Luminous Luxuries P1


Kelvin laughingly parted from his friends, telling them that he would return shortly, after he changed out of his hard used apparel.  His friends all good-naturedly reminded him of his promises and departed under the guidance of Good Man Tidus, the Butler, to partake in refreshments and sweets while awaiting his return. 

With all good intensions Kelvin meant absolutely to hurry up and return to them, but upon entering his room he found his throat seizing at the sight that confronted him.  He swallowed tensely, and softly closed and locked door behind him as he drank in the welcoming site of his beloved.  He watched Edam hesitate as he bent to put a couple of pressed shirts away into his clothing chest.  Those big waiflike violet eyes lifted slowly to meet his gaze.  Kelvin felt his groin tightening as his feasted his eyes upon the sight of that lovely, fine boned face.  “Edam….”

Edam rose, a creature of all graceful and fluid movements.  He raised a thin-boned pale hand to brush strands of cinnamon shaded hair away from those amazing eyes of his and smiled tentatively in greeting, “Welcome Master.”

Kelvin frowned, “You know that I don’t like you to call me master when we are alone,” he gently admonished as he strode toward his young aide.

Edam shrugged eloquently, even a movement as innocuous as that was alarming in its sensuality.  Especially when being sensual was the farthest thing from Edam’s innocent mind.

Kelvin curled his hand around the fleshy join between Edam’s neck and shoulder and gently worked his fingers into that warmth.  Edam all but purred in pleasure as his allowed his head to sag back, exposing the smooth, almost girlish expanse of his long elegant throat to Kelvin’s admiring eyes.  Kelvin bent forward and nuzzled the soft area beneath Edam’s chin, and sighed contently as he drew Edam against him, merging his bigger frame around the smaller boys and luxuriating in the sensation of him.  He eased his fingers gently into Edam’s cinnamon locks, tugging the boy’s head up so that he could gaze into his beautiful, ethereal features.  “Gods…,” he sighed, “you’re so beautiful Edam.”

A faint pinkening heated Edam’s naturally pale cheeks, and Kelvin decided to cool that heat with the caress of his mouth and tongue.  He felt Edam’s fragile fingers flutter against him then move between their bodies to stroke him in oh so sensitive places.  He groaned against Edam’s full lips as the boy’s fingers began to rub lightly against his cod-piece, causing the sensitive flesh beneath to quiver and strain demandingly.  He dragged his hungry mouth away from Edam’s trembling lips and gasped hoarsely, “Damn…I have friends waiting for me below, Edam.”

Edam’s fingers stilled, and his lovely face grew equally quiet.  The beautiful boy moved back and Kelvin immediately regretted the growing distance.  “Oh,” Edam murmured, his cheeks growing even more pink, “then you shouldn’t be wasting time with me…Mi’Lord”

Kelvin growled and dragged Edam back against his body.  “They can wait!”

Hungrily he recaptured Edam’s succulent mouth, sinking into that sweet warmth, as he glided his tongue over slick teeth and twined it around Edam’s own, tasting and exploring all he offered, he was also guiding Edam back towards his bed.  He broke off the kiss when Edam’s legs connected with the edge of the bed, then he gently pushed and followed Edam down onto its quilted surface.

Edam scooted onto the centre of the grand bed and then opened his slim arms to draw Kelvin against him.  Again lips merged and tongues entwined, even as fingers stroked and caressed heated flesh.  Kelvin pushed at Edam’s blue embroidered tunic, easing the fabric up to bare the expanse of his hairless chest and smooth tummy.  He trailed his fingers over the gathered waistband of Edam’s hose, which was snugged low around his narrow hips and his hand snaked under the knotted belt.  He felt Edam tense and heard his shuddering moan as he grazed his fingers down through silken cushioned mound to the soft sheathed flesh stirring beneath.  Edam gasped as Kelvin wound his deft fingers around that lengthening and firming flesh, then heaved his supple hips as Kelvin began to milk him with his oh so clever fingers.

“Oh!  Mi’Lord…Oh Gods Mi’Lord!”  The boy panted against his hungry mouth, his body, his oh so sweet body shuddering with fevered passion.

Kelvin dragged his throbbing mouth away from Edam’s and breathed, “I want to know all of you Edam…let me merge with you.”

Those pleasure fevered eyes focused on his face, and he saw the shimmer of fear in them which even with what he was doing to Edam’s sensitive genitals could not be completely eliminated.  The boy licked his swollen and bruised looking mouth, which beckoned Kelvin’s renewed attention, yet even as Kelvin bent to attend to Edam’s too pretty mouth, the younger boy was whispering; “I’m afraid….”

