>In Sydney, signing shit, drinking Australian beer (VB) and wearing You am I t-shirts (hurah rock on) PS. Albert looks retarded here...just warning you. (this was in June...ish)
>Nick gets even with Mr. T, Fab looks sadly bored, Julian "ahh! i just drank another ashtray! why does this keep happening..?" Casablancas, and Albert "your pissed Nikolai!" Hammond Jnr. laughs off the words of Nikolai "thats your last one Albert, your driving tonight!" Fraiture.  ahh clickety click.
>um..whoooh! i didn't know how to describe it....Julian looks like he's about to throw up and Fab makes me laugh and feel afraid..
>i wish i was Albert here...but the face Nick is pulling makes me yell "make it stop! make the bad man stop!!" and grimace in a mix that says its hideous but i can't look away...it's fun...but freaky...especially Nick...
>throw a stroke onto a wall and if he sticks, he's done... moments of excitement.
>Panda's and a David Bowie Elvis! the strokes in memory lane, that store in Perth that i love..

Legs! Yes, there is a section for photos of the strokes legs...
Juicey legs on a bed...its the
Juice pic.
grand legs..well they look grand! from Q

"The Strokes waited in vain all afternoon for the Mister Softee truck" -that was the caption on the picture and i couldn't have put it better myself! damn those people at Blender..
"Nick doesn't know it, but i taped over his BTM withMTV" The Strokes turn evil and giggle about it....perhaps...i can't back that up...but they did giggle.
Amy finally got her wish. 
The Strokes as a cartoon.

From the NME awards...
*Leonie grabs a broom and chases after Kylie Minogue* "Away! Get away from them! they're mine dammit!" - This is a pic of the Strokes with Kylie "Jason Donovan forever" Minogue.  Pfft...stoopid bitch...*pouts* she sucks.  Looks like Fab and Nick have a similar idea...oh and how nice is Nick's hair looking? He's is Big Bird no more.  click
Fab - "what? thats...thats not a drum kit in my hair...what, what are you talking about?...uh...no comment..."
- Cheshire cat much?  i love his jumper though...
Fab: "hold me, Julian" Albert: "No, hold this" Julian: "But Fab's prettier..." ...oh that's why Nick pouting in the background...*evil grin*
click here
hehehe why is Nick hiding? aw, he's so little! well, no....but
look at his little little legs!
Nick is still hiding...but sending subliminal messages by kissing the award perhaps...
Nikolai: "how long is this gonna take, i have to comb my hair again and go to Hogwartz in half an hour!"
click here *snorts* piss of Kylie i want my Strokes back...oh i mean THE strokes...ha they're not mine *wishful look*

From an interview after the NME's
Nikolai and Fab, Nikolai: "yes, yes it was all me.  this haircut is what got us this far..." or perhaps "i'm...to sexy for this shirt...so sexy it huuuuurts..."  Fab, "er...he tends to sing that sometimes...he always wants to play it live..."
>it would seem that Julian is
grabbing Fab's ass, who indeed does not seem impressed but sighing as if to say "not again", Nikolai however seems to be somewhat worried and distressed over the fact that his ass is not the one being grabbed.
>Julian panics under the stress of not having a perm, and being ganged up on by
the afro-ed ones.  Fab is not impressed again.
>"hahaha....Alllllbert......did you just grab my ass?"
click here

More from what seemed to be a grrrreat party at the NME's
"up yours....no really thanks" they get the award
Nikolai chooses liquor over getting involved in the tension growing in the staring contest between Jules and Al
haha this ones funny, Jules throwing the heavy metal sign but actually looks more like this weird thing jess and i used to do to windows...but i digress, its seems someone just grabbed Fab's balls, Nikolai is wino, and Albert still can't get over the hilarity of the award itself.
good times.

From the Brits
"And we'd like to thank most of all, New York City Strokes and Leonie, for making such a fuckin cool and rockin site, Viva Leonie!" *blushes* oh they really didn't have to say that...hehe
click here
Nikolai: "cheers you british people!", hehehe Nick's belly a little bit, hehe, just rekindling the teeny bopper inside me......
click here

>what is Fab doing to the toilet?  Julian's seems indifferent anyway...
from kerrang
>just an ordinary photo of Julian...you know fatigued, pretty boring, understated, like the one you just saw, yeah? well >
click here, now close your eyes, wait ten seconds, and with your eyes closed imagine how that sultry julian droans into the mic...now open your eyes...seriously its more fun this way....honest!
>this is classic, the look on the lads face...wheee oh its just...funny...uh
here's Nick
>this is a
cool pic of albert, oh and this is also not an exit....?!! it's what the sign says...then what is it i wonder?
>an oldie, but hey lets re-hash it and call it new...
spuh-lish, splash to that...
>Nick tries to work yoga into the live show...
interesting results
If you wanna use these to put on your own site, it'd be real cool it you let me know first, also I just want to point out that i got the majority of those pictures from numerous other fansites, if it turns out i haven't actually asked permission and i should have, i'm on my hands and knees begging for mercy and forgiveness...cheers...if i've done anything wrong by anyone, email me, and i'll fix it right away.
steal your innocence. to me my life it just don't make any sense. your strange manners i love em so why wont he wear his new  trenchcoat
i want candy. do do do do do do do. i want candy.
Shits and giggles...
all stroked out? ...don't give up now!

DRAWINGS * by moi of some of the strokes, more soon...scroll down

ANY EXCUSE * self explanatory and then i go and spoil it by
                                                  doing something stupid like objectify you.
Handsome as they may be...the Strokes are human, and sometimes, they look weird, ugly, retarded, or like panda's.  This is the place to point and laugh at those times....oh i mean, *with* the strokes that is ...we're pointing and laughing *with* them...i hope.
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