Tag Mate: Part 1


Kaiel was not one to make hasty moves, but just this once he felt that acting in haste was exactly the right choice to make.  He swept into his dead brother’s cabin unannounced and simply, with quiet purpose and authority placed himself between Ham K’Ilo and Ham’s diminutive target, the human named Jaimz.

Ham was taller and more muscular than he – his perfectly groomed mane was a dark ruddy brown, his glossy pelt a pale tawny shade and his luxurious ruff, which framed his broad face at his cheekbones was a shade between his pelt’s tawny and his mane’s ruddy brown – yes Ham was a warrior in his prime; he exuded physical strength and prowess, however Kaiel was not easily intimidated.

“What do you think you are doing Kaiel?  Get out of my way!”

Kaiel shook his golden-maned head negatively, “I can’t do that. You have no claim to him.”

Ham snorted and tried to push around him to get at the slight human.  Kaiel grabbed his thickly muscled arm and held him, “I said you have no claim to him Ham,” he warned softly.

Ham backed up a pace and scowled at him, “With Lorz dead I have every right to him.  He should have been mine in the first place, I disabled his ship.”

Kaiel felt the slight human brush against him and spared him the briefest glance, he noticed the pained grimace on the human’s face which was likely a result from hearing about his ship, all his crew except for him, died in the blast that had disabled the ship.  He felt neither fondness nor any particular kindness toward the human, for he found him rather disquieting, and yet, seeing his very real pain, he gave his arm a gentle squeeze before turning back to Ham.

“Jaimz is not and never was a prisoner of war, nor are we at war with his people.  We don’t yet even know who his people are and what you did…what my brother did, was just wrong.” He retorted calmly.

Ham’s ears flicked back belligerently, “Nonetheless I still plan on claiming Jaimz as my property, if you try to interfere I convene this to the council.”

Calmly Kaiel removed a rolled document from his deep pocket and waved it in front of Ham, making sure the other saw it, “The council will do you no good Ham.  For it would seem that my idiot brother at least had the smarts to outsmart you.  As this parchment proves he registered Jaimz as his mate and therefore as a member of my House.  As I was saying, you have no legal grounds or otherwise in which to claim him.  Jaimz is now a member of my House and as such I am duty bound to extend him my protection.”  He tilted his head and smiled mildly, “You don’t want to try coming against my House do you Ham?”

With his ruff was fully raised and his expressive ears laid fully back Ham glared at the offending parchment.  He wanted a challenge, if only Kaiel would answer his challenge but Kaiel had no reason to rise to Ham’s bait, and Ham knew it.  Ham deflated slightly though he still looked aggravated, “Fine, take him, he’s only good for one thing any way!  But then you’re so straight-laced I doubt you’ll bother enjoying him.”  He retorted rudely, sending a last meaningful look toward the human before turning away.

Kaiel watched impassively as Ham stormed from the cabin then slowly turned back to face the human.  He was huddled in on himself, Kaiel suspected Ham’s closing remarks had cut too close to home and had caused this reaction, but he didn’t know how or if he should try to console him.  He found the human befuddling, he found his naked skin and small size very strange, and his close set ears and delicate almost cub-like features distracting and his total lack of any natural defenses completely baffling.  Most of all, he couldn’t figure out why first his brother, and now Ham, wanted him that way.  Oh, looking at that small delicate body and recalling others looking at him too he supposed that Jaimz wasn’t ugly but he seemed like such a cub to him that his main concern was to protect him, not do dishonorable things to him.

Hesitantly he reached out and grasped one thin shoulder, and squeezing lightly (and carefully, knowing Jaimz frailty) he asked, “Are you alright?”

Jaimz remained huddled for a moment longer then straightened and lifted his head.  He squared his shoulders and nodded, “I’m fine… thank you.”

Standing at his tallest Jaimz’ head barely came to Kaiel’s shoulders; he was so small, like a twelve-year-old cub.  Again Kaiel was struck with the wrongness of what his brother had done, using this small being so crassly, so monstrously.  He looked into that solemn face, noting the paleness of his bare skin (not even a decent hide!) and the tightness around his sea foam green-eyes; a rare color, and made all the rarer to see such a remarkable color from an alien pair of eyes. That’s right, alien, even though he knew technically what Jaimz was, who his people were, he had never seen one or heard of them before Jaimz’ ship had hurtled unannounced into the middle of their dispute with the Chai.

Jaimz glanced passed him at the still open door of the cabin, he could see passersby in the corridor beyond and noticed some glancing in casually as they passed, finally he looked back at Kaiel, “Is it real?  What you told h-him?”

Kaiel nodded with equal solemnity, “It is.”

Jaimz shook his head and found he had to suddenly sit down; he’d been having dizzy spells for the last day or so and had no explanation for them except that maybe he was coming down with something.  “Why?  Why would he do something like that?  Why would he bother trying to protect me when he…” His voiced trailed off in embarrassment, to ashamed to follow that trail of thought.

But Kaiel understood anyway and he said, “I don’t know.  I’m glad of it though that he did such a thing, for it enabled me to protect you from others, even if I couldn’t protect you from him.”

Jaimz stared up at him in mild surprise then said, “Thank you, anyway.”

Kaiel looked at him, sitting on the edge of the chair that was just to big for him and once again, all he saw was a cub.  He recalled the numerous arguments he’d gotten into with his brother over this small being and how Lorz would tell him to mind his own business and that he didn’t know what he was saying…and other stuff like that.  Lorz had been utterly fascinated with Jaimz but Kaiel knew that his brother had also shared Jaimz with his friend Ham, maybe he had shared out of obligation or guilt since Ham had disabled the ship Jaimz had arrived in, but nonetheless it was Lorz who had found Jaimz in the disabled ship and claimed him.

Jaimz had caused a bit of a hubbub at first, his people were completely unknown, even the Chai had never seen his like before (they had accused the Z’Rarla of finding new allies to aid them, never mind that they had ruined Jaimz ship, killed his crew, and captured and all but enslaved Jaimz too).  But Lorz had ignored any debate and any proprieties and done his utter worst to his captive.  Yes, Kaiel speculated, the only decent thing Lorz had done for Jaimz was register him with his House, thereby providing him with protection that had no limits.

“So,” Jaimz mused, interrupting Kaiel’s wandering thoughts, “What happens now?  Do I grace your bed now?”

Kaiel’s golden eyes flared angrily and he snarled at the human, Jaimz, after all this time, had stopped flinching when one of them got angry with him, “Of course not!  I will never abuse you!  What my brother did to you and let be done to you was wrong!  Your like a cub for M’Rtroro’s sake!”

Jaimz flared back, “I’m not a child!”  He lunged to his feet and planted himself right in front of Kaiel, “I’m an adult!  What happens to me now?  I can’t just live like a-a widow in your house with nothing to do!  I want-I need to go home!”

It was Kaiel who backed down from those flaring eyes, “I’m sorry, I know your not a cub… but… I’m sorry.  We still don’t know who your people are, we don’t know where you are from.”

Jaimz suddenly started pacing, and saying, “If I could only return to the site where my ship appeared, I bet there’s a clue there, and if you would let me go over the wreckage of my ship I know I’d find information.  I was studying an anomaly when Ham fired on my ship!  If only you’d let me get that data—!”

Kaiel forestalled him before he could grow any more emphatic or excited, he really didn’t like how pale Jaimz was, he furless skin was paler than normal.  “You know that your ship is a derelict in disputed space…until the conflict is resolved no-one will be going near that ship.”

Jaimz balled his fists and shuddered, “If only Lorz hadn’t been such an idiot as to leave my ship out there!”

Kaiel had no reply for that; as he thought it unlikely that the battle cruiser’s captain would have welcomed the strange vessel even in an empty section of one of the cargo holds.  But he did explain, “A beacon was placed at the site so that we can go back once the dispute has been settled, you will be able to see your ship eventually.”

Jaimz just scowled at him.  Then he turned away, “So in the meantime am I just supposed to languish and look pretty?”

Kaiel cocked an ear back, “What?  I don’t understand?”

Jaimz spared him a humorless smile, “I mean, what am I to do now?”

Kaiel fanned his hands, “You can do research at least, you remember everything don’t you?”

Jaimz gapped at him, “You want me to recall years worth of data?  Pages and pages of notes…?” He quieted and pensively began to gnaw on the nail of his index finger; he had long (though still small) fingers, finally he said excitedly.  “I guess I could redo it from scratch, I certainly have the time and maybe I can figure out what went wrong… How my ship ended up in your space.  If only I had that data… but oh well, I can work around it for now and…”

And he was off Kaiel noticed, a scientist, barely out of cubhood, but clearly a scientist and already formulating in his head streams of data to help solve a mystery that personally revolved around him.   Not wanting to disturb him now that he was distracted with analytical details he simply said, “I’ll have dinner brought by in a couple of hours.”  Jaimz barely acknowledged him as he was already starting to jot notes down on a small scratch pad in a neat and precise if alien hand.  As Kaiel let himself out of his brother’s cabin he made sure to lock and alarm the door, not to keep Jaimz from exiting, but to protect him from anyone entering for he didn’t trust Ham to leave him alone even if he was protected now.  Protection only worked if people honored the meaning behind it.

It was a long day, and an even longer night.  Kaiel had to arrange for transport off the battle cruiser Kattaf and back to his home planet for both he and Jaimz, fortunately a supply ship, the Archer, had rendezvoused with the cruiser this morning (morning according to his aide Heron), so transportation had been secured, it would be cramped but they would have a cabin at least and the flight back to Z’Rarla was only a little more than 11 hours from the cruiser’s current position.  If he could manage it he’d have the ship take them to the port nearest his family’s Pride lands for the less of Jaimz that was exposed to the general public the less questions there would be for the time being. 

Of course what made the day even longer, besides all the tasks Heron kept pestering him with (Heron would be following on the next normally scheduled troop transfer transport) had been the little episode of the ship coming under fire just as he was settling down to eat a late supper.  The cruiser had been a jangle with alarms and sirens going off which had been utterly distracting and completely unwelcome.  The small fleet of Chai marauders had been driven off with, as he suspected no loss of life this time, unlike two days ago when his Pride-hot brother had died in a skirmish!

It was strange how little he felt about his brothers passing, it was true that they shared little in common, and the age difference had made Lorz seem a stranger to him, but nonetheless it should only be natural to mourn the loss of a family member, so maybe he was still in shock, after all he had felt considerable shock upon receiving the news that his headstrong older brother was dead (having never once submitted to his familial duties), why he had come to this transport in the first place, now nearly a month gone seemed pointless and petty.  He had personally conveyed a message from their father regarding a marriage that had been arranged between House K’Lan and House L’Teran.  Lorz hadn’t been interested and had jokingly mentioned that he should marry the girl if he was so eager to join houses.  That was the first he had seen of Jaimz, the first he had learned what his brother was doing to his small captive, the first time he had ever had a hot and heated nearly knockdown battle with his brother.  Now everything was moot, Lorz was dead, the betrothal would probably be declared null and Jaimz was safe.

Restless sleep and a heavy breakfast combined to make him feel uncomfortable as he headed for Jaimz’ cabin.  The transport was due to depart in just over an hour, he and Jaimz had to be onboard and secured in their cabin before the hour was out, or the transport threatened to leave without them.  Kaiel seriously doubted the transports captain would risk offending his family but he didn’t wish to cause him any delay either.

He paused briefly outside the cabin, and checked the alarm status log.  Other than last night’s supper delivery the alarm had not been interrupted.  He rapped his claws sharply on the metal bulkhead door to announce his presence and then not bothering to wait for a response he opened the door, like a whisper of air it whooshed open, revealing a mess of papers everywhere, with bizarre writings and symbols all over them, so much so in fact that he assumed Jaimz must have used every piece of paper he could find in the cabin.  Jaimz he noticed was curled up sound asleep on the oversized chair, he had a light throw pulled across his shoulders and his head tilted back. 

Looking at all the papers Kaiel decided to call Heron from his duties to help gather them up into some order even if the exact order (not knowing the language) was beyond him.  Jaimz would undoubtedly be able to put it together when he had a moment.  He tried not to disturb the notes as he moved across the cabin to stand over Jaimz.  He noted that he looked even paler today then he had yesterday and now it looked as if he had bruises forming beneath his eyes, though his long silky eyelashes provided some depth of shadow to that bruised appearance.  He sighed, for undoubtedly Jaimz had stayed up all hours working on his notes.  He bent forward and gave Jaimz shoulder a gentle shake.  “Wake up, you need some breakfast and then we have to go.”

Jaimz awoke groggily, blinking tired green eyes that ached in the brightness of the cabin, it would seem that the headache and dizziness he had been nursing all day yesterday now resided directly behind his eyes, throbbing away miserably.  He groaned and pulled the blanket up over his head, “I can’t eat…I’ll throw up.”

Kaiel pulled the edge of the throw back down and pushed the pad of his hand up under Jaimz fawn-colored bangs to feel his forehead.  He was warm, but not dangerously.  “Don’t you feel good?”

Jaimz rubbed a hand through his mop of light fawn-colored hair and groused, “I’ve had a headache and an upset stomach chased by a dose of dizziness for a couple of days.  I think I’m coming down with something.”

Something was the optimum word.  Jaimz had been thoroughly checked out, for not even Lorz could keep him away from the disease police (medics) when they were worried about the possible spread of new diseases with no cures from an alien source such as Jaimz presented to be.  But metabolic and genetic tests had proven that Jaimz could not share any of his germs with them and they could not share any of their germs with him (thereby causing a muted disease), so with that concern allayed the medics had released Jaimz back to Lorz’ tender mercies.  So Kaiel quite doubted that Jaimz was coming down with anything, instead he mused, “Its probably something you ate, you’re on a special diet because some of our foods could kill you… so my guess something slipped by the watch.”

Jaimz cocked his head, “Oh, yeah, I didn’t think about that.”

“Well you’re still alive, so it isn’t going to kill you.  I’ll get you something for your head and stomach though while you get cleaned up and ready to go, we have to leave pretty soon for the transport.”

Jaimz sat up straight, and looking behind Kaiel finally noticed Heron busily gathering up all his notes.  He opened his mouth to say something, then shook his head thinking better of it and stood up, a moments dizziness had him grateful for Kaiel’s steadying hand on his elbow, then straightening he made for the on-suite bathing facilities.  Kaiel watched him go noticing that Jaimz didn’t bother closing the door.  He watched only for a moment as Jaimz shed his jumper (the only type of outfit that had been provided for him so far, it had been made down to fit him and the tail-slit had been stitched shut) he looked at the pale small tailless body and once again wondered what his brother had been thinking in taking Jaimz the way he had.  Jaimz then moved out of sight and Kaiel placed a quick call to medical then turned to help Heron finish gathering the notes.

“I thought I would provide a satchel for them, where he could keep and organize his notes.” Heron supplied needlessly, as he carefully placed another sheet on top of the growing pile.  He scanned the next sheet he picked up, this one was mostly covered in symbols and sighed, “I’d like to help him with his research.”

“You’ll have to learn his writing.” Kaiel offered, layering another pile of notes.

Heron was young and idealistic; he had been part of the diplomatic core since he was old enough to work and had been with Kaiel for the last two years.  He was quick, efficient and well organized.  “I could learn it.” He said with assuredness.  “And I could teach him our writing so that he can read and research our material too.”

“You know what he’s working on?” Kaiel asked out of mild curiosity.

Heron shrugged, placing the notes carefully into the book satchel, “I listen, I know that he’s a scientist who made a ship that suddenly just appeared in our space.  I know that he will try to find his home and I know that if he works with us our scientists will make some amazing advances.  He’s far-and-away-beyond our skills and I thought we were pretty advanced.”

Kaiel snapped the satchel seals down and lifted the narrow case between his hands, amazed that some many papers could be so neatly tucked into something hardly bigger than a thick notebook.  “You do realize that it was an accident that brought him here.  He doesn’t know anymore than the next person what happened.”

Heron smiled faintly and shrugged again, “Yeah but once he figures out what went wrong he’ll figure out how to get back to his home,” his amber eyes glowed with wonder, “I want to be there when he makes that breakthrough.”

Kaiel smiled in reply of his aide’s enthusiasm.  “You will be.”

Heron sobered then and said, “Well anyway, I have you all packed and I sent your luggage on ahead.  I gave the captain of the Archer a list of foods that Jaimz can’t eat.  Oh and I arranged for a Lander to meet you at the port.  I’ll finish working on the Chai situation and have it ready for draft review when I join you at the main house in two weeks time. Also I made arrangements for your brother’s remains and affects to be sent out on the same transport.”

Efficient, that pretty much summed up Heron’s worth.  Kaiel was still smiling when Jaimz stepped out of the bath, dressed in a clean jumper though his feet were still bare and his hair was still damp.  He looked more alert than he had a few moments ago, but he still looked bruised under his eyes.  He combed his fingers through his damp hair, slipped his feet into a pair of oversized slippers and announced. “I’m ready.”

Kaiel didn’t bother to ask if Jaimz had anything to take with him, he owned nothing.  He presented the satchel, “Your notes.” And indicated a ready glass of water and two tablets waiting at the table.  “Your meds.”

Jaimz hesitated for a wide-eyed moment, and then smiling faintly he knocked back the drugs with a quick swallow of water and finally took hold of the offered satchel, while murmuring, “Thank you.”

“Shall we?” Kaiel said, indicating the corridor beyond.

Jaimz sent an uncertain glance out into the corridor then nodded resolutely, “Sure.”

Kaiel preceded Jaimz into the bustle of the busy hall, and though Jaimz stayed steadily at his side he kept his hand hovering at his back to keep from be separated by the traffic of personal.  Only once did he even bother to glance back, and that once they had just passed an adjoining hall, looking back he saw that Ham stood there, leaning into the slight curve of the wall watching.  Just watching, but it was unsettling knowing that Ham’s hot eyes were following them at least until the corridor shifted direction and Ham wouldn’t be able to see them anymore.

Down several levels they went, to the floor the transport was docked to.  As he expected crewmembers were waiting for them, he saw them trying hard not to notice Jaimz and he noticed Jaimz doing his best to ignore them.  One of the crew said that he would take them to their cabin so they followed him into the transport.  Conversationally the crewman explained, “Your luggage has already been stowed in your cabin.  Lunch will be called at 11:45, you can eat in the mess with the crew unless you wish otherwise—?”

“With the crew will be fine.” Kaiel agreed readily into crewman’s pause, for he assumed that there would be no reason not to join the crew for lunch.

The crewman nodded, “Well, there are no facilities in the cabin, but there is a facility just two doors down to the left of your cabin, we have no other passengers so you have the area to yourselves.  The flight will take approximately 11.5 hours and we will be landing at Chocho.”

That surprised Kaiel slightly, though he didn’t show it, he had been expecting to talk to the captain about that himself.  He smiled, Heron must have arranged it.  He was going to miss his efficiency for the next couple of weeks but someone had to stay and deal with the Chai problem if this dispute was to be settled any time soon.  Logically it should have been he who stayed, but he didn’t think he’d be able to get Jaimz safely situated if he wasn’t there to sponsor him.  Heron was good, but he wasn’t K’Lan, one of the most stubborn and powerful Houses in all the Pride Houses.  No he had to be here, the Chai situation would come together in its own good time and solution would be rendered concerning the Chai and the dispute.

The crewman led then along a twisty corridor and finally stopped before a bulkhead door.  He keyed in a few numbers on the pad next to the door, and it slid open to reveal a small, impersonal room, which had a couple of chairs and a table and one bed.  Jaimz entered before him, looked at the bed, which was more than large enough for him and moved to sit on one of the oversized chairs.  The crewman stared at Jaimz who fortunately wasn’t paying attention anyway and distractedly murmured.  “For your safety when we depart please listen to all instructions that come over the COM.”

Kaiel stepped into the room and between the crewman and Jaimz, thereby breaking the crewman’s gaze.  “We will, thank you.”

The young crewman’s ears drooped, but he squared his shoulders and continued as he backed into the corridor, “Once we are in steady flight you can wander this deck and also go to the forward deck where the crew lounge and cafeteria is located.  The captain may let you up onto the bridge to if you like.  Anyway enjoy your visit with us.”