Kelvin wrapped his free arm about the boy and nuzzled the pulse in his elegant throat instead, even as his other hand kept strumming that oh so interested and throbbing flesh he entrapped.  He licked the skin above that erratic pulse and then gently worried it with his teeth so that Edam cried out softly and heaved against him.   He hugged the boy more tightly against him and whispered, “I won’t hurt you Edam….”

Edam grew quiet for a moment, just lazing in his lovers grasp, luxuriating in the sensation of warmth and touch that still overwhelmed and amazed him.  When he was quiet for too long Kelvin eased back, though the gentle manipulation of his cock continued, and Kelvin raised his head enough to look into his eyes.  Edam knew that Kelvin thought he was beautiful, which always surprised him, for Edam knew that he was too thin and too unusual looking to ever be beautiful, but he knew that Kelvin with his fine body and perfect features fit the bill for masculine beauty absolutely.  Sometimes, while his master lay sleeping he would just watch him and admire him and be amazed that he was allowed to share his life even if just a little.

Kelvin had been so kind to him, so good, and ever so patient in the face of his reluctance to completely share himself.  He had never pressured him, he would coax him and tease him, and oh so gently manipulate him into compliance…but so far Edam had never been forced to do anything he really did not wish to do.  If he said no now to the most ultimate of gifts, Kelvin would be disappointed, he would sigh grandly and make much to do about it…but that would be all he would do.  And because of that patience Edam finally allowed a, “maybe,” to be uttered.

Kelvin froze above him, disbelieving what he had heard, he comically rubbed one of his ears and gave Edam such a mystified expression that the young aide finally had to laugh in abandonment.  Kelvin smiled and bent down silencing the youth by capturing Edam’s lower lip between his teeth and sucking it into his mouth.  Edam then wound his slender arms around his neck and dragged him down for a good and fully immersed kiss.

Edam was so lost in the sensations assailing his sensual young body that he was not aware of when Kelvin’s clever fingers untied the knotted belt holding his hose up or when those clever fingers freed him to the cool air of the room.  But soon he felt that insidious coolness caress his overheated flesh just as Kelvin’s hot and eager fingers were and he became slightly less engrossed in the physical sensations going on within him and slightly more aware of the condition he was in.  He pressed an anxious hand against Kelvin’s chest and hissed, “Please…anyone could come in….”

Kelvin continued to strum Edam’s overly sensitive flesh and assured, “The door is locked.”

Which only mollified the youth somewhat.  Even as Kelvin went from stroking Edam’s silken sheathed penis, to strolling curious fingers down, squeezing and cupping tight velvety ball sacks and teasing the pink bud the nestled below, Edam was trying to tug up his hose.  Panting in a mixture of panic and pleasure, Edam cried softly, “Please, its light out yet!”

Kelvin eased up, but did not stop his exploration.  He lifted his head to look into Edam’s desperate eyes, and smiled wryly.  “Only you,” he teased gently, bending to kiss Edam’s now pouty lips, “would worry about something like that.”

Edam let the kiss descend, but still tried to wriggle free, oohing and moaning at the intimate pleasure of Kelvin’s touch—especially there where Kelvin’s finger stroked his throbbing whirl of tight pink and virginal flesh.  That same throbbing flesh that Kelvin so badly wanted to breech once and for all. 

Kelvin was undaunted by Edam’s small struggles, instead he sat up and in one easy motion stripped to restrictive hose right off.  Edam gasped in affronted annoyance and pouted those oh so kissable lips again, while Kelvin grinned and pronounced breathlessly, “I want to see you naked.”     

Edam’s eyes blazed with amethyst fire which made Kelvin want to laugh in complete abandonment.  He fell onto the half naked youth again, chuckling at his mild struggles, subduing his soft admonitions with his demanding mouth and stroking his fiery body into throbbing hunger again.  He felt his own satisfaction swell when Edam gave in and once again wrapped his arms around him, adding his own enthusiasm into the pleasurable mix.

Then, just as he was reintroducing his fingers to Edam’s innocent recesses, the boy chidingly reminded him of his forgotten duties.  Kelvin groaned as he was reminded of his waiting friends down stairs, even as Edam’s thighs parted to ease his access to him and his finger pressed against and into that fiery snugness.  The boy sighed sibilantly and arched his sleek back as his tight innocence was tested so vigorously.   He hung above the boy, pressing a finger deeply in and out of the youth’s passionate body even as his duty-bound senses naggingly reminded him that this time, however pleasantly wasted, was still time being wasted.

