Disclaimer: Raven ( a.k.a. Scott Levy) belongs to himself, and not to me. Damn it… But Marit does… “ Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore.” - Edgar Allen Poe, ‘ The Raven’ The moonlight made the freshly fallen snow in to a reflection of the night sky. It glittered false stars brightly as Marit walked out on to her porch. The winter air was cold, but the girl enjoyed it’s briskness. The only noises were the sporadic songs from the winds. The serenity of the place seduced Marit. It was highly relieving to be out of the city, out of the constant stir of New York. She’d made the decision to spend Winter Break by her lonesome. And so far, she’d been content with it. The secluded house, hidden away far up the East Coast, was her sanctuary. She cherished it. For a few moments, she merely looked at the snow, not wanting to disturb it’s beauty. But she had come out for a walk, so after some time had passed, she made two footprints in the snow, and started off. There was no fear in walking alone in the dark forest. She trusted her surroundings. She was twenty, and had been coming to visit her little house for several years by herself. No one knew of it, and Marit often guessed that until she found her soul mate, no one would. Even though she held her friendships very highly to her, she often liked to be alone. When she was alone, her greatest thoughts and ideas came to her, and her poetry was often composed in her head. Marit was a dreamer, and her fantasies often played out when she walked alone. However, she was not alone. Her hearing was above average, and that was a good thing, for she would not have heard the weak cry if it weren’t. It was very soft, so at first, Marit could not discern if it had actually been there or not. But as she waited in the silence for it to repeat itself, the soft noise could be heard again. Curiously, she went in the direction of it. It had sounded like an animal. A very weak animal, but one that still had the strength to cry out. And her assumption was met as she saw him. He was lying in the snow, covered by many flakes. The bird was a purplish-black, and Marit recognized it as a raven. Her heart went out to the seemingly pathetic creature, and she knelt to pick him up. “ You’re so cold.” She told him, a soft tone to her voice as she held him in her hands. Marit possessed a strong love for animals. So she knew it would break her heart to see it pass. Looking back towards the cabin, she made the decision to care for him herself. She had no veterinary skills, but was no fool, so guessed she might have been able to heal the bird herself. Cradling the bird in her arms, she trudged through the snow back to her cabin. Inside, she set him down on the rug by the fire, in the hopes it might warm the raven. As she ran her hand over his body gingerly, she found there was little meat on his bones. “ Poor thing. It’s too cold to find things to eat, isn’t it. And now you’re too weak to do hardly anything.” She smiled at it. “ Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” The raven made a noise, somewhat like a crow’s and Marit cocked her head at him. “ If only you could talk…” She sighed. “ If only I knew what you were saying.” However, Marit could guess. The bird was thin because it had not eaten in some time. She stood up, and told the him, “ I’ll be right back. You’ll wait for me, won’t you?” She went in to her kitchen, and began to search through the food. In the refrigerator, she retrieved some blueberries, and brought them back out to the living room. When she set them down on the floor, the raven seemed to liven a bit, and stared at the food she offered. Marit held out one of the small berries to him. He blinked, then ate it whole. Feeling she was beginning to accomplish something, another smile crossed her face. She pushed the box of berries towards the raven. “ Help yourself, little one.” Silently grateful for the provisions, the bird began to devour the berries. * The bird stayed in the house, being fed berries and sunflower seeds by Marit. The next evening, Marit sat by the fire, consuming for the countless time ‘ Catcher in the Rye’. She didn’t notice the raven enter the room, but jumped slightly when he made his little noise right next to her. Looking down, she found the small bird seated on the floor, intently staring up at her. She placed the marker in her book, and set it down on the floor. Lying on her stomach, she became face to face with the bird. With three fingers, she stroked the top of his head. “ You look much better than you did yesterday. You were thin as hell, but now you seem healthier.” She paused, then told it. “ I don’t think we’ve been properly acquainted yet. I’m Marit.” She smiled a soft smile. Later, at night, Marit slept. Sleep fully consumed her, so she was aware of nothing outside of her dreams. The raven watched her. It sat on her bedside table and looked at her sleeping peacefully. But what did he want? * * * A week later, the raven had fully recovered. He had been freezing and starving to death, pathetic and helpless when Marit had found him. But now he was a healthy, happier bird. The sun was near set, and now the girl spoke to him. “ You’re much better now.” She told him. “ I think you’re ready for outside again.” She pet his head. “ I’m going to set you free.” She stood up. “ Come on. Let’s go. It has been nice having company, but a raven is-” She stopped then, and her heart skipped a beat. The raven