Kaiel nodded, murmuring his appreciation once again and turned away as the door was closing.  He found Jaimz slumping down in the big chair and looking very tired.  “If you want to lie down, please do.” He offered, going to his own luggage and rummaging around until he found his com-pad.  “I have work to do anyway…and I don’t expect I’ll need to sleep on this trip.”

Jaimz had sat up straight when Kaiel spoke to him, now he looked toward the bed with longing combating with indecision.  “Go ahead.” Kaiel insisted again.

Jaimz looked at him for a long moment and Kaiel chose to say nothing, he suspected that Jaimz didn’t trust him entirely and he didn’t know how to allay his concerns, so he decided it would be better to just say nothing and let Jaimz come to the realization that he wasn’t a threat to him.  He opened his com-pad and set it up on the table and settled in the get to work, pointedly not paying attention to Jaimz.

Finally Jaimz got up and went to the bed.  Kaiel glanced toward him then, watching as Jaimz dropped off his slippers and lay down.  It wasn’t very long before Kaiel recognized that Jaimz had gone to sleep, just like that.

He worked quietly at his com-pad for a time, sorting through the Chai dispute records, wondering if the solution to the problem would reveal itself today.  Of course he knew that the dispute centered on territory.  The Chai and the Zaran were both trying to claim the same sector of space.  The situation looked untenable.  That sector of space was a gold mine of riches, it bordered on Zaran space and the Zaran had already colonized one of the life-class moons near a White giant, it had seemed so certain that the Zaran would have no trouble claiming that sector even though the Chai had been making noises about some moon in the same sector which was apparently sacred to them.  Chai space just barely touched the edge of this sector, so that it seemed their claim was thin, and then geologists on a neighbouring moon had discovered Chai remains that seemed to confirm that Chai claims that this sector could be their reputed birthplace.  The squabble had intensified until the Zaran colonists had been pulled off the moon for their own safety and now no one had the sector but both of them were fighting over the rights to it.  He sat away from the com-pad and arched his back to ease the strain his position had put into it. 

He originally thought, and still did think that the only fair way to settle this dispute was to bring in an outside arbitrator: one of the ally species that had no part in the dispute and could act as a non-biased party.  Of course he had already indicated what seemed like a plausible solution to his father, K’Lan Terrill, Head of House K’Lan.  But his father, stubborn fool that he was, declared that the Zaran would settle their own disputes and didn’t need any outside help. 

Recalling his father’s stubborn and hidebound ways, he glanced toward Jaimz.  He wondered how he would get his father to accept Jaimz without challenge.  Even if Lorz’ Estate did declare Jaimz as his legal mate and gave him the protection of the K’Lan name his father could still dispute the situation.  Jaimz was an alien and he was a male, what could his brother have been thinking to declare Jaimz as his mate?  He sighed, he would worry about establishing Jaimz first, and his father’s principles last. 

Noticing that Jaimz seemed to be shivering even though the room didn’t seem to cool, Kaiel dug into his luggage once again and withdrew one of his great robes.  It was a heavy ceremonial gray Zell fur lined entirely with blue velvet and trimmed with silver-white Erte feathers.  Quietly he moved over to the side of the bed and laid the robe over the sleeping human, of course it covered him completely from head to foot, and once the warmth of the fur began to permeate his small frame the human’s shivering subsided.  Curious he softly pressed the bare pad of his hand against the human’s cheek and forehead and found to his consternation that Jaimz’ temperature seemed to have risen again.  The meds should have lowered his temperature, instead it would seem that his fever was actually escalating.  Well, he speculated, it wasn’t a dangerous fever yet (though apparently the range from healthy to lethal wasn’t that great in humans) and maybe the meds hadn’t fully kicked in either after all, even though he had two arms and two legs and was shaped generally similar to a Zaran, Jaimz’ system was different, which was why some foods caused him to become ill in the first place.

He settled back down to work while Jaimz continued to rest peacefully.  Jaimz didn’t even stir when the departure announcement sounded over the intercom, Kaiel felt the ship shudder and heave as it separated from the docking clamps.  The whole room rocked and he understood why the instructions to remain seated during immediate depart had been given.  On the big bed Jaimz wasn’t going anywhere, he was so completely cradled by the mattress that he didn’t even shift when the transport listed slightly from right to left.  Kaiel felt his own stomach heave briefly and sighed with relief once the flight stabilized.  There wouldn’t be any real speed until the smaller transport, the Archer, had cleared the big cruiser but at least with the now steady rhythm his stomach was able to return to where it belonged.  He went back to work and let the Chai problem take over for a while.

Jaimz was still sleeping when lunch was announced.  Glancing at Jaimz who was resting so comfortably Kaiel decided that he wouldn’t try waking Jaimz and instead arranged to have lunch sent down after the crew had finished their own meals (he was trying to be courteous).   Again he got up, stretching out his back to ease the growing tension in it, he supposed he had been working for the better part of four hours without much of a break.  He wandered over to the cabin’s only port and glanced outside into the darkness beyond.  Only a few stars sparkled out there, he knew where they were in relation to the trip, the J’Sarti Nebula was a vaste dark area in space, it obscured many of the stars though he could see the occasional rainbow streak of whimsical cloud as they passed through the nebula.  The nebula was a safe route that had long been used to navigate Zaran space.  Nonetheless Kaiel would prefer it once he could see the stars again.  From Z’Rarla the J’Sarti Nebula was just a misty spot in the heavens surrounded by star patterns and cosmic veils.

After checking on Jaimz, and finding his fever seemed to be reduced, he once again returned to work.

With the passage of time, and work to do, it wasn’t long before lunch arrived, brought by the same crewman who had shown them to the cabin.  He was more a youth then an adult and Kaiel suspected that he was probably a family member of one of the crew.  He was from one of the Northern prides by his pronounced muzzle and recessive nose bridge.  His adult ruff was coming in (as Kaiel had already noted) and though it was still a bit spotty, it would likely be quite luxurious in a few years.  The northern Zaran males tended to have very full ruffs that blended well with their manes.  It wasn’t uncommon for northern Zaran males to have a chin beard as well, which was rare in the south.  With the gawkiness of a teen the youth stepped over the door jam while balancing the two trays (one was for Jaimz).  He stared with total fascination toward the bed where only Jaimz’ face was exposed, framed by a wreath of soft glossy feathers.  Before the youth could spill either tray Kaiel helpfully rescued them and said with mildly tinged amusement, “Thank you.”

Again the youth’s ears wobbled and flattened with what could only be youthful embarrassment.  Still he was having trouble keeping his eyes off Jaimz, and finally, boldly he said, “I’ve never seen anything like him.  Still his face is kind of like ours… though more like you southerners.”  He looked thoughtfully toward Kaiel, “What is he K’Lan Ni?”

Responding to the honorific Ni, Kaiel said, “He’s a human.”

The youth looked puzzled, then he shook his head, “I’ve never heard of a human, what planet is he from?”

Kaiel smiled, “He’s from very far away, a distant galaxy and he’s the first of his kind that our kind have ever seen.  It might be a while before we see anymore of his kind though we are already searching for his people.”

The youth held his hand to about his shoulder height and asked, “Are they all so small?  He’s like a cub.”

Kaiel smiled, “I don’t know…I suspect so.”  Moving to one of the trays he removed the lid, hoping the young crewmember would get the hint.

The youth did see him but was still drawn to Jaimz, watching the youth struggle for control Kaiel began to wonder if maybe Jaimz was attractive to his people (that it hadn’t just been Lorz and Ham).  He looked at Jaimz’ sleeping face and knew that he didn’t think he was ugly… but still, to draw so much attention seemed so odd to him.  Finally the youth straightened and backed toward the corridor, “I’ll let you eat your lunch… just call when you are done and I - er - someone will come take the trays away.”  With one last glance at Jaimz the youth fled from sight and Kaiel was left bemused and wondering if he would find this happening all the time with Jaimz.

Kaiel recognized his tray easily, for he had far more hearty food portions on his tray.  He inspected Jaimz’ lunch to make sure none of the prohibited foods were there.  The food smelled good and he was hungry enough to eat both portions even though he was controlled enough to restrain that urge.  He sat down to enjoy his meal and was chewing on an erte leg bone when a sound drew his eyes to Jaimz.

Jaimz was awake; he was sitting up with the robe crumbled on his lap.  He rubbed his eyes and cracked a jaw-breaking yawn, as he lowered his legs over the edge of the bed.  He kept a hold on the robe and dragged it with him as he wobbled toward the table on those small bare feet of his.  Kaiel frowned and stood up to retrieve Jaimz’ slippers, while Jaimz knelt on the chair (it was the only way he could comfortably reach the table top) and tucked the robe around him, quite efficiently covering his bare feet. Kaiel sighed and dropped the slippers on the floor next to Jaimz’ chair and once again pushed his palm against Jaimz’ forehead.  Jaimz was staring up at him when he pulled away. 

Kaiel moved to his own seat and dug into his meal once again.  He noticed that Jaimz nibbled at a cracker here, a piece of meat there, but realized that Jaimz didn’t really feel like eating yet.  “Your fever is down.  How do you feel?”

Jaimz lifted those aqua eyes to him once again, peering up through his fawn-colored bangs and long eyelashes.  “I feel better.” He said, carefully nibbling on another cracker. “My stomach is still a bit unsettled…but…” he shrugged and finished off the cracker, and then picked up another slice of pale erte meat.

Kaiel watched as Jaimz explored his plate and even tried a slice of fruit.  He wasn’t entirely satisfied with the amount of food Jaimz left behind, but he judged that Jaimz didn’t want to further aggravate his still upset stomach.  When he finished eating he started working on the Chai situation again, (It occupied much of his time) and left Jaimz to his own resources…

Jaimz recovered the satchel with his notes in it and went back to the bed.  He sat down on it, tucked the robe about him and opened the satchel on his lap.  Kaiel continued to work on his own project while occasionally glancing towards Jaimz.  The young human was sorting his papers, laying them out in piles, rearranging things, putting them back together.  Once he glanced up and saw Kaiel watching…and the strangest thing happened, his cheeks reddened.  Quickly Jaimz looked away, but the red stain remained on his cheeks and his mouth suddenly tightened with a self-condemning smile.  He looked back at Kaiel and said bitterly, “Do you know what I was just thinking?”

Kaiel cocked an ear.  “No.” though he suspected the reddening of Jaimz’ cheeks was how humans registered shame or embarrassment, much better to have ears that were controlled by muscles and could be controlled in any situation if one learned diligently then to be able to show such things on their very skin.

Jaimz growled, (he did it pretty good for a human, he even had teeth very like a Zaran, though not as sharp obviously), “I was wondering when Lorz was going to jump me.”

“Oh.” Kaiel carefully controlled his own ears, and cautiously he wondered, “Do you—miss him?”

Jaimz gaped, and laughed bitterly.  “God no!  I’m glad he’s dead!  I hated him; I hated what he did to me!  I’m glad he’s dead!  I’m glad he’ll never—never do that to me again!”  Then he sputtered and started worriedly at Kaiel and said softly, “I’m sorry…I forgot for a moment that he was your brother.”

Kaiel shrugged, “I don’t feel anything yet.  It bothers me a bit, because he was my brother, but he was so much older than me that we were more strangers than family.  You don’t have to apologize either.  What he did was just wrong.”

Jaimz stared at him for a long moment then said, “You seem very different from him, when he wasn’t piloting all he did was fight and fu…uh…he didn’t seem to care about anything.  How much older was he?”

Kaiel set his work aside momentarily, “10 seasons, he should have long taken responsibility for his familial duties but that fell to me, always to me.  I had to grow up while Lorz stayed a cub even though he was older than me.”

“How—if you don’t mind my asking—how old are you?”

Kaiel didn’t mind, “22 seasons.  I’ve been managing House K’Lan familial responsibilities since before I even reached my majority.”

Jaimz smiled softly.  “I’m the same age as you.  My first Gate Project was built when I was only fifteen.”

Kaiel smiled back.  “So we were both responsible before we reached our full majority?” Then he frowned, “Unless humans mature quicker than Zarans?”

Jaimz laughed freely, “No, well girls supposedly do, but for the most part we don’t really finish growing until we are in our twenties.”

“And, what about your ruff?  Will you get one or don’t humans get ruffs or beards?”  Kaiel wondered, thoughtfully stroking his own light ruff.

Jaimz rubbed his own silky smooth cheeks, “Human males get beards and mustaches, we don’t get ruffs – well normally we don’t.”  He smiled with self-mocking, “Humans have however learned to suppress unwanted hair growth so I had mine suppressed.” He looked down at the neat piles of papers fanned out on the bed before him, “Maybe if I had chosen to shave instead of suppress, Lorz might have left me alone?”

Kaiel couldn’t answer that, for he too wondered if it was indeed Jaimz’ all over smoothness that had so attracted Lorz’ unwanted attentions.  Jaimz didn’t have a pelt, he didn’t have a soft/rough hide to be petted, and other than the mane of fawn-colored fur that fell in lazy waves around his face and to his shoulders and those expressive though fine brows he had very little visible fur on his body. Kaiel had once entered Lorz’ cabin just after Lorz had ‘jumped’ his little human so he had seen all of Jaimz well enough to know that Jaimz did have a crown of curly fur at the apex of his slender thighs but other than that and a light dusting at his arm pits he was completely and utterly furless.  Of course the medics said otherwise, they expressed that Jaimz was actually covered with a very fine pelt of fur but that each strand was short and fine and separated for the other to completely expose his smooth skin.  The medics were quite sure that Jaimz was a normal representative of his people.  At just over six feet tall and at less than two hundred pounds Jaimz was probably a fine specimen for his people, but that still made him more than a foot and a half shorter than Kaiel, and Kaiel was only average height for a Zaran, his brother had been even taller, and Ham was taller still. 

Jaimz remained silent for a moment then started arranging the note piles, he said softly, “You and—?”

“Heron.” Kaiel supplied helpfully, certain that his assistants name was what Jaimz was looking for.

“Ah, you and Heron did a good job arranging these.”

Kaiel smiled and moved to stand beside the bed, “We tried to keep things you already had piled together, together and sorted everything that was close by into the same piles, assuming they were related.”

Jaimz glanced up at him, “Thanks.” He looked at the notes and added, “It’s just the beginning, it will take me ages to recall everything, and this is just the first step.”

Kaiel lifted one of the pages, “I don’t recognize the writings or symbols, but this looks like something I’ve seen before.” He showed the drawing to Jaimz.

Jaimz took the paper and explained as he drew his fingers along the lines of the drawing, “This is a drawing of my Jump Ship prototype.  I can’t quite remember how I designed the foils, but its pretty close I think.  Though when I get to see the ship again I’ll be able to do a more accurate rendition of course.”

Kaiel picked up another paper, “And this?”

Jaimz touched the paper, but didn’t take it from Kaiel, “Oh, that’s an Earth Gate rendering.  I remember them pretty well, I designed enough of them.”

The gate looked like a wheel with a platform at the inside top and bottom of the wheel opening.  Kaiel looked at the drawing, knowing that it was only a rough sketch of what Kaiel remembered and asked, “You said this is an E-Earth Gate?  I thought these Gate things were in space?”

Jaimz nodded, “They are, but there are also gates on Earth, so that my people can travel from one location to another on Earth.”  He looked thoughtfully at the drawing and explained, “the Earth Gates are much smaller of course then the mammoth ones that were constructed in space, they don’t need the mass to carry a cruiser the size of the Kattaf after all.  They transport—trains I guess is the best explanation, from one location to another.  Gates have made my world very small now, people can live on one continent and go to work on another and still be home in time for supper.  There is no more war and no more arguing governments, instead there is a world council that governs the entire planet.”  He smiled deprecatingly, “Its amazing, I developed the first gate when I was fifteen but I couldn’t find a way to protect myself from a monst— er, a giant.”

Kaiel understood Jaimz’ moodiness and decided the best way to help him forget what he had gone through with Lorz was to keep him distracted, “Could you build gates on my world?”

Those sea foam eyes stared up at him, gradually they widened and a glimmer of excitement glowed in them.  “I think I could.  I would need the same materials, or ones so close that the differences would be undetectable, I don’t know your periodic tables but I would recognize the right chemical structure if I saw it under a microscope and I bet I could combine the right sort of materials too in a lab…!” He stopped talking with a sudden gasp and then exclaimed emphatically, “I’ll need a lab and equipment and helpers, and I’ll need to learn how to write in your language and you’ll have to hire people willing to learn my writing…I could use an assistant too…”

He suddenly quieted and looked worried.   Kaiel cocked his head, “What is the matter?”

Kaiel started gnawing on his fingernail again, this seemed to be a habit of his when he needed to think something over.  “I developed these technologies, technically they belong to me…but what if my government disapproves?”

Kaiel frowned thoughtfully, and stated succinctly, “Won’t redeveloping those technologies help you get back home?”  He returned the Gate sketch back to the pile and continued, “If my people are going to help you, shouldn’t we benefit too?”

Jaimz shrugged, “I guess it can’t hurt, and to have allies—your people will be allies right? —out here could be a good thing.”

“We will be allies.” Kaiel assured, being a member of the diplomatic corps would ensure that he’d press to have the humans named as allies and partners as quickly as possible, for if he was right and Jaimz managed to get back home, the communication between their two peoples would open right up, there would be trade and commerce, scientific exchanges, especially if Jaimz could bring Kaiel’s own peoples technologies up to par quickly enough…which Kaiel suspected he would be able to do.  The young human was a genius…and his brother had sorely misused that genius.

For a time more they talked, about their worlds and their responsibilities and they found that they had a lot in common for all their differences.  Jaimz actually had a good sense of humor and he laughed easily even if they didn’t always understand each other’s senses of humor.  Kaiel regretted, not for the first time, that Jaimz had been unfortunate to meet Lorz first, for he was willing to bet that he and Jaimz would have struck up a very good friendship of like minds thinking and working together, even if their aptitudes were different.

Then he noticed that Jaimz was squeezing the bridge of his nose and rubbing his forehead so he guessed correctly, “Your headache starting to come back?”

“Umm,” was Jaimz’ only reply while keeping his eyes down cast as if the brightness of the cabin was starting to bother him again.

 Kaiel had more medicine for Jaimz and he quickly retrieved a couple more tablets for him.  “Here, maybe you should rest for a while again.” He suggested as he offered the tablets with a mug of water.

Jaimz took the tablets and agreed, “Yeah, I’ll just make sure my papers are put away first.”

Kaiel stepped back to the table and settled down to work again, after a moment he glanced toward Jaimz and saw that he was lying down again, with the robe pulled right up over his eyes.  He frowned, he didn’t like this strange ailment which was plaguing Jaimz, so he avowed that he’d have a medic waiting at the main house once he arrived at his home pride lands.

For hours it seemed the fever rose and abated, with it came and went the headaches and the dizziness though the mild nausea remained for the most part constant, though it did lessen when the fading headaches and strengthen with each return.  By the time the transport had landed Jaimz was lethargic and seemingly endlessly exhausted even though he had actually slept for most of the eleven hours.  The luggage was being stowed in the waiting personal transport and they were crossing the deck to that same transport when a dazzle-headache suddenly crippled Jaimz. 

Kaiel was walking slightly in front of Jaimz, so when he heard his little outcry he spun around quickly to see what was wrong.  Jaimz was swaying dizzily, hugging his head and nearly ready to fall to the deck.  Quickly he stepped over to Jaimz and ignoring his protests he picked him up and cradled his small body against his chest.  “Be quiet.” He warned gently to Jaimz’ continued mutterings, “You’re about to fall down.”

Jaimz grew silent though he kept hugging his head and finally he cried breathlessly, “It feels like my skull is going to burst apart…what is happening to me?”

Kaiel hurried to the waiting car and signaled for the driver to open the sliding side panel for him so that he could lower Jaimz to the back seat, where immediately the young human huddled over and began to keen softly in agony.   He sat next to Jaimz and pulled him onto his lap, he pushed his palm again under his fringe of fawn fur and felt his forehead…and was surprised to find it cool this time.  With a headache as fierce as Jaimz seemed to be suffering he should have been burning with fever, instead he felt unusually cool beneath his palm.  He yelled at the driver to get going and issued orders to make sure there was a medic waiting at the main house as soon as they arrived. 

