you're going to have to leave," the receptionist told an upset Nym. "But, this is really IMPORTANT!" he yelled back. "Don't make me call security..." "Argh!" Nym cried, storming out of the lobby. * * * 13:06 PST - Outside MS Corporate HQ "Dangit, we need to get in there!" fumed an angry Nym. Uncle Stove Top leaned against the (cloaked) Nym Wing, hidden behind some bushes. He swallowed the olive he had been chewing. "Why don't you just bust in there?" Nym's face lit up. "Yeah, I'll go on in there, and if she gives me any trouble, I'll slice her good!" The author shook his head. "No dice; that'd be wrong. Nym's a hero. Besides, he wouldn't say something like that anyway. We need something a bit... cooler. I know!" Nym felt a sudden inspiration come over him. "NymSuit!" Instantly, his clothes morphed into a solid black suit. "Allright, here's how it's going to go down: CodeRat - you're in the NymWing, keeping tabs on the deal. Ted-chi, you're in the lobby, running interference. UST's with me as back up." UST looked at Nym. "And what are you doing?" "We're gonna get in there all right... in style." Humming a familiar tune, he took off towards the building... * * * 13:26 PST - Ventilation System, MS Corporate HQ "Huff. Puff." said UST. "It sure is stuffy in here. Hey, stuffy, almost like stuffing." He played rimshot on the metallic side of the air duct. Nym shot him an angry glance. "UST, be quiet! We need stealth here, remember?" "Sorry." "That's okay. But come on, we're almost to Myn's office." Nym held his finger to the small radio in his ear. "This is Big N to CR. You copy?" "Roger that, Big Loser," crackled the response. "CR, knock it off! We have to have code names, it's the law." "Yeah, whatever. What do you need?" "How close are we to Myn's office?" "About 20 meters up ahead." "Allright, Big N out." "Uh, wait a second." "What do you need?" "Could you guys hurry up? I think Ted's running out of ideas to keep security busy...." "WHAT!? He wasn't supposed to stay there! We only needed him to give us cover for a minute or two." "Oh. I'll get him out of there then." "Yeah, you do that. Big N out." * * * 13:30 PST - Myn's Office, MS Corporate HQ Nym sat on the barren floor of Myn's office. "Dang! This place is totally empty." UST looked around. "Guess this whole office thing was really a sham, eh?" Nym sighed. "Why would he even bother to have an office then? Unless..." He started feeling along the walls. "UST, take the floor. Look for a hidden switch!" UST dropped to floor with a click. "That didn't take long," he said. A small corner of the floor opened up. "Uh, Nym, I'm betting that's where we wanna go." Nym nodded. "Just a second." He updated CodeRat on their status, and looked over the edge of the hole. "Can't tell how deep it i -- whoa!" Looking over too far, Nym fell into the darkness below. * * * 13:32 PST - Myn's Secret Lair Nym looked around. It was dark, and his eyes were still adjusting. He figured it was best to be armed in a situation like this. "NymEdge," he whispered. Nothing happened. "NymEdge," he said a little louder. "NYMEDGE!" he yelled. That's when he realized he had left the sword sitting on the floor in Myn's office. While he could summon the blade, it had to be in it's right location (the extra dimension Nym stored his stuff in) for the summon to work. "Oh ho, what's this?" asked a voice from the darkness. Drat! He'd alerted whomever was down here. And judging from that voice it was... "Myn! Aha, I've got you now!" "Nyeah ga ha hahga!" "Uh, what was that?" asked Nym. "MY EVIL LAUGH!!!" "Sure it was.... Sounded more like a dying cat hacking up a furball." That infuriated Myn. "Well, sounds like you're a little cocky for someone who's unarmed." He had a point there. "Uh, well, I've got weapons you haven't seen before, you ice head!" "Oh yeah? Like what?" Nym thought hard. "Uh, like, NymNet!" he yelled. In his hands appeared a large butterfly net. "Nu hoo hoo! That's real scary," mocked Myn. Nym's eyes had finally grown more accustomed to the dark. He could now make out Myn. He just needed to buy some time, until he could see as good as his enemy. "Yeah, well, it's got super secret hidden powers!" "Some how I doubt that." Nym couldn't believe it; Myn was actually being intelligent. The fiend was advancing on him, too. He needed to do something. "Hey, Myn! WOOOT-WEEEEET! WEEET-WOOOOT- WEEEEEEEEEEEEET!" he yelled. Myn, driven by the most primal urges, responded in like. Nym took the temporary moment of confusion to head for a place where the room was darker. He found a few boxes, and managed to hide behind them. Myn was upset. "Curse you Nym! Tell you what, come out, and I'll let you out alive." Nym stayed silent. He could see okay now, he just needed