Edam moaned in mild disappointment as Kelvin moved back and released him, that he was fully aroused was sadly obvious and that this time there would be no release for either of them was also patently clear.  Kelvin rolled away from his young lover and sat up, panting on the edge of the bed.  Edam took a moment longer to collect his shattered wits and pull himself back together, but the sight of him was no easier on Kelvin when Edam had to find his discarded hose, which Kelvin had tossed to the floor for want of anywhere else to drop them.  Kelvin watched hungrily as the youth bent to scoop the gray-dyed hose up and his cock lurched in response at what shadowing secrets his position had briefly hinted at.  Then, with Edam straightening again, and the tunic hanging to the top of his thighs he looked almost demure again, if not for the obvious bareness of his long slender thighs.

As the boy prepared to pull his hose back on, Kelvin caught him by his wrist and tugged him toward him once more.  Edam was forced to straddle him, which Kelvin didn’t mind as he hungrily kissed him again and palmed his small bum with delight.  Edam cried out when Kelvin’s finger once again found and breeched his tight whorl, but his soft cries of pain mixed pleasure were all sucked away by Kelvin’s mouth.  He twisted and dropped Edam onto the bed. Though he knew he had no real time to spend on Edam properly, he thought he could give him one gift to think on until tonight as he tossed up the embroidered hem of Edam’s tunic and inhaled his silken sheathed penis into his hungry mouth. 

In this, too intense moment, Edam did not protest.  Instead his fingers clawed into Kelvin’s blonde locks and they pulled causing Kelvin to grunt but not give way as he sucked and licked and nursed every inch of that eager flesh surging in his hot moist mouth.  Edam’s sibilant cries of pleasure were, “OhGodsMi’LordohGods…” in one long moan. 

Then Edam bucked, and cried breathlessly as his body spasmed and released its liquid warmth into his masters eagerly consuming mouth.  Kelvin hung over the boy’s lurching penis until he had licked the last hint of his ejaculate clean away, then he slid up Edam’s body and their mouths merged, tastes of self and other mingling to be sampled and explored. 

At last, finally, Kelvin languidly pealed away from Edam’s oh so relaxed body.  He straightened, running his fingers through his tousled locks and sighed contentedly.  Edam, equally languorous stretched as gracefully as a cat and smiled beatifically, before rolling off the bed and onto his none to steady feet.  He tucked his fingers into his own cinnamon locks, and only made them look more tangled then before.  Kelvin chuckled and approached his lover, chiding gently, “You look like you just had a hearty bout of sex, kitten.”

Edam stood drowsily for him as Kelvin smoothed and re-ordered his rich tresses into something looking less sexually disarrayed.  Kelvin raised his lover’s face up and smiled into his pleasure dazed eyes.  He gently kissed those sex swollen lips, and only moved away when Edam became slightly to interested in the depth of contact.  He eased back, caressing Edam’s cheeks with his thumbs as he regretfully sighed, “By now, I am sure, they are debating on whom to send in the rescue party.”

Edam smirked, “Do you need to be rescued from me Mi’Lord?”

Kelvin did not smile though, his expression was so serious that it could be said to be solemn, it forced Edam to seriousness as well.  Though nothing was said to Edam’s jesting comment, what was not said spoke volumes.   If the intensity of emotion surprised either of them, they gave no outward sign, except…maybe in the hesitation in which they parted.

Kelvin forced a reckless smile and said, “Help me dress, will you?”

With the profound moment having passed Edam was reminded of his station and hurried to pull on his hose and then lay out his master’s clean attire.  He helped Kelvin divest him self of his soiled and now obviously dampened garments and even sponged him off with cool water.  Kelvin stood quietly for it all, just watching him, even when Edam ran the cool damp cloth over his not completely satisfied cock, he made no move to touch him.  Edam was completely professional now, and Kelvin for once did not allow himself the luxury of getting distracted.

With Edam’s quiet assistance Kelvin soon found himself garbed in a blue velvet jerkin, over a loose-sleeved white tunic and blue hose complete with embroidered white garters and long toed black on blue embroidered slippers.  He fastened his own black on blue embroidered cod-piece into place, not daring to ask for Edam’s assistance with that, for one thing he doubted he would have gotten away from the room before morning had suggested it.  He knew by the look of admiration in Edam’s lovely eyes that he was passing fair in appearance and did not bother with a looking glass to view his appearance, for he knew Edam’s eyes would not mislead him.