He tried to give Jaimz more medicine, but Jaimz said he’d be sick if he took them, so he did the only thing he could, held his tense body, stroked his soft scrap of fur and just offered what warmth and comfort he could with his big body while Jaimz suffered.  By the time the car pulled in front of the main house gates Jaimz had grown silent and less tense, his breathing was more relaxed too which told Kaiel that the headache had probably retreated to a manageable level or even faded.  But Jaimz didn’t move off his lap, in fact he just lay there accepting his closeness without protest.

As they pulled up to the ancestral home that had housed his family for generations he did not think about its stark beauty or how it matched the surrounding lands so well as to nearly blend in with the park like setting.  He did not wonder about his father’s reception or what anyone else thought as he had the driver pull the vehicle up as close to the main entry as he could get.  He stroked Jaimz soft hair and murmured, “We are here?  Can you walk?”

Jaimz did try to sit up, and immediately stopped to lie back down on Kaiel’s lap again, “I’ll be sick.”

Kaiel noticed worriedly that Jaimz was warm again beneath his hand, he ordered the driver to open his door and then while holding Jaimz he climbed out of the car.  He didn’t even know where he was going to put Jaimz, at the moment all he cared about was finding him whatever help he needed and fast.  As he entered the house he was already yelling for the medic, well, cursing actually, because no one could move fast enough for him.  As he passed into the family quarters he was suddenly struck with a very righteous idea, Jaimz would have Lorz room.  He yelled and the door to Lorz room was opened, he yelled again and the bed was hurriedly refreshed and made ready to receive Jaimz.  Gently he eased Jaimz down onto the huge bed, and it completely dwarfed his small body.  Jaimz curled over onto his side and once again began to hug his head and start to keen, meaning the headache was returning.  Out of curiosity Kaiel palmed his forehead and found it cool again, when only moments before it had been hot. 

Before he could say anything though a heavyset Zaran male strode purposefully into the room.  Though he didn’t recognize him right off, he knew by his badge and his large satchel that this was the medic he had requested for Jaimz.  He stood up and greeted the male, “Welcome to House K’Lan.  I am Kaiel.”

The medic, whom looked somewhat between a northerner and a southerner in appearance was nearly all gray with age, his mane was trimmed short and he had no beard but his ruff was long and luxurious even though that ruff actually softened his cheekbones instead of sharpened them as was the usual, he had a ponderous dignity to him and comforting warmth in his eyes.  “Kaiel Ni, I’m Medic V’Ran, V’Ran Kang.” He nodded gravely and looked passed him to his patient.  “So this is your human?”

If anyone else had labeled Jaimz as HIS human Kaiel would have taken affront, but from the medic he sensed that the male meant no harm, he explained,  “This is K’Lan Jaimz, he needs help.”

Quietly and efficiently the medic moved to the bedside and as Kaiel had done before he palmed Jaimz’ forehead to quickly gauge his temperature.  He frowned slightly, “Cool temperature, strange.”  He set his kit on the bed and opened it up, murmuring as he did, “As soon as I heard I’d been summoned to tend Z’Rarla’s newest alien visitor I checked up the Kattaf’s medics’ records so I know his normal functions and what is not right with him.  I would say his body temperature is below normal right now.”

Kaiel explained worried, “He had a fever only a few minutes ago.”

Medic V’Ran nodded, “Fluctuating body temperature?  What else?”

Kaiel ticked each symptom he knew off, “Nausea, dizziness, head ache, lack of appetite…I don’t know what else.”

The medic puffed out his ruff thoughtfully and beetled his brows inward.  “How long has this been going on?”

“Since yesterday for sure, I thought it was food because of his…”

“Yes I know of his intolerance to some of our food substances, but if it was food related it is unlikely his temperature would fluctuate the way it is.  Could he have been bit by an insect?”

Kaiel didn’t know, Medic V’Ran looked toward his patient and asked, “Can he understand me?”

It was Jaimz who answered, “I can understand you… no I don’t think anything bit me.”

The Medic gave him a surprised look and then addressed his next question directly to him, “Do you remember when you first started filling sick?”

Jaimz was quiet for a while, and then he answered grimly, “The day before yesterday.”

The same day Lorz died? Kaiel wondered, thinking that there had to be some kind of strange connection.  Uncertain he explained, “That’s when Lorz died.”

Jaimz uncurled enough to look at the Kaiel, “I’m just sick, it has nothing to do with Lorz’ death.”

Medic V’Ran looked properly puzzled, “Who is Lorz?”

“No one.” “My brother.” Kaiel and Jaimz said together. 

“Ah,” the medic exclaimed, though clearly he didn’t understand, “And who or what is Lorz to Jaimz?”

Jaimz blushed and hid his face under his arms again.  Kaiel answered for him.  “Lorz was his…lover.”

“Not willingly!”  Jaimz yelled fiercely, “Never willingly.”

If the medic was surprised he hid it well, “Ah… I see.  By lover, I take it that there was, intercourse?”

Again Jaimz ducked his head and remained silent.  Kaiel stared at the medic in surprise and finally blustered, “Surely you’re not thinking Lorz gave him a disease or something?  The medics on the Kattaf said that our kinds are too dissimilar and that we couldn’t pass diseases back and forth.”

“Yes well, that might be so but I wouldn’t rule out the chance just in case.”

Jaimz sat up again, looking angry now, “Are you saying that bastard might have gave me an STD? Goddammit!”

Both Zarans looked at him in puzzlement, Jaimz blushed again and muttered, “A sexually transmitted disease.”

“Oh… um no actually, I’m not saying anything because I really don’t know.  I will run some tests and give you some medications for your headaches, and stomach and to regulate your temperature and once I know than I’ll be able to advise a treatment solution for you.” Medic V’Ran explained, smiling gently.

Jaimz hesitated a moment, then smiled back.  Kaiel frowned, “Are you feeling better already Jaimz?”

Jaimz touched his forehead and nodded, “Ummm, headaches gone again.”

Kaiel advised the medic, “That means his temperature has gone up again.”

Sure enough, Kaiel was right, the medic ran tests, took blood samples, asked questions, and tried to pin down exactly when Jaimz first noticed he was feeling out of sorts.  After a time he had some answers but even more questions that at this time had no answers at all.  He gave Jaimz some medicine, which would help him sleep, and watched as the human youth slid into slumber just on the grip of a new headache.  Monitors registered the drop in Jaimz body temperature and the medic muttered that it just wasn’t normal.  Kaiel faced him worriedly and asked, “What do you think is going on?  What’s happening to him?”

Deadpan, the medic said, “He’s dieing.  If I can’t figure out what is going on and reverse it, he’s going to die.”

“But, he doesn’t seem that sick.”

The medic agreed, to a degree.  “The headaches and the nausea can be dealt with, but his temperature shouldn’t fluctuate that way.  It means that his system has somehow lost its ability to regulate his body temperature.  If I can’t bring that back to normal his body will shut down, it is those fluctuations that cause the rest of his symptoms… that’s what’s really making him sick, the rest is just incidental.”  He turned away from the monitoring equipment and asked, “Is there somewhere that I can set up my com-pad?  An open terminal that I can use?”

Kaiel looked worriedly at Jaimz, but nodded in reply to the medic’s question. “Uh, yes.  I can get you set up in my office, everything you need is there.”

“Good, show me the way.”

Again Kaiel glanced worriedly toward Jaimz, “Uh shouldn’t someone stay with him?”

The medic pointed to the monitoring equipment, “That will alert me if anything changes, he’ll be okay for the time being.”

Kaiel led the medic out into the hall and to the office, “What, may I ask, are you going to do now?”

Medic V’Ran looked at the young male, and gave him an honest answer. “I’m going to input the data I’ve collected from Jaimz, into our medical database and see what it comes up with… his fluctuating body temperature is key, that doesn’t happen to often, so I think I’ll be able to narrow things down considerably…”

Kaiel helped the medic get himself set up and after he realized that he was more a hindrance than an aid he left.  He quickly checked on Jaimz before tracking down the house manager to ask after his father.

Administrator Lan Tarl (distant family though not of the high house) greeted him civilly and then told him that his father was attending the Annual Summit and wasn’t expected back for another five or six days, dependant on whether or not the Summit ran over the expected timeframe.  Kaiel sighed at the lucky break, he had forgotten about the Summit, had he been home he would have been expected to attend it either on his own or with his father.  Probably in their way the council was debating the Chai situation too, but Summits always covered many topics from the mundane to the very important.  

Kaiel told Manager Lan about Jaimz and instructed him to see that Cook was made aware of Jaimz’ particular dietary needs, the manager assured him that he’d see to it personally.  Left at loose ends Kaiel wandered back to the family wing and found Medic V’Ran standing at the threshold to Jaimz’ bedroom.  “What did you find Medic?”

Medic V’Ran stopped at the door and without looking at him said softly, “I think he’s going to die.”

Kaiel couldn’t contain himself, “But how?  What is the matter with him?”

Medic V’Ran spared the young male a hard look, “I think your brother did give him something.  Something that only a throwback male like him could have given him.  The only sure disease he could catch that wouldn’t even kill him so long as Lorz stayed hale and hearty.”

“Wha-what are you talking about?”

The medic softened, seeing the younger males honest confusion.  “After running the data through the medical library it came back with a couple of answers, any of them will kill him, all but one I can probably treat, but if its that one…he’ll die.  There’s no cure for Tag Withdrawal Syndrome.”

Kaiel’s ears laid back angrily, “Are you saying—no way Lorz wouldn’t Tag him!  He couldn’t!”

The medic stared at the angry young male, “Some of the older families still retain that ability, even though the practice has been out of favor for generations and the ability itself has been disappearing, once in while it does crop up again, especially in the older families like yours.  And from your response I can see that you knew Lorz had that ability.”  He sighed, “I was hoping I wouldn’t get this kind of confirmation.”

Kaiel was still enraged, it was impossible to believe that Lorz would do such a backward and outdated thing, and yet with everything else he had done to Jaimz it hardly seemed that Tagging him was beyond his capacity.  “That Skarll dung!  I’ll kill him!”  Forgetting momentarily that his brother was already dead.

“If I am right,” the medic explained grimly, “the only way to save Jaimz is to mask Lorz’ tag with a new signature, but where would I find a male with the ability who would be willing to volunteer?”  Before he saw Kaiel’s shocked expression, V’Ran turned away and re-entered Jaimz’ room.

Medic V’Ran went immediately to check the monitoring equipment and mused, “his temperature has gone up again.  I have meds that will regulate him temporarily and mask the symptoms if he does indeed have TWS, but it will only slow down the inevitable.  With out his Tag Mate or a new Tag Mate, he’s going to die.”

After spending a shocked moment on his own in the hall, Kaiel followed the good medic into the chamber.  He stared at the sleeping human, looking so peaceful and untroubled right now and imagined that bed empty forever and was surprised at how that actually filled him with regret.  He barely knew Jaimz, and yet he found that he was starting to like Jaimz and that surely he would miss him if he died.  Maybe, with any luck, Jaimz did not have Tag Withdrawal Syndrome after all and Medic V’Ran would be able to cure him.  Maybe seemed like such a slim chance, especially since he wouldn’t have put it passed his brother to have Tagged Jaimz.  Obviously Lorz had not expected to die and just as obviously he had meant to keep Jaimz for always. 

Tagging was a horrendous thing, there was no defense against it and no cure for it if the Tag Mate died, either Tag Mate, though the Tagged Mate could be saved if another was willing to mask the deceased Taggee’s signature.  Tagging ensured practical enslavement, the tagged was quite literally addicted to the Taggee.  In the old days of ancient Pride wars and territorial battles, Tagging had been a common practice, even encouraged by powerful houses; males on the rampage would capture enemy females and Tag them.  The couples would then be endlessly locked together, never able to be free of each other, each suffering from withdrawal the longer one denied the other and ultimately both dieing if even one was killed.  In time, as their civilization matured, Tagging fell out of practice, eventually it had become frowned upon entirely and finally it had even fallen out of common memory.  Yet still in some of the oldest families the ability did still crop up in the males.  If the signs were recognized early enough the ability could be surgically impaired, which would prevent successful Tagging, but often the ability remained undetected (for Tag capability was hard to detect after all).  The thing was Tagging could not be done accidentally, to Tag a mate was a deliberate choice, a male with the ability could go through his entire life, knowing he had the flaw, and never Tag a mate.  Tagging after all was not something to take lightly, what if one decided at some point down the road that they did not wish to stay forever with their current mate?  What if one wanted to dissolve the current contract and form a new liaison with a new mate?   Tagging absolutely prevented that, to knowingly Tag one’s mate meant to forever be tied together unto death.

For Lorz to have chosen such a path seemed incredible to Kaiel, though in Lorz case, entirely plausible.  Again Kaiel was filled with intolerable rage aimed at his deceased brother, thinking how fortunate that Lorz had died before he could kill him.

Distracted from his thoughts by something the medic was doing he blurted (embarrassingly), “What are you doing?”

Medic V’Ran glanced at him briefly before returning to the task at hand.  “I need him to wake up now.  The sooner I can ask him more questions the sooner I will have a sure answer for his ailment.” Carefully, ever so gently, he extracted the needle from the human’s delicate arm and dapped lightly at the trace of blood the extraction left behind.  He then enclosed Jaimz limp hand in both of his and began to pat it lightly, while murmuring, “Jaimz? Jaimz I need you to wake up for me now.”

Kaiel loomed over the medic and growled, “What about his head aches?  Shouldn’t he be left to sleep?”

Again Medic V’Ran spared him a patient look, “Suspecting as I do what is going on with him I have already taken care of his temperature fluctuations, his headaches should be so minimal for now that he won’t even notice them.  For the time being at least.”

Kaiel relaxed his ears and murmured, “Oh,” he still felt his ruff quivering, but this time he ignored his acknowledged embarrassment.

Watching Jaimz’ face, Kaiel noticed his lips pucker slightly and then saw his sea foam green eyes flicker open.  The human was clearly sleepy still, but he was able to focus on the medic and then look beyond his friendly face to Kaiel’s.  “Ummm?”

The medic pulled Jaimz up and plumped up the pillows at his back, saying, “Here, sit up a little.”

Gradually Jaimz was coming more alert and he was able to sit without needing further assistance. 

“Good, good.” Medic V’Ran approved with a soft smile.  “Jaimz I need to ask a very important question.  The answer you give me will help me determine how best to help you.”

Sitting up with the pillows at his back and now nearly fully awake Jaimz curled slightly toward the medic and said, “Ok, shoot.”

The medic, unfamiliar with the term, sent a bewildered look at Kaiel, so Kaiel supplied the answer, “He means go ahead and ask the question.”

“Oh, yes.  Yes.” Medic V’Ran turned back to Jaimz and drew himself up to his full impressive height.  “On the day that Lorz died, did you feel a sudden sharp pain?  Something that might have even incapacitated you or made you feel as if you were going to die on the spot?  A completely inexplicable pain?”

Jaimz stared at the medic for a long moment; gradually his cheeks began to redden again.  “I…well yes, but I often felt pain after…after he left.  I was bleeding and I thought he had d-damaged me.”

The medic sat on the bed and reached out to stroke Jaimz’ silky hair, “There is no need to be embarrassed.  What he did to you must have been awful.”  This acceptance only made Jaimz’ cheeks brighten so Medic V’Ran tried again, “I need you to think very carefully, this pain, that you felt on the same day Lorz died, was it different from the pain you had after he mated with you?”

Jaimz lowered his eyes and murmured, “I was lying down, he made me so sore that it hurt to walk…and I was scared because I was bleeding that time… sometimes I bled, sometimes I didn’t, but when I bled it always scared me.”  He fell silent momentarily, picking aimlessly at the blanket over his lap before continuing once again.  “I felt, suddenly I felt like I was being ripped apart inside.  It hurt so bad that I cried out for him!  I was so scared that I even cried out for him!  I couldn’t think for a few minutes, it was like everything was spangled with sharp edged light, I thought I was going blind and dieing… maybe—I can’t remember—maybe I passed out.  Later I remember thinking I had hemorrhaged or something, but there was no blood other than…” He bit his lip and ducked his head, “other than what was normal.”  He glanced up, “After that I heard Lorz had died and I was so happy, I was finally free of him.  Ham tried to take me, but that was when you—when Kaiel came for me.”

Kaiel felt his ears flicker and had to resist the urge to duck his own head, listening to Jaimz’ account had not been pleasant, but toward the end, Jaimz had looked at him with such gratitude in his green eyes had made him feel, unexpectedly good.

The medic did not look very pleased, his expression was very quiet, Kaiel could tell by his tipped back ears that he was not happy with Jaimz’ description at all.  Kaiel tried to capture his eye, but the old medic would not be drawn into acknowledging his unspoken question yet.  The medic stared down at Jaimz for a long silent moment then he turned away and checked the readings on the monitoring station.  Everything looked nice and normal.  Casually he asked, “How do you feel Jaimz?”

Jaimz touched his forehead and suddenly looked surprised, “I didn’t even notice my headache is gone.  What ever you gave me worked doc.”

Medic V’Ran nodded, “What I gave you is helping to regulate your body’s temperature.  Providing you with the necessary stability you need to feel better.”

Jaimz frowned, “So then I won’t be sick or dizzy or have headaches anymore?”

Medic V’Ran looked thoughtfully at the young human.  “I suspect that they will come back.”

Jaimz’ frown deepened, “But you can treat me right?”

Medic V’Ran nodded, “I can continue to prescribe medication to regulate your temperature, and I will but I’m afraid that it will merely mask what is really going on.”

Jaimz stared up at him and asked with a touch of belligerence, “What exactly is going on?”

“Though I will run additional tests I am reliably certain that Lorz has indeed left you a most unpleasant gift.” The medic said, watching as Jaimz’ face tensed with anger and denial.  “In a way, he did give you…how did you say?  An STD.  It is my opinion that he gave you a disease that would never have surfaced so long as he was alive and you were with him.  His dieing activated the disease and has made you a very sick youngling.”

Fiercely Jaimz’ insisted, “Well can’t you cure me?  Aren’t you a doctor?”

Again the medic didn’t understand the terminology, but this time he surmised, “If by doctor you mean medic, then yes I am a doctor and I can do my very best for you…” he looked saddened, “Unfortunately there is no known cure for the disease Lorz gave you.”

Jaimz looked taken aback and still very angry though now fear was vying with the anger, “So…then am I going to die?”

So forthright, asking the question that most individuals would have avoided as long as possible.  Medic V’Ran was quite impressed with the stubborn youth and would not lie to him.  “Tag Withdrawal Syndrome is unfortunately fatal.”

For a long moment Jaimz looked away, thinking about what he heard while his hands aimlessly twisted at wads of blanket.  Kaiel licked his lips, thinking about the medic’s only hope for saving Jaimz, “Kang Ni,” he interrupted the medic’s silent musings (and added the honorific to his proper name), “What about the other option?”

He found both pair of eyes on him.  Jaimz frowned and asked, “What other option?”

Medic V’Ran glared at Kaiel before turning back to his human patient.  “There is a slim…very slim…hope.”

Curious Jaimz prompted, “What is it?”

“Lorz’ Tag can be masked—by another’s.” the medic supplied, sending another fierce glare shooting Kaiel’s way.

Jaimz ducked his head for a thoughtful moment then asked, “I don’t understand what this Tag…thing is?  What exactly is it?  Can anyone get it?  Why isn’t there a cure for it?  What does it mean to mask it?”

The medic sat down on the bed again to explain to the brilliant young human exactly what Tagging was, what Lorz had done to him, and why exactly it was unlikely he would survive.  When he was done Jaimz sat in utter stunned silence, just staring at absolutely nothing as he digested all that information.

Kaiel began to worry that Jaimz was going to be lost in denial when suddenly Jaimz started to softly laugh, which only added to Kaiel’s concern for him.

But Jaimz floored him (nearly literally) when he suddenly, laughingly, barked, “I’m addicted to Lorz?  Really and truly addicted to Lorz?  My God that’s just amazing!  I’ve never heard of any one being actually physically addicted to another person!  My God this is just too funny.”  And he was laughing almost hysterically, but he also no longer appeared afraid, in fact he looked extremely happy and confident.

The good medic was understandably worried, “I don’t think you understand the enormity of your situation Jaimz.”

Jaimz snorted, “I do understand perfectly, I’m addicted to Lorz.  Lorz is dead which makes what I have to do, going Cold Turkey very hard, but I’ll get over him.  You’ll see.  I hate him anyway, so all the more incentive to fight this addiction.”