Myn to turn his back, and he could make his move. "Maybe I can't find you, but I know someone who can... Moron, get out here!" Myn called. Myn's henchman shambled out of the darkness where he'd been hiding. "Find Nym!" Using some strange power, the vile creature moved on a course straight for Nym. Nym ran through his options. He didn't like what he saw: he had no where to run, no weapons, and he couldn't take them both bear-handed. If only... "STOVE TOP POWER!!!!" rang a voice through the darkness. A bright light appeared, followed the thumping sound of UST hitting the ground. In one hand he had a long blade of some sort, in the other a Mag-Lite (TM) Flashlight. "Nym, catch!" He hurtled the sword to his friend. Nym grabbed the weapon by it's handle. He wielded it expertly, moved into a dueling stance, and had just enough time to smack the henchman right on the head with the flat edge of the sword. He was out cold. UST ran up to Nym, and shone the light on the fallen body. "Hey, it's Bernie Stolar!" "Whoa, it is!" said an amazed Nym. "Hey Myn, you've got Bernie Stolar on your side? Actually, that's not too suprising. I always thought that fellow was out to destroy Sega from the inside..." Myn was now the one outnumbered. "Well Nym, it's time I took off. Nice chatting with you." "No way Myn, you've got some explaining to do." Myn scratched his head. "Well, you see, uh, erm, NOW!" he shouted, pressing a button on the wall. A rubber dart flew out, and hit Nym in the forehead. Nym just looked at Myn. "Yeah, so? It's a dart." Myn was stunned. "Wha? I could have sworn I put an arrow in there myself. What's going on? That's not possible!! Wait, no----MYN HAS CAUSED A GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT IN MODULE MYNSMART32.DLL" That last bit sounded strangely mechanical. Myn just stood there, frozen. "Aw, man!" said a voice from the corner. "Okay guys, looks like we're gonna need another patch." The owner of the voice stepped into the light. "Wow, another suprise identity," remarked UST. "That's only the second time in like, oh, 5 whole paragraphs." "Bill Gates!?" asked Nym, too caught up in the story to care about UST's complaints. "Yeah, and I would've gotten away with it if wasn't for you kid and your stupid uncle!" "But why? You already own so much!" "Well, we were looking to make a console, and one day this Myn guy shows up, and he claims to be a video game expert. He showed us this really sweet page he made called Ten Myn, and so we decided to hire him." Nym scoffed at that. "Myn doesn't know a thing about games. But still, that doesn't quite explain what's going on here." Bill continued. "You see, once we hired him, we realized he was an idiot. So we decided to use him as a test subject for our new 'Smart Chip.' It works okay, but crashes a lot. Anyway, he then came up the plan to buy out Sega, and we thought it was a good one. Too bad it didn't quite work out..." Bill then proceeded to go and reboot the smart chip. Nym just kind of stood there. "Well, as I'm sure you know, uh, well, I won. So I guess I get to stop you guys." Bill laughed. "No, not even the Department of Justice can stop us! We just pay a fine, and stop for the time being... So, what's the fine? $3 Million? 5?" Nym just dropped his jaw. UST nodded his head. "Yeah, five million should do just nicely!" He poked Nym. "Yeah, and you've got to give back all the shares of Sega you bought to their original holders, free of the charge," Nym stammered. "Allright, sounds fair enough," said the head of Microsoft. "Ah, good, he's almost back up." "AND we get Myn," added Nym. "Awww," complained Gates. "Come on!" However, the sharp end of the NymEdge in his face changed his mind. "Okay, he's all yours." At that moment, Myn was online again. "Wait! You haven't won yet!" he shouted, running over to another corner of the room. He pressed a button, and up came a small cage. "Pika!" said the captive. "Pikachu!" yelled Nym, rushing over there. Myn threw up a cautionary hand. "Not so fast there! If you want your precious Pikachu alive, you'd better listen to what I want! Gwahahahaaha ha!" Nym stopped. "Okay Myn, just don't hurt Pikachu." Myn smiled. "Oh I wouldn't dare," he said, as he picked up the little fellow. Instantly, Bill Gates saw the problem. "Myn, I wouldn't.....!" Nym saw it too. "Pikachu - Thundershock!" "Kachu!!!!!" shouted Pikachu, as it electrocuted Myn. "Pi pikachu!" The Smart Chip fried, Myn just sat on the floor. "...where am I?" he asked. UST put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Myn, we'll take real good care of you..." THE END (for now!) (hahaha!) (oh wait, I'll bet you're wondering where the "Cautionary Fable" part of the title comes from.) (well, too bad. go away)