Before Kelvin left though to attend to his friends he drew Edam into his arms and lazily kissed his succulent mouth.  Edam relaxed contentedly against him and just as thoroughly returned the gesture.   It was a trembling Kelvin who finally broke the kiss and pushed a contented Edam back from him.  It was a shaken Kelvin who admonished, “Enough of that….”

Edam smiled blissfully and said, “Go visit your friends Mi’Lord.”

Kelvin turned away, strolling to the door, as he opened it he turned back and promised, “Tonight Edam.”

Edam went pale, Kelvin was momentarily puzzled, until as he turned back to the now open door he saw two of his young friends poised there.  One had his hand up in the position to knock.  His opening the door had prevented it, which was too bad, had the knock come before the opening of the door, he might not have said what he did.  He composed his face, convinced that what ever he said could sound quite innocuous if explained correctly.  

“Tonight what?” Inquired one, young Lord Yu D’Lange of House Lange.  The young peer was frocked in the latest fashion of a striped black doublet over a big-sleeved shirt and black on silver hose with pointed shoes of equal length to Kelvin’s.  That the young peers cod-piece was bejeweled with precious gems did not seem high fashion to Kelvin, but merely uncomfortable.  Though Kelvin could have quite rightly worn gold and royal purple should he so desire it, comfort was what he cared about most.

“Oh, nothing…just some task I want him to complete by tonight,” he nonchalantly explained as he stepped out into the hall.

Yu glanced past him at the still slightly disheveled aide and smiled wryly once again, “Are you still sure you can’t part with him Kelvin?”

Kelvin’s brow shot up disdainfully, “Positive.  He comes in very…handy, from time to time.”

Yu smirked, indicating with his expression exactly how Edam was handy on occasion to Kelvin, but he did not elaborate, nor make any further comment once the closed door had hidden Edam from sight.


Having heard his master’s comment just before the door had been closed, Edam was left pondering it in his absence.  Edam did not want to be considered “handy” to anyone, he disliked the very notion.  He genuinely believed his master was fond of him.  They were close in age and Kelvin had demonstrated many times over that he couldn’t keep his hands off him.  Before Kelvin had introduced him to bed-pleasures Edam had been a naïve innocent with no idea of what went on in the bed chamber.  He had been preyed on a time or two in his past but he had always managed to escape before any real harm had been done.  But with Kelvin, he had not wanted to escape, he liked how Kelvin made him feel.  He liked it enough to probably ignore any insinuations that Kelvin made when talking to his highfaluting friends.  At least Kelvin never came straight out and said he was his lover.

Edam blushed and pushed a stray lock of hair back from his face.  He thought that lovers was the right word to use when describing his and Kelvin’s tender and teasing relationship, but he often wondered if the fact he hadn’t allowed Kelvin to have his way completely ruined the whole meaning behind the word lovers.  He was admittedly afraid to give in completely.  On one hand his fear could be the simple fear of the pain he knew he would undergo if he gave in to Kelvin’s desire, on the other hand though it was the more selfish fear that once Kelvin had had his way he would discard him like so much flotsam, all though he truly believed that Kelvin was as genuine as he thought him to be.

Edam had lived an uncomplicated life so, he had a place to live, food and clothing and even security; he knew that others were not so fortunate so he thanked his lucky stars and the Gods that watched over him every day for laying their blessing over him.  His work was easy and generally pleasant enough even aside from his discreet activities with his master.  He had only one slight problem with his easy life, his dislike for the senior  Valet and House Steward, Halk Seldac, who tended to the senior D’Ehnary, Kelvin’s father Lor.  And his own discomfort when dealing with said senior D’Ehnary, the man was difficult and unpleasant, a fault finder who even was harsh with his son.  Fortunately His Grace Lor D’Ehnary was not a physically abusive man, either with his son or his servants.

Edam was still thinking about certain things when the door to the room opened and he saw to his dismay that it was not Kelvin returning to him, but instead Valet Halk checking up on him.  Immediately he jumped off the bed but he knew it was to late.

Halk snapped, “What are you doing Edam?”

Edam busied himself putting away a few articles of hastily folded linens and answered, “Nothing Mr. Halk, just straightening up.”

Halk stalked into the room, “That’s not what you were doing, you were sitting on the young master’s bed.”

Edam flushed and said hastily, “I was…I was just resting for a moment.”

Halk looked at him for a long assessing moment, then asked, “Are you sick?  You do look a little disheveled.”