“Cold Turkey?” V’Ran Kang muttered in obvious confusion, “What is Cold Turkey?”

Jaimz grinned, “You see my people believe that no addiction can’t be beat.  Normally when we get seriously or fatally addicted, like to a drug or something, we receive treatment that helps wean us off the addiction.  With Lorz dead I can’t use him to wean myself from him—fucker—but nonetheless I will beat it.”

Medic V’Ran shook his head, “The Tag is not like a drug addiction, it systematic, its even genetic.  When Lorz Tagged you he changed you.  He made you need him, of course he also made himself need you… but that doesn’t change the facts.  The Tagging was discontinued because it has always been fatal.  Always.”

“Unless another is willing to mask the Tag.” Kaiel needlessly supplied, to once again have the medic glare at him.

Jaimz shuddered, “No thank you.  I would much rather fight this my way then have to go through that again.”

That being the sexual side of Tagging (and other things), the mating (made mandatory by the Tag) that Jaimz utterly hated and didn’t ever want to suffer again.

Jaimz suddenly stood up, and gripped the medic by his arm, though he was a good deal smaller than the medic, his energy and enthusiasm made him powerful, “I’m a scientist too doc, so you can help me figure out how to beat this addiction.”

“Uh…” Medic V’Ran managed, quite captured by the young human’s zeal, “it would be interesting, of course—.” He shook himself, “But really youngling, you need to face facts, the Tag has never been beaten before.”

“Well, I’m human and humans believe anything can be done if you try hard enough.” Jaimz announced boldly, striding toward the monitoring equipment as saying, “Tell me how this equipment works?”

Kaiel stood back and watched as Jaimz took control of the situation.  The veritable young scientist at work.  He wondered again how his brother could have misused such determination and intelligence and marveled as Jaimz drew the medic into his strategy.  The medic he could see was sometimes befuddled, sometimes amazed, and sometimes just so damn impressed with Jaimz that Kaiel knew that he would work hard to help him even though he also knew that Medic V’Ran still had his doubts.

Finally feeling like a third wheel and a useless one at that Kaiel left to deal with his personal matters and needs.  He had been away from home for the better part of a month, he didn’t know what was happening in the bigger picture of things, he needed to catch-up with news and deal with any problems that may have cropped up which his father most likely would have left up to him to take care of anyway.  Thinking about that, and thinking about his older brother who had never had any real responsibility thrust upon his massive shoulders Kaiel once again felt a burning of resentment.  He knew it was wrong to resent his brother, especially since Lorz was quite beyond his censor now, but thinking about duty and responsibility and how Lorz had been able to shirk it so successfully for so long, just made him want to lash out at something.

Hours later he had posted his brother’s death notice, called to inform the Head of the L’Teran family, and called up an Adjucator regarding the nullifying of the betrothal contract.  He had settled a hunting dispute, had his apartments cleaned up and registered Jaimz as a Family member (though the actual proceedings would take time and Jaimz might still die in the meantime—he tried not to think about that).  He went over the accounts, met with the house manager and sat down to a lengthy discussion with the head cook Lan Zavalla, (also a distant relative – most people on the K’Lan Pride lands were related in one way or another) who had legitimate concerns about the prohibited foodstuffs that Jaimz could not tolerate.  He addressed the matter of Jaimz’ proper address, telling all staff that Jaimz should be addressed with the honorific Ni at the end of his proper name.

There were so many questions, so much to see to that it was late when he actually had a moment to catch his breath, in that free moment his only thought was that he was so damn tired that he needed to go to bed.  Of course even as that thought came to mind there was yet another small problem to deal with, a matter of a small stampede of one of the Pride lands herd animals, frightened undoubtedly by some predator.  The problem wasn’t the stampede in itself, herd animals were known to stampede, it was in their nature, the problem was that the stupid creatures had decided to stampede right through a fence which guarded one of the kitchen gardens…and once they were done being scared they decided they liked the kitchen gardens just fine.  Sighing he wondered if his father had half so much work to deal with and he surmised that his brother had been far smarter than he’d given him credit for.  And hour later, and it was very late by this time, the kitchen garden fence was restored and the herd was back where it belonged.  Standing in the silence of the yard, listening to the insects’ chirr and other animals low and cough in the night he gazed up at the heavens and marveled at the beauty.  As a cub his father had often regaled him with stories about the heroes that resided in the star-scapes, he recognized many of the star patterns from his cubhood and though the stories behind them had lost their value as he had grown, their silent beauty had never faded.

After a bit, he turned back toward the house, its rambling structure evident even in the dark, in the cities and villages it was common to build great high structures, but out on the Pride lands it was more common to have long low houses like hillocks all tied together.  That his house had many rooms and that many of them blended in nearly perfectly with the surrounding background seemed perfectly natural to him, he would never have thought to live in any other type of structure.  He certainly wouldn’t think that a house that stood out boldly against the natural settings was beautiful, quite in fact the opposite, as any such structure would be an affront to the beauty of nature.

Breathing in deeply the richly scented smells of the restful night Kaiel finally entered his home, the stone floors were cool beneath the pads of his feet and the nearly organic curving walls of the hall were smooth beneath his fingers.  His claws were safely sheathed so he would not scratch the wall surface nor disturb any artwork or murals to be found gracing them.  He made his way to the family wing of the house where hand knotted runners adorned the floor now.   He paused briefly outside his brother’s bedroom door, and chided himself for he had assigned that room to Jaimz now, it was Jaimz’ room now.  He decided not to enter and check on Jaimz assuming that he would be asleep and rightly so.  He had arranged for guest quarters for the good medic, he would be staying through Jaimz’ fight with the Tag addiction, but as he approached his own room he noticed pale golden light streaming into the hall from the ajar door.

Stepping inside his room he saw that the medic was working at his Com-Pad station, entering in data and reading the results.  When he came in the medic noticed him and gave him a brief nod in the way of greeting.  He would have passed on to his inner chamber and left the medic to work in privacy but he was curious so he approached the desk.

He didn’t have to wait very long.  “A very interesting and energetic young male.” Medic V’Ran murmured, “I can see almost why Lorz was attracted to him.  His energy is quite intriguing.  Of course he is an attractive species as well, which made the attraction even more understandable.”

Kaiel felt his hackles rise, “What Lorz did was wrong.”

“Yes, indeed.  In one sense what Lorz did was take a cub to his bed and rape it, numerous times.  It was a vile act that would never have been tolerated if indeed Jaimz were in reality a cub, however it is hard to deny his adulthood.  He is not a cub, he is very much an adult with the misfortune of having a cub’s proportions within our society, which again brings one right back to the vileness of what Lorz did to him.”  He sighed, “He does indeed have TWS, and he is quite stubbornly certain that he will beat this addiction.  He is very remarkable.  Truly I had trouble keeping up with him, for once he started recognizing symbols it took nothing at all for him to make logical leaps and assumptions that completely astounded me.  I think if he had time enough he probably could find the solution to the Tag.”

“Time, being the operative word.” Kang muttered, “He doesn’t have it.”

“You don’t think he’ll beat this do you?” Kaiel asked.

The medic pushed away from the desk and tucking his hands behind his back began to pace lightly (for his size) across the floor.  “Logically he should have died when Lorz did, or at least soon after.  Sometimes the time after did differ, or else no Tagged mate could have ever been saved, but nonetheless he’s been steadily dieing ever since Lorz died, with the only difference being—.”

“He didn’t know he was dieing.” Kaiel supplied.

Kang emphatically nodded his head, “Exactly, not having the benefit of a Zaran upbringing our youngling doesn’t realize how extremely fatal Tag Withdrawal Syndrome is, not realizing has kept him alive this long and now, stubbornly believing that being human will give him the strength he needs, he’s fully determined to fight.” He smiled, “And I have been roped into this foolishness.”

“Do you think that he might beat it?” Kaiel wondered, “If there is even a chance…?”

Kang shrugged, “He is certainly stubborn enough and extremely bright, and he believes with his entire being that he can beat this.  It is his upbringing that might help him beat this… so in all honesty…I cannot say absolutely that he will fail.  He could indeed succeed.” He smiled again, “Of course he has the very real loathing of Lorz to aid him.  He truly hates your brother.”

“Sometimes I think that I should hate him too…” Kaiel grimly acknowledged.  Then he moved on, “But you said you don’t think he has time?  Time to do what?”

“To fight the symptoms, for once the body starts to go into withdrawal it usually only takes 72 hours or 3 days for a complete shut down to occur.  With medication the time can be extended an additional 72 hours, which allows time for the Tagged to be rescued if someone was willing, a young female in the prime for cub-bearing likely would have been rescued… But how likely would it have been to save a Tagged male?  So unusual that in itself, though I imagine that it probably did occur.”

“So, you still believe that the only way Jaimz can be saved is if Lorz’ tag can be masked?” Kaiel asked faintly.

The medic had to cock his ear just to hear him, but he did and finally he murmured, “Yes, and how likely is that, even if I did find a volunteer would he be willing to tie himself to a male and an alien at that?  No I think things won’t work out well for that youngling, not well at all.”

Kaiel stood still, feeling the medic’s words touch him to his core, then he shook himself and said, “Well, its going to be a long day tomorrow so I think I’ll turn in, will you be okay finding your way to your quarters?”

The medic returned to the desk and his com-pad, “Yes, no problem, I think I’ll work on this a little longer… Sleep Well.”

“Ummm, thanks.”

He went off into his inner chamber, closing the door to block out the light, with only the starlight shining in through two large uncovered windows he removed today’s garments, just dropping them on the floor.  The coolness of the air in the room touched his pale pelt everywhere, shivering through tendrils of fur, breezing around his drooping tail, he scrubbed his clawed fingers through his mane lifting it and shaking it out, idly he grabbed a shoulder length strand of gold and wondered if he should let his mane grow out again, it had been at mid back just a couple of months ago.  His father had said he looked unkempt and dishonorable, so he had bowed to pressure and cut his mane, but thinking about Jaimz of all things, he wondered if the human would like him with a longer mane.  He froze at recognizing that thought and wondered why what Jaimz thought mattered at all.  Yes, of course he liked Jaimz, and he was worried about what he was going through, but there was no reason for him to preen before Jaimz like a young cub on his first hunt.  What was he thinking?

Confused he climbed into his bed and dragged the coverlet up to his shoulders.  He couldn’t remember ever wondering if he was liked because of his appearance, he supposed he was handsome enough though not overly large which could be a drawback in some crowds but his appearance had never concerned him before, and here he was wondering if his mane was nice enough.  He curled over on his side and wondered exactly what was going on with him.  Sleep, though he was tired, was a long time coming, for thinking about Jaimz, and his situation and his own confused thoughts about Jaimz plagued him for hours.

Morning saw a blurry eyed and irritable Kaiel snarl his way down into the kitchen.  He had slept late, of all things, and missed breakfast, so here he was grudgingly scratching together whatever seemed edible from the kitchen before the rest of the household descended upon him once again.  

He had barely put together a flatbread wrap with meat and fresh greens when one of the staff arrived with an announcement that there was a call for him.  Grumbling, and taking a challenging bite out of the breakfast wrap he went and found the nearest COM to pick up the call. 

“K’Lan Kaiel speaking.  What can I do for you?” he asked the unknown entity.

“Kaiel Ni, this is Adjucator J’Lari Vree, there is a problem with the betrothal contract.  L’Teran refuses to break it.”

Puzzled Kaiel took another bite and chewed thoughtfully while he was wondering why House L’Teran would want to hold to the contract when one of the participants was dead. “Do they not believe that Lorz is dead, Adjucator?  His remains will be transported to the Pride lands in two weeks time.”

The Adjucator replied, “It doesn’t seem to be a matter of your older brother’s death, rather it is a matter of the wording of the contract.”

“Huh?  I don’t understand, the betrothal was that K’Lan Lorz was to marry L’Teran Vreda.” Kaiel muttered, taking another bite of his breakfast wrap. “With Lorz dead there can be no betrothal.  What is hard to understand about that?”

“Actually according to the document I have, signed by both Heads of the Houses the document merely states that the elder son of House K’Lan is to marry the elder daughter of House L’Teran.” Adjucator J’Lari stated fairly glumly.

Kaiel’s mane started to lift, “But my elder brother is dead.”

“Exactly what they said.  You are now the elder son.”

Kaiel felt his jaw drop; he wouldn’t have been at all surprised to find it on the floor somewhere.  “There has to be some…mistake.”

“L’Teran is quite emphatic that the betrothal is still legal and binding.”

“Gods…” Kaiel breathed, he remembered Vreda well, she was pretty and of a good family, but she had a sharp tongue and it was common knowledge that she enjoyed belittling anyone that didn’t live up to her standards.  He didn’t care for her which was why he had been quite pleased to deliver the proposal to his brother.  She was also 3 years older then he and she was spoiled, mean, and vindictive, so prettiness aside she would be impossible to live with.  “There has to be some mistake… she’s older than I.” He added lamely.

“Age differences not withstanding there will have to be a good reason to break the contract.  Unless the L’Teran’s break it I can’t see anyway out of it for House K’Lan.” The Adjucator advised, still sounding glum.

Kaiel tried to think and finally all he could say was, “My father is Head of House K’Lan, he will talk to L’Teran and have them agree to dissolve the contract.”

“Perhaps, perhaps.” Was all the glum Adjucator would say, adding, “I understand that he is involved in the Annual Summit at this time?”

“Yes,” Kaiel murmured desolately, “He probably won’t be back until the end of the week.”

“Then I will be in contact again.” The Adjucator promised dolefully and disconnected the call.  Kaiel stared at the COM, his breakfast quite forgotten, in fact what he had eaten was sitting rather heavy in his stomach.  The idea of being tied to Vreda L’Teran was enough to make him want to spew.  He assumed that one day he would take a mate and ensure the continuation of the K’Lan line, but he was still young and he certainly had different ideas about what he wanted in a mate.  Vreda didn’t qualify.  What he wanted was someone smart and funny, someone witty and yes for certain someone who was actually nice, someone who didn’t mind working and getting dirty and who wouldn’t get her muzzle bent out of shape if things didn’t go exactly her way… he wanted someone who could laugh in the face of danger and just keep right on going.  He stopped and stared at his forgotten breakfast wrap wondering why that last part made him think about Jaimz. 

Sighing glumly, he decided there was nothing he could do about the matter of the contract, and he could only hope his father would deal with it as soon as possible.  He had work to do; he always had work that needed to get done.

He would have started the work as soon as he rid himself of his no longer wanted breakfast wrap, but he was interrupted by the bustle of activity streaming to and from the family wing of the house.  Curious he followed a pair of house staff that was valiantly balancing a large blackboard.  Bemused he followed wondering where the blackboard was headed, and he wasn’t to surprised to find it intended for Jaimz room, he could hear Jaimz’ voice directing other staff all ready in the reorganizing of his room.  He walked into total chaos and just stared in amazement, the bed had been pushed back closer to the windows and now a screen of blackboards and pegboards fairly blocked the view into the rest of the room.    Several tables had been arranged, some standing just away from the boards while others had been pressed together and covered with a larger board to form one solid tabletop.  Chairs from outside had found there way into the room as well, and wonder of wonders someone had set up a Com-Pad unit at one of the desks.  Seeing the good medic impressed into duty, Kaiel surmised that the Com-Pad was his and that he had changed his office to Jaimz’ bedroom. 

He glanced about smiling slightly; it definitely bore little memory of Lorz now.  

“No not there, that goes over there, with the Grav Gate stuff.” Directed a voice Kaiel was becoming very familiar with. 

He turned to find Jaimz behind him, pointing at a table where the errant staff was heading too.  “What is going on here?” He asked needlessly, as if he couldn’t see exactly what was going on.

Jaimz flashed him a smile and grabbed another pile of papers before they could scatter from a too eager young staffers grasp.  “Setting up my lab.”

“In your bedroom?”

Jaimz lifted those remarkable aqua eyes up too him, “I like being close to my work.” He explained, straightening the hastily reclaimed notes and handing them back to the staffer, “They go where the Jump Ship material is. Thanks.” He smiled faintly as he watched and said absently “He’s bigger than me but I think he’s younger than I am… and are his ears blushing?”

Kaiel flicked his own ears back and growled, “Zaran don’t blush.”

Jaimz just smirked, “I’m learning to read all you Zarans’ little quirks. Besides the ears are the thinnest area and have the least hide covering, so yeah…they do blush…”

Kaiel growled, caught between chagrin and amusement, “So how do you feel.” He asked instead.

Jaimz was already moving on to another project and answered absently, “I feel fine.”

Kaiel watched him for a moment, he did seem very energetic and enthusiastic for someone supposedly on deaths door.  He found Medic V’Ran.  “So how is he really doing?” 

The medic had also been designated as a sorter, he was dealing with a table of new notes, which Kaiel had not seen before, and some of the symbols on those notes were Zaran.  “Remarkable.” The medic said absently, before looking at him, “He’s still very ill, but he’s simply remarkable.”  He held up a sheet filled almost entirely with Zaran symbols, “Do you know what this is?”

Well he could read what the symbols were, but the order made no sense to him, the medic chuckled, “Ah well, you would probably have to be a scientist to understand them.  Do you know this morning he learned what those symbols meant?  Just this morning!  He was frustrated because he couldn’t understand the symbols from my analysis so he made me teach him the basic chemical signatures.  He’s really quite remarkable, after I gave him the basics he started putting the symbols together in there proper chemical order… just remarkable, if I had ten students like him I’d have a cure for every disease in the world.”

Kaiel didn’t doubt that Jaimz was special, “So what is this project?”

“His first attempt at understanding what the Tag is and what it is doing to him.”

Kaiel stared, not sure he understood.  Medic V’Ran wasn’t slow to help him understand.  “He wanted a full analysis of his blood, to check for anomalies.  That chemical structure of his blood is what helped me help him learn the chemical symbols.  Do you know that his blood is iron-based like ours?  Well anyway, after the analysis was complete we starting breaking down the chemical structures one by one and he’d ask me the symbol for the chemical as I knew it and then he would provide the symbol as he knew it…and wallah as he would say, the beginning of a chemical dictionary.”  He smiled at the young human who had paused near by to direct one of the staffers to place a blow up of one of his orbital gates on a pegboard.  “He’s really remarkable, I would surely enjoy working with him in the future.  Given a chance he’ll have our written language down in no time… did you notice how very good he is with the spoken language and according to him he’s only been with Zarans for just a few months.  Remarkable.”  His ears drooped then, “Of course he is still very sick.”

“But he has so much energy,” Kaiel insisted, watching Jaimz as he laughed with one of the staffers, actually the staffer, a female looked a little dazzled and intrigued with Jaimz, confirming Kaiel’s own growing suspicions that Jaimz was attractive to his people.

“Yes, right now the medications are working to make it seem that he is well, but his temperature is still fluctuating.”  The medic rose and indicated that he wanted Kaiel to follow him deeper into the room, that meant navigating the screen of boards, but it was do-able, gaps had been left just for that reason.  Kaiel saw that he was being lead to the monitoring equipment that was still next to the bed, it had been moved with everything else.  The graphs were still steadily shifting, Kaiel didn’t know exactly what he was looking at, but he knew those graphs indicated Jaimz’ state of health. 

“I insisted that if he was going to be up and about that he had to be monitored constantly.” The medic explained, then he pointed at one of the shifting lines.  “This graph shows his temperature.  Notice this blue line?”


“That blue line indicates where his temperature should normally be, if his temperature were stable we wouldn’t see the blue line at all.  See the wavy green sometimes red line, red depending on how far away from the blue line it gets?”

“Yes.” He murmured, starting to dread what he was seeing.

“That’s his actual temperature graph.  As you will notice it is fluctuating under and above his normal temperature.  The few times the line has peaked in red are when he’s actually had a temperature spike…in either direction.  The meds I gave him is keeping his temperature within what would be considered a safe zone for the most part, but those spikes are getting closer…once the spikes start running together the headaches will come back.”

“But you can manage that with meds can’t you?”  Kaiel wondered worried.

Medic V’Ran stated, “Yes, I can up the dosage and re-stabilize him, though he probably wouldn’t be able to function very well and would likely need to sleep more.  But all the medication does is mask the symptoms, underneath his temperature is still unstable, his body is still breaking down.”  He sighed morosely, “Chances are, because of his very stubbornness and will to break this thing that I might be able to keep him alive long enough for him to break it if it is possible…but it’s definitely a very slim chance.  He is still…dieing.”

