THE MODERN AGE EP (aus version)
(a very vinyl looking replica of good vibrations by the beach boys...)
the modern age
last nite
barely legal

(Leonie's take on the situation)

(aus version:
a butt and a glove)
(US version:
.a diagram of the big band theory (Nick's words not mine)
> is this it
> the modern age
> soma
> barely legal
> someday
> alone, together
> last nite
> hard to explain
> new york city cops (not in the US)
> when it started (in the US only)
> take it or leave it

LAST NITE single (aus version)
...Robert Rauschenberg-ish pop art.)
last nite
when it started
last nite (live)
take it or leave it (live)

other b-sides and unreleased's:
> rhythm song
> a minor 4-4
> sagganuts
> in her prime
> meet me in the bathroom
> ze newie
> the way it is
musical stroke-ness and goodness
"Julian was writing cool songs before he even knew what he was doing, when he only knew how to play on one string," -Nick
when I saw her for the first time lips moved as her eyes closed heard something in his voice "And I'll be there" he says then he walks out
Other stuff that sounds like the Strokes...
Live and Stroking and Equiped to Stroke
not silence or simon and garfunkel.
lemme just say i know very little about music in an any proper sense, so what i say in the little "my 2 cents" section may not in fact make sense, (ha isn't there some literary word for what just happened there?) but read it anyway and try to get what i'm trying to say...and thanks to various sites for info and many i can't remember...but the bit at the top is my own thoughts and stuff or quoted from other places...ahhh..dunno where i'm going with that...anyway click the arrow for lyrics (which in the spirit of this website, couldn't be any more unofficial by the way, Julian would probably slap me across the face with a dead fish for shitting on his work if he ever read this) and don't forget Leonie's super-terrific and drunk-sounding commentary.

(DISCLAIMER: Let me just say, i was reading over my commentary on the songs... and i'm a fucking idiot. It is impossible to describe a strokes song and give its due justice...dunno why i thought i could...anyway, still i tried, did the best i could...
the only way to truly appreciate them is to hear the music *stamps foot*.)
SOMEDAY single (aus version)
more modern art and even more)
alone, together (home recording)
is this it (home recording)
HARD TO EXPLAIN/ NEW YORK CITY COPS single (aus verison)
empty chair and cars and them)
hard to explain 3:43
new york city cops 3:30
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