had begun to glow. A silver light engulfed him, and he began to grow. In sudden fear, Marit began to move backwards, breathing heavily. She watched him, and backed in to the wall at the opposite side of the room. The bird had been growing, and was now nearly twice his normal size. But now his form was shifting. Terrified, Marit witness him change in to an entirely different species- a man. She closed her eyes, not able to bring herself to look, for fright had taken over her entire body. The house was silent. Marit heard him speak to her. “ Look at me, Marit.” The girl forced herself to take a breath, and did what he had asked. And at once, any of the fear she held in her departed. Almost unconsciously, Marit gasped as she took him in. His face was untouchably handsome, endless eyes, and sweet-looking lips. He was tall, and wore all black. Through the tight-fitting turtleneck he wore under a long black coat, she could see his perfectly sculpted chest. Simply by looking at him, she was aroused. Her breath still came heavy, but not because of the scare she’d had. For the immediate desire she felt for him. Slowly, he began to walk towards her. “ I won’t hurt you.” He told her softly. Marit swallowed as he came nearer, still. “ I promise. I wouldn’t think of it.” He stood directly in front of her now. Temporarily, it seemed her mind ceased to work properly, but she then shook her head, and asked one of the many questions that swam through her mind. “ Who are you?” He smiled, and caressed her cheek. Closing her eyes, she felt the warmth his hand possessed. But she then looked at him once more. “ What is your name?” Putting his other hand on her face, he held her head, and again. His voice was low and gruff, only adding to his allure. “ I am only Raven.” He kissed her forehead, and the girl whimpered at the hot shivers that he sent through her. Raven could sense the power he had over her. Her desire for him was so strong, he could nearly feel it in the air. He took her in his arms, and nuzzled her hair, stroking it with one hand. “ You’re rare, Marit. I haven’t met many humans. But the ones I have weren’t like you at all… And so we find each other. You trust me, and care for me.” He slid his hand under her chin, and brought her face to gaze at his again. “ And for that I have to thank you.” Leaning down, his lips met hers. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her deeply. All senses engaged in the perfect kiss he gave her, her arms slowly snaked around his neck. For several moments, they kissed, but when Raven’s tongue licked at her top lip, her knees gave in, and she slid down the wall to the floor. Raven smiled gently at her, and slowly sat down next to her. “ Tell me, do I weaken you that much?” Marit could only nod. Raven gently began to kiss her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks… When his lips met her neck, she whispered his name. “ Raven.” He looked up at her, and gazed in to her chocolate eyes. This time, it was Marit who kissed Raven, and he accepted the kiss. Raven’s arm went around her waist, and she ran her hand through his braids. She shivered slightly then, for the house was cold. Raven broke from the kiss looked at her. “ Are you cold?” “ Yes.” She stood, breathless from the past few minutes. Raven sat on the floor, and for the first time, let himself look at Marit the way he wanted to. After all, he was in his human form, and that was what she was. So he let himself be aroused by the sight of her. Hair that matched her name spilled down her back in the softest of waves. Her small, lithe form was accompanied by tempting curves in the right places. Her skin was pale, and soft, and smooth. Raven had never seen a more attractive creature. He stood. Marit put new timber in the fireplace and started the fire. She took one step back. Raven’s arms went around her from behind. She could feel his chest press up against her back, and his warm breath tease her ear as he spoke in to her ear. “ Let me keep you warm.” Marit moaned softly from the five utterly arousing words alone. She could feel an erection press against Raven’s pants, from his body being up against hers. The world around her didn’t seem real. She was in the arms of the most beautiful male she’d ever seen, and now he was attempting to seduce her. “ Please,” He continued. “ You’ve done so much for me, let me repay you.” He kissed her once, shortly, softly, then looked at her, awaiting her response. She gave in to him. But she wanted to. For she had never desired anything more in her life. Raven however, was being somewhat coy. He desired Marit, but would not attempt to take her until she wanted back… However, “ Yes.” She whispered against his lips. “ Take me, Raven.” Almost inaudibly, he groaned at her choice of words, as he felt his member begin to lightly throb. He took her hand, and slowly, they walked to the bedroom. In his strong arms, he picked her up, and lay her down softly on the bed. After kicking off his boots, he climbed on to the bed. On his hands and knees above her, he kissed her again. Their passion escalated. The fire that burned in the living room now seemed to burn only in them. Marit hadn’t been with many men before Raven, but instinct told her what to do. Her hands slid up over the material of his shirt, and she began to push his long coat off of him. Releasing from her lips, he sat on his knees to slide the garment off of him. It landed in a pile of black fabric on the