“Well…I won’t…I don’t want him to die!” Kaiel nearly yelled, his ears flicking in obvious distress.

“You feel strongly about this.”

Kaiel huffed, “I am responsible, my brother did that to him!”

Medic V’Ran shook his head, “Our laws long ago made us no longer responsible for the crimes of a family member.”

Kaiel glared and groused, “It doesn’t matter, Jaimz is my responsibility.  I can’t just let him die.”

“Well that is what we are working on, that remarkable youngling did find an anomaly in his blood that shouldn’t be there.  He came up with the most intriguing idea.  Something about flushing the anomaly out of his blood.  He believes that if he can just wait it out long enough that the Tag will actually be flushed out of his circulatory system.”

“And?  Is he right?” Kaiel wondered.

Medic V’Ran shrugged, “Well that’s the thing isn’t it?  With the Tag all but forgotten no one has researched it.  I have a little bit of information, but it more related to how to survive with the Tag for mated pairs, not for how to break the Tag.”

“So, what your saying, is you don’t know.”

“Correct.” Medic V’Ran replied quite jovially, “It will be interesting to see what happens.”

Kaiel snarled, “What could happen is that Jaimz will die! I can’t allow that!”

“You can’t allow what?” asked Jaimz’ own intrigued voice.

Kaiel spun still growling.  The smaller being stood just in front of the screen, looking at them, he had heard something, but not enough to know what had been said.  How fortunate that his hearing probably wasn’t as good as a Zaran’s.  He snarled and turned away, grunting, “Nothing.  He wants to open a practice in the pride lands that’s all.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Jaimz wondered, unsuspecting of the lie, but puzzled by Kaiel’s obvious agitation.

He strolled forward and Kaiel found himself watching him, noticing how long his legs were and how his hips moved just so and he found himself snarling again at Jaimz this time.  “Don’t walk like that!” immediately he would have taken it back, especially seeing the play of shock and bewilderment in Jaimz’ face.  He spun back, to face the medic with his own bemused expression and feeling his ears flicking furiously he finally stormed, “I have work to do, do what you want!”

He brushed past Jaimz, nearly over balancing the human, absently he steadying him before moving on, fully aware that Jaimz was still staring after him in puzzlement.

“Did I do something wrong?” Jaimz wondered aloud.

V’Ran Kang noticed that the human youngling was still looking in the direction Kaiel had gone.  He was intrigued by Kaiel’s anger, oh sure, Kaiel was a young male and young males often struggled with conflicting emotions but he was willing to bet that even Kaiel was bewildered by his moodiness.  He glanced at the young human, looking at him as a younger possible suitor might see him.  His face was utterly bare, in fact he knew that his entire body was bare other than the scantest traces of fur… no, Jaimz called it hair.  His skin was very silky to touch; it was like touching a delicate flower petal.  His hair was the same pale brown of many newborn fawns and cubs and it was wavy to his shoulders and every bit as smooth as his skin in its own way.  He was not tall like a Zaran, and his build was far slimmer, in fact he was even slimmer than a female Zaran, but there were some similarities between him and a Zaran female, especially a lovely young female just ripe for cub-bearing.  He managed to have long legs even for his lack of height and though he didn’t have a tail his hips moved as if he should be sashaying a stupendous tail, and all without even thinking about it.  Kang realized that in Jaimz was the embodiment of female beauty and male youth that was an intoxicating mix. 

Kaiel was exhibiting all the signs of mate seeking, only Kang was dead certain that Kaiel had no idea what he was doing or why he was so bothered.  It was really too bad that Kaiel didn’t have the Tag, because likely that would be a perfect solution to Jaimz’ problem, but as rarely as the tag showed up in ancient family lines, it was even rarer to show up twice in the same family line.

“No, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Kang replied, glad that he was almost too old now to be bothered by all the stuff and nonsense that accompanied the mating urge.

Jaimz stared at him doubtfully for another moment then returned to his lab, leaving the good doctor to his own speculations.  An idle glance at the monitor showed that during this little crisis Jaimz’ temperature had spiked again before recovering.  He rubbed his rough pelted chin and sighed, wondering how much longer it would be before he’d have to up Jaimz’ medication.

Jaimz was fine through the day, though he still found he had very little appetite, he was neither plagued by headaches or dizziness.  The mild nausea he ignored, besides by nibbling on small salty biscuits he found he was able to keep his stomach almost happy.  He didn’t see Kaiel again that day, though he heard him out in the hall once, reassigning some of the staffers that had stayed longer than necessary to other tasks.  He wondered idly at Kaiel’s brief spat of belligerence and tried to figure out what he might have done to upset his friend, yes he was starting to think of Kaiel as his friend, but he couldn’t really think of anything.  Unless, glancing about the very altered room with some consternation, he wondered if Kaiel was upset by the change to the room.

Evening though wasn’t fine, he awoke to the alarms going off, though they needn’t have warned him, for the dazzle headache that had him curled in on himself was all the warning he would have needed.  He felt strong arms grab him and even though he couldn’t bear to open his eyes he knew that it was Kaiel.  “My head—my head.” He sobbed into Kaiel’s warm pelted chest.

He felt a slight prick on his arm and then heard the medic say, “There that will help.”

Quickly it did help as he felt the headache begin to fade, he remained where he was for another moment, and then whispered achingly, “I won’t give up.”

He was crying he knew, but he didn’t care, it scared him that the headache had come back with such force.  He didn’t want to admit the possibility that he could die.  Humans didn’t easily admit defeat and he wasn’t willing to give in to this stupid addiction Lorz had given him.  He lay back against the pillows after a moment, with sobs still heaving at his chest and repeated, “I won’t give up.”

Kaiel’s hand brushed his fawn bangs back from his glistening eyes.  “I won’t let you.” He smiled encouragingly.

“This is just the beginning of the real fight.” Jaimz muttered smartly, nodding his head.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Medic V’Ran looked from Kaiel to Jaimz and shook his head, seeing something the two younglings didn’t.  Still he made no other comment except, “You should go back to sleep Jaimz.  You need rest.”  Fortunately the injection he had prepared for just this type of attack did include something to help Jaimz fall back to sleep whether Jaimz wanted to sleep or not. 

“Umm,” Jaimz murmured, his eyes already starting grow heavy, lolled back toward sleep by the combination of Kaiel hand stroking his hair and the powerful drug working through his shocky system.

Once the young human had slipped into natural sleep again Medic V’Ran murmured, “Kaiel, you should go to sleep too, it will be a busy day tomorrow.”

Kaiel hesitated, reluctant to leave Jaimz’ side, but finally with a fleetingly light caress to Jaimz’ sleep shadowed face he straightened, “Yes…I’ll go, but—.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll spend the night with him, he’ll be fine.” Kang assured, though he was no means certain, for his patient was growing more ill by the hour.  “I already had a cot set up just in case… Go on… off to bed with you. Sleep Well.” He didn’t want to use cub language with Kaiel, but he found it also worked as he intended and Kaiel did as he was told.  He knew if the alarm sounded again that he’d be back.  He had made it to this room faster than he had, and the alarm had been set to sound only in Kang’s room and this one.  Odd that Kaiel had even heard it.

Once Kaiel was gone Kang reset the monitoring equipment to warn him before Jaimz’ temperature fluctuations became critical, this meant that he’d be able to stay ahead of the headaches and better regulate Jaimz’ systems to at least keep the youngling comfortable and functioning for as long as he could.  He hadn’t given up hope for maybe somewhere out there a new Tag Mate was waiting.  He was growing rather fond of the human youngling, he was so smart, so energetic, so self-assured, that if all humans were like Jaimz then the Zaran were going to get along with them just fine.

The next day found Jaimz in the receiving room, a sitting room of sorts that was central to the 4 wings of the house.  Along the back wall of the large high-ceilinged room was an entire bank of windows, and like everything else in the house each window had a slightly curved frame so that each was a long oblong, on top of small wicker tables set in the spaces between the windows were displays of seasonal greens, flowers or twigs in vases that drew the eye out toward the vast vista of the Pride land Plains, far off in the distance the sharply etched and ancient mountain range the Sheehan could be seen against the azure of the sky.   Unfolding before that range played out the natural everyday scenes of the savanna, with its herds of animals grazing and congregating across the lush fields and meadows, rivers, streams and springs dotted the savanna and lush deep pockets of forests, treed vales and hills cropped up regularly.

The beauty of the room and the view worked well with V’Ran Kang, for his patient seemed to be functioning fine.  Jaimz, along with Kang, continued to work on his Tag problem; analyzing the blood anomaly he’d discovered trying to break down its secrets and learn how it affected his system.  A new blood test showed more, not less of those anomalies in his blood, which told him that they were related to how his body was handling the Tag Addiction and though part of it, not necessary directly related to the Tag.  This led him in another direction, wondering if the addiction was something to do with the fluid exchange.  Thinking about it embarrassed him, and speaking about it left him feeling entirely tongue tied and uncomfortable.

Medic V’Ran was infinitely patient and understanding though and helpful, “You think that the Tag addiction responds to something in the male ejaculate…that which is deposited inside you?”

Blushing fiercely Jaimz nodded, “Yes, exactly.”

Kang leaned back in his chair and mused, “You very likely are correct… but what then does the Taggee get?  He provides the stimulus that subdues the Tag addiction, but what in exchange does he get?

Jaimz stared at him in amazement and blurted, “Why does that matter, Lorz is dead, he isn’t getting anything!  And I don’t plan on devoutly following him either, that fucker!”

“Yes, yes, you do have a point.  Nonetheless one wonders what the Tag Mate gets from the exchange.  It seems logical that the mate must get something, because if not he wouldn’t be threatened by the Tag addiction and naturally wouldn’t die if his tagged mate died.  That is the one constant, the Tagged mate could be saved if the Taggee died, but the Taggee mate never.”

Jaimz shook his head, thinking he didn’t care about where this conversation was going, but he was to much of a scientist not to have his curiosity peaked, “Why would they take such a risk?  I can’t understand if the Tag Mate can’t be saved no matter what why would they ever risk Tagging a mate?  That just doesn’t make sense!”  He leaned forward, with his arms crossed on his lap, and muttered, “Maybe they didn’t know?”

Kang shook his head, “Oh they knew, the Tag can not be delivered involuntarily.”

Jaimz’ face tensed and paled with anger, “Then Lorz knew exactly what he was doing.”

“I’m afraid he knew exactly what he was doing.”

“That FUCKER!  That GODDAMNEDFUCKER!” Jaimz cussed viscously, while smacking his fist into his thigh.

Kang tried not to smile with amusement, “Your colorful metaphors are so…emphatic.  Would you have forgiven him if Tagging could be involuntary.”

“No!” Jaimz yelled fiercely, “But I thought I wouldn’t have to hate him so much if he didn’t mean to do it on purpose!  God damn him!  I hate him.”

Kang, noticing that Jaimz’ monitoring med-cuff was starting to flare red, worriedly advised, “You need to calm yourself Jaimz, you’re having another spike.”

Jaimz froze and stared at the pulsing med-cuff, watching as the red flare gradually faded away.  “Oh…sorry about that.” He muttered once the pulse was green again. 

Kang sighed, “I bet I need to dose you again…these treatments are getting closer and closer together Jaimz.  I’m afraid—.”

“Don’t!” Jaimz forestalled, jumping to his feet, “I don’t want to hear it!  I won’t hear it!  Do you hear me?”

Kang rose as well, lumbering after the youth as he hurriedly started walking away from him, “What I want you to do is sit down and be quiet until I determine whether you need another dose or not!  Stop running away from me Jaimz!”

Jaimz spun toward him, those amazing green eyes of his flaring with anger, “I’m not running away!  I have work to do too and I can do it in my room just as well in the—the—what is this place called again?”  He stopped suddenly and gestured about the sunny room.

Placing his hand on the youngling’s arm Kang answered, “This is the receiving room.”

“Yeah, well whatever, I have work to do and I can better do it in my room.”

“Kaiel has a crew in there properly arranging your room.” Kang advised, not for the first time.

Jaimz snapped, “My room was just fine the way I set it up!”

“Of course it was,” Kang soothed, “But it no longer matched the style of the rest of the house… its all about striking a proper balance with nature and what not… Your room was out of balance.  The Sheki that came in this morning noticed that your space was out of balance.” The Sheki were very similar to priests but instead of dealing with the spiritual side of people, the Sheki dealt with the Balance and Well Being of space.  They believed that if space was unbalanced that ill will would follow and do harm unto whoever or whatever had caused the unbalance until the unbalance was set right again.

“Nonsense.  My room was perfect.” Jaimz argued, just for the sake of being belligerent. 

Kang was worried, he thought that Jaimz’ belligerence was being triggered by temperature spikes, he had been growing more belligerent throughout the day, to even snapping at staffers who brought food and drink.  Of course he had also noticed that Jaimz wasn’t eating at all now and that he was barely drinking.  After one such uncontrolled spike Jaimz had spewed up, which was the first time his nausea had vented in such a fashion.

“Please, sit quietly Jaimz, let me check the equipment.”

Jaimz allowed himself to be seated once more, but he didn’t look happy and he said so, “This is ridiculous.”

Pout all you want, Kang thought smilingly, just so long as you stay put and quiet.  He turned away, assured that Jaimz would listen…and that was when the alarm went off again.  He could distantly hear it jangling throughout the house, but Jaimz’ own cry of pain was all the proof he needed that Jaimz had indeed spiked severely.  Worse and worse, when he spun back to assist the youngling, Jaimz had slid right off the chair and was lying in a boneless heap on the floor. 

It didn’t take him a second to realize that Jaimz was unconscious, he knelt by the youngling and caught up his cuffed wrist, the warning pulse wasn’t even flashing now, it was a steady red flare.  He quickly searched his person for an emergency injection but he had used the last one and failed to replace it.  He was cussing his stupidity when Kaiel and a group of staffers came running into the receiving room.  He didn’t even have to order Kaiel to pick the unconscious youngling up, for Kaiel had him in his arms and was running before Kang could catch his breath.   Kang followed the young male as best he could; he barely noticed that the room had been divided into an inner and outer room as he was running through into the inner room.

Kaiel had sat on the bed and arranged Jaimz across his lap, he was stroking Jaimz hair back from him slack face and staring anxiously at the medic as he entered. “Hurry Kang Ni!”

“Yes, yes…always rush and hurry… well,” he muttered as he pulled the required dose into a ready syringe, “I suppose this once hurry up is ok.” He grasped the human’s limp arm and found a spot that hadn’t been recently pricked, cleaned it and pressed in the necessary injection.  A moment later he backed away, watching as Jaimz’ face relaxed from the pain he had been sensing even while unconscious and moved more toward actual sleep.  “There, a little quiet should help him feel better, for now.” He would make no promises, not anymore.  Jaimz was dieing, the growing symptoms were proof that his body was shutting down despite his valiant efforts.  This was a battle Jaimz was not going to win on his own.  “Well, I’m not just going to let him die.” He muttered and stomped away fully intent on going over those ancient lists again looking for a likely candidate to save his treasure, his treasure being Jaimz.

Kaiel was left sitting there, with Jaimz asleep on his lap.  He had heard what the medic had said, even though it clearly hadn’t been intended for him, he knew that the medic was searching through family records to see if he could pinpoint a potential Tag Mate to save Jaimz.  He looked down at Jaimz and realized that he didn’t want Jaimz to have another Tag Mate; he couldn’t stand the idea of Jaimz going away, not in death and not to belong to another.  He knew there was nothing normal about what he wanted, that he had grown to care too much about this queer little creature, this human being he felt responsible for.  He couldn’t easily say it was because of his brother that he wanted to take on this responsibility either; it felt like a lie to him, maybe he would have grown exceptionally fond of Jaimz even without his brother’s cursed legacy between them.

He lightly touched Jaimz’ face, tracing the contours of his smooth cheeks, the tilt of his nose, the soft lushness of his lips.  He noticed Jaimz’ long gold tipped eyelashes flutter so he traced his hand back to casually stroking his fawn mane.  He waited patiently for those eyes to flicker open and for that green gaze to find him.  He smiled, “Welcome.”

Jaimz lay on his lap and looked up at him, he was not uncomfortable where he was and he still had a mild, lingering after headache, which he knew would fade, until the next time.  Fear clouded his mind for an instant as he thought about what was happening to him, but he shook it off, refusing to give up.  “Kaiel.” He glanced about, seeing he was back in his room he wondered, “How did I get here?”

Kaiel stroked his hair and murmured, “I brought you here. You collapsed in the receiving room.”

Jaimz flung a hand up over his eyes and groused softly, “I shouldn’t have argued with the doctor.”

Kaiel raised a mobile brow, “I thought you liked Medic V’Ran.”

Jaimz lowered his hand, “I do like him.”

“Do you feel better?”

Jaimz turned on his side, still on his lap but with his back to him.  He tucked an arm under his head and closed his eyes again.  “Um.” was his only reply as Kaiel felt him relax back into sleep again. 

Kaiel remained where he was, content to watch Jaimz’ sleeping profile and stroke his fawn mane and wonder what he was becoming.  He worried that he was starting to think about Jaimz the same way his brother had, and that sickened him.  Silently he vowed he would never abuse Jaimz that way, that he and Jaimz would always be just good friends, even though his heart ached as his avowal.  Looking at that perfect profile, not Zaran, not beautiful in the way of a Zaran and yet beautiful nonetheless he told himself that he was better than Lorz.  The softness of those alien lips beckoned him and again he ran his thumb over there lushness, and he throbbed inside.  Sickened he pulled back into himself, he didn’t move though, nor did he disturb Jaimz who was so innocently asleep on his lap, but he silently cussed himself for even touching Jaimz in that way.  That way, which led to thoughts of wrongness, Jaimz was not female, he was not Zaran, there would be no cubs, and Jaimz could only ever be a friend.  Kaiel could only ever be Jaimz’ friend, even if he saved him, he still could only be his friend.

Watching his special friend sleep Kaiel came to a decision, it would change everything, but it was the right decision to make.  When Jaimz awoke he would be ready to tell him about his decision.

Jaimz awoke to find fur under his cheek, he instantly thought of Lorz and panicked for an instant, then he calmed, recalling that Lorz had done him a favor and died already.  Well a double-edged favor considering he was so damn sick from Lorz’ little gift, but still not to have to fight Lorz made this newest fight worth it.  The warmth and scent of the fur beneath his cheek belonged to another.  He lifted his head to find himself stretched pretty much across Kaiel’s somnolent body.  His friend had stayed with him, providing his body as a cushion.  Jaimz was actually touched.  He liked Kaiel a lot and thought that they would make great pals. 

When Jaimz moved, Kaiel, ever sensitive to motion also started to stir toward wakefulness.  He sat away from the big cat, for indeed Kaiel was like a huge, intelligent and slightly domesticated lion to him, a very big and beautiful lion king.  It was true that he had a more humanoid face, with barely any muzzle at all, and a mouth that was rather humanoid too though darker fleshed like the pad of his broad and flat nose, which had none of the bifurcation that Terran cats had, but his broad face, wide cheekbones, deep golden eyes and handsome nose only attributed to his leonine features, that coupled with his mane which framed nearly his entire face leaving only his chin and jaw bare though hide covered and his mobile ears which were partially hidden in his mane at the side of his head only completed the picture.  Lorz had looked similar to his younger brother, though his face was longer and narrower and his ruff had really made his cheekbones seem sharp, whereas Kaiel’s light ruff merely accentuated his. 

He was waiting for Kaiel to fully wake up when he noticed that his med-cuff was flashing a faint red glow.  Frowning he pushed that wrist behind him though he wondered if it was his own body that had woke him, telling him that he was in need of another dose.  He sighed, he wanted to beat this thing that Lorz had cursed him with, but he was growing more concerned that time was growing short.  He knew that Medic V’Ran would receive the warning soon, if he hadn’t already and would be coming to medicate him again, so he wasn’t worried that he’d have another of those headaches that would knock him right out.  That was still incredible, he didn’t remember collapsing, but what else could have happened for him to end up back in bed with no memory of how he’d ended up there.  Again he sighed, and he wondered just how long he had to fight this thing.