Now Edam felt his cheeks pinkening, “I’m not sick.  I feel fine.  I was just…I’m sorry Halk, I just wanted to feel what it was like.  I’ve never been on such a big bed.” That was a lie, for many a night he had slept in that very bed in question with his own master spooned around his body, but he could hardly reveal that.  Better to sound like a dazzled boy, intrigued by the richness around him than reveal his familiarity to this bedroom.

Halk sniffed, though his features actually softened a bit as if with understanding.  “Well, I suppose I can understand that.  But I don’t want to catch you making free with the young master’s bed again.  Understood?”

Edam nodded, relieved to be let of the hook.  Halk started to turn away then, only to remember it seemed a moment later why he had originally come to this room in the first place.  “Oh yes, I almost forgot why I came.  His Grace has requested your presence.”

Edam paled, “Me?  But why does he want to see me?”

Halk’s pinch-featured face tightened disdainfully, “Do you think that I question His Grace?  He requests your presence, you will obey his summons.”

Edam ducked his head, “Um, um a – of course.  I was just curious, His Grace hasn’t asked for me before.”  He realized that he was wringing his hands together so he hastily hid them behind his back as he asked his next question.  “When does His Grace want me?”

Halk smirked, “Why immediately.”

Edam’s pretty mouth formed a startled “O” of dismay.  The youth felt chilled thru and frightened about the prospects of the upcoming interview.  The senior D’Ehnary almost never took aside a servant to talk to him, even when dismissing a servant from his service it was thru Halk that his orders were carried out.  Still, having no choice, Edam squared his shoulders and raised his head as he prepared to face the bear in his den.

Halk was not kind enough to offer him up a word of hope, nor did he expect it as he made his way toward the senior D’Ehnary’s apartments.  Halk was his escort, but he made no attempt at conversation, nor did he encourage Edam once he reached the heavy oak door that fronted The Grace’s private office.  After a moment of heart pounding silence Edam finally, timidly, knocked on the solid door.  He felt his scalp crawling and his ears itching as he waited what seemed like hours for an answer.

“Who is it?”

He squeaked, and nervously cleared his throat, “It is me, Edam, Sire.”

Again a moment of silence stretched out endlessly, then finally, “Come.”

Apprehensively Edam lifted the latch and pushed the door open, he entered the grand office reluctantly, and found the room dark and brooding, not unlike the man who sat awaiting him in a leather-bound chair stationed behind an oversized ornately carved desk.

“Come.  Come Edam.”

Swallowing tensely Edam approached The Grace, while avoiding eye contact and being careful at the same time to avoid banging into anything on his tense journey to the man.  “You wanted to see me…Sire?”  He finally asked, while still not raising his head.

The silence that followed was devastating to the anxious youth, it assured him that he had indeed be caught doing something he shouldn’t have, even though he knew logically that The Grace would not be seeing him now if that was the case.   Finally he raised his eyes and found to his disconcertion that The Grace was staring at him.

The uncomfortable stare lingered just as the silence did, Edam thought he might have to scream to break the impasse, but finally The Grace rumbled his observations.

“I did not want to believe it.  Yet as you stand before me, how can I doubt it.  Have I been so blind?” The Grace growled.

Edam murmured fearfully, “Sire?”

“Look at you!  I never saw it, how pretty you are, how delicate and fragile you seem.  But you’re clever to aren’t you?  You managed to snag a pretty plump fish with your fine copper hook.”

Edam had little doubts as to what His Grace was alluding to, but he knew that he could not reveal the truth either.  “I don’t know what you mean…”

Lor snapped forward and snagged Edam by his thin wrist, dragging the boy closer.  “The long moments spent behind locked doors with you.  The laughter and the giggling, sometimes late in the night.  I knew that he was fond of you, everyone is fond of you, with your sweet waiflike features and delicate body how can they not be.  But I never suspected that you would have seduced him!”

Pale and frightened, Edam tried to pull free, while still trying to pretend naivety, “Please Sire, I don’t know what you mean…who?”

“My son you little slut!”  The man howled, and a moment later Edam was lying on the floor, holding his stinging face and trying not to cry as the shock of being hit washed over him.  Lor was not done though, “Did you think no one would suspect, that questions wouldn’t be raised at the laughter and the other sounds?  At the locked door and the stains on the bedding which you tried to hide!  Oh you are clever Edam, but your game is up…you are to leave my household tonight.  Now.  Right now.”