floor next to the bed, and he leaned down to kiss Marit again. The girl felt his hand slide over the soft velour of her sweater. Through three layers of material, he rubbed his hand against her breast. It then traveled down the edge of the shirt, and begin to push it up. Marit, still lying under him, managed to pull it off. When she pressed her fingertips lightly against his chest, she got him to sit up, and did the same. The two pulled off their shirts. Marit leaned against the high headboard of her sleigh bed. She looked at Raven with an unmistakable look in her eye- It was the look of lust, of need. But it was also a desperate look, for the girl desired more of him. So he went to her. He held her face in his hands again, and kissed her. But then his hands slid down her neck, along her shoulders, then south to cup her breasts in his hand. A loud moan came from her as Raven trailed his tongue up her neck. Under his thumbs he felt her nipples harden. Marit ran her hands down his chest, over his muscular body. At the same time, his fingertips traced her spine, until they found the clasp of her bra. His fingers worked, until they’d undone it, and Raven slipped the lacy item of clothing off of her. She lay back down on the bed, and the man’s lips and tongue went to work on her again. He kissed a trail down her neck, and along her shoulder, before moving down to kiss the valley between her breasts. He could hear her moaning. Lips brushing over her breast, his tongue found her nipple, and he took it in his mouth, swirling over it. As he moved to do the same to the other breast, the girl arched her back in pleasure. Her hands ran down his chest again, and stopped at the edge of his pants. She undid them, and soon, they met the other clothes on the wooden floor. Raven did the same to the blue denim Marit wore, and kissed her again, sweetly. As he did this, his hand slowly moved up her leg, towards her panties. The slow pace enticed the girl, and she longed for him to touch her. When they reached the wet cloth, he stroked it, and Marit moaned softly in to his mouth. After he removed them, he found the girl completely nude on the bed. His erection still pressed at the last piece of clothing he wore, and when he took it off, they were both naked, and ready for one another. Marit lay on her back looking up at him, and he kneeled above her again. They both breathed hard from their heated actions. Marit found a small foil packet in her bedside table. She put it in Raven’s hand, a look of anticipation on her face. Raven reached down to the foot of the bed, and pulled a warm blanket over them. As he gazed down at Marit, he found her looking back up at him. Leaning down, he kissed her deeply again. And with one swift movement, he entered her. He filled her completely, and then slowly, began to move. He kissed her forehead. His movements were slow, for he didn’t want it to end too soon. Instantly, Marit had become attracted to Raven in his human form. And after only a half an hour of possessing the knowledge of his other form, he was making love to her. This information sat at the back of Marit’s mind, not bothering her, for it felt so right, with him pushing himself in to her over and over. She moved her hips to meet his every thrust. Every stroke sent electricity through them both. He filled her completely, and relished Marit’s warm, soft, heat around him as he moved. Raven sped up his movements, now, and this only added to the stimulation. He moved faster, and harder, and they neared climax. He leaned down to nuzzle her neck, and speak ever so softly in to her ear. Marit smiled, and he kissed her again, tongue sliding in to her mouth to meet with hers. Her pounding, panting, as she was, he watched her groan and close her eyes. He moaned her name as he felt himself spill in to the latex. At that moment, Marit clamped around him, and moaned against his shoulder. For what seemed to be the perfect ending, they’d come together. Marit lay her head on Raven’s shoulder as he rubbed her back, and stroked her hair. The moments that slipped by were silent as the night. There was no need to say anything. All they needed was to do was fall in to the depths of slumber together. * * * Marit and Raven spent three blissful days together. They explored one another’s souls, aside from bodies. The girl would have stayed there forever if he had asked her to. She’d never dreamt a being such as Raven could have existed. However, she had a home to go back to. But she wanted more of Raven. “ You have to go back tomorrow?” He asked her. Not able to look at him, she instead fixed her gaze on the floor, and nodded. She felt Raven bring her face to look at his. His eyes bore in to her, and she could feel her heart break at the thought of leaving. “ I want to see you again.” She told him. She hadn’t expected her to say this, but her heart had begun to speak for her. “ I have to, Raven.” Raven took her in his arms. He could not yet bring himself to express it, but if he could have, he would have said the things Marit had told him back to her. “ Then come back to me, Marit. I’ll wait for you.” Looking up at him, she smiled. “ Really?” He nodded. “ Yes. I promise.” She kissed him once, then told him, “ All right.” “ I owe you my life. I’ll give you anything in return…” He paused, and gathered his strength. He knew it was the time so he told her, “ But it’s also that… I also need to see you again.” Marit smiled. He smiled back.