Distracted he didn’t notice Kaiel wake up, nor did he sense anything until he felt his hair being stroked again.  He looked past Kaiel’s hand and wondered why Kaiel like to pet his hair so much, he didn’t mind really, Kaiel felt safe.  But he did remember that Lorz had liked to pet him, and so had Ham when Lorz had let the big fighter have him.  He grimaced remembering that, Ham made Lorz seem gentle in comparison, even though, in comparison though Ham was bigger then Lorz in one way he actually wasn’t, which in itself had been a relief.  He closed his eyes against recalling Ham and how vigorous he was even if he didn’t match Lorz for size and finally muttered, “God…” when he couldn’t quite make the memory go away.

“What?  What is wrong?”

Jaimz jerked back in response, forgetting momentarily about Kaiel and his hand stroking his hair.  Kaiel’s hand fell away, but nothing showed on his face.  Jaimz lay down again beside him but not touching him this time, “I was just…remembering something.” He murmured.

Kaiel looked at him in the darkness of the room and even though Jaimz could make out the silvery outlines of Kaiel’s face and mane and those night silvered eyes he wondered how much better Kaiel could see him in the dark.  Kaiel didn’t ask anything more, for which Jaimz was grateful, for remembering stuff like that was terribly embarrassing.

Kaiel continued to watch him, and then he rolled over onto his side, toward Jaimz, and propped his head up on his hand.  He looked down at Jaimz who was watching him, waiting for him to speak most likely, so he decided not to make him wait.

“Jaimz I have something I want to tell you.” He murmured softly, as if he was afraid others were listening.

Jaimz moved onto his side to, and copied his position. “Um?”

Kaiel was suddenly nervous, and let his head drop back to the bedding.  He still kept watching Jaimz though, waiting as he said, “Lorz isn’t the only one in my family who can Tag.”

In the dark he noticed Jaimz’ eyes widen, even without the nightglow that the Zaran had; those green eyes still seemed to glow faintly.  Not waiting for Jaimz to reply Kaiel pressed on, “You don’t have to die Jaimz, you can be saved.  Lorz signature can be masked.  It wouldn’t have to be like…it was with Lorz, the urge to mate only happens between the Tag Mates after 72 hours, that’s when the addiction flares, but it doesn’t have to be like it was with Lorz.  It can be all very professional and proper, just to relieve the urge and then just friendship for the rest of the time.  It can even be just friendly that time too, oh I know that there has to be a joining to relieve the addiction, but that shouldn’t matter should it?”

Jaimz was staring at him, and he had moved a bit farther away.  “What are you saying Kaiel?”

“I’m your friend aren’t I Jaimz?  You like me don’t you Jaimz?” Kaiel asked anxiously.

Jaimz wasn’t comfortable lying down anymore, he sat up, curling his long legs under him.  “Of course.  I like you Kaiel.”

Kaiel sat up as well, “See, I like you too Jaimz, it could be perfect, we are friends so it would work and you would be safe and well.”

Jaimz was frowning at him now, “What are you talking about?”

Kaiel froze, hearing something cautionary in Jaimz’ tone, but he noticed the med-cuff was flashing a brighter and brighter tone so he had to press on with his case.  “I could be your Tag Mate Jaimz.”

Jaimz gasped, and suddenly was right off the bed.  “You?”  And he was backing away, looking panicked and afraid.  “I thought you were my friend!”  He suddenly yelled.

Kaiel sensed Jaimz’ fright, but he had to make him understand, “Please Jaimz, I am your friend!  But I also care about you and I don’t want you to die because of what my brother did to you!”

“You want to take his place?  My God!  Oh God!  I thought you were my friend!  But you just want to fuck me—fuck me too!” Jaimz screamed, backing away as Kaiel came off the bed toward him.

“That’s not true!  Gods Jaimz I’m trying to save you!” Kaiel cried, hurt by Jaimz’ accusations.

“Liar!”  Jaimz screamed, thrusting his whole body into the denial. “You just want to stick your fuckin rod inside me like he did! You want to make me bleed and hurt again!  Goddamn you I’m a man!  I’m a man you stupid fucker!  I don’t want your fuckin rod inside me!”

“Its not—I don’t want—Jaimz please, your med-cuff, check your med-cuff.” Kaiel cried, going from hurt bewilderment to anxious fear as the cuff started to shine steady red again. 

“Get out!  Get out!”  Jaimz howled, backing away until his back hit the new wall, “Leave me alone!”

Kaiel tried to grab at that wrist cuff to show Jaimz, but Jaimz screamed and pushed away, crying, “Don’t touch me!  Get away from me!  Oh God Oh God your just like him!  You just want to fuck me.” He was actually crying, tears poured unheeded down his icy cheeks even as he screamed such foul untruths.  Kaiel didn’t know what to do, but he knew that if he approached Jaimz that it just frightened him more, however to leave him in this state was criminal. 

“Please Jaimz, I would never hurt…”

“Liar!  Liar you want to fuck me!  Oh God, help me!  Help me God. I want to go home, Oh God…I want to go home!” Jaimz cried, even as he started to slide down against the wall toward the floor. 

Suddenly someone else was there, pushing Kaiel aside and moving to grab Jaimz even as he was collapsing.  Tears in his own eyes Kaiel saw that it was Kang to the rescue.  Bitterly he muttered, “I didn’t mean to.  I didn’t mean to frighten him.”

Kang hovered over the huddled human, listening to his ramblings and crying while administering the dose.  He didn’t understand what had passed, but he thought that it was more likely Jaimz’ illness that had caused this then anything Kaiel had done, he could see how horrified Kaiel was by all of this.  He straightened once Jaimz had grown quiet and glanced at Kaiel, asking, “Just what did you say to him that set him off.”

Kaiel looked at him blankly, his eyes were utterly dead, “Nothing.  Nothing that matters anyway.  He’s going to die…and I can’t make him take me.”

He choice of words were strange to the medic, but Kang was more concerned for his patient at the moment, Kaiel’s emotional wounds would have to be looked after later.  For once, he noticed that Kaiel didn’t come running to help carry Jaimz back to his bed, even though he was this close he made no move to help, so Kang gathered the slight figure up in his big arms, it was as easy as picking up a cub, and carried him still deliriously muttering back to his bed.  Once he had Jaimz settled he turned back to Kaiel and found to his surprise that the young male had left.  Puzzled he turned back to Jaimz; the youngling’s eyes were still overflowing with tears. 

He stroked his head, which had always calmed him before and whispered, “Go to sleep.”

But this time Jaimz flinched and cried forlornly, “He wants to fuck me.” 

Having been with Jaimz long enough to learn what that word meant, Kang wasn’t really surprised that it had come to this, with Jaimz so ill and Kaiel very likely deeply fond of him, Kaiel may have instigated something that was perfectly innocent which Jaimz flip-flopped into something not so innocent.  Those poor cubs, he felt deeply sorry for both of them.  “You need to sleep Jaimz.” He gently insisted.

Sleepily, his tearing eyes growing heaving even though he was resisting, Jaimz cried blurrily, “I thought he was my friend, why did he say he wants to fuck me?  Why?”

“I’m sure he didn’t.” Kang soothed tenderly.

Quieting ever so gradually, Jaimz sobbed, “Why do Zarans’ want to fuck me? I’m a boy…I’m a boy.”

“Yes, yes… shhhh, you need to sleep.” Kang coaxed, thinking how very young his youngling was.  It took a while, and even once Jaimz grew quite, tears still formed on his lashes and trickled down his white cheeks.

Now that Jaimz was asleep he had time to be worried about Kaiel, but he couldn’t leave Jaimz alone, not anymore, for the illness had advanced too far.  He called for assistance, knowing that somebody had to be awake, no one could have slept through Jaimz’ terror, at least not easily.  When a pair of young house staffers arrived, he breathed easier.  He made up another dose and instructed them on how to deliver the dose properly and what to watch for and then he went looking for Kaiel. 

That Kaiel was not in his room he discovered first, he went back to Jaimz’ room to ask the staffers if they had an idea where Kaiel might have gone.  After a moment one of them said, “He might have gone to the east garden.  Sometimes when he can’t sleep he goes there.”

Thanks, he said, moving toward east, even if he wasn’t sure exactly where the east garden was.  He hadn’t really been touring the Pride lands since his arrival, but he had a feeling he knew where the east garden was if a vague memory of trees, flowers, paths and benches served as the right memory.  Out into the starlit darkness he went, he headed away from the house a short distance, around a low flowered hill and down into a little vale, the vale was a garden alive with scents and sounds, he followed his nose to one particular scent, different from all the rest.

Being a city cat, he wasn’t very quiet and Kaiel had already lifted his head from his hands well before he reached him.  With out turning to face him, the young male asked, “Is he ok?”

Kang, not looking at Kaiel who didn’t seem to want to be visually acknowledged, came around and sat on an edge of the bench Kaiel was sitting on.  He had to shift his broad cheeks over until he was comfortable, and he grumbled that maybe he should lose a little weight, though he had always been comfortable in his body before.  “He’s asleep.”

Kaiel ducked his head again. Though he was carefully not looking Kang noticed how Kaiel’s shoulders heaved with deep emotion.

“The illness is progressing at a dangerous rate now.” Kang murmured needlessly, “I doubt he’ll make it to another sunset.  He’s too sick to fight now, it will be all I can do to manage his pain while his system shuts down.”

Kaiel glanced at him, then hastily away, but Kang saw the suspicious dark steaks in his hide, which ran along side his nose.  “What…will it be like for him?”

Kang sighed, “One time he’ll go to sleep…and he simply won’t wake up.”

Kaiel shuddered again, off to his side, hoarsely he whispered, “I want him to live, I can make him live.  I could, but then I would be just like my brother.  Even if I did it to save him, I would be like Lorz come back—to him I would be.”

Kang heard him, but didn’t totally understand him.  “What are you saying?”

Kaiel cocked his head at him and smiled grimly, “I’m flawed, just like my brother.  I can save Jaimz, but he’s terrified of me… He said—he said terrible things.  Maybe true things… he makes me want to do things… But he’s my friend! I’m his friend, I wouldn’t—I wouldn’t do those things except when the Tag needs it, only then and only just for the Tag! But he wouldn’t hear me… maybe he heard too much?  Gods what am I to do?  I can’t let him die.”

Kang knew, he just knew, looking at Kaiel, that he had found his means to save Jaimz.  Kaiel had the Tag. 

Kang shook his head and laughed softly in relief, “So then, all this time that I’ve been looking through records, you were always there?  What were you waiting for?”

Kaiel glared at him, “I was waiting to see if he was going to get better.  You said his stubbornness—.”

“Yes, yes, but you could have told me, then I wouldn’t have needed to worry so much.” Kang grouched, “You see I’ve come to care for that youngling quite a bit and I didn’t want to let him die, and now… with you I don’t have too.”

Kaiel lunged himself to his feet, “You can’t force him!  You can’t force him to accept me!  It can only be his choice!”  He growled fiercely, “It must only be his choice.  The alternative is too…unpleasant to contemplate.”

Kang looked up at the first young male and nodded, “Of course it will be his choice.  But do you really think he’ll choose death over the other?”

Kaiel shrugged his massive shoulders and paced slightly forward, “I don’t know what he’d choose.  He made it clear he wouldn’t willingly choose me!  Gods I didn’t mean to frighten him like that!” he howled desperately.

Kang stood up and placed his arm across the young male’s tense shoulders, “You must understand that Jaimz is very ill.  What he said to you, it was probably involuntary, he’s scared and lashing out right now, not willing to admit defeat but not really able to fight any more.  He’s very young and he’s facing a future that looks very grim.”

Kaiel snorted humorlessly, “Yeah, with me.”

Kang shook his head, “No, death is the future he’s seeing right now, and he doesn’t want to die.”  He turned the young male toward him.  “You have to believe that Kaiel Ni, Jaimz does not want to die, his drive to live is very strong, his Human stubbornness is proof of that.  The problem is he hasn’t quite resolved that he won’t be able to fight this thing in a manner that he expects.”

“He can’t control it.”

Kang nodded, “He hasn’t had much control of his fate since he arrived in Zaran space, and now he is facing the very real possibility that he’s going to lose total control of everything.  Life to that youngling is an experience to be lived to the fullest.  Oh yes, he will choose life.”

Kaiel’s shoulders slumped, “But how can I talk to him again?  I frightened him so much… He was screaming Kang Ni, screaming.”

“Then, you don’t talk to him until he asks for you, and he will ask for you.  In the meantime I will talk to him, coax him toward choosing properly.”

Kaiel looked at him, “In the end though…you won’t let him go, will you?”

Kang wouldn’t, even if he had to drug those two cubs to get them to perform, though he suspected that by the time Jaimz was ready to choose that he’d be so sick that it wouldn’t matter whether he was willing or not anymore.  “Let’s hope that we don’t have to go that far.” Was all he said, for wasn’t it better to leave that last bit unspoken. 

“Go on back inside, wash your face and go to bed.  Tomorrow is going to be a very…very long day.”

Never had truer words been spoken.  It was a day in the furnace of torment by all accounts, even though Kaiel never stepped through the door into Jaimz’ room, the rumors of fever and chills, blinding headaches, steady intravenous med drip and around the clock monitoring nonetheless kept him fully informed of what was happening in that bedroom.  For Kaiel outside the room things weren’t much better, for in the night a predator had gotten into the calving grounds and killed nine newborn calves and two pregnant cows.   The calving grounds were close to a village, which had many cubs and the village Pridemother and the families with cubs (of which nearly all were) were extremely worried. 

Kaiel had gone out to the calving grounds to inspect the damage and had just been stunned by slaughter.  Hunters hunted, they took what they needed and moved on, this hunter had killed surely for the pleasure of it.  Though the bodies were mangled and torn up there was hardly a sign that any large predator had attempted to eat them.  And to kill so many was madness.  He studied the ground, looking for signs of the animal’s path.  He knew it had to be a big predator, and when he saw that the pugmark it left behind matched one of the big cats, he sighed morosely, for he hated hunting the cats.  They were kin, though extremely distant kin, and extremely smart though often selective hunters.  For the Plains Cat to kill so indiscriminately, and so recklessly bespoke of illness or some other problem that had driven the cat to madness.  A mad cat was indeed a danger not to be taken lightly, especially if there were young cubs in an area close to its last kill zone.  The cats tended to come back.

“Nerell Ni did you say that the young males tracked the beast to its lair?” he asked, trying to recall what Lan Nerell, head of the village head said earlier. 

Lan Nerell a gray maned female with northern stock by her appearance glanced off toward the distant shimmering hills and nodded grimly.  “K’Lan Ni, they did say that they tracked it to its lair, but unfortunately it did double back on them.”

He winced, “Was anyone hurt?”

“Zeyer has a nasty gash.” Nerell muttered impassively.

“Can any of the young males guide me and my hunters to that lair?”  He wondered.

“They did say that it ran away from the lair.” She grunted.

He sighed and persevered; “Nonetheless I would like to check the lair, besides the beast may have returned if it thought it safe.”

“K’Lan Ni I can take you to the lair.” Piped up a suspiciously young voice.  Nerell sputtered and hissed upon seeing the youth, indeed barely more than a cub, come into view.

“Back to the village Lan Drey!”

Drey drew himself up proudly, “But I know the way Pridemother!  I can take them right its lair!”  He was a cub with a shocking tawny red mane and pale green eyes, a very rare eye color indeed for a Zaran.  “K’Lan Ni let me show you the way?  Please!”

A cub, Kaiel taken aback thought, a cub, wanting to be an adult.  Those cub’s eyes reminded him of another pair of green eyes, and he winced again, wondering how Jaimz was faring.  He did not like being so far out of reach, what if Jaimz needed him now?  He didn’t need to take on the responsibility of caring for a cub, but if this cub could get him to the creature’s den then it would be destroyed all the sooner.  With the barest of nods he indicated that the cub could come… much to Nerell’s disapproval.

When Nerell tried to overrule his decision concerning the cub he overrode her protests simply by ignoring her and saying, “I want the village protected,” he turned to one of his Chief Hunter’s sub lieutenants and said, “see to the safety of the village, pull whatever males necessary into the security.” He didn’t bother to say that protecting the village also meant protecting males and not putting any male at needless risk, especially one that was to old, to young, or infirm or otherwise.  He pointed out over the bloodstained birthing grounds, “Have these cows and their calves driven closer to the main house, you can even pen them in the north field, that will be close enough to house for us to protect of the cat comes at them again, and fire this entire area, the stench of char should drive the beast away if it does come back.”

The sub lieutenant nodded and called his team around him, Kaiel watched for a moment then seeing that he had everything in good order he moved on to another subject, bringing Nerell back into the conversation he said, “If that cub is badly injured we have a medic up at the Main house.” 

Nerell, still clearly unhappy with him over Drey groused, “Why can’t you order him to come down to the Village?”

Kaiel thought about how to explain and finally decided the truth was best, “I have a sick family member back at the house, so Medic V’Ran can’t go too far away from him at any time right now.  Nonetheless Zeyer can go to the Main house and receive treatment for his wound.”

If Nerell knew about Lorz being dead (likely since news traveled fast) and his father being away, she said nothing, merely snorted and turned away.  Kaiel let her decide what to do next, for he had a dangerous marauding cat to deal with and he couldn’t worry about her affronted sensibilities.  He moved out toward the cars. 

The cub marched proudly at his side, thrusting his chest out and throwing his shoulders back.  Kaiel glanced at the cub as his team headed for the range cars (a hardy and high sprung vehicle meant to travel on rough terrain), “You understand you do exactly as I instruct you, I don’t want you getting into any sort of trouble.”

Eagerly Drey nodded, “Yes sir!” and he danced excitedly ahead.

He smiled faintly, wondering if he had been this eager at the same age, probably, he answered himself, though he’d had a rather different up bringing.  The closest he’d ever gotten to a dangerous animal was in the hunt, and during the hunt there were always plenty of senior hunters and their lieutenants to see to his protection.  It was, he supposed, the sign of a privileged upbringing.   Even now he thought as his team strode to the waiting cars, destroying that marauding cat was important, but he was fully cognizant to the fact that his chief hunter and the remaining team would also be watching carefully to make sure he didn’t get injured.  He vowed he’d work diligently toward not being a burden in this hunt.

As he climbed into the front vehicle and instructed young Drey to take a seat beside him he wondered how Jaimz was doing and if he should contact to main house to let Medic V’Ran know where he was and how he could be reached.  The Sat-Coms would be able to reach him wherever he went; there was no such place as out of range anymore unless he deliberately left the means to reach him behind.  He would not take that risk no matter what, and it wasn’t only for Jaimz’ sake that he couldn’t risk being out of contact, the truth of the matter was he had to be equally concerned for his men.  He decided not to call; besides Administer Lan knew what he was about and would know how to reach him if necessary.

As it was Drey led the way deeper into the pride lands almost to the foot of the Sheehan Mountains, a lush rift ran through this part of the pride lands, teaming with an abundance of trees and water, it was a good hunting ground for climbing prey though there were only a few easy ways to get down into the rift.  There was only one way that the vehicles could take, a narrow route that cut back again and again as it descended into the rift, it was only one vehicle wide and very treacherous, but considering how long it would take to navigate the steep wall with out the vehicles Kaiel said nothing as the chief Hunter started down the narrow path.

“Once we reach the bottom we have to make for east, head near the waterfall, cause its den is close to the waterfall.” Drey instructed, craning to see down into the vertical drop.

Kaiel estimated that on foot the trek would have taken about two hours, and he guessed that the cubs probably knew of a faster (likely more dangerous) way in and out of the rift as well.  So he asked, “How did you find the beast den?”

The cub grinned toothily, “Oh that was easy, Zeyer and Trev thought they knew were the cat had come from cause they thought they might have seen it before, so when the cat attacked the breeding grounds Zeyer and Trev thought that they would go and wait for it and kill it.”

Kaiel suspected something more and murmured, “It sounds as if only Zeyer and Trev went on this dangerous journey.”

Though he didn’t exactly glance at the cub he did see one ear flick back with embarrassment.  Still the cub said boldly, “I followed them, Zeyer and Trev would have never let me come otherwise.  They think I’m still a cubling.”

Kaiel tried not to smile at the cub’s affronted tone, for he too thought that Drey was just a cubling, but he would never let on and destroy the young ones spirit.  “That was very brave of you.” Was all he said, though he was already thinking that he’d arrange for Drey to finish growing up with less of Zeyer and Trev’s impulsive actions to influence him.