Terrified at the prospect of being with out security Edam clutched at the man’s hand and cried desperately , “Please Sire!  I don’t know what you mean…I haven’t done anything to Kel…er the young master.  I — I mean I like him, he’s very kind to me.  And yes sometimes we laugh together, but — but the other…?”

Lor looked into those incredible eyes of jeweled violets, and he like everyone else saw how innocent they seemed.  He cupped the boys delicate face between his big hands, letting the warm tears trickle and run over his fingers.  “You seem so innocent,” he murmured, “but I know that you are not.  You’re a harlot at heart who has already seduced my son.  Is he not big enough prey for you little one, do you set you sights higher now?  Perhaps to me?”

Edam shivered and tried to pull back, whining fearfully, “No…please….”

Lor released him, while growling, “Why do you plea so prettily?  I haven’t done anything to you— yet.”

Edam scooted away from him until his back hit up against a big desk, there he huddled, staring up at the man with growing dread.

Lor rose from his chair while murmuring, “Well, I suppose we could always test your denials, hmmm?  Shall we see how innocent you really are little Edam?”

Edam tried to crawl into the gap under the desk, but Lor grabbed him and wrenched him up.  A moment later he was being slammed down onto the desktop, that was when he realized to his mortification that he was not alone with Lor, Halk had been here along as a silent and condemning witness.  He squirmed desperately under Lor’s big hands, crying anxiously as the big man yanked at his tunic and hose, pulling them so that they ripped at the seams and came apart whether they were unbuttoned or unbelted or not.  He kicked frantically when Lor thrust a hand between his slim thighs and he managed to wrestle free.  But Lor snatched him back and slammed him down again with enough force to make him dizzy.  Dazed and crying in panic Edam still struggled, batting at the man’s hands as they mauled him and kicking and shifting to keep his hands from straying between his legs again.  He was sobbing in terror a few moments later when Lor growled at Halk to “come and hold the little bitch down!”

With another pair of hands to hold him Edam found himself pinned and even gagged as Lor once again sought his target.  Edam wailed against Halk’s hand as Lor thrust a brutal finger inside his tight anus.  He heaved, twisting and crying at the bitter intrusion, at the horrible assault of it.  He was innocent still, his virginal tightness was proof enough, but once Lor had his finger inside that warm snugness, he rammed it around, while marveling in the sensation of that clinging flesh as it shuddered violently about his jabbing finger. 

Lor’s finger was still pumping within Edam’s bottom when the man ironically commented, “Well, you’re certainly tight enough to be virgin.  Could it be you are an innocent after all?  The laughter, nothing more sinister than that, and the stains merely belonging to my son?”

Gagged by Halk’s rough hand, Edam could only cry as the assault continued.  Then, suddenly Lor released him, and Halk followed suit soon after.  Edam simply curled over onto his side and kept on crying.  He knew he had not been badly hurt, already the pain was lessening, but the shame of it would not fade so fast. 

As if nothing had happened Lor announced airily, “You’re dismissed Edam.  You may return to your duties.”

It took Halk’s prodding to finally move the youth.  Shamefaced and with downcast eyes Edam huddled on the edge of the desk, holding his torn clothing together and still softly crying in distress.

Lor, getting impatient, grunted, “I dismissed you!  Get out of my presence now.”

Still sobbing Edam slid off the desk, and as he did his hose practically fell down, it was so badly torn that it was hanging off him.   With his uniform being torn beyond what his two hands could manage, the boy would be exposing parts of his anatomy to the curious no matter how hard he tried to cover himself.  With tear filled eyes he glanced anxiously from Halk to Lor and asked in a wavering voice, “H-how do I-I — How can I leave like this?  My clothes—?”

Lor gestured indifferently, “I care not, just leave.”

Edam sucked in a shaky breath, then nodded dejectedly as he headed for the door.  Both men watched dispassionately as the traumatized youth exited from the room and once Lor was alone with his senior  Valet he grunted, “I want that boy reassigned tomorrow.” 

Edam was noticed on his way to his tiny cubical off from Kelvin’s suite.  There was much murmuring and speculation about the despicable condition of his uniform; the cost of which had come out of his pitiful pay in the first place.  There was some cruel tittering as well, for even though Edam was well liked his position had earned him some jealous rivals.  Usually he could have dealt with such cruelty, but so emotionally distraught was he that it was all he could do to hold his tears in and his dignity together until he had escaped into his cubicle.  There he tried to deal with his torn clothes and not cry again, but the dam of emotion only held for a moment longer before it shattered and he collapsed onto his pallet to cry again.

End of part one.

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