The cub went on to explain, “Yeah, I followed so quietly that they never even knew I was there…and they are older than me.  I saw them head toward the waterfall and they started throwing rocks in this dark place in the rocks near the waterfall.  I guess when nothing came out Zeyer got brave ‘cause he decided to go check it out.”  The cub fell silent for a moment, “Course the cat was home and it was pissed off too so when Zeyer got too close it dashed out and slashed at him.  Course when it came out like that it scared Zeyer so he was already running away, else I s’pect that Zeyer probably would have been real bad hurt.  All he got was a nasty scratch, and Trev had his fathers old gun so he shot at it and scared it away and then I came out and helped get Zeyer back home.  All he did was whine and moan about that little scratch all the way home too.”

Kaiel glanced over the cub’s head and shared a smile with the chief hunter before directing another question at the cub.  “Did you happen to get a good look at the cat?” he was concerned that it could be the wrong cat.

The cub lifted pale green eyes.  “Uh huh.  It looked kind of funny too… and it smelled bad, like it was sick.  It kind of looked like its face had collapsed on this side,” the cub indicated, rubbing the left side of his velvety jaw. “And the eye on that side was all white too.  It looked really weird.”

Kaiel felt himself relax, until that moment he hadn’t been sure what he was facing.  The idea of a healthy cat doing that kind of senseless damage to the birthing grounds had just seemed inconceivable to him, but now, knowing that the cat was sick and maybe even dieing he could better understand the madness behind those killings.  The cat maybe couldn’t eat or at least not well if the damage to its left side was as Drey described, so it might have been killing out of uncontrollable hunger and immeasurable pain.  Yes, killing the cat would be an act of mercy.

He settled back down and tried to think of nothing except dealing with the immediate problem, even though he was worried about another, which he could as yet do nothing about.

Medic V’Ran howled in frustration.  All the staffers that Jaimz had roped into re-arranging his workroom again stopped and stared at him in fascination.  He ignored them and thereby preserved his dignity as he grabbed the stubborn human youngling by his chill arm and pulled him through into the other room.  “I told you to stay in your bed!” he growled trying to keep his words for the foolish cub alone.

Jaimz couldn’t resist, even though he wanted to, for he lacked the strength to fight most Zaran’s even when he wasn’t nearly on deaths door.  Nonetheless there was nothing wrong with his mind even if the occasional bout of dizziness took it on a spin.  “I need to work on the Tag Solution.”

Medic V’Ran scoffed, “You need to be in bed resting is where you need to be.”

“I’m fine!” Jaimz protested half-heartedly, even as the medic bodily picked him up and sat him on the side of his bed, he looked like a cub sitting on that tall bed, what with his feet dangling well above the floor but Jaimz didn’t think about that as he stubbornly started to push himself back off the bed again.

“That’s enough.” Kang growled, pinning the youngling despite his vigorous protests.

“But I need to work!” Jaimz defied, pushing at the big old lions hands as they gently but unrelentingly held him down.

“No, you need to rest.  Look at your wrist band Jaimz…it has been blinking red for the last hour…that means even when I get the meds into you, you are still fighting headaches, chills and fever…”

“Which is why I have to keep working, maybe the solution will come to me if I keep working on it.”  Jaimz grumbled.

“What you need is to be still and quiet and to stop taking your lines off.  You’re interfering with your med-drip when you disconnect it that way.” Kang scolded, sterilizing and reattaching the lines to the cannule inserted in Jaimz’ wrist.  He’d had to use Cub sized equipment just to find one that would work for Jaimz without rupturing his vein as it was, and now the stupid youngling was disconnecting his own med-drip so that he could work when he should be resting.  “The solution you need is that idiot Kaiel.”  He meant idiot because Kaiel had disappeared from the main house when he was needed most.  Oh he knew roughly where Kaiel was and he knew that he could contact him if things looked like they were heading for crunch-time…hopefully Kaiel would be back well before that time, for he really didn’t want Jaimz to start fully shutting down before Kaiel arrived to rescue him, since he wasn’t sure that Jaimz would actually recover if that was the case…

Jaimz said nothing, and simply rolled away when the medic released him, not toward the edge of the bed, but more toward the middle.  Kang sat down on the bed and idly stroked the human’s back and said softly, “You know that Kaiel’s solution is the only solution for you Jaimz.”

Jaimz though lying on his side, tilted his head enough around to look at the medic.  “I don’t have to like it though.”

“No… but you do like Kaiel.  Will it be so bad with him?  I doubt that he’d pressure you.  In fact I believe that he would wait for you instead to decide when to answer the Tag demand, even if that meant to push it as far to the limit as you could… which I suspect you would do.”

Jaimz’ cheeks reddened, “You don’t know what you are saying… It will hurt.”

“Would you rather die?” the question was loaded and Kang knew it.

Again silence, Jaimz turned away again, looking thoughtfully out onto the vista that his windows provided, he saw nearly the same view of the Pride lands as was seen from the receiving room, only his view had a clear view of some of the picturesque gardens and meadows that framed the house.  “I don’t want to die Doc… It’s just so hard to think about having to put up with that again… and this time willingly.  I’m a male, and it’s hard for me to think of what I’ll have to put up with.”

Kang nodded, “Of course, but think of it from Kaiel’s point of view.  He isn’t the one at risk of dieing, and yet to save you he’s willing to tie himself to you in such away that if you die…he will die too.  There is no way to save the Taggee remember?  And furthermore, he’s a young male too, and yet he’s willing to do what needs to be done for your sake.  I’m sure he’d much rather take a nubile female to mate and have cubs one day.”

“He can still do that!” Jaimz flared, then he subsided, “It doesn’t matter, he doesn’t get turned into the girl… he’s not on the receiving end.  He just has to stick it in and pump away while I’m the one that has to go through all that pain and – and the shame!”

“Shame?  Is it shameful for two males to come together so?” Kang wondered, thinking it was odd if Jaimz’ culture frowned on the idea of males taking comfort from each other.  He shrugged, “And as for the pain, yes you are small but it is not impossible for our kinds to couple as you and Lorz have already unfortunately proven … but you seem to forget that Kaiel is not Lorz.  He is gentle, considerate, thoughtful and your friend.  Do you not think that Kaiel would take every precaution to spare you as much pain as is possible?”

Again a long silence, until finally, “I—I don’t know what to think,” he sighed and turned toward Kang, rolling into his arms and clinging to him.  “He hasn’t come to see me, maybe he hates me now because of the things I said?”

Kang stroked the youngling’s fawn-colored hair and his trembling back and soothed, “He does not hate you.  He is very concerned about you.”

Those aqua eyes swimming with aquamarine tears lifted to look up at him, “Then why isn’t he here?”

“Because a matter concerning the Pride lands came up that he, as head of the house while his father is away, must attend to.”  He explained, petting and soothing Jaimz as the youngling settled against his chest.

Jaimz quieted, though he murmured sleepily (at last), “He needs to be here, I need to talk with him.”

For a long time Jaimz was still and quiet, so that Kang wondered if his patient had quite literally fallen asleep on him, then Jaimz whispered, “I can remember everything I said… how could I have been so hor-horrible?”

“Do not blame yourself, that was the illness speaking.” Kang assured.

However Jaimz would not be deterred, “No that was me, every bit of it was me….  But even so… even so, now that I can even—think about it… I wonder if that ugly part of me will be all that comes out when I need to talk to him about it?  I wonder what I’ll do then.  I wonder…”

“What you need now is just to rest.  Kaiel will come back and you can talk to him then (He better get back soon too!).” Kang promised soothingly, deciding that if Kaiel was indeed not back soon that he would be calling him back, regardless of his Pride duties.

“Um,” Jaimz murmured pressing comfortably into his warmth, “Just, don’t let me sleep to long… I still have…work to do…”

And that, was that, as Kang felt Jaimz’ body relax in real, though, light sleep.  He was carefully monitoring Jaimz’ sleep patterns to prevent Jaimz from slipping into a deeper and potentially fatal sleep.  His human youngling was far along in his illness, the damage though not yet irrevocable, but with every hour slipped him closer and closer to the brink of no return.  Kang simply didn’t want to let this little human slip that far over, for he had come, surprisingly, to care too much for him even in the short time he’d gotten to know him.

Once he was sure that Jaimz was going to stay asleep he very carefully laid him back onto the big bed and went to find a COM.

Kaiel glanced toward the rising of the first moon, Azoree, with a bit of trepidation.  Though the sun still sat fairly high in the evening sky, Azoree signaled that the settling of darkness was actually not so far off.  He and the hunters had found the den but as he had feared it was empty when they arrived which meant the cat had found a new place to hole up or was out on the prowl again.  He had the Hunters with there trackers looking for the most recent sign of the cat even now but he was worried that if he lingered any longer that he would be too late for Jaimz. 

The cub who had barely strayed from his side was growing ever more restless and bold as the time passed with out the cat making an appearance.  Kaiel watched as the cub moved toward the waterfall, hopping along tumbled stones and boulders as he made his progress.  As he watched Kaiel was in the perfect position to see what no one else could.  Softly he called out to Drey, (not wanting to startle the cub), “Stop Drey…come back right now.”

Even though his voice was soft, something in his tone warned the cub to obey him, but his stance alone alerted the Hunters and brought them slowly, casually even, to his side.  He placed his hand on Drey’s shoulder and held the cub securely while he murmured, “No wonder the trackers are having trouble locating the beast.  It took to the water.”

Indeed peering at them beneath a thinner stream of the waterfall was one baleful eye; the rest of the creature was pretty much in shadow and mostly hidden by the streams of water cascading down all around it.  Its spotted gray hide blended well with the rocks and the water, so well in fact that Kaiel probably wouldn’t have seen it except that it had shifted and exposed its long flank when Drey had began to cavort on the rocks of the opposite shore, where the water flowed away from the body of the waterfall.  Even with its flank exposed it had only been the brief flash of movement which had alerted Kaiel to its presence for otherwise it blended all together well with the background.

Now that he knew what he was looking at he could make out the rest of the cat through the gaps in the water streams, it was a massive animal, at least 15 feet long from muzzle to tail, its pewter gray hide was covered in black rosette-like spots which were bigger but less dense at the shoulders and chest, and smaller but more dense at the hind until the tail which like its lower legs was actually ringed instead of spotted.  It had a black crest-like mane running from its forehead to where it thinned out at the middle of its back, as well as a thinner ridge of black hair running from its throat to its navel.  It had massive shoulder humps, made to support great pouncing muscles and powerful hind and fore limbs… but this creature was emaciated and far thinner than it should be.

They had found their marauder, the slayer of newborn calves and pregnant cows however so long as it stayed behind the waterfall getting to it would not be at all easy and Kaiel could not authorize just shooting it there, for its rotting carcass would pollute the waterway for a long distance downstream. 

“See, I told you it was sick.” Drey crowed when briefly the mountain cat (his estimation that it was prairie cat was off by quite a bit) exposed its head and coughed a low warning at them.  It very well knew that they knew it was there.  When it emerged from the water for that brief moment the damaged side of its face and that milky eye was exposed, revealing the rot that was driving it mad.  That brief exposure to the water had hurt it and it snarled as it withdraw back into the protection behind the waterfall, undoubtedly there was a cave or a natural cut away back there which the cat had found to its liking, though getting there meant that it had to get wet, which it wouldn’t have liked, the mountain cat lived in cooler climes and was less likely to enjoy a cool drip on a hot summer evening to stave off the heat as the prairie cat would often do.

“Well what do we do?  I’m not going over there to try to flush it out, it looks quite happy to me.” Chief Hunter Wren wondered aloud, frowning toward the cat’s nearly unassailable position.

“I bet its hungry…starving, it can’t eat anything but the tenderest or most thoroughly rotten meat I’m willing to bet.”  That was all the Kaiel said, but Wren picked his unspoken suggestion up immediately.

“Yeah, we could bait the cat to come out.  It’s so hungry that if it saw something that looked easy it would come.  One of my hunters noticed a woos pod downstream, I’ll alert him to catch a few and bring them back to this position.  Leaving them high and dry and stinking like they do the Cat will be intrigued and being hungry it will come to get them.”

Kaiel nodded, he’d fished for woos often as a boy before he’d decided that the stinky oily fish just wasn’t worth the effort even though its size (a full grown woos could be anywhere from 10 to 15 feet long) made it exciting to catch and the jeweled hide could be used for leather (one of the main products woos were farmed for…next to there oil which was used in perfume).  But the meat of the woos was very tender and the smell wouldn’t be a deterrent to the cat, wild cats were used to eating things that could really get stinky and ripe.

The plan was to take two or three of the fish, the hunters would just gaff them and not waste actual time trying to fish them out of the stream, and pile them on the opposite shore and then leave the area.  A few of the hunters would then return and take up positions and take out the cat from a safe distance and once it was dead they would then dispose of it well away from the waterway.  It seemed like a doable plan to Kaiel and the chief hunter certainly believed that it would work, but it came down to it that Kaiel wouldn’t be able to stay and see how it was all concluded because the call he’d been half expecting came in with a simple, terse… “Come back.  He needs you.” Nothing else, but he didn’t need anything else to spur him to action.  Though they’d had to leave the cars when the trail gave out they weren’t that far away, it would only take a quick jog to reach where they had been parked.  He made sure that he wouldn’t leave the hunters without adequate transportation and then taking the cub with him he headed back to the cars.  

He took the last car (parked farthest away) and started back, the trip which had taken half an hour from the crest of the rift to the rift floor took him a reckless 20 minutes, Drey crowed and hooted the entire time thinking that his crazy driving was great fun, but Kaiel was shaking when he finally crested the path and returned to the savanna where he pressed for immediate acceleration.  Drey was happy to ride with him until he realized that they had passed the turn off for the village, the cub wasn’t suspicious but he started asking questions and distracting Kaiel, so while Kaiel kept his eyes straight on the gravel track ahead he answered the cubs questions as concisely as he could.

“You will stay at the main house tonight.” To which Drey expressed a great deal of enthusiasm and delight, likely because he’d be able to tell all his friends that K’Lan Ni had invited him to spend the night in the Pride house.

“Actually, I was thinking of seeing if someone would like to take you on as an assistant.” Kaiel explained, “Which means that you might end up living at the main house for a good long while (which wouldn’t preclude the visiting back and forth of friends and family).  Of course I don’t want to get your hopes up to high, it has to be his choice and he’s…well he’s pretty sick right now.  But tomorrow if he’s up to it I’ll let him see you and he’ll decide if he’d like to have you help him with his work.”

“Who?  I’ve never helped anybody before!  What kind of work?  Will I get my own bedroom?”

Kaiel chuckled, “Who is Jaimz…my…family, He’s a scientist…so you will help with science related stuff.  And yes, you will have your own bedroom.  Just remember that he has to choose you so please…”

With utter confidence Drey grinned, “Oh he’ll like me… I’m likeable and I’ll show him that I can help him…”

Kaiel smiled briefly at the youngster and thought that he was probably right in all accounts, and one thing was for sure, Drey wouldn’t be threatening to Jaimz in fact he was a little bit shorter than Jaimz still and if he finished his growing up around Jaimz then he was pretty sure that Jaimz would always be easy around him.

The drive back along rough roads was accomplished in record time, and Kaiel had to admit that he drove with reckless speed and only hoped that this one trip wouldn’t provide a permanent bad driving example for the young cat, who though still years away from driving on his own…was not to young to start harboring silly ideas which often revolved around less than worthy heroes and the examples they provided.

He pulled up to the main house and jumped out of the driver side as soon as the car rolled to a stop.  Drey tumbled out the other side with cub-like glee, whooping, “That was cool!”  With a hand on the cub’s shoulder he gathered him up and guided him into the house, immediately he called to Administer Lan Tarl to provide suitable guest quarters for his young guest and when the administer drew up beside them he introduced Drey to Tarl and ensured the excited cub that if he had any needs (such as sleep wear) that Tarl would provide for him.  He wasn’t quite ready to abandon the cub to the strangeness of his sprawling home so he pulled Drey along as he took off into the family wing of the house.

“This is Jaimz’ room,” he explained as he opened the door and let the cub in ahead of him.  He stopped and stared when he saw that the outer room had been transformed again, but the cub didn’t know about any recent change so he was just staring about the workroom with wonder and trying to take in everything at once.  “Jaimz is sick right now, so he won’t be able to see you tonight, but I’m sure tomorrow he’ll feel up to meeting you.”

He stepped past the cub, letting the youngling wander toward one of the boards, where it looked as if Jaimz’ gate project took pride of place.  He moved to the inside door and opening it, peered into the inner room.  Immediately he spotted the medic, sitting beside the bed and reading a book or something, he couldn’t quite make it out.  The medic glanced up and looked toward him, then rose and came over saying, “Its good to see that you are back.”

Kaiel looked toward the bed, even if the bed was cast in gathering shadows of the evening he could easily make out the sleeper curled up in to near center of the bed.  “How is he?”

“He’s sick.” Kang acknowledged, also turning back to look toward the bed, “But he’s only resting lightly right now, I don’t think he’s actually asleep.” Indeed Kaiel noticed at the medic’s own words that Jaimz shifted his position and turned his head to peer toward them. “He can’t wait much longer though.” Kang continued, and then glancing into the outer room he exclaimed softly, “Ah…you brought a guest?”

Kaiel turned back to look at Drey, who was displaying quite a bit of interest as he looked at Jaimz’ drawings and work even though much of the writings was yet to be translated into Zaran.  Nodding he pulled the medic into the outer room and introduced them.  “Medic V’Ran this is Drey.”

Old grandfatherly Kang nodded thoughtfully at the cub and slowly smiled as he realized what Kaiel was up to, at least right at this moment, where Drey fit into the greater scheme of things he imagined that he would find out, but for now the cub needed someone to look after him and who better than another guest in the house.  Before Kaiel had to ask he had slid his big arm around the young cubling’s shoulders and exclaimed, “How about we track down something to eat, I bet that Kaiel hasn’t fed you all day?”

Kaiel watched, breathing a sigh of relief as the friendly medic took Drey under his wing and led the equally gregarious cub back out into the hall, now that he knew Drey was in good hands for the time being and that he would be fed and taken care of before being shown to his bed Kaiel could set aside concerns about bringing a young cub in an unfamiliar new place.

He turned back into the room, closing the door behind him and moved slowly toward the bed.  Jaimz was waiting for him, watching him as he came closer.  Kaiel felt a mess; he hadn’t even shaken the road dust of his tunic or pants, and his fur and mane he guessed must be more gray than gold at this moment, even possibly streaked here and there with grime.  And yet with Jaimz watching him he felt strong and vital and ready to face any demon that was about to beset him.

“Hi,” Jaimz murmured once Kaiel had reached the bedside.

Kaiel nodded back, and asked as he set on the edge of the bed, “How do you feel?”

Jaimz chuckled, though he grimaced as he airily drew his fingers through his tangled hair, “Oh I’ve definitely felt better.” He explained.

Kaiel looked at Jaimz, seeing how his face was paler than normal and that it glistened faintly with sweat.  “Jaimz—.” He began.

However Jaimz interrupted, crying, “This is so hard for me! It isn’t fair!  Damn that Lorz for doing this to me!”

Kaiel lightly stroked Jaimz’ damp face and asked softly, “Would you rather die?”

Jaimz was silent for a moment, staring at him with those amazing green eyes of his, and finally, reluctantly he said, “No… I don’t want to die.” That came bitterly, because he had acknowledged some time ago to himself that he didn’t have the time he needed to beat the Tag Withdrawal Syndrome on his own.

“Do you…like me Jaimz?” Kaiel asked, recalling some of what Jaimz had said yesterday.

Jaimz nodded, “Yes…but…”

“Do you trust me?”

A longer thoughtful silence ensued, with Jaimz just looking at him as if he could read his mind.  Finally a hesitant nod, “I trust you.”

Kaiel pressed ahead, “I only offer this to save you Jaimz, I don’t offer it for myself, only for you…because…because I like you too and it would be wrong to let you die because of something my brother gave you.”

Jaimz scowled, “But I don’t want you to feel responsible for what Lorz did either.”

Kaiel shrugged, “I have always cleaned up after Lorz…but you are different Jaimz, I have come to care for you as a good friend and it feels right for me to offer you this choice.” He looked into Jaimz’ eyes, “And it has to be your choice.  I won’t force you.”

And that, knowing full well that Kaiel could force the issue, made the choice almost easy for Jaimz, and yet he wasn’t ready to surrender just yet.  “But, what about you.  What freedoms will you give up to save me?”

“You don’t need to think about that.” Kaiel said, shaking his head.

Jaimz scoffed, “Why not?  I’m already a slave to this thing, but that doesn’t mean you have to become its slave too!”

Kaiel sighed, “But what choice is there Jaimz, really think about it, what choice is there.  Yes, I could choose to not become your new Tag Mate.  Yes I could choose to let you die.  But such a choice would be impossible for me to live with… Do you understand Jaimz?  I could never live with myself if I just let this—this thing take you.  So really and truly I don’t have a choice other than choosing you.”

Jaimz stared at him, maybe he was amazed or surprised to hear Kaiel speak that way, but then, having come to know Kaiel even in this short time, maybe he wasn’t really that surprised, finally he murmured, “Still, you will be tying yourself to me for the rest of your life.  You will be tying yourself to my 72-hour schedule.  You will be rearranging your life so that you won’t ever be able to go to far away from me.” He sighed and lowered his head; “You will be putting yourself at risk if anything happens to me.”

Kaiel nodded gravely, “Yes…but all those things are true of you as well, if I am tied to your cycle you are tied to mine.  You may never be able to return to your home Jaimz.”

Jaimz nodded, still not lifting his head and sadly acknowledged, “I already thought of that.”

Kaiel hesitantly reached out and stroked his hand over Jaimz’ tousled hair.  “I wish that none of this was happening to you Jaimz.  I wish…I wish that I had met you first and that you had never crossed paths with Lorz, for he has trapped you as surely as if he hunted and caged you.  But what I wish…can not be, all that I can offer is to free you of what Lorz did to you… and in freeing you, re-enslave you once again to the same kind of monster… though hopefully a less…unpleasant one.” He added with a faintly hopeful smile.

Jaimz responded to the smile in Kaiel’s tone by lifting his head and saying… “Ok…free me.”

It was Kaiel’s turn to stare, for he hadn’t expected Jaimz to give in so soon.  But Jaimz smiled faintly at him, “I’ve had all day to think about it…no even longer than that, and Doc told me things to….” He sighed and lay back tiredly, “Kaiel I’m dieing, and if I continue to stubbornly refuse I will die all the sooner.  I have too much I want to do, too many things still to accomplish.” Then he grinned, it was a spectacular sight to behold, “Besides if I’m alive maybe I can still find a way to beat the Tag.  I sure wouldn’t be able to do that dead.”

Kaiel grinned helplessly in response, “You’re incredible Jaimz.”

“Yes, he is.” Announced Medic V’Ran’s voice from the outer room.  Both peered at him in surprise for neither had seen or heard his return.

“Uh…Kang Ni?”

The stalwart medic strolled confidently into the room, “Your young guest has eaten a nice meal and found his very nice new quarters.  A very charming cub that one.  Very charming indeed.”

Jaimz just frowned at the medic, because he didn’t know whom he was talking about and side stepped the matter entirely by saying “I have decided to accept Kaiel.”

Kang paused before the monitor and looked down at the human, “Yes, I pretty much heard that on my way in.”

“I well then you know that we mean to…uh, do it.”  Jaimz informed, his cheeks reddening as he spoke.

“Yes yes, I would hope so, and the sooner you two do it, that better by my reasoning.” Kang replied obliquely.

Kaiel stifled a discomfited cough and said, “Then…don’t you think maybe you should leave?”

At that Kang gave him an affronted looked, “Leave?  I think not.  I will be monitoring my patient minutely to ensure everything goes as it should.”

Now Jaimz was fully blushing and sputtering in embarrassment, “But…I can’t have an audience wa—watching as we…we do it!”

Now Kang turned to him saying blithely, “An audience?  What watching?  You can draw the curtain around the bed… trust me I won’t be snooping in the least.  Nonetheless neither do I intend to leave during what could be your roughest hour.”

Jaimz looked at Kaiel, Kaiel shrugged helplessly and said, “He is a medic.”

“Absolutely,” Kang airily exclaimed, “Forget that I’m even here.”

Kaiel, still covered in road dust started drawing the almost never used bed curtains shut on two sides, leaving only the side open to the vast savanna view.  Jaimz watched him nervously and whispered worriedly, “I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”

Kaiel stood in the gathering moonlight on the far side of the bed and shed his dusty tunic and pants; he dragged his fingers through his mane and gave a quick shake to loosen whatever dust and grime he could.  With the moonlight silvering his golden pelt he climbed onto the bed, and said gently, “You don’t have to do anything Jaimz.  I will take care of everything.”

Jaimz watched him, seeing him nude for the first time, the moonlight hid as much as it revealed and Jaimz could only see how well made Kaiel was, how very handsome his big body was, how powerful his limbs were and how very big he was in comparison to his own smaller frame… half panicking Jaimz briefly mused on the amazing fact that here on Z’Rarla he was tiny, though on Earth he was quite tall and considered more than average height at 6’1”.   But Kaiel, at 7’9” topped him by more than a foot and a half.  The only thing the darkness could neither hide nor reveal was the weight of Kaiel’s likely substantial genitals.  Because the Zaran male’s penis (called a rod) was nearly all internal, it would come forth from its sheath at the right moment, but the Zaran male had a good deal more control over it than a human male did.  First, because it was internal it would emerge already rigid and it was never really flaccid (like a human males) but it rather retracted back into the body.  The Zaran male’s scrotum was not really hidden, but there was a denser fall of fur at that region which sheltered it and made it less apparent unless one was really looking for it.

He shivered, but made no protest as Kaiel lifted his night-tunic and eased his underpants down off his hips.  He even wordlessly cooperated as Kaiel slipped the insubstantial piece of fabric completely free of him and tossed it out the curtained side.  Then he blushed fiercely, though he was glad of the dark to hide his blush when the medic helpfully tossed something in through the curtain, saying casually, “You need this Kaiel.”

Kaiel reached across Jaimz and picked up the tube…he nodded when he saw it, and Jaimz…watching him, realized what the tube was, and had hide his face to hide his blushes, though that did nothing to muffle his moan of shame at realizing the tube was an oil, meant for Kaiel to use to ease his way.

“This is awful,” Jaimz half cried, “I feel like a new bride on her wedding night!” he joked lamely.

There was a moment of silence then a sound that caused Jaimz to peak through his fingers so that he could see; the sound in the silence was Kaiel, expertly easing his rod free of its shielding sheath.  Jaimz stared, watching as that rod emerged in all its slick glossy reddish length.  He bit his lip to keep from crying out or protesting what he knew was going to come as he continued to watch while Kaiel stroked the glistening oil over his length even moving his finger pads over the restive flare that was not yet distended …that flare was a tapered cone, at this moment it was still laying flat against the rod, a few inches below the peak, but as he watched the flare expanded like a peaked mushroom cap.  Kaiel lifted his eyes up then, to look at him.  Jaimz helplessly met his gaze for to do else would be to give in to his growing panic. 

Gently Kaiel lifted him, careful of the lines in his wrist and sat him on his lap.  He whimpered, feeling his own body slide between Kaiel…and the arch of Kaiel’s rod.  He felt that hot slick length slide between his cheeks and push at the back of his tunic.  He looked up at Kaiel knowing that soon it would happen, the pain and the shame and everything else that accompanied this.  Kaiel lightly touched his cheek and murmured, “I will be as gentle as I can be… I promise Jaimz.”

Jaimz said nothing at all; he merely pressed his face into Kaiel’s warmly pelted chest, and gripped handfuls of fur on his back to hold on to and waited for the inevitable.   It came, as he expected when Kaiel lifted him up and back.  He whimpered trying not to cry out as Kaiel lowered him onto the peak of his rod while at the same time those big supporting hands also eased his cheeks open so that the rod’s tip could touch his waiting anus without hindrance.  He shifted, pressing up against Kaiel, nearly climbing his body, even as his own body lowered over Kaiel’s tapered rod.  The first bit, because it was a tapered peak and it was naturally slick, was always easy, but the flare, even though it widened gradually the farther he slid upon it, would stretch him to the point of aching…and the flare wasn’t even the end of the ride, merely the beginning.   He groaned as his anal ring stretched and stretched to accommodate that flare, and finally bit his lip to stop a shallow scream as the flare passed the ring and his anus snapped shut around the thick though not-as-thick shaft of the rod.  He hung onto Kaiel, shuddering and crying, gripping the big cat with arms and legs even as Kaiel held him steady and didn’t let him go down any farther on the rod.  “Ow…ow…” He whimpered, and lifted his face to look tearfully up at Kaiel. 

“Are you okay?” Kaiel asked worriedly, waiting with extreme patience while surely he must be going crazy with the sensation of all that throbbing silky flesh surrounding him.

Jaimz nodded his head and laid back again Kaiel’s chest whispering breathily, “Y-yes… I’m fine.”

Kaiel paused for another moment, allowing Jaimz to grow used to the sensation of having that fullness inside him again.  And then, still holding Jaimz’ hips to steady and support him, he began to lower him again over the length of his rod.  With the flare already nestled securely inside, the slick and oily rod slid easily within that hot throbbing tightness, even as his anal ring tugged and resisted, the natural slickness assisted by the oil made it impossible to prevent entry.  Instead that resistance seemed as a throbbing massage guiding him deeper and deeper inside.  And Jaimz accommodated, that length continued to fill him up, easing his innards into accepting it fully.  Before he knew it Jaimz realized that he was straddling Kaiel’s thighs and fully seated upon his rod.  After a time he forgot the pain, for it wasn’t so bad, not like he remembered anyway and he became aware of other sensations, like that flare, stroking him deep inside his own body.  It made him hot and it made his groin throb and tense in a way that he had never felt with Lorz.  This filled him with bitter shame, for he didn’t want to enjoy this, not at all. 

With his shaft fully seated inside Jaimz’ hot body, Kaiel knew that the next move was to plant his Tag Spur and the best way to do that was for Jaimz to be on his back and for him to be above him.  He shifted forward holding Jaimz securely and positioned him on his back.  He held his legs up now to either side of his hips and thrust forward to reseat his rod again. Jaimz groaned, hiding his face behind his trembling hands once again.

Keeping his hands securely on Jaimz’ legs to fully support him, Kaiel then withdrew to the flare’s edge, as he withdrew the spur caught in Jaimz’ hot silky flesh.  It caught fast if Jaimz’ gasp was any indication.  There was a rush of heat between them…a flash of pain they both shared as the tag masked Lorz signature with Kaiel’ own.  Then in that rush of pain he thrust forward and as he knew it would, the securely hooked spur tore free of his flesh.  Jaimz cried out at this renewed pain, but it was all Kaiel could do not to fall on him as the loss of the spur ripped through his big body.  The heat was incredible; it overwhelmed and washed away his senses and he could do nothing except hang above Jaimz and shudder in agony until the pain subsided.  That same spur, now pushed deeply into Jaimz’ own soft hot flesh actually began to melt the moment blood touched it, either Jaimz’ or Kaiel’s.  As it melted it spread its terrible heat through Jaimz’ entire body, starting right there at his hips and spreading out in waves.  Even as the spur melted into him, the scientific part of him was trying to recall when he’d gone through this before, the only problem was, that with Lorz it had always been rough and so like rape if not rape outright so he might not have noticed one horrendous pain over another.

Gradually the pain subsided though it left them both dizzy and panting.  Dazed and faintly bemused Jaimz stirred toward awareness first and asked muzzily, “Is that it…is it finished?”

Of course, the flare was still fully flexed, and though he had been newly Tagged and his body was already starting to feel better, that new Tag was already demanding they answer its immediate needs.  Kaiel recovered and straightened above him, never once had he lost complete control of himself nor let his heavy body rest fully on Jaimz’ lighter one.  As his own pain receded and the Tag’s need rose Kaiel eased his big hands about Jaimz’ hips once more and thrust forward.  Jaimz gasped, shuddering as the slick length plunged his depths again.  He moaned and heaved; twisting his body in denial even as his loins throbbed responsively with each thrust of Kaiel’s rod.  He was in a kind of agony that felt incredibly good as that thick rod and that devilish flare stroked his hot yielding flesh, he cried out again and again as his prostrate was massaged and it was all he could do to grip Kaiel with his thighs…to do what, slow him down?  Stop him?  He didn’t know…he only knew that he was going insane.  “Please…Please…” he cried breathily…but he didn’t know why he did that either.  He just didn’t know what he wanted anymore.

And then it happened, Kaiel rocked forward and the dam broke, spilling a flood of liquid heat.  Again, with this first release Kaiel nearly collapsed, panting and shuddering while he hung over Jaimz.  Jaimz grew quiet with awareness and he just started to feel better, even the headache that had been plaguing him all day began to melt away into nothing.  He lay quiet, with Kaiel panting above him, the two of them still very much connected and he didn’t wish for Kaiel to finish and leave him.  He knew that indeed Kaiel was not actually done yet, the Flare wouldn’t recede until he had released the last jet of sperm, and he knew from experience that it could take another ten to fifteen minutes before that was done.  With Lorz he had hated this part, hated the endless thrusts that accompanied the small hot bursts…or worse hated it even more when Lorz was feeling particularly cruel and to punish him he’d  pull out before the flare properly receded.  He knew that Kaiel would never pull out while the flare was fully engorged, so he wasn’t afraid of being needlessly hurt.  This part was unimportant to him, because he was neither female nor impregnable, but this was how the Zaran were geared, the flare snuggly plugged the passage preventing loss of the precious semen, helping to ensure impregnation, as was its design.  In a way the flare worked the same with him, preventing the successive liquid deposits from escaping his throbbing innards, instead he could only surmise that they traveled deeper inside him until his body absorbed them, for he seldom had to clean up messy remains.

Kaiel moved, rocking forward as another burst of warmth washed over Jaimz’ throbbing innards.  Jaimz opened his eyes and looked at him, leaning above him, his eyes he saw were open to, and he was watching him.  He gasped softly as Kaiel thrust forward with another hot flood.  He moaned again with the next, he found his body starting to rock with Kaiel’s rhythm as thrust after thrust left him breathless and gasping.  It felt so good, and feeling good felt so wrong at the same time that he was crying even as he was moaning and enjoying being ridden, as he had never enjoyed it before.  Jaimz knew that if it had been like this with Lorz that he would never have been able to hate the male so much…just as he knew that he would never face the 72-hour with Kaiel with the dread he expected and needed to feel.  It wasn’t fair, he didn’t want to like this, while Jaimz cried silently as his body betrayed him completely and enjoyed every thrust of Kaiel’s powerful loins.

Finally the last burst came, and Kaiel just shuddered and hung above him panting and heaving.  The flare remained in place, allowing time for that last burst to do what it was intended (though in Jaimz’ case naturally it would fail) and finally, feelingly, the flare receded.  With the flare no longer preventing extraction the slippery length just…slid free, all fourteen inches of it from thick base to tapered peak.  Jaimz trembled and groaned as the rod slid out of his heaving body, he felt that complete withdrawal with every pulsing wave of his stretched anus.  Even when the rod was free of him, and Jaimz was no longer attached to Kaiel, the human lay panting and quivering while feeling his anus throb achingly as it began to recover back to its normal tightness.  Kaiel was bleeding sluggishly from his wound (where the spur had been) but he ignored it as he flopped over on his side to rest next to Jaimz.  Feeling very sleepy (and not knowing why) Kaiel gazed at Jaimz, thinking that his face looked very beautiful as he began to recover from the pleasure he had felt. 

He ignored his own body, ignored the bleeding (knowing that it would stop), ignored his rod as it retreated within his body again and just looked at Jaimz, thinking that Jaimz looked wonderful the way he was.  Jaimz was uncovered from the waist down, there was wetness on his legs and belly which Kaiel knew was not from him…but Jaimz’ own unexpected response…he wondered if Jaimz was even aware that he had cum in his moment of pleasure?  The tunic he still wore was bunched up and damp with sweat, and his face was wet with it.  He looked so good that Kaiel wanted to lick his sweaty face, wanted to taste the wetness that glistened on his legs and belly, but he was afraid that he would freak Jaimz out, knowing that Jaimz was having trouble dealing with the pleasure he had experienced.  Finally, noticing that Jaimz was calming down he asked gently, “How do you feel?”

Jaimz grew still, and slowly turned his face toward him and wonderingly murmured, “I feel good.”

Kaiel laid his head on the bed and smiled tiredly as he breathed, “I’m glad.”

Jaimz noticed that Kaiel looked like he was going to fall asleep, and murmured, “I am tired though.”

To which Kaiel opened his eyes and started to sit up, thinking that Jaimz’ words was the signal for him to leave.  But this time, maybe only this time, Jaimz was feeling vulnerable and didn’t want to be alone so he caught at his arm and murmured, “Stay…”

Kaiel stayed.

Medic V’Ran Kang had heard it all, though he hadn’t seen anything and he had distracted himself by monitoring the equipment he was still stirred by the sounds that had come from that curtained bed.  Still he was so happy to see Jaimz’ signs stabilize, he wasn’t completely recovered, but it was incredible how quickly the masking and answering of the Tag was reversing the damage to his system.  Having heard Jaimz tell Kaiel to stay, and knowing that both would be needing to sleep after the demands of the newly delivered Tag was relieved he waited for sleep to overtake them both.  It was easy to see Jaimz’ own signs slip that way so once he was sure Jaimz was asleep he chanced parting the curtain to look in on the sleeping pair.  Jaimz was cuddled right into Kaiel’s big body, and his bare bottom was pressed snuggly into Kaiel’s groin.  He very carefully worked, inspecting Jaimz, who was so delicate, for any serious damage, he wasn’t surprised when he didn’t find anything but a rather damp and swollen anus.  Satisfied that Jaimz would be okay he moved to inspect the damage to Kaiel’s rod, expertly extracting the rod from its sheath.  The bleeding, as he suspected had already subsided, though the scar would ever remain a sign of Kaiel’s connection to the wilder days in his ancient lineage.  Because Kaiel wasn’t totally asleep yet, he stretched slightly at his clinical touch and blinked one night-brightened eye at him.  But he said nothing and instantly settled back into sleep once Kang withdrew back behind the curtain.

He smiled fondly toward the curtain, toward the younglings that had come to mean so much so quickly.  He was glad that Jaimz had cooperated for he had dreaded the idea that he might have had to force them, for he would have done it, but it would have been hard to face their rage afterwards.  He decided that for now he would keep Jaimz on the meds, though he greatly reduced the feed and he judged that he would likely reevaluate him come morning.  He started to leave…and then thought to take one last look at the couple he felt was perfectly paired even though they were aliens to each other and male as well.

He eased the curtain aside and looked down on the pair, both silvered in the moonlight that streamed through the oblong windows on the facing wall.  As before Kaiel was curled around Jaimz and Jaimz was tucked into Kaiel.  Now Kaiel’s big arm was wrapped possessively over Jaimz’ slight body, and both of Jaimz’ arms were wrapped about that arm.  It all looked so peaceful and sweet.  Then something remarkable and beautiful happened, something incredible that he just had to watch in amazement as it unfolded.

Even sound asleep; Kaiel’s rod peeked out of its sheath, and Jaimz, just as oblivious, seemed aware enough to shift his hips into that rod’s tip and ease himself back so that emerging rod could find him.  Kang stared, quite awed as that slick red rod fed deeper and deeper into those responsively grinding hips.  In sleep those two bodies were joining together again, and Jaimz already stretched and prepared once tonight accommodated with sublime ease.  Jaimz did moan sleepily once or twice as he ground his hips eagerly over Kaiel’s slick rod, but he never awoke and finally when he had completely taken the rod inside and even pressed back to take even more, his body completely relaxed once again.  Kang shook his head for he was simply in awe at what he had witnessed, though he was willing to bet that Jaimz would not be happy to find himself so joined once he awoke.  But that would be later and for now he needed to heal and whether the touching was external, as in the possessive touch of a resting arm…or internal as in a restful rod it was still a healing.

Smiling, thinking that they were the both of them incredible and wonderful, Kang let the curtain fall closed and backed out of the room.  More incredible things were yet to come, but bringing those two together was what mattered to him the most…and that had been accomplished far better than even he had expected.

End…part 1

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